
Losing and Gaining

Lay's POV:


My manager parked the company's black SUV in the zoo's parking lot waiting for me. I had such a great time with ______ that I completely forgot that I was "miserable" here just yesterday. 
"Get in the car, Zhang Yixing."
Well, hello to you too, mister grumpy-pants. Is a proper greeting too much to ask for these days? 
I looked over at ______,"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now! I'll see you in a few days to get my back treated."
Her cute nose crinkled when she smiled wryly at me,"Back treated? Don't you mean remove your prissy tramp-stamp?"
I take it all back. Her nose isn't cute at all. She's not cute either. She's a real meanie, that one. 
With that, I parted ways with _____ and boarded the car.
"Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you got yourself and the managers into?"
I nodded sullenly. I couldn't even allow myself to feel angry that I was being reprimanded for an innocent mistake. We've been preparing for a comeback, and I just caused more trouble for the rest of the members. 
"While you were gone, the choreography and line distribution for Wolf changed also. Now, we have to somehow try to teach you the new dance and have you record in time for the comeback! Since you already got a two day vacation in Busan, you won't be needing any breaks until you get everything sorted out, understand?"
"Ye- yes."
Manager hyung glanced wearily at me and let out a soft sigh. 
I cringed inwardly and mentally prepared myself for another lecture.
"Yixing, I'm sorry. I know you made a mistake and I shouldn't be giving you a hard time since you've never caused trouble before, but everything's been even more crazy recently with the upcoming promotions. Don't take it to heart, kiddo."
I've never been good at heart-to-heart conversations, so I acted as if I had fallen asleep and closed my eyes. 
I heard him chuckle slightly as he ruffled my hair,"This kid is a real handful."
Soon enough, my body got bored with the fake sleeping act, so it decided to really fall asleep instead. I awoke with a jolt to the feeling of a thousand hands shaking my body awake. 
I had trouble opening my eyes since the were so heavy with sleep, but the first thing I saw as I opened them was a mop of multicolored hair all up in my space. 
"What the... Holy crap, Sehun! Your hair!" 
If I hadn't been awake before, I was definitely awake now. 
He stared back at me with his judging eyes,"Hyung, I got this like 2 days ago. Such old news." 
"Yeah, but you look like a freakin' fairy or girl group member!"
"Says the guy with the ever so masculine tattoo on his back," Tao snorted sarcastically. 
I glared  at our Chinese maknae for a while, but the kid beat me without even trying. His eyes naturally gave off a "come and fight me" type of vibe.
Luhan piped in,"You would've known about Sehunnie's new hair if you had been here. Where were you exactly?"
I advised the 11 of them to take a seat because it was a long story. Having a large group had its disadvantages. One of them being never having enough seats for the whole lot of us.
They all scrambled to find a seat, and big-eyed Kyungsoo was left. 
He pouted,"Can I have your seat, hyung?"
"Alright, you brat", I grumbled. 
I ended up standing up because our floor was just unacceptable to sit on. It was still slightly sticky from one of Baekhyun's recent pranks that involved chocolate syrup and plastic wrap.
"Ok, so where should I begin?"
Kris huffed,"How about the part where you left the freakin' city!"
Well, somebody's impatient.


I finished my story in 2 hours and 14 minutes. I know because Jongdae timed me. 
It was quiet for a while. Well, until Joonmyeon had the audacity to start laughing. Following the leader's very mature example the rest of the members roared with laughter. 
Really. I need to find myself a group of more supportive friends. 
Joonmyeon was the first to finish the little laughing fest. Seeing my upset expression, he quickly tried to redeem himself. 
"It's funny because only something like this could happen to you! Who else would fall asleep in a cab so soundly?" 
It's true, I'm the only one that's so forgetful and blank.
I soon found myself starting to double over in laughter also. 
"So, tell us about that girl!" Minseok whined. 
I tried to avoid talking about her as much as possible, because I knew these guys. They get worked up every single time any one of us converses with a girl. Despite our mature images, we could all be a bunch of adolescent boys at times. 
"She's the girl that's going to remove my tattoo too-"
Jongdae butted in,"Whoa! She's going to be touching and caressing your back, and she's already taken care of you for the past few days? Talk about a whole new level of intimacy!"
The other members snickered under their breaths. These punks. 
I clucked,"Caressing? How would caressing my back be a part of removing my tattoo?"
Jongdae continued,"She might get carried away when she sees your 'y back', hyung!"
Jongin wolf-whistled, and the rest of the members let out a roar of laughter. 
I really need to start finding a new group of friends.
Look at who finally decided to update! Sorry, for the long wait. It's partly due to school and laziness. I've also recently gotten into Shinhwa, so I spent my time watching Shinhwa Broadcast instead of writing. Forgive me, please? Not much happened in this chapter, but I tried to make it longer than my other chapters^^ oh, and just in case you all don't know Exo's real names..
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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!