
...and then he came



My heart was twisting around when I made my way to the bar. I was happier than propably ever but I was also very nervous. Me and Yongguk desided to ignore Jieun from now on and be together. That happened last night so no one knows it yet. That's why I was nervous. I was nervous of how everyone would take it..especially Jieun. I walked down the very familiar stairs down to the bar. Zelo ran to me first. "Noona, you're here", he said cutely. I smiled at him nervously. "Y-yeah", I looked around and saw Himchan behind the counter. He smiled and waved at me. I waved back.

Then I saw Jieun sitting on the stage going through lyrics..with Daehyun.  She completely ignored me.Daehyun gave me a smile. I took a deep breath and ignored the strange feeling in my stomach. I walked to Himchan and sast down on the stool. "So I was thinking that it's been a while since you last sand so do you wanna sing? A solo or a duet or something?"  Himchan started to talk to me casually but I just looked around nervous looking for Yongguk. "Are you even listening to me?" Himchan asked and threw a rag at me. "S-sorry what was that?" I said and gave him an apologetic smile. "What's up with you? You look like you're waiting to murdered or something", Himchan said giving me a weird look. I laughed nervously. "That might be true", I muttered.

"Huyng!" I heard Jongup shout happily. I turned around and saw Yongguk high five him. A smile curved to my face. But it disappeared as fast as it came. Jieun got up and ran to hig him. I saw Yongguk glance at me before he pushed her away. I gave him a small nodd. "Jieun I need to talk to you", Yongguk said and he and Jieun walked away. I took a deep breath. "What's going on here", Himchan said and I almost fell from the chair because I didn't notice him standing next to me. "Something is definitely going on", he said and gave me a weird look again. "Well...Me and Yongguk.. kind of.. I mean.. We might be like..together now", I stuttered and fought back a smile. Himchan's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me? THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME!" He said and gave me a hug. I blushed a little. "What's awesome hyung?" Zelo came to us. "Yongguk and Haejung are together!" Himchan said happily. "Really? YAY!" Zelo said and hugged me too. Jongup just smiled, he's a bit shy. Daehyun looked puzzled. He also looked a bit...disappointted? I might be just imagining stuff.

Then I saw Jieun come towards me. Her eyes looked ice cold, Yongguk followed right after her looking worried. "Why did you have to come?" she hissed at me. "You....you ruined everything WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME", she dashed towards me but Yongguk grabbed her. "Jieun stop..It's over now", Himchan said stepping infront of me. "It's not over. It will NEVER be over", she said and pushed Yongguk away. "I warned you Yongguk... I warned you", she said before walking away.

"You okay?" Yongguk asked me worriedly. "I-im fine", I said and took a deep breath. I smiled. It's over now. I looked at Yongguk and he smiled back at me. Then I jumped up and hugged him tight. I heard Yongguk chuckle. He hugged me tight too. I felt so happy. "Ok, ok we get it, but seriously stop we have a minor here", Himchan said playfully. We let go of each other and laughed. "And now get your to work", he said and gave me a rag. I groaned and Yongguk just laughed. 

I had so much fun working and being silly with the guys. Even Jongup started to open up to me. One thing bothered me though. Daehyun didn't join us. He was alone and looked like lost in his thoughts. I was worried about him. But before I knew it, it was opening time and people started to walk in. I was busy waitressing tables. Time went by quickly and it was closing time. 

Yongguk and I were walking home and it was snowing again. Yongguk wrapped his arm around me. "Do you think it's really over now?" I asked Yongguk. I felt Yongguk squeeze me. "I think so I.....hope so", Yongguk said and I sensed worry in his voice. I couldn't help but to worry myself. Yongguk must have sensed my mood. "But dont worry, I'll protect you! She cant even lay a finger on you", Yongguk said and pushed a straw of hair behind my ear. I smiled to him widely.

We reached my house and we stopped in front of the door. "Soo... I'll see you tomorrow then?" I said my heart thumping in my chest and opened the door. Yongguk chuckled. "Dont be silly", he said and grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "As if I could be away from you for a whole night", he said and pulled me into a tight hug. I was quite shocked but it's not like it was the first time he spent the night. He pulled away from the hug and looked me into the eyes. He pressed his lips against mine and I swear my knees almost gave up. Everytime we kiss it feels like the first kiss. There's just electricity all over. We fell to my bed me on top of him.  He pulled out of the kiss and grabbed my cheeks with his both hands. "You're so beautiful", he whispered. I felt my cheeks burn. Then he placed my head to his chest. "Im tired, let's sleep". I could help but to smile widely. This dork.....MY dork.




Ok this was the shortest chapter EVER and Im so sorry but Im thinking of making this a 20 chapters long fic. I have the story planned in my head and it's coming to an end 8( anyways there's one more big event coming ! stay tuned ;) 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!