
...and then he came

Haejung P.O.V

I wrapped my jacket around me tighter. My breath turned into fume. "Yongguk, what are you doing here?" I asked stargin at him. He now stood a couple of meters from me. He looked at the ground and then me. "I umm, wanted to make sure you're ok", he muttered rubbing his neck. I blinked a couple of times. "Why?" I wondered out loud. "Well alot of things happened tonight and you know..Jieun..", he didn't finish the sentence. I sighed and rubbed my hands together trying to make them warm up. "Im fine I dont get scared that easily", I smiled to him. He didn't smile back. He just looked at me with consern. "Haejung-ah don't take her so lightly", Yongguk said taking a step towards me. That annoyied me. Dont take her lightly? Then what am I supposed to do? Be scared of her? Avoid her? My expression changed. "Then what am I supposed to do? We have the same job now, I can't stop living normally because of some weird game you two play", I snapped at him sounding a little too mean. I sighed. "Im sorry I didn't mean to.. I just, I think you two have some unsolved things. And before you solve everything I dont think anyone can get between you two", I continued with a softer voice taking a step towards Yongguk. Yongguk faced the ground again. He didn't answer. I think that means he agrees with me. After a while he lifted his head and smiled to me. A smile I had never seen before. A soft smile. My heart started to pound against my cheast in the speed of light. I felt my cheeks blush. This is not a normal reaction Haejung calm down. "I'll see you at work then?" He quietly said, almost whispering. I smiled and nodded. Then I turned around and started to walk away from him. I took a deep breath to calm my heart. I kind of wanted him to chase after me and stop me from leaving but I knew that wouldn't happen. We barely knew each other. This wasn't an end of a love story. There never was a love story. There were just two people who barely knew each other and desided to stay as...nothing. It's ridiculous of me to feel this way right now. I quickened my steps and I was almost half running now. I was freezing and I just wanted to sleep. 

Yongguk P.O.V

I watched her walk away from me. I watched her disappear. When I didn't see her anymore I still didn't move. I had to let her go for now. I really want to get to know her. I really want to be by her side. As a friend or... But right now I can't. At least I shouldn't. I can't be sure if I can stay away from her. Meat is weak. Im weak. When I see her next time I might just hug her. We dont' know each other that well yet but there's something about her that I cant stay away. She's so warm. She didn't judge me. She was there. But Jieun still being like that, I can't put Haejung into danger. Speaking of the devil. I heard high heels behind me. Walking closer and stopping beside me. "Smart girl, I'll give her that", she spoke with a vicious voice. "She's smart enough to stay away from you. If only she was smart enough to give up that job Himchan gave her", Jieun said sighing. "Jieun can't you just let her be", I sighed and turned to look at her. "I started a war with her, I cant just give up now can I", Jieun said turning to face me too. "Jieun, please", I pleaded. "What do you care?" She asked narrowing her eyes. "Im tired of this, I thought I'd never have to see you again Jieun", I said narrowing my eyes too. Her face fell. "How can you be so mean oppa? I love you", she said wrapping her arms around me and hugging me. "You dont love me. This is not love", I plainly said taking her arms off and pushing her away. She looked raged. "Oppa, I've always loved you! Everything I did, was out of love", she now begged. "Really? Does that include sleeping with Himchan?" I asked coldly looking at her in the eyes. She blinked a couple of times looking horrified. "You know that was a mistake! One mistake! I never should have done that!" She said tearing up. "I wish that was all Jieun! After that you changed. You wouldn't leave me alone! And then.. send me to jail", I raised my voice. "Oppa, only because I love you", she said tears falling down now. "If you love me, you leave me the hell alone! I hate to look at your face Jieun", I said and walked away from her. She made me sick. The old Jieun was not there. She was dead. I felt her hugging me from the back. I stopped. "O-oppa please don't, I-I dont know what to do w-whitout you", She cried squeezing me. I felt my eyes tear up. I grabbed a hold of her hands. I squeezed them. "Jieun", I whispered. "P-please Oppa D-dont go", She begged. My heart fell apart. I blinked and a single tear fell on my cheek. "Jieun", I whispered again. She squeezed me even harder. I took her hands of and turned around facing her. "Jieun, I dont know you anymore. I miss the old Jieun", I said grabbing her hands. "I can be her again! I can be anything for you!", She sobbed with a little brighter eyes. "I dont think you can Jieun, I've seen you, she's not there anymore", I said with my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes. "I'll see you at work Jieun", I said and walked away without her stopping me this time. I took a deep breath. My heart was aching. As much as I missed the old Jieun, I knew she was gone for good.

Jieun P.O.V

She left me sobbing there. "O-oppa", I whispered but he didn't hear me. My knees felt weak. I wiped my eyes. "i will make you mine", I whispered. "just watch me". He may have turned me down now but I wont give up. I turned to face the direction I had seen Haejung walk a while ago. It's all her fault. Without her I could get my life back. Without her. I will not let her get away with this. She ruined my life. She took my happiness. I will get Yongguk back. No matter what. I wish I  could go back and not do everything I did. I can't believe he has forgiven Himchan but not me. It's not fair. All those other girls he started to see after I broke up with me. I got rid of them. Can you blame me? I didn't kill them or anything but I got rid of them. I did everything because I love him. That is the only reason. I have nothing without him. The three years without him were terrible. I was lost. But now, I will get him back. No matter what. 

Haejung P.O.V

I arrived home exhausted. I sat down on my bed and took my shoes off. I let out a groan. My feet hurt really bad. I need a good night sleep. Thank god it's sunday tomorrow. I couldn't handle school right now. I laid down and fell asleep in an instant. I woke up the next morning feeling tired. Well, there went the good night sleep. I sat down and realised I was still wearing the clothers from last night. I hadnt even washed up. I sighed and rushed to take a nice warm shower. I sat down weraing my towel. I streched my arms and sighed. I will continue living the way I did..before he came. That's all I want anyways. To live my life without any drama. Just doing the things I like. I smiled when I thought of the job I got last night. I was happy with anything that involves singing. Even if it was with Yongguk. I desided to visit Himchan's bar today to talk about my job with him. I smiled and whispered fighting to myself. I picked up my favourite jeans from the floor. Something fell out from the pocket. The damned picture. Why was I still holding on to it. I picked up the picture and said my goodbyes. I tore the picture apart into little pieces and threw then in the trash. Bye bye problems! I dressed fully and took my jacked and purse. I left home and stepped into the chilly air outside. It was freezing but the sun was shining so I enjoyed myself very much. I desided to stop by the pub to say hi to Jiyong.

I went inside and walked straigh to the counter where Jiyong was. "Hi Jiyong!", I smiled birghtly to him. "Haejung-ah! What are you doing here on your freeday", he asked cleaning a glass with a towel."I desided to come by and se hello!" I said sitting down. "Want some coffee or something?" He asked putting away the clean glass. "Hot chocolate would be nice!" He made me the hot chocolate and we talked and laughed. It was so easy with Jiyong. He always made me smile. I finished the drink and left waving goodbye to Jiyong. I was thanking god that the bar wasn't far away from the pub. I was not happy walking in the cold air. I arrived at the house where the bar was. I went around it and arrived at the entrance. forunately the door was open and I stepped inside. I walked the stairs down. The bar looked different from yesterday. All the lights were on . There was no natural light since the bar was underground. There were no one. Not even Himchan anywhere. I walked and stopped in the middle of the dance floor. I stared at the stage I had sung on yesterday. I smiled. It was so amazing. People cheering at me. I walked closer and stepped on it. I turned around to see the empty dance floor and pictured the people in my head. I looked around and saw a mic. I grabbed the mic and squeezed it in my hand. I looked around to check if I really was alone and started to sing. I sang Taeil's where you at. I had learned it by heart, it was one of my favourite ballads. 

Dorawa ~

I finished the song playing with the last note. Then I heard clapping. I looked around surprised and saw Himchan standing on the dance floor. I hand't noticed him I was so into the song. I bowed embarassed. "You sure can sing! I was right to give you a job here", He said smirking. I smiled and blushed slightly."Thank you". "So what brings you here Haejung-ah", he said collecting the trashed from last night. "I wanted to talk about the job. Like when do I start and stuff", I stepped down from the stage and helped him. "Oh of course, umm, I think you should start as soon as possible", he said stopping and looking at me. "O-okay. When?" I asked. "Dont get ahead of yourself. First, I need to know, uhh.. Are you okay singing with Jieun sometimes?" He askes and looked at me apologetically. I gulped. "Sure, it's my job I'll do what ever riqured", I said professionally. "Oh..Okay," he said surprised. "To be honest I didn't want to ask you to do that but people came yesterday and they actually asked a diet from you two", Himchan said continuing to tidy up the place. "Really? Well we'll just have to do it then! Will Jieun do it though?" I asked and frowned my brows. I wasn't sure if she would be so keen on doing it. "You bet she will, she wont let you shine own your own", Himchan laughed. I didn't. Himchan cleared his throat. "Why don't you come and we'll sing the papers then", He said and signaled me to follow him. I did so and we wrote the contract. I squealed a little. He chucled. "Gald your happy, here is the song I thought you two could sing! Oh and can you learn it byt tonigh?" he handed me a paper. Girls day nothing lasts forever. "I acutally love this song! I already know it!" I said and smiled brightly. "Good! come by 8pm tonight! And wear something..sassy!" Himchan said and with that I left. I had no idea what to expect from tonight but I had a feeling it would be interesting.

A new chappie is up! It's kind of short but you wont believe what happened again -.- I was finishing up the chapter when I acutally CLOSED THE FREAKING TAB! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? IT HAPPENED AGAIN! You have no idea how pissed I was so yeah.. I wrote it again and here it is ! ^^ Enjoy!  Next chappie should be interesting :P A duet with Haejung and Jieun! 


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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!