
...and then he came




I was preparing for the night at my house. I was going through the lyrics of the song and thinking about what to wear. Wear something sassy Himchan said. Sassy? I dont have anything sassy. Sassy..Like leather pants or something? Then it hit me I had that leather jacket I once bought but never used. I desided to wear it and a white lace skirt. It was cute and sassy. It started to get closer to 8pm so I left to the bar. It wasn't open yet but I walked inside. There where more people now, workers ,waitresses. I looked around for Himchan. I noticed him in the stage talking to someone. "Himchan!" I called him and smiled. "Ah, Haejung-ah! You look good!" he said stepping off the stage. "Thanks", I said and blushed. "Once Jieun comes we'll start rehersal", Himchan said and tapped my shouldier. Ugh, Jieun. I had no idea what to expect. I stood there watching people looking busy doing stuff. "So, it's officially on tonight", I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw cocky looking Jieun stand there. "I guess it is", I crossed my arms. "You think you're so good", she snorted. "I don't think im better than you", I truthfully said. Jieun narrowed her eyes. "We'll see who's better tonight", she said and walked pass me bumbing our shouldiers. I took a deep breath. Calm down Haejung you're better than that. "Ok Jieun and Haejung come to the stage and we'll go through the song together", Himchan signaled us. "Okay so, Haejung these are your parts", Himchan said underlining my parts. I was squeeling secretly. I got all the parts I wanted. Jieun snorted. "Something wrong Jieun?" HImchan asked. "Just wondering why she got all the good parts", Jieun said rolling her eyes. "Uhh, I didn't know they were the good parts..I can change..If you want to", Himchan said rubbing his neck. He was uncomfortable I could see. "Dont bother Himchan let's just be professional about this", I said glaring at Jieun. She narrowed her eyes. ”Tsk, what ever”, she snorted and took her paper from Himchans hands. ”Okaay.. Well if you are ok with this let's practise!” Himchan nodded at the DJ and the song started to play. We sang our parts and my favourite part was coming. The long high note that I killed everytime.


Coz nothing laaaaasts ~~

I started but I notcied Jieun singing that note too so we sang it together. The song ended and I gave Jieun a dirty look, I tried to be mature but I was annoyed. She stole my spotlight. I was usually shy and humble but when it comes to singing I love to shine. Only time when I feel confident is when im singing. Himchan clapped happily. ”That was sick! And the long high note: KILLED IT! Good call Jieun singing it with Haejung it sounded off the hook! If you sing like that later everyones going to be amazed”, Himchan said being very pleased. He then left because some worker called him. Jieun left the stage looking very pleased. I sighed. It's okay Haejung. As long as it sounds good.

I was at the backroom opening my voice and looking at the lyrics for one last time. Himchan was bartending because it was 9 and people had started to roam in. I was alone, Jieun was..somewhere. The door opened and I lifted my head. I saw Yongguk smiling awkwardly at me. I smiled back. ”I heard you and Jieun are singing tonight”, he said closing the door. ”Yeah, people are gonna love it”, I said downing my head. It was kind of hard to look at him. He looked amazingly good tonight. He sat down going through some papers and at times tapping the table with his fingers. I kept stealing peeks at him. He was nodding his head as if he listened to music. I started to get curious. ”What are you doing?” I asked without thinking. He ripped his eyes from the papers and looked at me somewhat surprised. I blushed at his reaction. ”Uhh, it's just something I've been making.. A song”, he said. ”Really? You make songs?” I asked curious now. ”Yeah, I sometimes write down stuff”, he humbly said. ”That's awesome”, I said exited and actually left my seat and went to sit beside him. He looked at me with wide eyes. He was clearly in shock. Truthfully so was I. Everything I said last night vanished in the air when I saw him tonight. I couldn't stay away from him. ”Can I look?” I asked looking at him in the eyes. He didn't answer but slowly gave the papers to me. I eyed the lyrics.


Sarangi ania, igon sarangi ania


Were the first lyrics. I looked at Yongguk. He sifted at his seat.


Neoul jibchagil ppuniya

Eodi itdeunji nega mueol hadeunji

Museowo nareul baraboneun neo


That was all for now. My heart twisted as I read the lyrics. Something about them.. I looked at Yongguk again. He took the papers from me and cleared his throat. ”Yeah it..it will be a duet, when it's ready”, he quietly said looking at the papers. ”It..it sounds really good”, I almost whispered. I kept thinking about the lyrics in my head. Sarangi aniya? I had a feeling he knew where those feelings were coming from. ”I think you have a talent”, I said smiling at him. He smiled back. His smile made my heart pound in my chest. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt my cheeks redden. Gosh Haejung what is this reaction? We didn't brake the eye contact. We just felt the electrisity between us. ”Haejung-ah!” Himchan barged into the room braking our moment. I quickly stood up. A little too quickly, the papers fell all over the floor. ”Uhh, you're up next”, Himchan said looking at me then Yongguk. ”Uhh yeah okay I'll be right there”, I stuttered feeling my cheeks burn. Himchan left. I sighed deeply and turned to look at Yongguk. ”S-sorry let me pick them up”, I said embarassed and kneeled down. He started to pick up the papers too and we tried to pick up the same paper. Our hands briefly touched (clishe much?) and we looked at each other. I felt my cheeks burn even more if possible. I felt electrisity run trough my body. ”Uhh, here. I- I need to go now”, I mumbled handing him the papers I picked up and turned to leave. ”Haejung-ah”, he said and I halted. ”Good luck”, he then said and made me turn around on my heels. ”Thanks”, I said and smiled at him. Then I left.




Haejung left to perform and I was left there sitting, alone. What was that? Thinhs were a bit awkward between us after yesterday. Yesterday she basically said she want's nothing to do with me until me and Jieun are cleared and now, it was quite the opposite.It's not that I mind though. Being close to her feels amazing.Her hand felt so soft. I wanted to just grab it.I smiled by myself and looked at my hand.

I wanted to see her perform so I left the backroom and went to the growd. Everyone was now infront of the stage where Jieun and Haejung stood. They looked great. DJ played the song and they started to sing. I looked at Haejung. She looked like she was having the time of her life. She hit all the notes and she looked amazing. So did Jieun. They sounded really good together, it was like they were idols. The growd was having an amazing time too. I smiled as I watched her sing. She always looks so confident singing. They finished the song and the growd flipped. They went nuts they were cheering and clapping and whistling. Both Jieun and Haejung looked so pleased. They even changed smiling looks. They bowed and left the stage. I started to make my way through the growd to Haejung. I saw her standing with Himchan. ”Ah Yongguk, they were crazy right? The growd went nuts!” Himchan said when I got closer. I nodded my head looking at Haejung. I saw her cheeks turn pink. I chuckled. ”So Himchan, what's next?” Jieun walked to us too her hands crossed at her chest. She smiled sweetly at me. ”Yeah, next weekend Im thinking one of you singing with Yongguk”, Himchan looked and Haejung and Jieun. Jieun looked like she was about to burst out of happiness. ”I will! I will sing with Yongguk oppa”, she said hugging my hand. I saw Haejung looking at Jieun do that just briefly. I quickly pulled my hand off hers. Jieun gave me a pouting look. ”I want to do it with Haejung” I said looking at Haejung. She looked surprised but then her expression changed in to a sad one. ”No it's okay do it with Jieun, I dont have time to practise this week anyways ,I have work and stuff”, she said looking at Himchan. ”Are you sure?” Himchan asked and Haejung nodded trying to look brave. ”Okay then Yongguk and Jieun come by tomorrow and we'll start planning on your duet! I need to go now”, Himchan said and left. Me Haejung and Jieun were left there. ”Well..I need to go too I have school tomorrow”, Haejung mumbled and left without looking at me. Damn Jieun.. ”Oppa! It's going to be like the old days”, Haejung said grabbing my hand again. I pulled it off. ”Jieun stop”, I said and walked away. I couldn't stand her right now. She almost seemed like the old Jieun but I knew that was just an act. I needed to leave before I fell into her trap.



Again he denied me. Im not stupid I know why. It's because of Haejung. She always comes between us. She always ruins everything. I will make her pay.

I left the club and I knew exactly where I was going. She wont get away this time, I have to warn her. She must not even look at Yongguk without my permission. I walked out of the club into the chilly air and looked around if I could still see Haejung. Fortunately I did. She was talking to Zelo. She laughed and said her goodbyes to him. I followed her all the way to her house. ”Ya, Haejung”, I called before she walked in. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw me.

Whoop whoop another (short) chappy is up! 8) Things are getting more interesting now ! 8) I will try an make more romantic scenes in the future ^^You guys regognize the song Yonggukkie is making? :P Oh and the song Jieun and Haejung sang is girls day nothing lasts forever.. Please comment your opinions and sub sub sub! ~~ Byeeh

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!