
...and then he came

Haejung P.O.V

My head was pounding when I woke up from the couch. I looked around and grabbed my head. I drink alot nowadays. I tried to get up but I felt like I had been hit by a truck. "Look who's up", Himchan said grinning when he came into the room. "Dont talk so loudly", I whispered and glared at him. "Tsk, get up now you lazy girl and get to work", he snorted and threw me a towel. "Are you kidding me? You must be", I said holding the towel. "Nope, get to work", he said leaving the back room. I groaned and messed up my hair. Then the door opened again and Yongguk stepped inside. I shifted my eyes off him. I was embarassed and not so happy to see him. "Oh, you're still here", he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I was just getting into work", I said calmy without looking at him. "Look, about last night-", "Dont bother", I said and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my hand. I looked at him surprised. He let go quickly. "I just wanted to say that...that..", he looked really nervous. What the heck is going on. "Yes?" He sighed deeply. "Nevermind", he muttered and turned away. I stayed there for a brief moment. I wanted to know what's going on but I gave up and left. I was such a bad worker all day. I was really tired and slow. "Yah, haejungie why dont you just go home already?" Himchan said after looking at me work for a while. "Really? Could I?" I said pouting. Himchan rolled his eyes. "Please I get things done faster by myself". "Thank youu", I said cutely and took off my aprin and left.

I was exhausted. I will never ever drink again I swear. I wouldn't have to anyways because the reason for me drinking has been Yongguk lately. I couldn't stop thinking about the morning. What did he have to say? Why am I still thinking about him? He clearly made his choise but it was hard to stop thinking about him. I reached the park near my house and sat down on a bench. I took my phone out. No I will NOT call him. I however looked for his number from my contacts and just stared at it. I hated the fact that I wanted to hear Youngguks voice. I wanted him to touch me again. I wanted him to hold me. I shook my head still staring at his number. I bit my lip and pressed the number. I placed the phone to my ear. He's not going to pick up he's bu- "Hello?" he answered. Say something Haejung. Anything. JUST SAY SOMETHING. "U-um..I-it's me", I stuttered and facepalmed myself. "H-haejung?" he sounded surprised. "Y-yeah, I um.. I actually dont know why I called you", I said quietly. He was quiet for a moment. "Good to hear your voice", he then said. My eyed widened. I expected him to scold me or something. But then a smile creeped on to my lips. "yours too", I answered. I sat on the bench with the phone on my ear. We were both quiet. Suddenly something white started to fall from the sky. "Yongguk it's snowing!" I said standing up exitedly. "Really?" He said sounding amused. "It is it actually is!" I said laughing. He laughed too. "I wish I was there with you", he suddenly whispered. The smile on my face disappeared. "yongguk.. I dont get you", I said as more and more snow started to fall. "I know.. I dont get myself either.. Or I do but.. ", he clearly had no idea what to say. I sighed. "I dont get you", I said again. He sighed. "It's..for your own good", he then said. "Yongguk I can take care of myself just please..tell me", I said and sat down on the cold bench again. He kept quiet. "Please we can get through it together", I said and my eyes started to burn. "Please", I whispered. "Where are you?" he said suddenly. I blinked a couple of times. "At the park, but why-" he then hang up on me. I started at the phone in awe. He hang up on me? I was confused again about everything. For my own good? What did he mean? I groaned and messed up my hair. 

I was confused, should I leave or stay? I ended up sitting on the bench again and watched the snow fall slowly from the sky. I took a deep breath. It was quiet and no one was around. I felt calm and...lonely. Tears burned their way into my eyes. I closed my eyes. Soon I heard foot steps near me. I fluttered my eyes open and looked at the direction. A flash of different emotions went through me. There he stood. Yongguk. With a small smile on his face. My heart started to beat faster than ever. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes. My heart beating fastly and tears trying to fall. I wanted to run to him and hug him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. BEfore I could he took a couple of steps and sat on the bench beside me. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I thought I was dreaming. "are you gonna close that mouth of yours", he asked amused. Then I realised my mouth was actually hanging open and I quickly closed it and smiled nervously. He chukled and looked at the sky. The snow was still falling slowly. "I tried..I really tried", he then said. I looked at him confused. He didn't turn to look at me. "I tried to stay away from you", he now turned to look at me. "You chose..Jieun", I almost whispered. "I didn't choose her. She made me. I only did it to protect you", he said and grabbed my hand. I looked as confused as ever. "I know what she's cabable of. And she said she'd hurt you if I wasn't with her", he said looking in my eyes and rubbing my hand with his thumb. 



I only saw genuine feelings in her eyes. She made me confused with moments like these. ”Yongguk”, she whipered when more tears started to flow down her cheeks. I lifted my hand and wiped them away. ”Dont you understand, why can you understand”, she whipered holding my cheeks. I wiped away her tears when they fell. ”I cant live without you, I will never stop loving you, please just forgive me, and let's start over, like the good old days”, she said with a derperate smile on her face. She kneeled infront of me. ”Please Yongguk..please”, she pleaded and I kept wiping her tears away. It hurt to see her cry. ”I will sing this song with you I will do anything just please, please give me a chance”, I hated to see her beg. I didn't expect for her to beg. I didn't know what to say. I was confused. I thought I saw the old Jieun again and all the feelings she showed, I hadn't seen them in a long time. They were true, they came from her heart and that made me think. What if we started over. Could it be like the old days? Did I have the courage to try? I just looked into her eyes. No lies in there just truth. I grabbed her hands. I couldn't say anything. The only thing holding me back was Haejung. How could I hurt heart after all I did? After all I said? I really care about her. I couldn't hurt her. But right now it felt like I couldn't hurt Jieun either. My phone vibrated.

Haejung texted me to meet at the park. I smiled. I realised something. I love Haejung. Not Jieun or anyone else I love Haejung. Those feelings I had for Jieun..are gone. I just wasn't able to let go of the past. But now I realised it. I want to be with Haejung for the rest of my life. "Jieun..I cant be with you. It will never be the same. You and I are the past, and it's time to let go", I said to her and turned to walk away. She grabbed my shirt. She didn't look innocent anymore. There was hate in her eyes. "If you walk away from me now. I swear to god you and Haejung will never see a happy future, I will ruin her", she said with poison dripping from her words. I stared at her. I couldn't believe her. "Jieun-". "SHUT UP", she snapped. "You will be with me or I swear to god-" I could see she was losing it. "You know what im cabable of. Do you want me to ruin her life or not Yongguk", she said with cold eyes. "Be with me or she suffers", she said. I knew I had no choise but to do as she says. I dont know what she'll do but I dont want to find out. 


"I understand if you're scared and you dont want to be with me", he said and looked away from me. "Im not afraid of her", I said calmly and confidently. He looked at me surprised. "Im tired of letting her control my life. It's MY life and I will deside how it goes", I said frustrated. "I too tried living without you", I said quietly and blushed. "That's not a life I want to live", I said and blushed even more. I felt him squeeze my hand harder. He grabbed my chin with his other hand and turned my head to look at him. He smiled and then pressed his lips against mine. My heart almost exploded. How I had waited for this feeling. His lips felt so good on mine. I felt like floating. I felt like we never were apart. It felt RIGHT.


YAYYYYYY THEY LUV EACH OTHER! I have been such a bad author im am so so so sorry but I've been so busy T.T I will update more often now ! ~~~ I wonder how Jieun will feel about this ;)



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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!