Played For A Fool

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


"This is impossible..." Minho whispered unbelievingly. Surely, Taemin hasn't already forgotten who he was. Is this supposed to be a joke? The look of astonishment projected from both Taemin and his crew tells Minho that this isn't staged. But... He left only three months ago! How can the sight of Minho's face not be enough to spark a single memory in the mind of the rookie? Did an accident occur while he was filming the drama that he hasn't been informed about? Whatever the reason, he's determined to find out. Minho is unable to accept that whatever he shared with Taemin was slipping right through his fingers like grains of sand.

The older man stood mounted to the ground involuntarily, watching as Taemin turned to order his prep team to wait out in the hallway, assuring them that he'll find a way to get this 'stalker' out of his room. Why wasn't he able to move? Has this unexpected turn in events left Minho's brain idle? All he wanted to do at this moment was scoop Taemin up in his arms and retell their whole story of meeting, with a glimmer of hope that it would assist Taemin in finding his memory. That's what he was going to force himself to do if he had the chance to speak first.

"Do you have your rooms mixed up? Please, I'd appreciate you leaving my room now; I have to get ready for my next stage." The younger man said as he sidestepped to get around the stiff, towering man. Minho's hand controlled itself, latching his fingers around Taemin's wrist, bringing him to a stop. "Let go."
Minho shook his head and said, "No," causing the Taemin to rip his limb free at the refusal.
"Get out of here!" Taemin raged into the taller's back.

"Taemin, what happened to you?!" Minho his heel to find Taemin as vicious as ever. His snarling was almost as bad as it was when Minho made a disrespectful statement regarding Mrs. Choi months ago in the kitchen. "What's the reason you're acting this way-"
"Look, I don't know who you are, o-okay?!" Taemin bursted. "D-Do you want my autograph or my sock or something? Because I will give them to you, if that's what it takes to make you leave me alone."

Minho grasped Taemin's surprisingly built biceps; Kibum wasn't joking when he said that Taemin has been working extremely hard. "But you do know who I am! Don't play games with me, Lee Taemin. I won't end your life if you confess to this being a prank!" The rookie shook himself away forcefully and bumped the vanity desk behind him. The mirror bounced against the wall with steady thumps, threatening to topple over relentlessly and shatter on contact with Taemin.
"Are you threatening me?! I said that I don't ing know you! Do I need to call security to throw you out of here?! Get out!" Taemin screamed with a pointed finger to door and his other free hand balancing the mirror.

Tears began to gather at Minho's lower eyelid as he mentally repeated to himself that this wasn't reality; that he's actually dreaming right now and would be waking up any second now. Because from what he's read in Taemin's room    from what he's been observing    it should be nearly impossible for his memories and feelings to fade away during a three-and-a-half month period. The actor held out his hand to caress the younger, but stopped only inches from Taemin's face when he commanded once more for his leave. His voice was stern and glare intense.

Defeated; heartbroken. Minho's arm fell limply to his side as he watched through watery eyes, Taemin's distorted figure pull up a chair and sit itself down facing away from him.

"Don't forget to shut the door again on your way out." Taemin couldn't bear to look at Minho, afraid that the result in doing so would screw up everything.

Out of the corner of his eye, Minho bit his lip to keep his tears from overflowing as he slowly rotated around. Breaking through the silence of the room, Minho's slowly paced heel-toe movement echoed in his ears and stung similarly to the pain dripping down his cheeks, until Taemin's voice halted him. 
"It paid off, didn't it?" Taemin, who sounded like he was only a foot away from Minho, said smugly. Startled by the amplified voice, Minho panicked and began to wipe his moistened face frantically.


The tight, loving embrace that he's been missing out on, for what seems like an eternity, caught him off guard. Just then, he knew that he'd been played a fool. A handful of newly hatched butterflies tickled the pit of Minho's stomach, resulting in a genuine smile and a relieved laugh. He feels that he should be peeved off by this harsh prank, but this long-desired sensation was too blissful to ruin. Taemin squeezed Minho's waist with all the strength he could muster up, taking up the idiom 'actions speak louder than words.'

"My acting classes; they've paid off."

Once again, Minho flipped around in Taemin's hold, draping one arm around the younger's shoulders and letting his hand press the side of Taemin's face further into his chest.

"So," The shorter one planted his chin against Minho's peck, "Are you going to end me now, or later?"  he looked up at those pink cheeks and glowing spheres with a pout that failed to hide the fact that his eyes held huge satisfaction. Minho scoffed, continuing to hold Taemin's gaze. "You're safe for the time being, but only because you have another stage soon. Don't go thinking that I'm being a big softie on you, just because you think your little pout is working on me." He said with a bit of superiority.

"Sure, Minho; that's totally the case," the rookie said sarcastically. "Admit it, you are naturally a big softie who can't even use his common sense to figure out my intention. Did you really think I could forget an like you?" Taemin stuck his tongue out tauntingly. Minho put on a surprised expression and let out a playful "Yah," as he watched two crescent moons take form while a wide smile stretched across his face simultaneously. The older man looked fondly at the laughing boy and caught himself smiling along.

As the giggles died down, Minho craned his neck down to rest his forehead against Taemin's. "I missed you so much," Taemin admitted quietly, his eyelids fluttering closed as they rubbed their noses side to side affectionately.
"I missed you too," Minho replied, "So much," he breathed. Just then, the two exchanged a light peck that had their stomachs tumbling over themselves. "I refuse to leave my boyfriend's side for more than a day."

Boyfriend, Taemin smiled, absolutely loving the title he's finally been given after waiting all this time. "Good, because I want you to stay there." The new idol released his (literally) breathtaking hug and trailed his hands up Minho's body to his sharp jaw line.
"What if I leave?" Minho asked in a mischievous tone.
"Now why would you want to do that in the first place? You almost left crying because I-" A pair of lips met Taemin's to purposely interrupt his sentence, telling him to shut up. No problem; Taemin would choose kissing over talking any day. 

Deeply indulged in each other and their happiness, both men paid no mind to the person entering from under the doorway. "So the reason behind finding your preparation team loitering around the packed hall is that you wanted a quick make-out session? Taemin, if this goes on before every one of your stages, I fear that kissing will turn to something more intimate, leaving you unable to perform. What kind of excuse am I supposed to use with the coordinator." Kibum joked, leaning on the doorframe.

Minho pulled away from the kiss and swung the door closed, forcing the manager outside. With a swift turn of the lock he sighed deeply as they listened to Key pound on the door with a never-ending string of threats flowing freely from his mouth. Side by side now, Minho circled an arm across Taemin's lower back and placed his other hand on his hip. "Should we leave him out there for a bit?" He wondered out loud. Taemin cocked his head to the side, thoroughly amused with all of these exciting events taking part in only one day.
"I guess we can for a little while," the younger approved.

 "Then that means I can use this time to end you," A devilish smirk and a gleam of evil spelled out trouble for Taemin.


A/N: PLEASE DON'T HATE ME FOR LEADING YOU ALL ON HEHE. I have to admit, though, it was fun reading your reactions to my last chapter, and thinking in my mind that you all would be a bit pissed off. Well, this chapter is purposely made short because I want to keep the next events together because it will be really choppy if not. Any ideas on how to deal with procrastination, guys? I've been having it really bad... Suggestions from you all means faster and better chapters from me! Until next chapter!
     Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD