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Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


Upstairs on the second floor crammed against each other and the bedroom's windows were half of the maids gossiping about what had just happened down below. Way before Kibum had even went outside to talk with the master, the newer young ladies gathered with the veterans in Minho's old room to witness with their own eyes the cold heart of Mr. Choi themselves. The workers gasped at the scene that unfolded only a couple minutes ago, and started clapping with much respect for Taemin's courage.

"Wah, he's so scary! I could never go up to Master Minho like that!" Hyoyeon said squishing her face between her hands.

"I know! He's horrible, I kind of regret working here now." Sooyoung said scrunching up her eyebrows in a cowardly way. "I hope what that girl said to him got through to his head; maybe he could change."

"Wait, isn't he a male though? I thought he was a woman at first too, but then I got a glimpse of his adam's apple." Hyoyeon then replied tilting her head like she always did when thinking.

"You're right, he is. And he is also starting work here. I feel bad for him now, he doesn't seem to know what he's going to put himself through." Yoona, one of the veterans, said spacing out leaning against the tall bed post at the foot of the bed.

"What do you mean?" Asked Sooyoung which caused Yoona's eyes to roll.

"Come on now, Sooyoung. You cannot be serious. You heard what Taemin said, and you saw how mad Master Minho was. Don't you think that he'll be devising a plan to eliminate Taemin as a staff member? Maybe even eliminate him from life!" Yoona said changing her gaze from the floor to the inexperienced girl.

"What do you think he's going to do? Considering that he can't fire people on the spot with Kibum around." Jessica said sitting down on the window sill next to Sunny, who was absorbed staring down at the pacing man in the backyard.

"The only logical thing for him to do is work that boy until his fingers go numb. There definitely won't be a problem with that, considering that he did that to me when I first started here. The kid will probably have worse." Yoona reminisced. 

"If you guys get over here quick enough, I think we can find out his intentions. Hurry!" Sunny said holding her ear to the open window screen and trying to make out the faint words Minho was murmuring. In little to no time, the girls were once again packed together against the window doing their best to translate the slurred words from below, into clear Korean.

"How dare this girl embarrass me like this?! People are right calling her a guy, she acts like one! This isn't one bit acceptable." Minho said while pacing back and forth along a curve of the bean shaped pool. "Now I can't even fire him with Key's consent, because he hates me now and will definitely do all he can to make Taemin stay. What to do, what to do?!" He said knocking his hand against the side of his head, willing his brain to help him out a little bit.

Then it dawned on him. Taemin was to work here, and if he pushed her buttons hard enough, she would go home packing! "Yes, I'll work her until she passes out from exhaustion! This is perfect, that way Key can't do anything to prevent him from leaving." The man let out a devious chuckle that crept up towards the girls upstairs.

After that spine shivering laugh, Sunny shut and locked the window and jumped off the sill saying, "I hate it when he does that. I swear I hear an organ playing in the background."

"I told you all, he's just that evil. There's no way any amount of good or enforced ruling would change that man. Impossible." Yoona said returning to her place against the bed post. The four other girls gave a look to each other.

"I don't know Yoona, speaking for what I feel, I think that Taemin is going to do something about him. He doesn't seem like he'll back down from Minho with what he said and the way he acted." Jessica said, actually speaking for the rest of the girls.

"Think whatever you want, but I'm being serious. I've been here longer than you guys, and have seen that do many, many things to people." Yoona said walking towards the door. "I'm going to finish my duties before Onew freaks out." She then finished and rounded the corner of the door, her heels clicking against the marble. When the sound was far enough away, the newer girls started questioning their sunbae.

"What's up with her? She says she hates the master with that kind of attitude?" Hyoyeon scoffed. "She's becoming like him."

"She's just butthurt because her and Minho had a thing before, but he was flirting with other girls too and she got all mad and defensive. She even thought they would eventually go out, which made her even more upset. For her punishment when she yelled at him, he made her cook a banquet all herself and weed the garden." Jessica said crossing her arms.

"The whole, garden, might I add." Sunny said, and Jessica nodded her head. The other two girls' jaws dropped as they turned their heads to the window again, and took in the acre of meadow swaying happily in the breeze. 

"Damn." The Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said in unison. "I think we should warn him; let him know who he's dealing with. Just a heads up for him, you know?" Sooyoung said as her walkie-talkie came alive with static.

"Sooyoung? Where are you? You're supposed to be cleaning the dining room! While you're at it, clean up Minho's mess outside too." Onews voice projected over the speaker.

Sooyoung then picked the device from her waist, clicked the 'talk' button, and replied with, "I was in the bathroom, sorry. I'll be there in a minute."

Then breaking into a small jog, Sooyoung did her best to keep balanced running in her black stiletto heels. "Hyoyeon, let's make sure to tell him before he leaves!" She said right before passing underneath the doorway.

"Alright!" Hyoyeon called for her to hear. Only seconds later, Onew was heard again, but from Jessica's speaker this time.

"Did you guys assemble again or something?! Do you have anything you want to share?!" He asked in an annoyed voice. That was their cue to disband their meeting for the day.




Two knocks sounded against the wood of Taemin's door which was already propped open. Taemin looked over his shoulder from standing at his new desk and found Kibum leaning himself against the doorway. His face was a soft pink now and his eyes slightly puffy. He stared into Taemin's eyes with a certain gentleness which made Taemin blush. "May I come in?" He said with a grateful smile.

The younger nodded and returned the grin and said, "Sure. You're always welcome to come in; anytime you want." Which made Kibum giggled a bit because those words were not unfamiliar to him. In fact he had said that to Taemin about 20 minutes earlier.

"Looks like you won't be visiting my room often. I guess I'll be the one doing the visiting." He laughed quietly and took a seat at the foot of the bed where a leather storage chest was placed.  Taemin assumed that this could be a long talk and sat himself down on the matching white wooden chair to the desk. The older cleared his throat and began talking about why he came.

"I wanted to thank you for earlier. For standing up for me when I wasn't in any state to go fighting with him. Especially, with Jonghyun there." He said with a blush spreading itself across his cheeks like wild fire.

"You're welcome. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's stuck up people like Minho. I can't believe his attitude and how he was willing to fire Jonghyun like that, even after a spill that could have been just an accident." Taemin said, scowling as he recalled the way Minho totally disregarded his workers.

"Honestly, he isn't like that all the time though. I know, because I've been his friend since we were small children. He lets loose when it's just me and Jinki with him," Kibum replied with a sigh, "but he has so many different personalities. On set of a movie or variety show he acts politely. That charismatic man who acts extremely kind and whatnot, but you know what I'm talking about- it was obvious that you like him. I saw that you were shocked when you saw his face." Key grinned.

No, they couldn't know that he was a major fanboy. He had to keep his 'cool guy' cover up. "O-Oh now, I thought you guys said Lee Minho, so I was mistaken. I'm sorry, but I was surprised because it wasn't him. Lee Minho is a great actor!" Taemin lied and then added a fake cackle to top it off. But of course that wasn't the least bit true. Taemin has seen every movie, every drama, and every show that Minho was featured in, even in cameo. It really made Taemin wonder if all the things Minho had said in interviews were true. But even though Minho had acted horrible today, this had no effect on his strong feelings for the man as an artist. It's going to take years worth of damage for that to happen.

Kibum looked a bit skeptical for a moment and Taemin tried his best to act embarrassed for his 'mistake' earlier. Key then played along, just in case he was telling the truth.

"Well, technically his personality on TV and on stage isn't the same as when he's seen off the set. Completely different if you haven't noticed. But I apologize on his behalf as well; not the best impression." He said.

"Oh please don't. I don't need any form of pity; I'm not phased by him one bit." Taemin smiled to reassure his hyung and back up his statement. "If he doesn't apologize to you, though, then let me know and I'll force him." Taemin laughed.

"That's good to hear. Hopefully he's smart enough to do so, because I could lock him in his room until his college starts in the fall." Kibum said, making Taemin and himself chuckle. "By the way, we have a rule here that you aren't allowed to speak of working for Choi Minho, because we don't want the press spying on us. His reputation would go down the toilet if people saw how he really acted, so please keep that in mind. Or else I'll have to fire you." Key warned with a serious face which soon contorted into a smile because of Taemin who was laughing his head off.

"Stop laughing! Okay, so it's not true. I won't fire you because I already like you too much." Kibum smiled and then leaned into Taemin. "Oh, and I also want to keep you because I feel like you're going to drive Minho up the wall which will be great to watch." Kibum whispered into Taemin's ear.

"Oh trust me, I will. And I'll make sure of it!" Taemin giggled.

The two of them shook hands with one another, pulled each other into a hug and then Kibum left Taemin to look around his room a bit more, saying, "When you've seen enough, you're free to leave when you want. I expect you here tomorrow to move all of your things in and to train." And with a smile, he disappeared.

Taemin admired the inside of his room for another two minutes checking out the walk in closet and finding secret hiding places that he can store his Minho merchandise in, until two maids entered his room.

"Oh, hello." Taemin said casually as he shut the door to the closet.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Sooyoung, and this is Hyoyeon." She said with a bow. "We heard about what happened earlier, and we wanted to say that the staff was overjoyed that you stood up to Master Minho like that."

"It's nothing, I was really just super pissed at him. It's what I'd do with anybody, idol or not."

Just kidding. If Taemin knew that was his Choi Minho, and still poured the iced tea over him, better believe he'd be all of those droplets away. Slowly. But he wasn't gay. Not at all.

"But the main reason why we came was to inform you that Master Choi isn't happy about this." Sooyoung said nudging Hyoyeon a bit on her arm.

"Yes, we over heard him talking to himself. He was saying that he was going to do all he could to get you to quit; work you to the bone and make you pass out from exhaustion." Hyoyeon said, a bit worried and hopeful that Taemin would reconsider working there. "You're too pretty for that." Was her excuse for him to change his mind.

Taemin laughed at that sentence that he's heard way too many times. "Don't worry, a little bit of work won't kill me. I'm a fighter if you couldn't tell by the way I got into Minho's face. He doesn't scare me! Besides, I can't quit because of my schooling and other fees I have to pay." He explained to the girls who were constantly nodding to let him know that they were following along. "Living on your own is hard and I'm short on money. So without this job I'll be living out on the streets soon enough."

"Oooh," The girls said in unison. "I understand. But we just wanted to warn you that there's a raging tornado coming your way, and it sure as hell won't stop until it wipes you out." Hyoyeon said with furrowed brows.

"Minho isn't somebody to be messed with, but then again, you don't seem like one either. Taemin, fighting~!" Sooyoung chanted before Onew was called for her again over the annoying sound of the walkie. Sooyoung pouted at the voice and replied to it. "Sorry, Onew is calling for us now! We'll see you tomorrow!" She said dragging Hyoyeon out of the room and galloping down the hallway.

"Hmph. Minho can't do to me." He murmured, pushing his desk chair in. 

Taemin was about ready to leave his room when his hand stuck to the doorknob. Instead of leaving right away, Taemin bit his lip while a smile spread across his face. Quietly, he shut his door and turned the lock. And out of nowhere, Taemin flailed his arms above his head and started his fanboy rampage in the safe confinement of his room, located in Choi Minho's mansion.



A/N: Ugh, I'm sorry guys, I was in a writer's block during this chapter and I'm extremely tired even though I napped earlier ><;; I feel so bad that you all had to read this crap. It's disappointing I know, I'm disappointed in myself. But you know, sometimes writer's run out of brain juice! Please understand~ Until next chapter!
             Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD