
...and then he came


Jieun P.O.V


I was walking out of the park. I felt weird inside. Something was pressuring my heart. I think I was worried? Was I actually worried about Haejung? I halted. I pondered should I turn and go back. Would Haejung be ok? I looked back still wondering what I should do. I puffed my cheeks and turned back. I was walking but my steps turned into running. I reached the place and didn't see Haejung. I saw professor laying on the ground with a bleeding forehead. I hissed and reached my phone. I called and ambulance and left to look for Haejung. She was propably ok, but something told me I wouldn't get peace of mind until I saw her. I ran around the streets. I even checked the pub. I guess she went home. I walked down the street slowly. I kind of regretted of what I did today. I took my phone out again and looked at the pictures I took. I opened the first picture and was about to press `delete` but then I halted. I looked ahead and saw Haejung sit on the stairs infront of her house. I was about to walk to her but she wasn't alone. My heart sank when I saw Yongguk. They were sitting there side by side looking so comfortable. I felt anger build up inside me. Then I saw Yongguk touch, no grab Haejungs hand. I wanted to run to them and slap that . But instead I sticked to my original plan. I didn't delete the pictures and put the phone back into my purse. I my heels and headed home burning with anger. They will taste my sweet revenge.


Yongguk P.O.V


We sat there for about an hour or so. Her hand in mine. We weren't talking but it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. We didn't need to talk, all we really needed was each other there close. It started to get really chilly. I looked at Haejung and noticed that she had a hard time staying awake. She looked really cute. I smiled. Finally sleep took her over and she was about to fall on her back but I grabbed her. I searched her pockets for the keys and found them. I managed to pick her up bridal style. I opened the door and stepped inside. She was sleeping calmly in my hands as I placed her down on her bed. I didn't want to leave. I watched her sleep. Her flawless skin, lips, eyelashes. I traced her face with my finger and remowed a straw of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear. I took her chair and placed it beside her bed. I sat down and watched her sleep.I took her hand. Soon I found myself drifting into sleep.


Haejung P.O.V


I woke up feeling someone hold my hand. I opened my eyes. I took me a while to get used to the brightness. I looked at my hand and saw Yongguk's hand interwined with mine. I smiled. My reaction wasn't like last time, I didn't want to throw a pillow at him. This time I didn't want to wake him up. I watched him sleep calmly. I smiled and squeezed his hand. I could have stayed there forever but then I realised I have school. I panicked a little not knowing what to do. I didn't want to wake him up but I needed to go to school. ”Yongguk”, I whispered. He didn't move. ”Yongguk”, I whispered again a bit louder. She shifted in his seat groaning. I chuckled. ”Yah, Yongguk”, I softly said shaking our hands. He finally woke up. He let go of my hand and rubbed his eyes. I sat up. ”Good morning”, I said and chuckled. He looked like he didn't know what was going on. ”Not a morning person huh?” I said getting up. ”I have school”, I said gathering clothes to wear from the floor. He didn't answer he just looked at me doing my stuff. I went to bathroom to change. I came out and found Yongguk still sitt on the chair looking dazed out. I chuckled again. ”Yah, Yongguk are you on this planet?” I said waving my hand in front of his face. He snapped out of his coma and looked at me. A smile formed to his face. I chuckled. He was so cute. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. My heart started to beat like crazy. Out faces were really close right now. My eyes were wide from shock while he looked completely calm. ”Cute”, he whispered and poked my forehead. Then he stood up and walked to the door. I couldn't move I was still in the same position rubbing my forehead. ”Didn't you say you have school? You'll be late like this”, he said from the door sounding really amused. I checked the time and squealed, I really would be late.

I ran all the way to the buss stop and made it just just to the buss. I let out a sigh of relief when I stepped into the buss. I satt down and got lost in my thoughts. I thought about Yongguk and how close our faces were. I blushed at the thought. Gosh Im pathetic. The buss reached the stop I had to get off and so I did. I walked to the school. Many students had already arrived and I recieved strange looks from everyone. People pointed at me. Laughed at me. Gave disgusted looks at me. I was puzzled. Was there something wrong with the way I looked. I hurried and searched for the nearest mirror. I looked fine. Nothing weird. But people just kept staring at me. I walked towards the classroom, when I passed a picture on the fall. It was big. I stopped and looked at the picture. Then it hit me. My heart sank. I felt disgusted. I was in the picture. And so was the drunken professor. It was a picture of him kissing me. I ripped the picture off the wall and looked around. Turned out it wasn't the only one. The walls were full of pictures of me and the professor. I took the pictures off one by one with tears filling my eyes. I was furious. I noticed someone else rip the pictures off. Daehyun. He looked at me and smiled, then he kept taking the pictures off. I was so thankful I felt like bursting into tears. I continued to clear the walls from these disgusting photos while tears fell down my eyes. Someone tapped my shouldier. I turned around. ”Miss. Choi Haejung”, it was the principle of our uni. ”Follow me please”, he said and signaled me to follow. I obeyed. ”Dont worry, I'll take these off”, Daehyun said while I passed him. ”T-thank you”, I whispered and walked away with the principle.


We went to the principals office and I sat down. So did he. ”Miss Choi Haejung, you have noticed the current...scandal at our school haven't you”, he paused before saying scandal. ”Sir, I swear it's not what it looks like”, I sobbed. He sighed. ”We have already fired the professor in the picture. You know it is not allowed between a professor and a student”. ”I- I know b-but I didn't do anything it wasn't my faul I-”. ”Miss Choi, we have to ask you to leave the school, at least until the scandal is over. You know our school is strickt about these things. We are a school with a good reputation and if something like this happens..”. I broke down. Tears fell down as i sobbed in front of the principal. ”P-please don't, I-it wasn't my fault, I promise”, I sobbed and begged him. He looked at me with symphaty. ”Miss. Choi you know I have no other choise. Was it your fault or not..Other parents and students would look down on me if I let you stay”, he explained. I was furious. ”So the reputation of this school is more importan than a student?” I asked with burning eyes. ”I am very truly sorry Miss Choi, Im going to have to ask you to leave now”. I got up silently and walked out. My eyes were blank nut tears were still falling down. I wiped my eyes. People had no symphaty in their eyes. They were just happy to see me, the professor kisser, gone. Daehyun catched up with me. ”What did he say?” he asked quietly."What do you think he said" Then we heard commotion ahead of us. People were making shocked sounds. Then I saw Jieun. She threw pictures of me into the air, while walking down the hallway and stamped them into the wall. People were collecting the pictures and pointed at them in shock. I squeezed my fists. A picture of me and the professor flew in front of me and I snapped.  


UUH douple update today! YAY! Do we have a catfight coming up next? Maybe ;) 

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!