
...and then he came





”SONG JI EUN!” I shouted and she halted. She turned around slowly with a smug smile on her face. ”Ah Haejungie what's going on?” she asked ”innocently” and threw rest of the papers in the air. I saw red. I felt like running there and snapping her neck. I squeezed my fists together tighter. ”You think is funny?” I asked between my teeth. She shrugged. ”I dont think it's funny at all. Dont blame me you're the one who made out with a professor”, she said crossing her hands. I was about to run to her and slapp the hell out of her but Daehyun grabbed my wrist. I felt warm tears make their way down my cheeks. ”She's not worth it”, Daehyun whispered. I didn't remove my eyes from Jieun. People had gathered around us. ”What on earth is going on in here?” The principle said making his way through the growd. ”Choi Haejug and Song Jieun, what is going on?” He firmly asked. I relaxed and wiped my tears. ”Nothing I was just leaving”, I bowed at the principle and left. I walked pass Jieun and the smile on her face never left. ”Don't let the door hit you”, she whispered when I walked pass her. I almost slapped her but then I though I was better than that. I walked out of the school area and stopped at the gate. I turned around and looked at the school building. I squeezed my fists again and my eyes turned watery. ”Haejung-ah, are you ok?” Daehyun walked to me. I took a deep breath and turned to face Daehyun. I flashed him a smile. ”Thank you Daehyun”, I said. He smiled too. ”It's okay, you're my friend”, he said and shrugged. I chuckled. ”You should go back now” I said and sighed. ”Dont worry I'll take care of the pictures”, he said and winked. I chuckled. ”Are you not interested about those pictures”, I asked quietly. ”No, im sure you have a good explanation, you're not that kind of girl”, he said and tapped my head. ”Thank you”, I whispered and then left.

I walked slowly down the street thinking about what happened. Jieun took it too far. I might have underestimated her. I sighed and turned to look at the sky. What am I supposed to do now? I cant go to school, I dont work at the pub anymore..What next? I stopped walking. I had no idea where to go. Then I realised I was standing infront of Himchans bar. I hesitated but eventually walked in. I walked down the familliar stairs and looked around. The place looked empy. The door was open so someone has to be here. I sat down on the edge of the stage I performed then. This place was all I had left. I felt my eyes water again. ”Haejung?” I heard a voice and looked at the direction it came from. I saw Yongguk, who spoke, Himchan, Zelo and Jongup standing there looking surprised to see me. ”H-hello, I didn't mean to come here like this without asking I just-I” before I finished Himchan cut me. ”It's okay Haejung-ah Daehyun already told us what happened”. My eyes widened. ”R-really?” ”Yeah he said Jieun spred some nasty pictures of our noona”, Zelo said and sat beside me. I glanced at Yongguk when Zelo said nasty pictures but his face was unreadable. ”Yeah, what nasty pictures?” Himchan said sitting down on my other side. I didn't know what to answer but before I could Yongguk grabbed my wrist and dragged me all the way up the stairs.

”Ahh Yongguk that hurts”, I said pulling my hand free when we reached the top of the stairs. Yongguk just glared at me looking pissed off. ”I really thought you were different”, Yongguk said coldly. It felt like he hit me in the face. ”W-what?” I asked in shock. ”Never knew you would be the kind to play with two people at the same time”, he continued narrowing his eyes and taking a couple of steps at me. I backed away couple of steps. ”W-what arw you talking about”, I whispered. ”Jieun already sent me a picture of you making out with that guy, whoever he is”, yongguk explained and looked at me in disgust. ”Yongguk, it's not how it is please just listen to me”, I begged and tears fell down again. I hurt to hear Yongguk talk like that. It was like pouring cold water on me and I didn't want him to think like that of me, it isn't true. ”You know what I dont even care Im not going to waste my time to you, you're just like Jieun”, he said turning around and walking away. My knees felt weak and I fell to the ground. I soobed there on my knees. My whole life was falling apart. I didn't care if my classmated thought im some nasty but Yongguk? It hurt that he tought that way. I really care about him. I hoped he would stick beside me. That's why I went to the bar anyways, to see him. I thought seeing him would make me feel better. He said that he would protect me, but instead he didn't believe me.

”Haejung!” I heard Himchan behind me and he kneeled infront of me. He sighed. ”Tell us what happened Haejung”, he said and helped me stand up. We walked back downstairs and he sat me down on the stage again. I sobbed and wiped my tears. ”Just tell us what happened”, he said again patting my back. I wiped my tears. ”Y-yesterday I got a text from Jieun, that she was at a park and she needed help. I thought she was really in trouble so I went to help him but instead I found a drunken professor from our school and he..and he”, I chocked on my words and broke down again. Himchan and the others changed conserned looks. ”Then what happened”, Himchan softly said and patted my back. ”Well, the professor came on to me and Jieun must have taken pictures of him and me.. I got away when I hit him with a rock”, I sobbed and wiped my eyes. Finally I showed the text message Jieun send me and Himchan sighed. He wrapped and arm around me. ”So what did Yongguk say”, he asked softly. I fell apart again. ”Shh, it's okay Haejung”, Himchan said my hair and the others gave me conserned looks. ”H-he said that J-ieun already send him a picture of me and some dude making out a-and he said im just like Jieun and he didn't let me explain and he just left”, I sobbed. Himchan sighed again. ”Aish, that guy”, he hissed between his teeth. ”Haejung-ah ” Himchan said softly my hair. I looked at him and he wiped the tears from my cheeks. ”Yongguk..he didn't mean what he said, he's just sensitive about things like these after Jieun... ”, Himchan didn't finish. ”He just doesn't want to get hurt anymore, he might have lost his faith a bit”, he continued my hair. I nodded. ”Noona, we'll talk to him!” Zelo said and grabbed my hand and Jongup nodded eagerly. ”Thanks guys”, I whispered. ”So let me get this staight”, Himchan started. ”you dont have the other job anymore AND you can't go to school?” I nodded sadly. ”Then, we'll find something for you to do here!” Himchan said with a bright smile. I looked at him with wide eyes. He chuckled and tapped my head. ”You cant just spend you day alone at your house, you need job”, he explained. A smile started to form on my lips. ”Maybe you could...Be a waitress?” He suggested and I nodded eagerly. ”Im sure especially our male customers would be glad if we had a pretty waitress like you”, Himchan said and winked. ”Yay, we'll see noona everyday from now on”, Zelo said and hugged me. Little surprised I chuckled. ”That's more like it you should always smile noona you're more prettier like that!”Jongup said and blushed a little. I chuckled again. I was really starting to like these boys, they really made me feel better. ”Thanks guys I feel alot better now”, I shyly said. ”Glad to help you Haejung-ah”, Himchan said and wrapped his arm around my shouldier. We chatted a little but longer but I couldn't help but to glance at the clock every other minute. About an hour had passed after he left. Where did he go? ”What are you thinking?” Himchan asked. ”Ah im just a bit tired I think I should go to rest now”, I said standing up. ”Okay, don't worry we will talk to Yongguk”, he said and tapped my head for one last time. I waved goodbyes to the boys and left.

I was smiling when I walked home. Things didn't seem so bad anymore. I now had a job and good friends. Of course waitering wasn't what I want to do for the rest of my life but for now it's perfect. I went to my house and crashed on to the bed. I fell asleep in and instant. I was in a deep dreamless sleep when a knock on the door woke me up. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed my eyes. I checked the time and it was 2am. I groaned annoyiedly. Who the heck was at my door at this hour. I dragged myself to the door and opened it. I saw Yongguk stand there looking at me. With a face I couldn't read. I wasn't angry, it was somewhere between soft and pained. ”Y-yongguk what are you doing here?” I asked as I studied his face. He was swaying a little, was he drunk? ”Haejung-ah”, he softly said taking a step closer to me and touching my cheek. ”Are you drunk?” I said slapping his hand away. His face dropped. ”Haejung-ah”, he now whispered looking like a person who is dying. ”What are you doing here?” I asked crossing my hands. I was annoyed. I was always annoyed when someone woke me up. ”Im sorry”, he said and barried his face to his hands, I had to support him because he almost fell. I was holding him from his shouldiers. He lifted his hands and cupped my face. ”Im such an ”, he whispered looking into my eyes. I felt shivers go down my spine. His voice sounded so calming, his eyes that pierced through me and his hands on my cheeks.

I wasn't annoyied anymore. I didn't feel anything but the butterflies in my stomach. I forgot about everything that happened. Everything he said to me earlier. All of it. There was only him left. His voice, his eyes, his lips, his hands, his hair, his skin. ”Im so sorry”, he whispered still holding my eyes in his. He removed a string of hair from my face and tugged it behind my ear. ”I am so so sorry”, he whispered and pulled me a bit closer. I forgot how to speak. ”I am so.. very..sorry”, he moved closer slowly until he finally pressed his lips against mine. He was still holding my cheeks, until he slowly moved them to my hair and my neck. I moved my hands to his chest and squeezed his shirt. I answered to his kiss. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer. My hands were still on his chest. He pulled off from the kiss and pulled me into a tight hug. He my hair and laid his chin to my head. I dont know how long we stood there like that. Him hugging me and my hair. I was happy to be there on his arms. They felt perfect. It felt like that was where I belonged. It was cold and I started to shiver a bit. He noticed it and hugged me even tighter. I was freezing and I didn't care. I didn't want to move. Ever. But then he pulled off. I looked at him with desperate eyes. He chuckled. ”Let's just move inside”, he whispered and piched my cheek. I nodded and we did so. He pulled me inside holding my hand. As soon as I closed the door he pulled me into a hug again. I didn't resist. ”Haejung-ah”, he whispered my hair. ”Im so sorry about what I said and pulled away so that he could look at me. I smiled sligthly. ”Don't smile, Haejung, you shouldn't even let me be here”, he said taking my hands into his. ”I know you're not like that, I know you are the most sweetest, the most innocent, and the most beautiful girl I've ever met”, He said looking into my eyes and smiling a perfect smile. I didn't know how to answer so I just pecked a kiss to his lips. ”You were so good to me you didn't judge me, but I judged you the first instant I heard rumours”, I pressed my finger to his lips. I didn't need him to explain, I needed him to hold me. ”I dont care, just hug me”, I pouted, he chuckled and pulled me into a hug again. I smiled against his chest.

After a while I pulled off again. ”I should go”, he whispered and walked pass me but I grabbed his shirt.”Dont go”, I whispered. He was about to say something but his phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and frowned. ”Who is it?” I asked. ”I dont know it's just a number, I think I should take this it could be important”, I nodded and he stepped outside. I went to the door to eavesdrop. ”Ya, why are you calling me at this hour.. what? What Jieun I dont understand what you're saying”, I felt anger when I heard him say Jieun. How did she know to call right now. ”Fine, where are you? I'll be right there”, he said hanging up. I backed away from the door when he stepped inside looking annoyed. ”It was-” ”Jieun”, I finished for him. He looked at me with sad eyes. ”She sounded like she was really in trouble, believe me Haejung I dont want so see her face”, he said taking my hands. ”I understand”, I really didn't. I did not understand how she could have called now. Yongguk pecked my forehead and turned to leave. ”Wait! Im coming with you”, I said and grabbed my jacket.


We walked to the place Jieun had said she was in. It was the same park she had lured me into. We stopped when we reached the park. We looked around and I spotted Jieun sitting leaning on a tree. ”There”, I said pointing at her. Yongguk sprinted at her and so did I. ”Jieun are you ok?” Yongguk kneeled in front of her and I noticed her bleeding lip. ”Yongguk oppa, I got robbed”, she said sobbing. ”Haejung call an ambulance”, Yongguk said to me. I didn't move. I didn't even realise I was hesitating when Yongguk told me to call an ambulance with a raised voice. I snapped out of it and took the phone out of my pocket. I called the emergency number and soon the ambulance and the police was there. They took Jieun to the ambulance and she begged for Yongguk to go with her. Yongguk apologized to me and stepped into the ambulance without even hesitating. The ambulance and the police drove off leaving me stand there alone. Somehow she had managed to steal my happiness once again.


Aigoooo Haejung and Yongguk had a pretty nice moment going on there until Jieun called. And Yongguk left without hesitating after saying all those words to Haejung..Aigoo what'd going to happen next 8( Thank you subbied and comments ^^

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!