
...and then he came

AARGH IM SO PISSED! I had almosted finished writing this chap and then BAM my internet went down and bye bye chappie >.< So here I am writing it again.. aigoo.. Anyways the story continues now so enjoy! ~~

Haejung P.O.V

I was laying on my bed, bored to death. I had absolutely nothing to do. Yongguk left two hours ago and since then I have just layed here thinking about everything. I repeated Yongguk dragging Jieun out and our drinking session and this morning in my head over and over again. I didn't know why Yongguk wouldn't go out with me. I had all these ideas in my head but I didn't want to believe them. One thing was sure though. There was something going on between Jieun and Yongguk. They had some sort of past together and I wanted to find out what. What surprised me the most was Jieun's reaction when he saw Yongguk, if Yongguk really stalked her and set her house on fire, shouldn't Jieun be scared to death? But Jieun seemed happy to see Yongguk. That didn't make any sense. But then again Yongguk was in jail. I ruffled my hair out of frustration. It was all so confusing.. I just wanted to know how I fitted the picture. I wasn't sure if they had feelings for each other or what the hell was going on but I was determined to find out. I fell of the bed when my phone started to ring. I was so deep in thoughts it surprised me. I answered the phone. 


"Hello Haejung? It's Jieun"

"Jieun-ssi? Is something wrong?"

"No, everythings okay! I was just wondering since I dont have any friends yet if you wanted to go to a bar with me tonight"

"Bar? with you? Sure, Im free tonight"

"Really? It's not a normal bar it's an underground bar so I promise it will be fun!"

"Ok sounds good, what time?"

"Should we meet at 8pm in front of that pub you work in? The bar isn't far away from there"

"Okay see you then!"

I hang up the phone and stared at it. Hanging out with Jieun tonight huh? That will be interesting. Maybe this is my chance to dig out something from their past. I really dont know why im so obsessed with it but something just seems wrong and I need to find out. Besides im bored to death so going to a bar might be fun. What are you supposed to wear in an underground bar? I suppose nothing fancy. So I just put on my black skinny jeans and a white silky shirt and sneakers. The sneakers tuned my outfit down a little. Perfect. I checked the time. 7pm. I still had time so I finished my make up and hair. I checked myself on the mirror before heading out. 

Jieun was already waiting for me infront of the pub. She waved her hand exited and ran to me. "Tonight is going to be so much fun!" She said hanging on my hand. "Let's go!". "So have you been there before?" I asked when we made our way to the bar. "Yeah I used to hang out there everynight. I know the owner of the bar", she explained. "How do you know the owner?". "We're here!" she said ignoring my last question and we stopped in front of a normal looking white house or a building. I looked at the house in dibelief. Nothing was heard, there were no lights inside. "T-this is it?" I asked. Jieun rolled her eyes. "You're such a first timer", she laughed and dragged me to the other side of the building. There were alot of people in line waiting to get in. "This underground bar, is actually underground", Jieun explained. I was amazed. We went inside and there were a long stairs down stairs. I could hear the music downstairs and I started to get exited. "Let's go and have fun now!" Jieun said and I nodded eagerly.

Once we reached downstairs I was amazed. There were people everywhere some were dancing, some where sitting with their drinks. Jieun popped her head with the music. "Let's go say hi to Himchan oppa!" I looked at her questionally. "The owner!" Jieun said and winked. We made it to the counter and behind it there was a tall dark haired drop dead gorgeous guy. He was making drinks like a professional. "Himchan oppa!" Jieun called him. He lifted his haid and his eyes widened in surprise. He looked..I dont know, like he was not happy to see Jieun. "J-jieun-ah..I didn't know you're back", I said silently. "Well here I am! Missed me?" JIeun jokinly asked. Himchan looked like he didn't know what to say. "S-sure", he said and continued giving the drinks. I looked at Jieun. She looked kind of down. "Should we order something?" I asked her trying to make her feel better. She smiled at me. "Yeah! Himchannie can we get two cosmos please?" Jieun asked Himchan and he nodded. I looked at him make the drinks and I was amazed. He was good. "My name is Choi Haejung by the way", I yelled over the loud music to Himchan. "Kim Himchan, nice to meet you", he said and flashed a smile. "Your cosmos, now enjoy the show", he said winking and left somewhere. "What show?" I asked Jieun. Jieun just smirked. "You're gonna love this", she said and the music stopped. I heard Himchan talk to a mic and we turned to watch him on a little stage beside the dance floor. "May I have you attension", he spoke. "You know what time it is don't you", the growd cheered and so did Jieun. "Today..we have a special performance from our favourite duo.... BANG. AND. ZELOOOO", now the growd went nuts when a young tall guy and...Yongguk stepped on stage. Jieun smirked at me. "Let's go closer!" when we walked closer to the stage a music started to play. It was a funky tune and everyone started bouncing to the beat. Then the younger one started to rap. MY jaw dropped, he was crazy good. I think Zelo was his name. He was super good! I looked at Jieun exited and she smiled. I started to clap to the beat. Then it was yongguk's turn. My eyes widened. His deep voice was perfect for rapping. it sounded really really good. He seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I was having the time of my life. Their performance was super good and there was even a break dancer. 

Clap your hands everybody, everybody clap you hands

Everyone clapped their hands, and I did too. This was so much fun. The song ended and me and Jieun clapped our hands and screamed. I felt fangirly. The younger guy was super cute too. They stood at the stage enjoying the growd cheeres. Then our eyes met. Yongguk seemed surprised to see me there. His eyes widened. I blushed a little but showed a thumbs up for him. Then he broke in to a smile. "Did you like it?" Jieun broke our little moment. "That's was super fun I've never been involved with something like this before", I admitted with a huge smile on my face. Jieun laughed. "Let's go grab another drink", Jieun suggested. I nodded. I sat down on a bar stool in front of the counter. "Im gonna visit the bathroom quickly", Jieun said and left. "Did you like the show?" I heard Himchan ask me. I nodded smiling. "Want something to drink?". "Uhh, yeah another cosmo", he nodded and made me the drink. I took a zip. "So Choi Haejung, what do you do", Himchan asked leaning on the counter. "I major in singing and I work at a pub", I said and took another zip. "Singing eh? See that guy there? He also majors in singing", Himchan pointed a guy that I had seen in my classes before. "Oh I have seen him before". "Daehyun it's the name", Himchan said and I nodded. "So.. Can you sing well?" Himchan suddenly asked and I almost choke to my drink. "W-what?" I asked and wiped my lips. "Can you sing? We are looking for a female singer to do duets with our rappers. Sometimes solos too", he explained. "Well, uhh, yeah I guess I can sing pretty well", I answered and blushed a little. He smirked. "What are you smirking", I asked worried. He left the counter and came to me. "We'll see about that", he said still smirking and started to drag me somewhere. He dragged me to the stage. The music stopped again and Himchan grabbed a mic. "Tonigh we have a special number for all off you!" The growd cheered. "Here we have a nominee for a new female singer to our bar", Himchan explained and the growd  let out "oooo"s. "What song will you sing?". "What?" "Just pick song!". "Uhh..evening sky". "This is Choi Haejung and she will sing us the pretty ballad: evening sky", someone brought me a chair and Himchan handed the mic to me. "Good luck", he said and winked. I sat down to the chair. I was super nervous but when the music started I immidietly got in the mood. 

Haji motan maldeuri ibe nama 

Da juji motan sarangi mame nama

Eojjeomyeon neoneun neoneun neoneun still in me

I finished the song and didn't even realize I had stood up in the middle. I got really into the song, I didn't even realise there were other people there. Suddenly I heard a deafening cheering. The grown clapped and cheered for me really loudly. I bowed slightly and said my thanks. Himchan appeared again. he looked a little surprised. "So what do you say, do we have a new female artist for our bar?" The growd cheered again. "I'll take that as a yes, congratulations Choi Haejung" I tried to take everything in. What did he mean a new female artist? I Thanked anyways and bowed. "Wait a second", I heard a familliar voice from beside me. Jieun. "I want to try too", she said and grabbed the mic from himchan. "It's my turn", she said narrowing her eyes at me. "Uhh..okay..Looks like you have competition Haejung", Himchan nervously said and gave me and apologetic look. I didn't know what the hell was going on but I found myself in the middle of competition. With Jieun. "Looks like Jieun want's her spot back.. Let's give her a chance shall we?" Himchan signaled me to leave the stage with him and I did. I spotted Yongguk in the growd looking worried. "What the hell is this? What old spot back? what's going on?" I asked himchan. "You all know this song. It's my song it's cold" Jieun spoke before Himchan could answer. a song started. It was a ballad. Then Jieun started to sing. Her voice was perfect. Really beautiful. My jaw dropped. I just stared at Jieun singing. 

Appeumman julkka bwa nunmul julkka bwa


She finished the song and earned her cheers. She looked very pleased and looked at me. Her look was, challenging. Himchan dragged me back to the stage. "Okay people, it's your desicion. Wich one of you liked Haejung more?" Himchan said lifting my hand up in the air. I heard alot of cheers. It sounded like most of the people cheered. "okay okay I get it. And Jieun?" He asked lifting her hand up. She got alot of cheers too. I couldn't tell which one got the most. "Hmm, why dont we just take both then?" Now the whole growd cheered. "That's it then! Haejung, Jieun congratulations!" Jieun did not look happy at all. She wanted to win. She shot me a dirtly look. I was confused. What the hell just happened. We walked out of the stage. "Jieun! congratulations", I shyly said and smiled. "Dont congratulate me! I was in the bathroom for a couple of minutes and you're trying to steal my spot? Forget it haejung, from now on it's war!" She said and stormed past me bumbing into my shouldier. I just stood there in disbelief. From now on it's war? "Haejung-ah, let's go", HImchan said and grabbed my hand. He dragged me all the way into a back room of some kind.

"Sit down please", he said and I did as he told. "What the hell just happened out there?" I snapped at Himchan. "Just listen to me ok. Back in the days when.. Well Yongguk and Jieun were together, they used to do duets all the time, that's how they first met actually", Himchan started to explain. "What? Himchan I have no idea what's going on or what are you talking about!" I said desperetly. Himchan sighed. "It's really a complicated and kind of a sad story to be honest.. All Jieun ever did was.. Love Yongguk too much", Himchan said with a tired voice. "What? Himchan I dont understand!" I said and stood up. "Just sit down and I will explain ok", I sat back down. "I had just opened the the bar and I needed people so I needed something to lure people in. That's when I found Yongguk. He had mad rapping skills. So I asked him to do couple of geeks a week. Turned out people loved him and my bar got pretty popular. Then Jieun came. She asked for a job and I asked what can she do and she said she can sing. So Yongguk and Jieun started to do duets. In the middle of all they fell in love. And that's what she ment with her spot. She's really sensitive about that", Himchan explained. I tried to take it all in. "Then what happened between them? Why was Yongguk in jail?" I asked quietly. Before Himchan could answer the yong guy named Zelo came in. "Hyung tonight was crazy!" he said exited then he noticed me. "Oh, hey how are you im Zelo", he smiled and gave his hand to shake hands with me. "Choi Haejung", I shook hands with him. "You have a pretty voice, I think even prettier than Jieun noonas", he said sitting down beside me. I smiled shyly. "Thanks". "Well, I need to close this bar up for tonight", Himchan said getting up. "But wait you didn't answer my question!" I said standing up too. "Sorry Haejung-ah, some other day", he said leaving the room. I sighed and sat back down. "So I guess you'll have pretty intense competition with Jieun noona, she must be furious", Zelo said. "Yeah.. Zelo-ah im heading home now im tired. It was nice to meet you", I said standing up and flashing a smile. "Okay noona have a safe trip home" He said smiling and took his phone out of his pocket. I walked pass the now empty dance floor and walked up the stairs. I headed home alone. It was really chilly and I was exhausted. "Haejung wait!" I heard a deep voice call me. I turned around. Yongguk. 

woah we got some drama in our hands here! Okay so the songs were: Bang and Zelo never give up, Ailee evening sky and Song Ji Eun it's cold! Thanks for subscribing and commenting ^^ 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!