A Short Chapter That I Don't Have A Name For~

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}

The idol looked down at his computer with furrowed eyebrows while whispering to himself, "Where the hell is my memory card?" With his heart rate rising a tiny bit, Minho picked up his silver laptop and examined the slot that once held the small, blue square about 20 minutes before. Next, he spread out his bed sheets carefully, flattening out the small mounds, hoping that that the card could have just fallen out onto the bed. After scanning his whole king sized mattress and finding nothing, Minho scratched the back of his head thoughtfully.

Well I guess it doesn't matter if it's misplaced now. The pictures of Taemin are deleted, so I can just buy a new card when I have the time, The man thought as he crawled on top of his bed and sat near both his camera and laptop. Feeling a bit drowsy with his newly filled stomach, Minho decided that he would call it a night despite It being only 9:30.
With a couple clicks here and there, Minho's laptop screen flashed from a picture of Kibum (A while ago Key had gotten a hold of his webcam and changed Minho's background to a selca of himself) to black. 

Humming the tune to one of his own songs, Minho grabbed the camera from his right side and then brought both of the electronics to his desk sitting next to his bed. He set them down without a sound and then turned around to start for his bathroom. Less than five minutes after doing his business, Minho reappeared with a bright face and shiny teeth as he peeled back his comforter and blankets. While burrowing himself like a hibernating animal, Minho stretched his arm as far as he could to switch off the light on his nightstand.

His efforts were rewarded with the click of his lamp bringing his whole room into a pitch black darkness. With a sigh and the close of his eyes, Minho pulled up his three fuzzy blankets to rest just beneath his nostrils as he tossed his body to the right.
Sleeping this way is going to give him a horrible scolding from Kibum in the morning because he says 'it causes wrinkles and stars can't have wrinkles at this age.' Disregarding that thought, Minho decided to go against his cousin on his advice even though he wasn't ready to feel Key's wrath.

Just like every other night, it was routine for Minho to think about random things to lead him into a peaceful state as he drifted off into slumber. Tonight, he thought, there was a certain subject he wanted to avoid thinking about but felt that he must. It was one that would constantly claw at his conscience and keep him up all night until he sought an answer. He assumed that by the time he makes up his mind with what to do, the birds will already be chirping outside his window and Kibum will be up in his room doing his daily wake-up call.

Usually, his mind would be filled with imaginary scenarios by now, but instead, he tried keeping his thoughts vacant. It seemed harder for him to carry out a blank mind and keep a certain someone from invading his quiet time, than to let his brain conjure up endless possibilities until it wore out.
In the end, Minho gave up. He thought that maybe getting it out of the way would assure a better night's sleep. Only seconds later, the first topic to make itself known in Minho's mind was the topic of tomorrow and the plan he was to go by.

Why do I have to have with Taemin after telling him my feelings? Does it really seal the deal? Minho thought to himself while nibbling on the inside of his right cheek; his eyes popped open now that his fatigue was fading and heart racing. I'm not ready.... Doing that doesn't assure that Taemin will still be here when I come back. What if he really does find somebody else while I'm gone?

Minho's internal conflict continued as he reached and felt for a pillow leaning against his headboard. Immediately a handful of the plush stuffing, the man pulled back his arm and crammed his face into the cold fabric and shrugged loudly.
" you, Jongin. What do you know about these kinds of things?" His words were muffled and lost inside of the encasing as he ranted on about his two choices: stick to Kai's 'genius' advice, or just go the, seemingly, much simpler and PG route.

It took the man ten minutes to finally come up with something. It wasn't listed as one of his original options but it sounded like a better solution which his mind could accept and allow him to sleep soundly.

The memory foam mattress under the idol was extremely warm and molded to the idol's exact shape making the man feel a bit uncomfortable and hot. With an irritated groan from Minho, he flipped over to his left side and squeezed the pillow longingly pretending that it was Taemin. He shut his eyes as a slight grin inched across his serene face as he thought of only the positive opportunities and things that the new day will bring to him

Tomorrow, Minho is going to wing it and follow whatever his gut is tells him to do.


One of the downsides to having Jongin as a friend, was that he was as stealthy and quick-moving as a ninja. At times, of course, it was plus to have somebody like that but not when he sneaks into your room in the morning and nearly scares you half to death. At the moment Taemin wished he never had any friends, waking up with a face full of rear end.

"Kai, what the are you doing here?!" Taemin yelled as he planted his two hands on each of the younger's cheeks and sent him flying off the end of the bed. "I hate you so much." The worker groaned as he pulled the white covers up above his head. Taemin hated breathing in the warm air from under his blankets, but he felt that this was necessary to get away from the annoyance. He hoped when he emerged from the comforter Kai wouldn't be there and he'll realize that he was dreaming and then go back to sleep happily. The only problem is, that its nearly impossible for him to fall back asleep again when the sun has risen.

"So rude, when I'm kindly doing you and your co-workers a favor." Jongin said as he rose from the ground with the crack of his knee while sweeping invisible dirt from his clothing. Taemin grumbled to himself when he realized that he wasn't hallucinating.

"And what's that?" He asked bitterly.

"I'm waking you up for work today." The other said as-a-matter-of-factly, "It's almost noon; you're late." He stated as he propped himself against Taemin's door.

After being late countless times before this, Taemin has learned not to completely freak out, because there has to be a reason to why the staff    Mrs. Choi most importantly    had let him do so. But even so, the butler was completely disappointed in himself for showing his boss what kind of 'responsible' person he is.

With another flip of his covers, Taemin supported himself on his elbows as he shook out his wild bed hair and looked directly at Jongin with a pout. "Have I ever told you that-"

"I'd rather have a million cats as friends than have you." The younger stole the words right from between Taemin's lips and repeated them in a mocking way, "Wow, that's a new one." Jongin shoved his hands into his tight, jean pockets and smirked coolly.

Taemin grinned as he gathered his strength and courage to place a toe against the cold, wooden flooring. Quickly adjusting to the sensitive sensation of the touch, the man stood, basking under the horizontal slits of white light creating simple art against him as if he were a canvas.

"Well," He started while he passed Jongin to get to his dresser, "Are you going to come in and shut the door? I'm not an exhibitionist, here." Just like he did most days, Taemin chucked white and black articles of clothing over his shoulder, hoping that they would land in a small heap.

"Oh really?" The younger one chuckled and pulled the door shut behind him. Taking a seat at Taemin's desk, he turned around and watched as his friend undressed, "Remember that one time when-"

"That was a dare," Taemin stated and threw his grey tank top at Jongin's face, "from you." With a sigh, he buttoned up the front of his shirt and examined himself in the mirror in front of him. "Now why are you really here?"

"I'm supposed to be friends with Minho    which I partly am    So I thought in order for the friendship to be realistic, I should come over today as well. You know, get the it embedded in Mrs. Choi's system." Kai explained with the flip of his bangs to the side.

"I find that hard to believe. Are you sure that it had nothing to do with Jinki?" The older one stole a quick glance to his side and then pulled up his pants. "How did you two start talking in the first place?"

Jongin scoffed and rolled his eyes, "No!" He twiddled his thumbs just like he always did when he lied. Trying to change the subject as fast as he could, Kai moved on to the next answer, "I met him while grocery shopping. He was there with a couple other maids, too, and we exchanged numbers. It was just a coincidence." He honestly said.

"Wonderful. Seems like relationships are blooming around this time of year, no?" Taemin was now only a foot away from the mirror, looking at himself dead in the eye, and mindlessly trying to hook his bowtie around his neck.

"Yeah- Wait, no! Hold on, I mean- Damn it! Me and Jinki aren't in a relationship, okay!" The other rose from his chair and spoke defensively. The older eyed Jongin through the mirror with a smile

"That's weird."

"What is?"

"Whenever I walk by Jinki's room late at night, I always hear him saying sweet things to somebody. He's pretty loud about it, but it's cute." Taemin watched as his best friend's face flushed a light pink as he muttered something under his breath. "What are you saying, Kai? Hm?" Taemin twirled around and pinched the younger's cheeks the same way a grandma does to her grandchild. A scowl and cold glare sent the worker into a giggle fit as his hand was swatted away coldly.

"Anyways; You're lucky that both the Chois left early this morning, and won't be back until dinner time; or so Jonghyun-hyung says." Jongin picked up a random book that sat atop Taemin's desk and flipped through its pages just to give himself something to do. "Actually, me being here is pointless." He then tossed the book with a loud sound.
Taemin looked at him with an irritated face    his room was already a mess, and he didn't need it to become even more unsightly than it already was. The young man realized that he cleaned this whole room just yesterday, and now it’s back to being messy. Again.

"You're cleaning my room."

"Who says?" Jongin replied stubbornly.

Taemin smirked, "Should I call Kibum?" he taunted, walking over to his bedside and taking an agonizingly long time to touch the radio which Jongin the time to re-think his choice. Just as Taemin placed a finger on the coal colored device, the younger spoke up.

"No! Okay, I'll do it! Don't call the manager from hell, please." He pleaded.

"Right," Taemin said as he reached for the doorknob, "if you stay, I'll see you at dinner."

"I'll be there. Save room for dessert."


A/N: Sorry for taking so long to write this up~ I've been resting, and after I tried writing again, I had brain farts ><;; Again, sorry! This chapter wasn't very eventful, I know that you're thinking that, but the next chapter I promise it will be! I just didn't want to cut the good stuff into two parts and leave you guys hanging right in the middle. Please understand! (THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED YET)
P.S. December 12th is my birthday! I hope to reach 100 subs on this story by then, and maybe a couple uplikes. Please spread this story and recommend it if this tickles your fancy~ I don't know if I will be posting that day, either. Thank you so much!
     Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD