Another Wild Night

Losing and Gaining

Yixing's POV:


Ugh... Why is my back so sore? I swear, I'm never going to go out drinking with Luhan ever again. The guy's freakin insane! 
When we go out to drink, he turns into a conniving little runt that uses his puppy dog eyes to get what he wants. 
For some reason, I'm always the victim and he never ends up with even the tiniest scratch on his body. 
I'm telling you, the guy's a demon. 
However, he's still my hyung and a member who genuinely cares for me (when we're not out drinking), so how could I possibly refuse him when he asks me to accompany him?
He's just so.... lonely. 
Wufan would never go with him because it would reduce his precious beauty sleep. 
Minseok said that alcohol was immoral. I swear I saw a bottle of Whiskey stashed beneath his bed before though.
Jongdae refused because bars and clubs were infested with germs and viruses. Sometimes, he can be an even bigger diva that Wufan.
Zitao was never even offered the chance to go because he was still a baby in Luhan's eyes, and babies have to go to sleep at 10 p.m. 
That just leaves me. I was never able to refuse him, and I could never think up a plausible reason as to why I could not go with him. 
That's why I woke up this morning to a pounding headache and a sore lower back. The pain was really low. It was actually right above my behind.
What did I do last night?
It couldn't be worse than what I did last Thursday, right? Well you see, I sort of proposed to my very old and very male former piano teacher on the phone because Luhan convinced me that he was my soul mate because he had a mustache and I would look good with a mustache. 
To think that I actually agreed with Luhan baffles me.
I stepped out of my room to be met with Luhan's rambling and a roar of laughter in the living room.
"Oh there he is! Yixingie~! Come over here!"
I never could quite understand how Luhan was always so happy and bright after a night full of drinking. He probably has a higher tolerance for alcohol than me.
"Why? I still need to brush my teeth..."
My attempt to escape to the bathroom was foiled by a large baby panda. Zitao lifted me up with one arm while his other hand pulled my shirt up.
Ok, was this a weird good morning hug or what? Also, why was he lifting my shirt up? I think this is getting too up-close and personal for my liking. 
The room was filled with even more laughter. This was not helping my throbbing head at all right now.
"Can you guys stop? My head hurts and I'm hungry." 
Nobody did stop, but who would take me seriously when I was strung over Zitao's shoulder like that? 
"Y-You have a-a unicorn on y-your lower b-back!" 
What was Jongdae even saying? Not only was the room still rowdy, but the kid could barely utter a word without bursting into laughter himself.
As I was trying to make out what he was saying, it all clicked. Memories from last night unraveled in my mind, and I now knew the cause for my members' outburst.
I got a unicorn tattoo. 
Yep. This was definitely worse than last Thursday.
Hello! Peach here~^^ Diamond doesn't know that I'm starting another story, so this will be a surprise to her(: I hope you all liked the first chapter and we'll update as soon as possible. Bye bye~ 
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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!