
...and then he came




I walked closer to Yongguk and tapped his shouldier. He turned around and I flashed a smile. He smiled weakly at me too. Then I hugged him. ”I missed you”, muttered squeezing him. I could tell he was surprised because it took him a minute to answer my hug. He pulled off too quickly. He held me from my shouldiers. ”Haejung-ah”, he said softly. ”I wanted to talk to you about something”, I said turning my look on the ground nervously. The butterflies in my stocmach got bigger. ”I um-” ”Let me talk first ok?” He interrupted me. I lifted my head. ”Ok..”. ”Haejung-ah”, he said again. I felt really nervous. Something about his eyes made my stomach twist. ”I really care about you”, he said. Oh my god would he confess to me right now? ”You know that right? That I really raelly care about you and I never wanted to hurt you”, He said firmly looking into my eyes. What is he trying to say? ”Y-yongguk”. ”Jieun and I-”, I stepped back before he continued, his hands didn't reach to me anymore. ”Haejung-ah, Jieun and I have decided to start again, from the beginning”, he said looking at me with an apologetic look. I felt my heart skip a beat. It hurt.

”Haejung-ah”, he took a step at me but I took a step back. ”Please talk to me”, he said chocking. What am I supposed to say? That I understand? I dont understand. I dont understand that why would you play with me, if you still love her. ”I dont know what to say Yongguk, you tell me what im suppsed to say. That I understand? I dont Yongguk, I really dont understand what have you been doing with me all this time”, I said and with tears gathering into my eyes. Yongguk shook his head. ”I am so, so sorry Haejung I really care about you but.. I can't not try again with Jieun.. I have to try”, he said and I scoffed. ”Im such an idiot”, I muttered to myself. ”No Haejung you're not an idiot”, he said stepping towards me again. ”Dont! Dont come closer Yongguk, you presense is poisoin for me”, I said with tears flowing. He looked shocked. ”You and your sweet talk made me think that you actually had feelings for me”, I said with my voice cracking badly. He just looked pained. Like he didn't know what to do. My god it hurt. My heart really hurt. And I felt like an idiot. And I was actually asking him to start date with me, my god what and Idiot I am. ”Please forgive me someday Haejung, I dont want to lose you”, he whispered. ”GO TO HELL YONGGUK!” I screamed and pushed him. I've never felt this humiliated. Not even when those pictures were spread. He took the hint and turned around slowly. He just walked away. I watched his back moving further away from me and my knees gave in. There I was again. On the cold ground crying because of him. I buried my head into my hands. I cant believe I was crying like this because of a boy. A boy who wasn't even my boyfriend. I just cared about him that much. In this short time I felt like there was something unreplacable between us. And he just threw it away. Just like that. It ment nothing to him. From now on it will mean nothing to mee too. I will not forgive and forget, I will just forget. I heard steps coming near me and stopping infront of me. I felt someone standing infront of me but I couldn't dare to watch who. I was too embarassed.

”Haejung-ah”, I heard a familiar voice. I lifted my face from my hands slowly and chekced if I heard right. Himchan stood there infront of me with a conserned look. I kneeles before me. ”Haejung-ah”, he said again softly and grabbed my hands. I kept sobbing like crazy. Oh god I didn't want him to see me like this. ”Let's go”, he said smiling slightly. He lifted me up pulling from my hands. ”Can you walk?” he asked still holding my hands. I nodded slightly. He frowned and suddenly kneeled down. ”Come on I'll biggybag you”. ”W-what?” ”Just come on”, he said unpatiently. I thought it would be best to do as he says and I climbed into his bag and he stood up. ”Thanks”, I whispered so quietly he barely heard. He chuckeld. ”This is what friends are for right?” Right.. Then why does my heart feel like this? Now that think about it. Himchan was always there for me. He was right there picking up the pieces Yongguk had brake me into. We walked, or he walked, to his bar. When we reached inside he landed me on a sofa. ”Want something to drink?” He asked. ”No thanks”, I quietly said. He sat down beside me and sighed. ”How did you.. How did you find me?” I asked playing with my fingers. ”I followed you”, he said casually. I quickly glanced at him. ”Why?” I asked surprised. ”Well I had a bad feeling.. You being sick and all so I followed”, he said casually as ever like it was something normal. ”So you..You saw the whole thing?” I then asked and my eyes started to water dangerously. He now looked at me for a second before answering. ”Yeah”.” I cant believe that guy.. That he actually would give Jieun a second chance”, Himchan hissed and scoffed. ”But I really think he cares about you Haejung”, he continued and sighed. It was my turn to scoff. ”No really Haejung, you're the first girl he has shown any kind of affection after he came from jail”, himchan said looking at me. That didn't make me feel any better, if possible, it made me feel worse. ”And still he threw me away just like that”, I said wiping my eyes. ”I dont know.. His and Jieuns relationship is far beyond my understanding. I dont think anyonw understands them and how deep their bond actually is. It's unhealthy if you ask me”, he spoke looking at me at times. Unhealty..Why can he just let go of the past. Sometimes that is all you need to do. Just let go.

”Do you think that I have a place in his world”, I quietly asked making Himchan look at me. He frowned. ”I think you have a special place in his heart. He's just too stupid to see it”, Himchan said and smiled his small but warming smile. I smiled back. ”There you go that's better”, he said and piched my cheek. I pouted and rubbed the spot. ”Well, it's getting late let me walk you home”, He said standing up. ”I dont want to go home”, I spoke quietly looking at the ground. I lifted an eyebrow. ”Why?”. ”I dont..want to be alone”, I said shyly. Himchan sighed over dramatically. ”So what do you want to do?” He said sitting back down. ”Hmm”, I thought it for a while and came to the conclusion that drinking is the best way to drown you sorrows. ”How about drink?” Himchans face dropped a little. ”WAE, I need a pain relief!” He was so judging me. ”and that is the way?” He asked frowning. ”Stop judging and bring me soju”, I ordered and he lifted his hands in defeat and went to get me a bottle of soju. After a while he came back with a bottle and one shot glass. ”Yah, you're not going to drink?” I asked looking at the single glass. ”Nope, I dont drink anymore”, he said sitting down. ”Anymore? Why?” I asked curoious and took my first shot Himchan poured me. ”Yeah, for me it only brings problems”, he explained. ”Well, last time I drank I broke a perfectly happy relationship and almost lost a friend”, he said shifting in his seat unconfortably. I took another shot. ”What happened”, I asked dying of curiousity. He sighed. ”It's a long story”, Himchan said. ”Are you in hurry? I know im not!” I said taking another shot. He sighed again.


Whoop, here is a little teaser chappy ;) In the next chapter you will hear THE WHOOOLEEE Jieun and Yongguk story FINALLY! And im sorry but im just having such huge himchan feels right now I MEAN LOOK AT HIM ADkflHLDFAdfa I could die .. Anyways thank you so much for your comments and welcome to new readers and ENJOYEEEH 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!