
...and then he came

Bang. Yong. Guk. Bang.Yong.Guk.

That name was stuck in my head in repeat. I could not stop thingking about him. My head was about to explode of everything. Bang Yong Guk. The crazy stalker saved me. Why did he save me? He's supposed to be a bad guy! A crazy stalker who burns down houses! AISH this is making me crazy. I really was thankful. He saved me from my biggest fear..I didn't call an ambulance though.. But why should I care, that tried to molest me. I have to tel Jiyong..I dont want to see that man ever again.  But that Bang Yong Guk. Why am I still thinking about him? Im not supposed to be thinking about him! He was in prison for crying out loud. WAS in prison, not anymore..Maybe he's changed? That can happen. I bet he's regretting everything he did. Yeah he must be. There must be something good about him, since he saved me, right? There's just something about that guy. I should stay away from him but I keep wanting to see him. Just a small glimpse of him, and his eyes. Everytime he looked at me his eyes told me a story. I dont know what story yet, but I want to find out. He's dangerous and I shouldn't go near him but who am I to judge anyone? Maybe he wants a fresh start and I can help him with that. 

After tossing and turning for god knows how many hours I finally fell asleep. I saw mixed dreams and didn't sleep that well. The alarm started to ring at 6 am. "Aish, I dont want to", I whined as I shut the alarm of. "OK, Haejung you have to..get up haejung get up", I cheered myself as I slowly dragged myself up. I yawned and dragged myself to the bathroom. I cleaned up and ate some breakfest and headed off to school. I waved happily at some friends and ran to class. The class started and I picked up where I left at night. I went right back to thinking about him. Good thing it was just a theory class so all I had to do was listen, which I didn't do. Couple of classes went by guickly. I went to a breakfest place to eat with my friends and then classes again. The day went by fastly and before I knew it, it was time to go home. It felt like I was sleep walking to home. I was exhausted. I have to admit, doing late night shifts takes its toll on me sometimes. My eyes were literally almost closed when I walked and turned around a corner. I didn't notice someone coming from the opposite direction and we bumbed and I fell on my . "Aah, it hurts", I whined and caressed my . "You ok?" I heard a familiar deep voice. Deepest I've ever heard in my life. I looked up on him and froze. My eyes widened and my mouth formed a little "o". He stopped too and stared at me. We stayed clued for a couple of seconds until he gave his hand and I grabbed it. My expression didn't change. There was an awkward silence and I kept staring at him like he was a ghost. He cleared his throat and rubbed the bakc of his neck. I snapped out of my coma and flashed a smile. "S-sorry didn't mean to bumb into you l-like this", I said and bowed with my head. "Dont worry about it", he said and walked pass me. I grabbed his sleeve. He halted. Haejung you crazy girl what are you doing?! I was surprised at my action too. "U-um.. Come by at the pub tonight.. I'll buy you a drink..as in thanks..you know.. about..yesterday", towards the end my speech turned into a whisper. I just couldn't be strong under his strong gaze. I tried to smile but my smile was really pathetic. He just stood there and stared at me. He looked like he was in..disbelief? I realized I was still holding on to his sleeve so I quickly let go. "Ah, sorry this is awkward you dont have to come I just.. wanted to thank you.. so.. thank you!" I babbeled and turned around, I couldn't face him anymore. I heard his steps.. he walked away. I turned around slowly just to se him walk away from me. I sighed deeply and turned around. I was about to walk away too when I noticed a wallet on the ground. I picked it up and looked at the ID. Bang Yong Guk. He dropped his wallet? I turned around quickly to see if I could still catch him but he was nowhere to be seen. I put the wallet into my purse and walked home.

I was sitting on my bed. The wallet was on the bed too, right in front of me. I stared at the wallet. I would be wrong to watch  what's inside right? Im not supposed to look. I sighed. But I really really really wanted to see. I picked the wallet up. I stared at it a little longer and desided to check what's inside. I opened the wallet and saw the ID again. I chuckled at the picture in it. He looked so young. A couple of receipts were inside as well as some cash. I was searching the wallet trough out when something dropped into my lap. I picked it up. It was a picture. A picture of Bang Yongguk and some girl. The girl was gorgeous. She had blue hair? No green? Well something in between. They were happy and doing a funny expression. So that's how Yongguk looks when he's happy...Could this be..the girl? Could it be the girl he was stalking? But why would they have a picture together? It must be a different girl. It must be.. The yongguk in the picture looked completely different than the present one. His smile was not big but you could see he was happy. Now when you look at him.. he looks like he has never been happy. Never. You could think he doesn't even know what it's like to be happy. I wonder if I could see the Bang Yong Guk who is happy? Maybe.

It was time to work again. I had mixed feelings about going to work. It was fun, my job always is. But I was scared after what happened yesterday..Maybe I should ask Jiyong to walk me home? And then.. there was Yongguk. I had asked him to come. I was actually stupid enough to ask him to come! I didn't know the guy, he most likely doesn't even like me and I asked him to come! But then again I had his wallet so I was hoping for him to appear. I reached worked and walked in side. I looked around but there were only couple of people there no sign of him. "Ah, Haejungie you're on time! This is a miracle!" Jiyong jokingly said and walked to me. "Yeah"I answered absent minded and continued to look around..just in case. "Are you perhaps looking for someone?" Jiyong asked and poked my forehead. "Aigoo, no im not", I said and held my forehead. "Then get to work already!" He said and went to clean up some table. "I know I know", I mumbled and made my way to the dressing room. I changed my clothes and put the wallet into my pocket.. Just in case. I totally forgot about the incident that happened yesterday, I didn't see the guy come, so I let it be. There weren't many customers today so I just lazily leaned to the counter. I took the picture out of my pocket again and looked at it. "Who is this girl", I whispered to myself. "Eh? Did you say something Haejungie? " Jiyong asked. He was also bored. "Ah no never mind", I said and put the picture back smiling to Jiyong. "My god it's quiet today", Jiyong sighed. "Yeah this is rare", I answered looking around. I couldn't help but to feel disapointed. He didn't show up. "If you want you can go home already, I think I can handle this by myself. You look tired anyways", Jiyong said. I really didn't want to go in case he's show up but I really was tired and I could use a good night sleep so I agreed and went to change my clothes. I walked out of the pub. I felt nervous for some reason. I hand't seen the guy from yesterday but I could help it. I felt scared. I took Yongguk's wallet from my purse again. Guess you dont want it back, huh?

"Is that my wallet?" I heard the deep voice again, it starled me and I jumped a little. "I-it is..here you go", I said and handed him the wallet. "Thanks", he said and took the wallet. He checked if everything was inside. "Dont worry I didn't steal your money", I chuckled. "There was a picture", he suddenly said. I immidietly knew what he was talking about. I reached for my pocket. The picture was in there. I slowly took it out. He watched me do it but his face didn't show any emotion. I handed him the picture. "S-sorry..I was just..curious", I said embarassed and handing the picture. "You know, never mind just throw it away, I was about to anyways", he said and turned his face away. "Umm..okay" I said and hesitantly put the picture to my pocket again. We stood there again in silence. "What are you doing here by the way?" I asked him and he turned to look at me surprised. "You asked me to come didn't you?" He answered like it was obvious. "Uhh..Yeah.. Yeah I did but I thought you didn't want to come", I was confused. I could be wrong but I thought I saw him smirk a little. "I wasn't planning to come but I knew you had my wallet", he said tapping his pocket. "Of course, well..good night then", I said and walked pass him. "Are you", he started and made me stop. "are you sure you can walk home alone?" he finished. I turned around. I looked at him trying to read his face but it was impossible. He just stared at me back. "Actually..No im not", I said honestly. He walked to me. "Let's go then", he said and started walking. I was amazed at his kindness. I smiled widely and catched up with him. "I dont live far away from here so dont worry", I said quietly. He just nodded. We walked in silence. I felt really safe with him. I felt like nothing could happen to me when he was by my side. I wanted to ask him about the picture. "She's pretty", I blurted out. He turned to look at me with puzzled expression. "I mean the girl, in the picture", I said blushing. Yongguk turned his head again. He just shrugged. Silence again. "Who was she?" I asked. He sighed deeply. "Well you know.. the girl I stalked", he said. I could hear a hint of irony in his voice. "I know you've heard about me, about me stalking that girl and burning down her house and stuff", he said and turned to look at the sky. "Those things.. They're not true right?" I asked secretly wishing for me to be right. "It's a complicated story that im not comfortable sharing with a complete stranger", he said still looking at the sky. A complicated story? I want to hear that story. Before we knew it we reached my house. "This is it", I said and stopped. "Thank you.. Bang Yong Guk", I said and flashed a smile.  He just nodded again. "Im Hae Jung by the way. Choi Hae Jung", I said before walking inside. I stopped at the door. "See you around.. Bang Yong Guk". 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!