
...and then he came

I walked down the street and wrapped the jacket around me tighter. It was already really chilly since it was the middle of September. I was on my way to work, late again. "He's so gonna scold me again", I talked to myself and quickened my pace. The pub was near my home so it didn't take me long to get there. I entered the pub and saw someone blocking my way. "YAH!" he screamed and I jumped a little. "CHOI HAEJUNG!" he called me with my full name again, that's not good. "Jiyong im sorry, I got stuck writing this paper that's due tomorrow, imsorryimsorryimsorry", I begged him. "You know, with the money I pay you I could hire a decent worker", he said narrowing his eyes. "Yeah but you wont do it because you love me",  I said and stuck my tongue out. I walked past him and hurried to change my clothes. "Aish, this girl", I heard Jiyong mumble. I chuckled. Jiyong is the boss of the pub im working at. He's also a good friend of mine. The pub I work at is not the typical korean bar. It's kind of dark and wooden, couple of billiard tables and a TV, if there's a match or something. When you first see me you wouldn't guess I work at a place like that, but I actually like it. Couple of regulars shouted their Hi's to me and I smiled to them. "So, Haejungie you'll be singing tonight", Jiyong came to me. "Really? Are you serious?" I asked getting exited. Singing was my favourite thing in the whole world. "Yeah but later you have some tables to take care off first", Jiyong said pointing some tables.

At one table in the corner I saw a guy I hadn't seen before. I usually regognize everyone that visites our pub. He had red hair. The same age as me or a little older. He didn't have company. He just stared at..nothing. "Who's the new guy in the corner?", I asked Jiyong pointing at him. "Ahh him? Let's just say dont get familiar with him", Jiyong said. "Why?" I asked looking at Jiyong. "He's not exactly a good guy i've heard. Apparently he just got out of prison..He stalked some girl and eventually burned her house", Jiyong said cleaning some class. Shivers went through my body. "Im not happy of him being here but he's still a client so go ask if he needs something", Jiyong said and nodded in his direction. I took my little notebook and walked towards him. Before I reached his table I took a deep breath. I stood beside his table. I cleared my throat. "Can I get you something?" I asked and falshed my prettiest smile. He didn't even look at me. It's like he didn't notice im there. I cleared my throat again. "Excuse me? Do you need anything?" I said. I slowly started to loose my patience. He just ignored me? I was just trying to do my job. When he still ignored me after many times I lost it. I sat down opposite him and slammed the notebook to the table. "YAH! YOU'RE WASTING MY TIME! STOP IGNORING ME" I shouted and waved my hand in front of his  face. I earned some looks from the other clients. Finally he looked at me. He locked his eyes with mines. His eyes were...dangerous. I could speak or move. "Just bring me a beer", he finally said and turned his face again. I sighed deeply..Did I forget to breathe for a while there? I blinked a couple of times and cleared my throat again. "Umm.. Yeah right away sir", I mumbled and ran back to the counter. I panted a little. His eyes.. I couldn't get them out of my head. That look.. It was not nice or warm.. He was..investigating me. My heart felt like it was about to come out of my chest. "Haejung? yah Haejung?" Jiyong said waving a hand infront of my face. "Yeah? oh yeah one beer", I said to him. He nodded and poured the beer. I really didn't want to go back to him. His eyes scared me. But I had to. I placed the beer down on his table. "Here you go", I said and flashed my smile again. He didn't thank me he just took a zip of his beer. At this point I was supposed to walk away but I just stood there watching at him. I didn't even realize. This time he got annoyed. "Dont you have work to do", he suddenly said and turned his face to me. I blinked a couple of times. Those eyes again. I felt my heart quicken it's pace. "Umm, yeah s-sorry", I blushed and walked away. The guy smirked a little behind me. 

"Haejung! Want to sing now?", Jiyong asked me as we were both leaning to the counter. All the customers were happy dringking and getting drunk. "Yeah!" I said and clapped my hands. Jiyong smirked and walked up to the little stage. "Ok guys, can I get your attension for a while?" He asked and the pub went silent. "Thank you, you guys are lucky did you know that? Tonight, is the one of the rare nights that our pretty Haejungie will sing to us!" jiyong said and the growd cheered. Pretty my I thought to myself. Jiyong smirked at me and I sticked my tongue out. "Haejungie the stage is yours", Jiyong said giving the mic to me. "Ah hello everyone, im in a ballad mood today so should I sing a davichi dong for you?" They cheered again. I was pretty sure they didn't even know davichi but they were happy with what ever. The music started to play. Dont say goodbye was one of my favourite ballad songs. The gorwd just sat there silently listening to my singing. I was pleased. My eyes wanted to take a look at the guy in the corner table. For my surprise he was actually looking at me. I blushed a little but kept singing. I finished the song and everyone clapped and cheered for me. I bowed a little and said my thanks. I walked off the stage and gave Jiyong the mic. "Perfect as always", he said and smirked. "Of course", I said smirking too. My eyes wondered to the guy again. He wasn't there anymore. I looked around but didn't see him. So he left.I felt weird. I kinda wanted to see him again. After a while I gave up looking for him with my eyes. He really left. 

Rest of my shift went by quickly and the pub started to get emptier. "Haejungie you go home already, see you tomorrow", Jiyong said to me as he cleaned the last glasses. "Ok see you Jiyong", I said and ran to change my clothes. I walked down the street slowly.  My feet were tired. It was really really cold and my fingers were freezing. I wasn't scared even though it was like 2pm. My house was near and there were never many people on the streets at this hour. I yawned. Suddenly I got pulled to the dark alley.

Someone pushed me against the wall and covered my mouth. He didn't need to, I was too terrified to scream. I tried to see who it was but it was too dark. "Haejungiee", the guy mumbled drunk as ever. It was one of our regulars. "Haejungiee, you're so prettyy", I barely understood what he said. He took my wrist with his other hand. It hurt, so I let out a squeal. "Shh, Haejungie we dont want anyone to hear us dont we", he said and my wrist was now above my head. He removed his hand from my mouth but before I could scream he pressed his lips against mine. He was too big and strong for me to push away. I used my last resort. I bit his lower lip until I tasted blood. He screamed in pain. "YAH, Haejungie that was not nice", he said sounding angry. "That was a biiiig mistake". "HELP", I shouted but he was covering my mouth again pressing himself on me.  I started to get desperate and my eyes started to water up. "You're gonna get it now", he said raising his hand ready to slap me. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the hit. But it never came. Instead I felt the waith getting removed from me. Someone pulled him away. I saw the other guy punching him and, being drunk he fell to the ground. I panted from the shock. This had never happened to me before. I never thought they would try... It was impossible to try and stop the tears falling from my eyes. I just stood there watching the guy who tried to molest me and cried. "You should take better care of yourself",I heard the guy who saved me say. I turned to look at him. My heard skipped a beat. It was him! From the corner table! He turned to leave but I stopped him. "W-wait!" He stopped. "Thank you", I whispered. He continued walking but I stopped him again grabbing his sleeve. "C-can I even know your name?" I asked still sobbing. He turned around. It looked like he was hesitating. "Bang..Yongguk", he said and left. "Thank you Bang Yongguk", I whispered, he was already faraway so he didn't hear me. 


SOO HERE IS THE FIRST CHAP! I know it's still kind of boring, but it'll get better! PLease comment and subscribe gomawo! ~~ Sorry about the grammar and TYPO's :s



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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!