~Chapter 31~

The revenge...(Sequel to My 6 brothers)

Jiyoon's Pov

Jiyoon:SOYEON?! Why are you here?! WHy did you kidnap oppas?! LET THEM GO AT THIS INSTANT!

Soyeon:*Smirk* Ever wondered why I never contacted you again? Pfft, you guys are wizards and so am I!!!!!! 

Jiyoon:BUT why are you doing this?!

Soyeon:YOUR PARENTS killed my oppas... *Smirk* I once had a perfect family, awesome brothers just like you! But 1 day, YOUR PARENTS KILLED my brothers... So, IMMA DO THE SAME TO YOURS!!!!


Soyeon:Sure! Whatever you say, but to pay a price, I actually wanted to kill you first...

Wait, I'm a wizard! I took out my wand...

Jiyoon:Make that rope on my brothers hand, break and tear till there's not a single strand!

It didn't work... !

Soyeon:Don't you think I didn't take precautions! THIS IS A POWER FREE ROOM YOU IDIOT!

Jiyoon:But do you realise that you can't use magic too?!

soyeon:Yeah sure... But, I HAVE KNIVES! Did you forget?! 3 stabs to kill a wizard... simple as pie!Hmm,

She walked down the flight of stairs towards my brothers.

Soyeon:Who should I kill first? Yoon Doojoon? Jang Hyunseung? Yong Junhyung? Yang Yoseob? Lee Kikwang? Or Son Dongwoon?


Soyeon:My ways girl, my ways!

She then ripped out my the tapes that was covering their mouths and took out the blindfold...

Doojoon:JIYOON, RUN NOW!!! HEAR ME?! RUN!!!!!!!

Soyeon:Jiyoon, I'll give you a choice... Run away and save yourself or save your brothers and die here...?


I kept quiet, isn't that obvious?

Soyeon:Well, I know you! You'll obviously choose to die here... Hmph, good choice, I actually craved killing my BEST FRIEND...

Jiyoon:Sick ...

I muttered...


Jiyoon:You should have.NOW LET MY BROTHERS GO!!!!

Soyeon:BOYS! BRING THE GUYS OUT! Let them go *Smirk*  I'll take care of this one...

The guys she called out brought them out... Is this a real goodbye now???


All my brothers were struggling and cursing at them... But they couldn't break free...

Jiyoon:How do I know if they were released?!

Soyeon:Argh Fine!

She dragged me to the window and I saw them being untied and pushed out of the area, they tried coming back in but they couldn't... Wait, barrier? Wait, If I could just go outside and use my powers, will it work?

her "Boys" Came back in...

Soyeon:You know what to do!

Jiyoon:Wait, at least let me say my goodbyes first! COME ON!!!! IT'S NOT LIKE I COULD RUN OUT! THERE'S A BARRIER!!!!

Soyeon:Fine! But we'll follow you!

Pfft, Stupid wizard! I rolled my eyes inside my mind...

Once out, I send a mind message to my brothers... 

No one's Pov

Wizards could send mind messages, Jiyoon just did...

Oppas, call appa and omma to help, or the wizards special police force to help! soyeon must be captured! I'll be fine! Arraso? Please don't forget me... PLEASE...Be good wizards, and help the world, be in the WSTF or anywhat, but protect appa and omma most importantly, I TRUST YOU GUYS! HWAITTING and SARANGHAE OPPAS!

Jiyoon was ready...

Jiyoon:I'm done...

Soyeon then dragged her back... *Stupid wizard* Jiyoon thought, she knew that 90% chance she would die and she was ready... Sacrifising for her brothers was worth it. Soyeon pushed Jiyoon to the ground, making her kneel, she kicked Jiyoon making her lay flat onto the ground. 

Jiyoon's Pov

Soyeon smirked as she took out the knives,I was afraid, I experienced being stabbed before and it hurt like nobody's buisness, but it would not hurt as much as seeing my brothers die... Soyeon's workers pulled me up, I couldn't react, I knew my time would come, through thick and thin, my brothers had been there, happy memories came in as I cracked into a smile, but it quickly faded as the first knife slashed through my stomach.

Tears of pain naturually flowed down like a river down my face. It was especially painful since her workers pulled me backwords, stomach facing out, I could feel my breathing hitch. The second impact came, the second knife slashed through my stomach on the otherside once again, it was 2 times more painful hence, my knees buckled towards each other, I felt myself getting weaker by each second...

I saw Soyeon holding a bloody knife, full of my blood... The same knife was now aimed towards the centre of my stomach, my heartbeat fastened, just then, the door opened, my vision was blurry but I was still held on, all I could hear was wild laughters and shoutings, the next thing that happened was the 3rd impact came, it stabbed through the centre of my stomach, 3 stabs... I was finished... Dead for good I guess, my whole body went numb, I could only hear the muffled screamings of my name as I fell onto the cold hard ground, not even a single energy left to wince in pain or feel it even... My vision, once white, went black, I could feel my breathing becoming slower and slower, my body felt weaker and weaker, I felt tired and my eyelids were extremely heavy... My last drop of tear trickled down my face, my heartbeat slowed down, I couldn't move my limbs or mouth. a sudden emptiness struck me and I could feel everything stopped...

No one's Pov



Doojoon as the oldest ran towards Jiyoon and checked her pulse, nothing... He checked her breathing, nothing... River of tears flowed down all of their eyes, their heart ached more than last time, they cried outloud, not caring anymore... They hugged her limp, lifeless body, they wished that it was just a test, but not like last time, no sparkly lights appeared...They couldn't face reality, they couldn't believe their eyes, ears, nose, mouth or any of their other senses. They tried carrying Jiyoon out and healing her, but to no avail, all that was left was a lifeless body... All memories, good and bad were remembered...

They couldn't breathe, they felt suffocated, emptiness and sorrow...They didn't know what to do. But Jiyoon's last sentence replayed in their head...

Oppas, call appa and omma to help, or the wizards special police force to help! soyeon must be captured! I'll be fine! Arraso? Please don't forget me... PLEASE...Be good wizards, and help the world, be in the WSTF or anywhat, but protect appa and omma most importantly, I TRUST YOU GUYS! HWAITTING and SARANGHAE OPPAS!

(5 years later)

BEAST was now the best team in WSTF... As Jiyoon's last wish, they fulfilled it. They haven't got over it yet even though 5 years had passed, today was the day their life turned upside down...The day they always turn weak.. And today was the day that they would visit her...Here they were infront of her gravestone... 

Doojoon:Jiyoon ah, how are you in heaven? I just know that we're horrible right now... Why did you choose that? The revenge was suppose to be on us, not you...

Hyunseung:*Sigh* I really have nothing to say... Just why can't you come back alive?!

Junhyung:Jiyoon ah!!!! WE REALLY MISS YOU!!!! PLEASE COME BACK?!

He sobbed and shouted... Junhyung might be cool, but when it comes to this, he gives up his cool image and cries infront of everybody, not caring...

Yoseob:Jiyoon, I really want you to call me oppa again...

Kikwang:Jiyoon.. Come back to us please?

Dongwoon:Jiyoon... Come on awake from the dead... I can't stand life without you...


After mourning there for the next few hours, also visiting their parents, the 6 of them bowed and left for home, their parents were also killed... By Soyeon. Leaving the 6 of them alone... They never gott use to the lifestyle and never will... They will always remember Jiyoon, their awesome sister... Hopefuly, it will be the end of THE REVENGE!


IT'S OVER... Keke I hope you like it! Sorry for killing Jiyoon though... PLEASE 1 last time, SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for supporting me too! Keke~ Bye yeom!


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Chapter 33: Wuu i like this fanfic. Daebak author! ^^
Chapter 28: Erghhh im crying like crazy and it's just a test? Btw great story. I wish Beast was my brother
Chapter 33: it was awesome please make another story
Chapter 32: Ending~
Great job^^
Chapter 32: i love this story very much!!! u r very gifted author!!!! i love ur creativity!!! thanks
helleicious #6
Chapter 32: I like this story a lot!! You are so creative! Love your twists and ideas~ Don't stop writing!! :)
shujun #7
Chapter 32: congrats !!! u've finish this.. hope u'll make another story..
always hwaiting !!!
beauty <3 beast !!!
Chapter 31: ahhh who is that?! Her parents? 2pm? Soyeon? Who? I'm excited to know!
shujun #9
Chapter 31: omo~~who is that?!?cant wait for update..hwaiting !!!
shujun #10
Chapter 31: omo~~who is that?!?cant wait for update..hwaiting !!!