I Got You





-One month later-


She caressed the picture lovingly and smiled. It was a picture of Junhyung and her. They were both smiling widely in that picture. She still remembered the moment she spent together with Junhyung. It was priceless. MAore than 2 years of having Junhyung yearning for her, to give herself a chance to fall in love, to know and treasure the feeling of having someone who will always stay with you through hard and happy time; she was so sure she had find her happiness in life.


Junhyung was perfect; good looking and smart with a perfect job. And Junhyung loved her. She got everything all the girls in the world wanted. But she wasted those 2 years time playing with Junhyung’s heart because she never thought Junhyung would meet and fall in love with someone else. But Junhyung did. And as much as she wanted to put the blame on Junhyung, to put the blame on him who stole Junhyung’s heart from her; she just can’t.


Junhyung confessed to her but she politely rejected him. Jungyung said he loved her and get I like you too in return. Junhyung said he will wait because she asked Junhyung to give her time. And Junhyung was still waiting for her, when his heart already belongs to someone else, because she was too selfish to take the blame and let Junhyung go.


Now she realized nothing could last forever, even her love for Junhyung. They were never meant for each other. If they were, Junhyung won’t fall in love with him. Carefully, she put the picture into the box, together with all the things and memories of Junhyung. She took one last glance into the box before she closed it. Forever. She took out her phone and typed a short message in it. She re-read the message a few times and after she satisfied with it, she pushed the sent button and exhaled a relief breathe.


* * * * * * * * * * *


He was standing at the balcony of his apartment when his phone beeped indicating that there was a new message came in. Slowly he made his way into the room, took the phone and opened the message.

‘Meet me at the usual café at 8’


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


There was a knock on the door and Hyunseung gestured for Joon to open it. It was Jiyong, looking all amazing and handsome in a black tuxedo. He smiled before made his way into the room. Hyunseung looked beautiful in a white tuxedo that Jiyong had to restraint himself from drooling at the sight. He was doing his hair while being helped by Joon.


“How do I look?” Hyunseung asked and looked at Jiyong who was standing behind him through the mirror.


“Stunning!” he exclaimed and he really meant it. Hyunseung only let out a low laugh.


“You too look amazing” he praised him and by the time he said that, he was done with his hair.


“Thanks. Anyway, can we talk for a while?” Jiyong asked and Hyunseung had to look at him questioningly. Joon took the hint of urgency in Jiyon’s voice before he excused himself, leaving them and quietly shut the door.


“What is it?” he asked and fixed his gaze on Jiyong’s face.


“You’re not doing this” he said sternly. Hyunseung sighed and turned to face the mirror again.


“Are we going to have on this again? Because I’m sure I don’t want to”




“I’m tired of people telling me that this isn’t what I want, that this isn’t the right thing to do. I’m so tired that I wish I will just disappear from everyone’s sight”


“Seung, you’re not happy” Hyunseung stood up and turned around. He walked slowly towards where Jiyong was standing and once he reached him, he took his right hand and intertwined their fingers together.


“Is it because of what I’ve told you? About what had happened between me and Junhyung?” there were glimpse of tears in Hyunseung’s eyes that Jiyong had to close his own. “If this is about that, I’ve told you it didn’t mean anything. I’m sorry I let it happened but I promise you--“


“Shh, Seung” Jiyong let out a heavy breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “You know it’s not about that. I don’t care. Whatever had happened, I don’t care a bit. It’s just enough for me to know you’re here, with me. Where I can see you, hold you, hug you. I want to see you happy”


“I am happy. So please, let this happiness stay with me” Jiyong looked deeply into Hyunseung’s eyes. There was something in his eyes that Jiyong can’t figure it out. It was like he was trying to tell him something that he couldn’t get. But he knew he needed to figure it out. He needed to get it. It was Hyunseung after all. Smiling, he embraced him lovingly while they still had their fingers tangled.


“I love you” he said and kissed Hyunseung’s lips gently. Hyunseung smiled. The tears started making their way down on Hyunseung’s cheeks.


I know. That’s why I’m okay with this.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


He was already there, sitting at their usual table when she arrived. She waved her hand with a smile but the latter only nodded his head. Pouting, she walked towards the said table and sat beside him.


“Aigoo Jun, what’s with the sad face? Didn’t you feel happy to see me tonight?” Hara was beaming happily and she didn’t stop poking Junhyung’s cheek. Junhyung smiled and Hara noticed the sadness in that smile.


“You know I always want to meet you right” he said while putting his hand around Hara’s waist. Hara twitched and Junhyung can feel that. Before he could say anything, Hara was already standing up, leaving his hand fall limply on the chair occupied by Hara earlier. This time, Hara took a seat in front of Junhyung. She was looking through the menu and ignored a weird look Junhyung threw at her.


“What we’re going to have tonight?” she asked innocently, still her eyes didn’t meet Junhyung. Junhyung can only blink his eyes. He cannot believe this. Hara was ignoring him but why?


“Jun, I’m asking you” she whined before lifted her head to look at Junhyung but regretted it soon when she saw a now hurting look Junhyung gave her. She bit her lower lip hard. Her heart was beating fast and it hurt like hell. She didn’t like this. It was like she was going to die soon.




“Let’s end this. Let’s end everything between us” Junhyung gaped. He was speechless. Hara wasn’t being serious, isn’t she?


“It’s tonight, isn’t? His engagement party” her voice trembled. Hara didn’t even dare to say his name. She thought that if she really said his name in front of Junhyung, she will just ruin everything she had planned to do since this morning. And Junhyung still didn’t say anything.


“Mir told me” she continued like she can read what was in Junhyung’s mind at that moment. “I know I’m no longer the one you love, I can feel it. But I was too stubborn to admit it. Because I wanted to believe that you’ll always love me. You’ll only love me” she paused and exhaled a deep breathe. “I wanted to believe that we’re really meant for each other but every passing day only proved me wrong. I just couldn’t see the love, the sparkle, the happiness that you used to have for me a long time ago. It isn’t there anymore and I can’t bear with it. It will just hurting both of us if we continue living in this lie. And I don’t want it. I don’t want to get hurt, and I don’t want you to get hurt. So let’s end this now” she was pleading. Junhyung can see it in her eyes. Junhyung can listen to it in her voice. Junhyung can feel it in her every word.


“Hara, I love you” finally he spoke up. Hara smiled and it sent something warm into Junhyung’s heart. Hara’s smile was always something he wanted to see. It was like something that he needed to continue breathing.


“I know but you love him more now. Can’t you see it?” it was calming and Junhyung just didn’t understand how Hara can be this mature. It was like he was seeing a different Hara.


“I don’t know” he said with a long sigh. At one level, he knew Hara was right. There was a time that he couldn’t bear stay away for a longer time from Hyunseung. There was a time that only listen to his voice will make him stay awake for the whole day. There was a time that his voice was the first thing he wanted to hear when he woke up and the last thing he heard before he went to sleep. And when he knew about his engagement with that Jiyong guy, his heart broke into pieces. His life turned upside down since the news. And that love making the shared at his apartment? Junhyung wished that it was just a dream, only that he can still smell a faint of Hyunseung’s favourite shampoo on his pillow. His life shattered just thinking how much he had hurt Hyunseung because of his own selfishness.


He didn’t know what to do anymore. It was all meaningless. Hyunseung’s gone, yet Junhyung can still feel his presence around him, his laughing across the table at their favourite restaurant for lunch, his voice through the phone scolding him for calling him at 2 in the morning, his crying when he stormed out of Junhyung’s car, and his soft sob when Junhyung had him wrapped tightly in his arms that night and never let go. Then something hit him. His eyes opened, he stood up abruptly and bowed deeply.


“Hara, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” Hara was smiling and she nodded her head.


“Go, before it’s too late for both of you. I’m fine, I just want to stay here a bit longer. Just go” Junhyung didn’t wait any longer. After gave Hara a quick hug, he dashed out from the café, out of Hara’s sight. Leaning her back on the chair, she flipped her phone opened and dialled a very familiar number. She waited as the person on the other line picked up the call.


“Mir? Are you free right now? Can we meet?”







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89_junseung #1
Chapter 28: Wow, just wow! Beautifully written. This made me smile and cry. One of the best Junseung out there. Thank you Author-nim Ü Hoping for the finale. Ü
Chapter 28: Woooohoooo..finally update ^^ thanks
Want to read more
YouniqB2UTY #3
Chapter 28: update more..
Vluverful #4
Chapter 28: WAAA!!!Thanks for the update!!!Waiting for more!!
JHS_addicted #5
Chapter 27: Authorshii where's the endinggg??? You left us hanging hereeee... Please finish it or better make it longer... This is superb fic of junseng,,, seriosly,,
JuRan_HyunMi #6
Chapter 27: AHHHHHHH!!!! I was like 'oh junseung met again! will things get better!?' /continue to scroll/ then it's the end of the chap!!! noooooo~ too nice already, author-nim pls update soon! I like this story!!^^
Chapter 27: this is one of the first junseung story that i read...........

and finally i can see hara as a good person who is trying to make jun happy.

jiyong you are amazing, he loves him so much that he lets him go

.... i really don't want this story toe end... and this is one of few stories that ii will happily read again and again this story... : ))

update soon (^_^)V
braver #8
Chapter 27: I'm sooooo sad to hear this story will be ending soon. I hope you'll give us lots more of your writing in the future in other fics, but I have a very big soft spot for this one. It'll be hard to say goodbye to it. But of course I respect any decisions the author will make.

You don't need to apologize for any long gaps between updates. You are a human being first and foremost and you need to put your life first, we readers understand! Please take your time and we'll wait patiently.

On that note, I'm so happy to see Junhyung and Hyunseung finally, finally, FINALLY getting together. And Hyunseung can finally heal his broken heart. Oh my, I can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you to Jiyong for being mature and a great friend. Excited for the next chapter!
AHHHHHHHHHHH my cat steped on my laptop and accidentally closed the window T___T all my lovely comment got lost...
anyway, I said that we, averange people who are bad with deadlines, understand perfectly well what you mena. This story was so nice to read, and this chapter and the M one made me cry; they really did.
I just hope they can finally express their true feelings to each other. They love each other, don't stupid, guys!