
...and then he came


Haejung P.O.V


I desided not let Jieun control my life. It IS my life after all. She wouldn't scare me from now on. I would life my life the way I want to. After Yongguk appearing on my door last night, he was all I could think about. I went through everything in my head over and over again. Him touching my cheeks and kissing my forehead. Everytime I thought of it my cheeks blushed slightly and I felt warm. ”Miss Choi? Choi Haejung?” I snapped out of my thoughts and realised I was in class. ”Mind answering the question I asked you?” the professor asked with an annoyed voice. ”Uhh, what was the question again?” I asked embarassed. The teached sighed. ”Jieun do you know the answer?” With that Jieun answered perfectly and I earned an angry glare from the professor. I sighed. Ever since Jieun came to our uni she's been every teachers favourite. She knows anwers to every question.

After out encounter last night she didn't even look at me. Better that way I thought. Maybe she'd let me live my life now. ”Ok good job today” angry glare towards me ”and see you tomorrow!” the professor ended the glass and I walked out of the class in a coma. I hate theory classes. I as walked down the hallway minding my own business I accidentaly bumbed into someone. ”Omo” I yelped as I almost fell down. The person I bubmed grabbed my hand and I gained my balance. ”Im sorry”, I said bowing repeatetly. ”No problem”, The guy said amused. I lifted my head and took a closer look at the guy. I've seen him at the bar! ”You work at the bar right?” ”Yeah, Haejung right? I've seen you sing, you're talented”, the guy said pointing his hand ready to shake mine. I quickly gave my hand and we shook them briefly. ”Daehyun is my name”, he said. ”Oh right, Daehyun-ssi!” I said remembering his name. ”Drop the formalities just call me Daehyun”, he said shaking his head. ”Oh ok Daehyun”, I flashed a smile. I checked the time from my watch. ”Oh Im going to be late talk to you later Daehyun”, I said smiling my brightly and then I ran off.

Rest of the day went by slowly. I thought I'd die. I only had theory classes so no singing today. I was half asleep when I walked home. And I'd have to go to work! ”Ugh work”, I muttered as I entered my house. I sat down on my bed yawning. This wont do. With school and two jobs I just cant handle all of them. I was going through the options in my head. I'd have to drop one job. But which one? The job at Himchan's bar didn't pay that well but I got to sing more often? But how could I quit the job at the pub? Jiyong wouldn't like it. I groaned and messed my hair.Then again. Maybe I could just do singing gigs at the pub only? That means I had only singing gigs but still less work? Then maybe I wouldn't be so tired at school. I grabbed my purse and left for the pub. I walked in and looked around. There were couple of customers here and there. Next thing I saw surprised me. Jieun at the counter talking with Jiyong. I walked to them. ”Ah Haejungie you're early!” Jiyong said clearly happy to see mee. I just smiled. ”This miss here came to ask for a job”, Jiyong said pointing at Jieun. ”What?” I said looking at Jieun. She just smiled sweetly. Sweet my . ”Im not sure I can take her I mean we have enough workers for now”, Jiyong said frowning. ”Can I talk to you for a minute?” I said to Jiyong and we left to the backroom. ”What's up”, Jiyong said. ”Uhh, I just came by to talk about my job.. I think..I think I should quit”, I carefully said examining Jiyongs face. He seemed a little disapointed. ”Why?” He said puting. God he was cute when he pouted. ”I dont know I think everything is just a little too much for me..Working every evening and school and working at the bar at weekends”, I explained. Jiyong thought for a minute. ”Fair enough.. then I can hire miss Jieun”, Jiyong said and his face got clearer. My heart sank. ”By the way she has the exact work load as you if she takes the job you lazy”, Jiyong said poking my forehead. I rubbed the stop and glared at Jiyong. Why did it feel like Jieun was trying to steal my life now. ”But yeah I get it you're tired”, Jiyong said patting my head. ”I can still do singing gigs at times”, I said still rubbing my forehead. ”Yeah sure.. Although Jieun said she can sing too but I can give you a call sometimes”, after that I felt terrible. I basically gave Jieun my job. I slapped myself on my mind. ”You better still visit me!” Jiyong yelled as I was leaving the pub. I nodded.

I felt like a complete . I just gave my job Jieun. Just like that. I rubbed my temples as I walked down the street. ”Haejung wait!” I heard Jieun call behind me. I sighed before turned around. She stood there hands crossed on her chest and looking y as ever. ”Thanks for the job”, she said and smirked. ”No problem”, I sighed and turned around to walk away. ”YA”, she shouted and I halted. ”What?” I said turning around. ”I know this was nothing, I mean taking your job, but if I see you close to Yongguk again, I WILL do something..well worse”, she said taking steps towards me hands still crossed. I snorted. ”Look, I dont know what's wrong with you that makes you think im scared of you Jieun, Im not. I will live my own life as I said before. Just live your own life too ok?”I said and walked away from her. I can't believe that girl.


Jieun P.O.V


She walked away. She might not be scared of me. Yet. I will show her what I can do if she dares to touch Yongguk. It will not be her job I take. It will be her whole life. I will make her life fall apart. Piece by piece. I snorted and walked back inside. ”Sorry Jiyong where were we?” I said sitting down on the barstool. ”Well you can start tomorrow and basically you work everyday except for weekends”; Jiyong explained. I nodded. ”That sounds good!”. ”Do you have any problems with school or anything? I mean Haejung was too tired so she had to quit, you think you will have the same problem?” Jiyong asked me. ”Oh, dont worry I can handle them really well. I have no problems what so ever with school, Im sure I will be a better worker than her”, I said smiling to Jiyong. If im not wrong I saw him blush a little. He laughed. ”That is not so difficult”, he laughed and I laughed with him. Huh, so it was this easy to get him to my side. I smirked. After talking to Jiyong for a while I left the pub. I breathed the fresh air into my lungs. I looked around. I saw couple of drunken people roam at the streets. Psh, its Monday and people are waisted.. Then I saw our singing teacher. Drunk also. I smirked at my thoughts. ”I need some nasty material”, I whispered to myself and smirked. I walked at the teacher and grabbed his arm. He was too waisted to realise anything. I walked him to a near park and took my phone out. I send Haejung a text message. Haejung, im sorry I have to ask you but I have no one else, I need help please meet me at the park near by the pub. I pressed send. Professor had a hard time stand straight. ”Ugh, just wait for a while”, I said disgusted. My phone vibrated. Just a sec Haejung answered. I smirked erally widely now. What a . I waited for a while when I saw Haejung come. She didn't notice me and the professor. ”Professor, see Haejung over there?” I whispered at the professor and he nodded slightly. ”Well, I heard he has a huge crush on you, she even came to look for you”, I whispered and the professor looked at Haejung, a smirk formed into his lips. ”So that's how it is”, he mumbled and started to make his way to Haejung. I quickly his behind this huge tree and took my phone out.

Professor made his way to Haejung. Haejung looked surprised to see professor so drunk. She held him up. I saw professor say something to Haejung and her eyes widened. Then professor tried to kiss Haejung. I immidietly started to snap photos. It was perfect. It looked like the hugged and and were about to kiss. Then despite of Haejungs efforts to stop him he landed a kiss on her lips. I snapped a photo. A second photo. They fell to the ground professor on top of him. I snapped a couple more pictures and desided it was time to flee.


Hajung P.O.V


The professor was waisted. He propably didn't know what he was doing. I was really heave and he was trying to kiss me. I tried as hard as I could to push him away but he was too strong. I looked around to find something. I noticed a large rock beside my head. I grabbed the rock and hit him on the head. He rolled of me holding his bleeding head. I cussed and yelled at me but couldn't get up. I got up and ran away. I ran as fast as I could tears flowing down. I stopped when I was at my door. I panted and leaned my hands to my knees. There was no Haejung. She wasn't in trouble. She tricked me. I wiped my tears and felt furious. Why did she do this. I sat down on the rock stair on front of my door. I wiped my tears again and looked at the sky. ”Haejung-ah?” I hear Yongguks voice and ripped my eyes from the sky. I blinked a couple of time when I saw him. ”Yongguk what are you doing here?” I asked surprised wiping my eyes just in case. ”I dont know, just came by”, he shrugged and sat beside me. ”Are you ok? Your eyes look puffed”, he said worried. ”I-im fine”, I stuttered. ”Haejung, I can clearly see you're not okay, dont lie to mee. I didn't work yesterday and it will not work today. Is it Jieun again?” He asked looking at me. I sighed. ”Dont owrry it's nothing I cant handle”, I said and smiled to him. I wasn't so sure what happened either so how could I explain to him. ”Haeju-” ” Just forget it ok?” I pleaded. He narrowed his eyes but desided to let it go. ”You're always at my door”, I chuckled. He smiled. ”Yeah, something just draws me here”, he said said and laughed.


I quit my other job today”, I said after a while of silence between us. Both of had been looking at the sky and the start that could be barely seen. Yongguk looked at me. ”What? The nob at the pub?” ”Yeah”, I sighed. ”Why? I thought that gyu needed you there”, Yongguk asked surprised. ”Yeah well, he already hired someone else”, I said playing with my fingers. ”Oh? That was fast”, Yongguk said. ”Yup she was there asking for a job when I went to quit”. ”Wait.. She?” Yongguk straightened up. I nodded. ”You dont mean Jieun right?” I looked at him with a what-do-you-think look. HE coughed in disbelief. ”Wow”, he just said and leaned on his arms again. ”So did you talk to her?” I nodded again. ”She just said the same old”, I quietly said without looking at Yongguk. Yongguk turned to look at me. He moved his hand closer to mine. I pretended I didn't notice. He then first placed his hand on mine and then squeezed it. I looked at Yongguk now. He smiled at me. ”You remember what I said yesterday?” I just blinked. Yongguk chuckled and squeezed my hand a little bit tighter. ”I said I will protect you, so dont worry”, he said and I blushed. His hand felt really warm and it felt perfect in my hand. Again I worried a little bit less of Jieun


. Little did I know that someone was wacthing us. 


Im on FIRE with this fanfic right now :P Another update YAY! I think you know who was watching.. Oh oh.. What's gonna happen? Thank you to my new subbers and thank you of your comments I feel the love ~~ Gives me motivation to write ^^ Keep sending your love! Author-nim thanks you! 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!