
...and then he came



"Oppa I want to sing with you again", Jieun pleaded hanging on Yongguk's hand. "Shold we? If that bar let's us, maybe we should ask the boss?" Yongguk said smiling at Jieun. "We should I mean with your rapping and my singing.. we should be idols", Jieun said laughing. Yongguk and Jieun reached the bar they normally hang out with Himchan and Daehyun. (Zelo,Jongup and Youngjae come later they're  too young).  "Yo guys", Yongguk greeted Himchan and Daehyun when they walked in. "Yongguk, Jieun", HImchan said doing their special hand shake and smiled at Jieun. "Hey Yongguk, noona", Daehyun smiled at them. "Me and Jieun were just talking that we should perform again", Yongguk said when they sat down on the couches. "That's a good idea growd loves you guys", Daehyun said nodding. "Yeah they do", Himchan nodded too. Jieun chuckled. "So guys have you thought about what you want to do? I know Jieun got into school but what about you two?", daehyun said meaning Yongguk and Himchan. "I mean Yongguk hyung you're 20 years old what are you gonna do", he butcontinued. "Im not sure yet, I want something to do with rapping anyways", Yongguk said shrugging. "Why dont you apply to our school? I think you can major in rapping too", Jieun said. "Well, I always wanted my own bar and I will get one", Himchan said before Yongguk could answer. "In fact, I talked to the boss and he might leave this bar to me when he moves to the states", Himchan said proudly. "Really? Wow thats great Himchan!" Jieun said in awe. "I know!". "What are you going to do Daehyun when you finish high shcool?", Yongguk asked. "I think I will apply to the same school as Jieun", Daehyun said and Jieun got excited. This was normal to them. They would just hang out at the bar enjoying each others company. Yongguk knew Zelo from when he was little and he was like a brother to him. They lived together because Zelo's parents couldn't take care of him. But he was still too young to hang out at the bar so Yongguk and the others would meet Zelo at skatebording parks. One day Zelo brought two friends with him. 

"Hyungs and noona this is Jongup and YoungJae", Zelo introduced. Jongup waved nervously and Youngjae pushed glasses up his nose and nodded (nerd xD).  "They're my hyungs too he's one year older than me and Youngjae is two", Zelo explained. "Do you skateboard too?" Jieun asked Jongup. "No I like to dance more", he said shyly. "Really? Can you show us?" Jieun asked excitetdly. "Umm,sure", he said. Yongguk beatboxed him a beat and Jongup started to move. He was still young and unexperiended but he had potential. "That's not bad", Himchan said nodding his head."What about you Youngjae", Jieun asked him. "No I prefer singing", Youngjae said. "Really? I like singing too", Jieun said and flashed a huge smile.

The seven of them: Yongguk, Zelo, Himchan Daehyun Jongup  youngjae and Jieun became really close with each other in a short amount of time and they often met each other and talked and had fun.They hung out at the skating bar mostly and sometimes Yongguk and Jieun would do duets at the bar. They were like a big family. Jieun became like a sister to Zelo and the others. All of the guys loved Jieun and his bright personality. They put together a birthday party for Yongguk.

"Jieun you should watch out with your drinking", Yongguk said conserned. "Dont be silly I handle alcohol well", Jieun said but her cheeks started to get red. "And you too Himchan, you know drinking doesn't suite you", Daehyun said frowning. "Tsk, shut up child", Himchan scoffed. They had fun Jieun Himchan and Yongguk were drinking and Zelo Jongup, Youngjae and Daehyun were just with them since they were underaged. "Yongguk oppa let's go to the bar pleaaaase I dont want to go home yet", Jieun said tugging on Yongguks arm when Zelo Youngjae and Daehyun were about to leave. "Im really tired Jieun", Yongguk complained. "Pleaaasee oppaa", she didn't give up. "I''ll go with him", Himchan said being pretty drunk himself. "Are you sure? I think you should go to sleep too", Yongguk said frowning. Himchan turned into a completely different person when he was drunk. He didn't care about anyone or anything. "Shut up I can handle myself", Himchan said and grabbed Jieuns arm. "Let's goo", he sang and him and Jieun walked away very unstablely. "You think they'll be fine?" Daehyun asked frowning. "They'll be fine.. I think..I'll check on them later if I feel so, we should go now Zelo seems really tired", Yongguk said looking at Zelo who was doxing off at the couch. 

Jieun and HImchan reached the bar and they took many more drinks. They were both waisted at this point. Before they knew it they were making out and heading upstairs from the club, because that was were Himchan was staying, he was good friends with the owner of the bar. "H-himchan I dont think we should do this", Jieun muttered between the kisses. "Dont worry no one will know", Himchan said and they fell to his bed. They started to remove each others clothes when the door to the bedroom opened. "Y-Yongguk?" Jieun stuttered under Himchan. 

After the incident everything changed. Yongguk broke up with Jieun and he couldn't see both of their faces. He was hurt. His best friend and his girlfriend. A little bit of time went by and Yongguk forgave himchan, Himchan didn't mean to do it ,it was the alcohol. He didn't want to let a girl come between him and his bestfriend. Hmchan had always been there for Yongguk, through his difficult childhood to this day. But seeing Jieun's face made him sick. Jieun would always be around him, trying to get him back. Jieun changed completely after the incident. She didn't care about anything else but getting Yongguk back. She ignored her school, friends, even Zelo, everything. Everywhere where Yongguk was, was also Jieun. She would follow him around and if people asked her why she would tell them that Yongguk was actually following her. People believed her and soon people started to think that Yongguk was stalking her. She would somehow get rid of every girl Yongguk was trying to date. He couldn't take it anymore. Jieun after all her efforts didn't give up. One day she asked Yongguk to meet her at her place. Being tired of everything Yongguk agreed. He needed to get peace from her. When Yongguk reached her house he found soaking wet Jieun holding a ligther. She had gasoline all over her and the whole house. She stood in the middle of the house with the lighter and said. "If you dont take me back, I will burn down this whole house me with it". A tear rolled down her cheek. "Jieun dont be crazy", Yongguk muttered carefully. "If you dont take me back I have nothing NOTHING in this world to live for", she cried. "Jieun give me the lighter, you dont want to do this", Yongguk said taking a step towards her. "Then take me back", she sobbed taking a step back. Then Yongguk made his move. He ran towards Jieun but Jieun noticed and  ligthed the lighter up, she dropped the lighter and the gasoline was immidietly on fire. Yongguk grabbed Jieun and dragged her out of the house before the fire hit her. Jieun was crying on the ground beside him he looked at the house burn down. "P-police, I-I need a police, someone tried to b-burn my house down", Yongguk heard Jieun sob to the phone. "What the hell are you doing", Yongguk said grabbing Jieun and making her drop the phone. "You tried to butn down my house, you're a crazy stalker", Jieun said with empty eyes. "Jieun STOP you're not making any sense!" "If I can't have you, no one will", she cried and soon the police arrived and arrested Yongguk. She was put to jail, because of burning her house down. He was in jail for three years, for nothing. 



Haejung P.O.V

I didn't say a word. I noticed Himchan looking at me with worried eyes. It was too much to take in. After everything she did..Yongguk would still take her back? That only convinced me more that their relationship is completely twisted. "Haejung-ah are you ok?" Himchan said watching me closely. "It's just...alot to take in", I whispered still staring at the same spot I had been staring for a while now. "I know, it's pretty shoking", Himchan said sifting in his seat. "There's just..so much I dont understand", I said lifting my look up to Himchan. "Why did you try to do anything, why didn't you try to convince Yongguk was innocent?" I asked confused. "We tried, believe me, but everyone believed poor Jieun who had had her house burned down, and had suffered from a stalker", Himchan said and I saw his eyes darken. He was angry. "B-but how can..how can he take her back after all this?" I stuttered and felt my eyes water again. "I guess he just wants to be sure that the old Jieun is still there", Himchan whispered. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks. "Dont cry Haejung-ah please", Himchan said but I saw pain in his eyes too. "You dont get it... I really care about him Himchan I really do but I will never get him and that hurts", I let all of my feelings out. The fact that I was a little bit drunk propably helped. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I felt my heartbeat increase. "Haejung-ah you're strong, if you really..care about him then fight for him", Himchan said and smiled warmly. I felt a warm feeling spread inside me. It was his smile. I smiled back at him weakly. "Thanks, Himchan you really are great", I whispered and shifted my eyes off him. It was suddenly hard to look at him. I felt my cheeks burn. Must be because im drunk it must be. Then I heard a giggle.

Me and Himchan both turned to look at the stairs and my heart sank. It sank all the way to my stomach. I felt sick. I felt angry. I felt sad. I felt like I could faint. Jieun and Yongguk. I felt Himchan glance at me alarmed. They didn't notice us first but then Himchan cleared his throat and they both looked at us surprised. I couldn't look at them. I looked at the ground and felt my eyes water dangerously. i would not let him see me cry again. "What are you doing here?" I heard himchan ask with and irritated voice. "Uh, im sorry I- I- we'll just leave", Yongguk said with a weak voice. "Oppa, let's stay and have a drink with them", I could almost see Jieun pout in my head. They were going to stay? Oh god help me. "We'll just leave, I'll walk Haejung home", Himchan muttered and was about to stand up but I grabbed his sleeve. I lifted my head and looked Yongguk straight in the eyes. His eyes widened and he turned away. "NO, let's stay", I said still looking at Yongguk. "Haejung you're quite drunk you should go and rest-" "NO, Let's have a drink with them", I then looked at Jieun who had a cold look in her eyes. They sat down and Himchan went to get another bottle of soju. "haejung you don't look so good, is everything alright?" Jieun asked "sweetly." "Never been better", I answered without looking at her. YOngguk just sat there uncomfortably. Himchan came back and sat down. I grabbed the soju bottle and poured myself a drink. "So, howa re things with you two? Finally found each other again, you must be so happy", I said looking at the two of them. Yongguk looked at me with pain in his eyes. "Haejung", Himchan said quietly. "You know what, it makes me sick just to look at the two of you, you have some serious problems", I said pointing at the two of them. I started to be really drunk at this point. "Oppa, should we leave", JIeun said grabbing Yongguk's arm. "DONT...bother, I'll leave", I said standing up swaying. "Thanks Himchannie about everything", I said and smiled at him. Then I started to make my way to the stairs. I felt someone grab my wrist. "Just sleep here tonight", Himchan said looking at me firmly. Then he dragged me to the backroom. It didn't take alot of time before I was fast asleep on the couch. 

No one P.O.V

"See Yongguk? We can be like a normal couple", Jieun said smiling at Yongguk. He looked away from her. "Dont tell me your having second thoughts Yongguk, you know what will happen", she continued with a colder voice. He looked at her and gave a fake smile. "Of course not", Yongguk said and looked away again. His heart was hurting, he hated the situation he was in. Jieun and Yongguk didn't notice Himchan watching them. He narrowed his eyes. Something was definitely going on. 



Herrreeee you goooo ~ Everything what happened in the past! It was really hard to write that I tried to make it as short as I could. Anyways Im afraid that the story is falling apart a little I need to keep it together, so im sorry if you're a bit confused 8I Anyways.. something weird is definitely going on hmmm......

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!