Chapter 14

Coming my Way


I was on my way to the lunchroom, before i got interrrupted by some yelling. I turned the corner and saw Myungsoo and Sungjong fighting about something. I decide to let them fix it themselfs, so i continued walking without them noticing me. In the corner i saw the new guy "Dongwoo" sitting alone. he looks so lonely. "maybe i should go eat with him since my other two bestfriend is already busy with someone else." -sign- i quickly walked over.

"hey u wanna go eat together" its not really a shock for him, since we already met. He's in almost all my classes.

"OK!!" he jumped up and grabbed my arm and lead me to an empty table in the cafeteria. We didn't talk alot, but we did have small conversations. I wonder whats he thinking about right now.

"are you ok? you keep staring at me." i got snapped out of my oceans of thoughts. 

"yah i'm fine." I kept eatting my food trying to distract myself from thinking to much. 

I can feel dongwoo leaning closer and closer. It was getting very uncomfortable but yet i dont find it ackward at all.  I looked up wondering whats he doing, but it was a crazy dum idea. We were inches away. Our eyes met for a pretty long time. i quickly snap out of it when he smiled.

"you have nice eyes, its really innocent, i like it." I couldn't help to blush by that comment.

"i like your personality" Its true i do like it, He's fun and hyper but also kind and caring. I never met someone like that in my life before. 

"so... you wanna go for a walk outsides since we're both done eatting." I quickly nob my head in an agreement. 

We both went to our lockers and put our things away. Our lockers were pretty close to each other, about 4 or 5 away.  I was waiting for him in the front door since he told me to head off first. I saw him turn around the corner heading toward me. I gave him a smile and he ree. 

"LETS GO WOOHOO" he seems just like a little kid right now. Its cute. he started running out the door but a few step later he tripped and fell hard onto the ground. I quickly went over there, to see if he's ok.

"are you alright" He smiled toward me and nob. telling me everything is alright. " Can you walk?" he shaked his head in respond. I quickly lifted him up bridal way. he got a little shocked, but i can also see the brush on his face. I started walking to the nurses room.


It took about 10 mins to bandage everything. I didnt even notice all the cuts i got. Hoya was standing there beside the bed. It looks like theres alot on his mind. I lifted my finger and poked him on the forehead. He quickly stared at me with wide eyes. 

"Come on lets go, i don't want to sit here, its boring." He helped me out of the bed. He walked slowly with me.

"aww what a gently men" hehe kawaii. 

"what did you just say" OMO did i said that out loud ..oppss my bad

"Hehe it was nothing improtant" smiling to myself.


Hello im back hehe. 

sorry if i didnt post it tomorrow.

i was really sick.

i only got like 4-5 hours of rest. 

but i feel better now hehe. 

i hope u like this chapter.


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and ps "dinner date" is next 

ByeBye AznDuckies \( ^ v ^ )/

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Theasis #1
Chapter 20: Psst can i tell you something? Rhape doesn't have a "h" it's and "graseball" is greaseball. I'm not trying to be mean or anything it's just some friendly assistance :)
Theasis #2
Chapter 17: I speak canto and I don't know what that is =.= I'm too amateur >.< luv ur story so far
Prince_Maki #3
Chapter 31: I laughed so much when you wrote ding dong. XD
Chapter 30: Sequel? Hell yeah! ^^
Chapter 30: One word to describe this fanfic. AWESOME!!
Prince_Maki #6
Chapter 30: Aww so cute~ I think I need a break from my INFINITE story. One of my best friends died recently and I don't feel like writing something depressing just yet. I'm thinking about writing a cute EXO fanfic to keep my mind off of depressing thoughts. What do you think?
Chapter 30: I enjoyed the story!! It was fun and cute ^^
Chapter 29: Good luck! ^^
OMG! My baby Jonggie~ NOOO!! TT_TT
Chapter 29: woah!! please update soon! But not before your midterms. Focus on your school work!