
...and then he came








I just stood there in the cold dark park and looked at the direction the ambulance and the police cars had just left. I felt something wet on my cheek and I wiped a tear away. This just confirmed everything to me. Yongguk didn't hate Jieun. He never would. Jieun would always make him come to her. He would always choose Jieun over me. It felt like tonight didn't even happen. It felt like we never kissed. It felt like all of his words just disappeared in to thin air. I felt horrible. I was horrible. Jieun was hurt and I was still like this. It wasn't her fault that she got robbed..or was it? No. It's only right that Yongguk would help her. That he would go with her. But still I feel like this. If it was any other girl in the world I would be fine but it was Jieun. The girl Yongguk had once loved with all his heart. Now I know he still cares. When it comes to me and Jieun, im nothing. The thing that hurt the most is that I would never fully get him.


I realised that it was dawn. I got up from my knees. I was shivering like crazy. I was freezing. I made slow steps back to my apartment. I walked inside and tok a warm shover. After the shover I sat down on my bed. Haejung, pull yourself together! You're over reacting. He went with him but that means nothing...absolutely nothing. I tried to convince myself. I grabbed my phone and looked at Himchans number he had given me yesterday. I called him. ”Hello?” he anwered. ”Himchan? I-I um just wanted to know what time I should come to work today?”. ”Haejung-ah! Just come by 2 ok?” He said with a soft voice. It made me smile. ”Okay see you then”, I hung up. I took a deep breath and smiled. It's okay. Dont over think it.


I went to the bar a little before 2. I walked in and saw Himchan, Jongup Zelo and Daehyun. They smiled seeing me and I smiled too. I noticed one person missing. ”Noona, noona you're here!” Zelo came and hugged me. I tapped his head. ”Just in time”, Himchan said walking closer too. ”come on I'll show you how everything works in here”, He said and we walked to the counter. He showed me stuff like how to make coffee and I nodded and told him I already now. I had worked at the pub for quite some time. ”Haejung-ah are you ok?” He suddenly asked me. I blinked and looked at him. ”Why would I be?” I asked. He just shrugged. ”So, did you see Yongguk last night?” he asked trying to act casual. My stomach twisted and I tensed up. ”So...What happened?”. ”Nothing much”, I lied and I think Himchan noticed from my tone. ”Haejung-ah, Yongguk called this morning”, Himchan turned to look at me. I didn't dare to look at him. ”He told me he wouldn't come to work because he was in the hospital...with Jieun”, Himchan said studying my face. I didn't know what to say. ”Yeah”, I whispered trying to be busy examining the coffee mashine. ”Haejung-ah-” ”So what?” I turned to look at him now. ”Of course his with her why wouldn't he be? It's not like we're together or anything his not tied to me in no way what so ever! He cares about her and it's not like I didn't know that. So of course he left me. Of course he went with her”, I blabbered at him and turned around, I didn't want to face him. ”Haejung-ah”, he said softly. ”I shouldn't have gone between them”, I whispered. ”I just thought..after last night..that maybe...”, I fought against the tears. Himchan grabbed my shouldier and turned me around. He pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened from his action but I didn't resist. ”Haejung-ah this is not right..It's not right that he's playing with your feelings”, Himchan said softly. ”Tell him..Tell him how you feel”, he said pulling from the hug and looked me into my eyes. He wiped a single tear from the corner of my eye. I smiled. ”Thank you Himchan”, I said. ”Okay it's almost opening time right? Let's get to work!” I said and made a fighting! With my fist. He chuckled.


After a while people started to come in and they sat down on the tables. I went around taking peoples orders. I actually had fun. Jongup was DJ and he played good music and people sat on the tabled talking and having fun. I went to Jongup and he let me Dj for a while. He showed me thumbs up and I laughed. Daehyung came to me. ”Looks like your having fun”, he said smiling. ”Yeah, this is the best job ever”, I said and laughed. ”I know right”, He said and went to help Himchan. I was taking an order from one table when Yongguk walked down the stairs. I panicked I didn't have the guts to look at him. I took the order and ran to Himchan. ”O-one irish coffee”, I stuttered. ”What's with yo-” ”Im here!” Yongguk said from behind my back. I panicked my eyes widened when I heard his voice and Himchan noticed. He singlaned me to talk to him but I shook my head in desperation. ”Can I talk to Haejung for a second?” I heard him say. ”Sure, you must”, Himchan said and smirked at me. I gave him a death glare and turned around slowly. I flashed a pathetic smile. ”H-hi”. ”Come talk with me to the back room”, he said and I followed him. He closed the door and looked at me. I turned my face away I couldn't look at those eyes. He sighed. ”Haejung-ah, I hope you understand that I had no choise”, he said walking closer. I looked at my feet and frowned. ”Of course, why wouldn't I”.”Then look at me Haejung”, he said and lifted my head with his finger. I started to feel all my willpower disappear, when I looked into his eyes. He smiled his perfect smile at me. ”I thought about you the whole day”, he whispered and I melted. ”Haejung, forgive me”, he whipered and I nodded, being completely mezmerized by him. He then pulled me into a hug. ”Thank you”, he whispered. He knew pushed all the right buttons with me. I felt a little bit dizzy. I didn't know if it was the fact that Yongguk was holding me or something else. I pulled away from the hug. ”I need to continue my work”, I said and walked away. He followed right behind me and went to Zelo. ”Well? Did you tell him how you feel?” Himchan asked leaning to the counter. I sighed deeply. ”You didn't? Haejung-ah!” Himchan scolded me. ”I forgot what to say when he hugged me”, I said and smiled at the thought. I earned a smack from Himchan. ”Yah pabo”, I showed my tongue at him. I still felt really dizzy. I had to lean to the counter. ”Are you okay?” I heard Himchans voice fading away. Before I knew it I lost consciousness.


I flickered my eye lids open and looked around. I sat up and a wet rag fell from my forehead. I felt really dizzy. ”Yah you shouldn't be up! You have a high fever you pabo”, Daehyun said when he came in. I was in the back room of Himchans pub on the sofa. ”Fever?” I tried my forehead. It was on fire. Yongguk walked in. ”I brought medicine”, he said and kneeled before me, and placed his hand to my forehead. ”Still on fire”, he said shaking his head. He took a pill and gave me water. I swallowed the pill gladly and laid back down. ”I have to go to help Himchan, you rest!” Daehyun said pointing at me. ”How did you get yourself sick”, Yongguk asked frowning. Could be the fact that I stayed outside all night yesterday because of you, I thought. ”I dont know, people get sick”, I said and smiled. ”You look so pale”, he said and moved a hair from my face. ”You should sleep”, he said and closed my eye lids. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.


Next time I woke up I was on my bed. I was a little bit confused of how I got there. Then I realised that Yongguk was laying beside me facing me, fast asleep. I was quite shocked from the fact that Yongguk was there in my bed, but his calm, sleeping face made me smile. I touched his lips, his nose and his eyelashed with my finger and smiled. He was so perfect. I ran my fingers through his hair. I snuggled a little bit closer to him. Our faces were really close right now. Only a little reach and my lips would touch his. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked since I thought he was sleeping but I closed my eyes. He pulled me closer from my waist. Then he rolled on top of me. His hand ran through my hair, down my sides. I touched his cheeks and answered to the passionate kiss. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at me. I moved my hands to his chest. His eyes were dark but they were full of warmness. He didn't smile but he looked at me softly and he caressed my cheek with his finger. He rolled again and now I was on top of him. I traced the figure of his face with my fingers, him looking at me the whole time. I pecked his lips with mine. His hand caressed my back. Then I felt his phone vibrate in his picket. My face dropped. He saw the disapointment in my eyes and he reached for his phone. ”Not this time”, he whipered and hang up the call. He threw the phone away and I chuckled. I laid my head to his chest and listened to his heart beat.  

A little short update for you ^^ There might be more drama ahead.. Aigoo..

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totough1 #1
Chapter 18: YUSH!!!! They are in love
Chapter 18: This was worth the wait!!! They're together again!! ^_^
Chapter 16: I really pray this is not BangSong fic. I root for BangOC fics more. Btw awesome story ;)
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 16: stupid byg! you'll be onyour knees soon mwahahaha
MissPandaRawr #5
Chapter 15: bad things gonna happen,DRAMA! wootwoot
Chapter 15: New reader here :) really loving this fic. It somehow makes me more liking Yongguk haha :) anyways, ugh! that guy with Jieun hmm gave me a feeling is Daehyun? haha or I'm wrong? I hate how Yongguk always start to melt to Jieun's word. it sadden me :( I hope Haejung won't go to meet Yongguk! cause I think he is going to hurt her :|
Chapter 15: BangHae!!!!
MissPandaRawr #8
Chapter 14: ahhhhhh! byg! you mae me go crazy! will you decide who you like Already
spaceshaker #9
MissPandaRawr #10
Chapter 13: ugh jieun! wea!? wea!