~Chapter 17~

The revenge...(Sequel to My 6 brothers)

No one's pov

Eversince that incident, BEAST when for training, they practiced daily in their houses' gym, they learnt improved on their fighting, they trained their speed and reaction, and this was ALL for revenge... Even though they trained, they never forgot to visit Jiyoon daily... 

(1 month later)

BEAST now all had six packs, they had muscles , skills, speed, accuracy, reaction... But the only thing that didn't go well was that Jiyoon was still not awake... They talked to her everyday, visited her everyday, tried making jokes and telling her their progress, sometimes trying to shake her... But nothing worked... 

In school, their normal six boy image changed to a popular rough, tough, bad boy image, not forgetting handsome... Soyeon, Jiyoon's bestfriend, was busy so she could hardly visit Jiyoon... 2PM on the other hand, visited her everyday, especially Taecyeon, he realised he liked her, no, he loved her, and he couldn't bear to loose her... The once nice, smiles often BEAST changed... They hardly smile, they don't talk to strangers, and EVERYONE except friends and family are like enemies to them, if you're their friend, you are very lucky...

At home, the once cheerful and fun atmosphere turned the opposite and the only time BEAST would smile is when their with Jiyoon... The only time they go home is when they need to change and bathe, they wouldn't even go home for meals, after school, they train till 10PM, they go home, bathe and head to the hospital, they sleep there and their routine continues and continues... They wanted to protect Jiyoon... They needed to and NOTHING could stop them... If bullets fly, their eyes would calculate the time fast enough and they could dodge... Even though during training, they did get shot a couple of times, they continued...

Only in the hospital, you could catch a glimpse of them smile talking to Jiyoon... Sometimes, remembering the past, a few drops of tears would drop... BEAST surrounds Jiyoon at night to protect her, afraid of people climbing through the window at night, in the morning, the surrounding is busy so it's safe... 


They woke up in the morning and took turns to change in the hospital into their uniform, they each kissed Jiyoon on the forehead before catching a last glimpse and go to school... Walking about 5 miuutes... Entering the school, girls started screaming and surrounding them while they placed their hands in their pockets, cooly walking into the school ignoring the screams and cheers... All they had in mind was to go for training before heading to visit Jiyoon, nothing more, nothing less... Walking into class, they sat beside each other at the back just in case their phone rings and there's an emergency in the hospital and they text each other since they got bored, already learned those things during training... Yes, it included tutoring... They only came because they needed to take grauating exams watsoever... 

(After school)

They would walk to the hospital with 2PM, oh and did I mention 2PM went for their own training too? Yes, 2PM and BEAST were the Kingkas of the school... Or maybe known also as the heartless people, or the popular heartless guys... But despite that name, they still had LOTS of "fans" Usually, at the end of the term, there would be performances and thats when they take part to win money, and sing their sorrows out...


2PM would stay till 3PM... Then, they would head for Their training... BEAST on the other hand leaves at 2PM, their training starts earlier...

Taecyeon's Pov

So, I missed Jiyoon's laughter, smile and well, everything... Now, I can only see her expressionless face, not to mention she was skinnier and pale... But, still as pretty and cute... Her lips were gaining back colour but she still had an oxygen mask on, yes, after 1 month... D: I really wish she wakes up now and I can confess to her... Soon, it struck 2.30, we had to leave... Wow! String at her face really really kills time...

Doojoon's Pov(10PM)

We finally ended training, we headed home to bathe before heading to Jiyoon... 

Upon entering the hospital room, my face once again fell, I was hoping, wishing that her eyes would be open and when we entered, I wanted to hear a "Hi oppas! I missed your~ And are your hurt?" I know, it's only my wishful thinking:/ eversince that incident, I never befriended any other people, fearing tehy might harm MY jiyoon... Seeing her now pale face was terrible and heartbreaking for me... It has been a month now...

Doojoon:When are you waking up Jiyoonie dongsaeng...

As expected, no answer...

Yoseob:Jiyoon... I wanna go for ice cream with you again...*Pouts*

Dongwoon:Cotton candy? Please wake up :(

Kikwang:*Sniff* J-jiyoon... W-wake up no- now p-please? PLEASE?! I'm BEGGING YOU!!!!*Cries very hard*

Yes, my brother Kikwang has been VERY emotional eversince the incident... Yoseob has stopped his Aegyo and instead, he puts on a hard, straight face, and he even glares like Junhyung... Dongwoon, stopped eating his favorite, sweets... Junhyung, glared even MORE, he drank coke, and before we could come in that time when we weren't allowed, he would be back drunk... Hyunseung stopped talking, all their personalities come back only with Jiyoon... Me? I don't know, I feel so guilty that I go out to drink, just suddenly lost my smile when I almost lost my sister WHOM is STILL in a COMA... 


And, Yoseob also turned quiet, the one whom usually broke silence, turned quiet... 


So, how is it? Sorry, I'm bad at puting emotions in... So, what if Jiyoon dies? Will she? Or not? WIll BEAST and 2PM be able to protect her? Will they? Will Soohyun be back to ruin EVERYTHING? Will she be back to hurt Jiyoon, and give BEAST a BIGGER heartbreak? IDK XD

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Chapter 33: Wuu i like this fanfic. Daebak author! ^^
Chapter 28: Erghhh im crying like crazy and it's just a test? Btw great story. I wish Beast was my brother
Chapter 33: it was awesome please make another story
Chapter 32: Ending~
Great job^^
Chapter 32: i love this story very much!!! u r very gifted author!!!! i love ur creativity!!! thanks
helleicious #6
Chapter 32: I like this story a lot!! You are so creative! Love your twists and ideas~ Don't stop writing!! :)
shujun #7
Chapter 32: congrats !!! u've finish this.. hope u'll make another story..
always hwaiting !!!
beauty <3 beast !!!
Chapter 31: ahhh who is that?! Her parents? 2pm? Soyeon? Who? I'm excited to know!
shujun #9
Chapter 31: omo~~who is that?!?cant wait for update..hwaiting !!!
shujun #10
Chapter 31: omo~~who is that?!?cant wait for update..hwaiting !!!