Power of Electronics

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}

Taemin sat at the desk in his room with a full belly; digesting all that it could hold for the night. When Minho said there would be a feast, he really meant it. No words could be used to describe the delectable, gourmet food that lined around the outskirts of the table buffet style. The weird thing, though, was that the planner of the whole meal didn't come down for even half a second. Taemin was actually looking forward to dinner in hope of seeing as much of the idol as possible before he leaves.

The room transitioned from grey, to black within the time frame of seven minutes as the sun tucked itself away under the horizon. The male blew a puff of air and drowsily reached for the small cylinder attached to the top of his lamp. He twisted it twice clockwise with a click and in a moment, the room was covered with the dim lighting of the light bulb. Taemin sat back in his chair and slumped down with his legs open.

At the moment, Taemin was really not in the mood for talking    let alone move a single muscle    but forced himself to pull out his cell phone and scroll through the few contact names that he kept. On his journey to the letter 'm,' the worker paused for a moment to contemplate calling up his 'brother' first. Taemin shook his head, wondering why he didn't pull Jongin over to tell him about the contract before he left. 

It seems as though he'll be seeing more of his friend now that the younger has some sort of 'friendship' with Minho and a tug-of-war going on with Jinki. It was cute how Jongin and Jinki played with each other. One minute, Kai is letting Onew hold him, and the next, he won't even let Onew near him. Quite amusing to watch their ever-changing attitudes, Taemin concluded.
I would be pissed off if Minho did that to me. Then again, he already has! Taemin thought as he watched his screen lock automatically from the lack of activity.

The 'tug-of-war' or 'push-and-pull' was one of Jongin's many methods that never worked on the girls he was interested in. But using it on Jinki, the hopeless romantic, it didn't matter which plan he used. The older man seems very faithful, and looks like the type who would keep chasing and chasing after the person he cares about. Unfortunately, not all people in this world are like him. If Taemin has learned anything from his childhood friend, then it would be Korean, and learning never to take Jongin's advice on love.

What kind of young adult his age knows the exact key to getting into somebody's heart? The only thing he might have the slightest idea of, is the art of making love. Scratch that    just . You need to experience love, before actually making it with somebody that shares the same feelings and Jongin has not been in a relationship long enough for that to happen. Bottom line: Taemin will never, ever, listen to Jongin's tips, only a fool would. No matter how many times the younger tried to act like a teacher, Taemin has and will continue to ignore him.

With the decision of waiting to meet with Kai in person, Taemin clicked the top button of his phone and punched in his code on the screen to unlock it. Starting to make his way down his list of friends and family, he went from the letter 'j' to 'm.' The only name installed under that letter group was 'mom,' referring to his step-mother back in Osaka. Honestly, he'd been feeling guilty lately about, not even once, thinking of calling to let his mother know how he'd been doing. Anybody who actually care about their child would be worried sick about them moving to another country alone.

As he clicked the nickname, Taemin peered at the digital clock sitting in the corner of the desk. Raising the speaker up to his ear, the young man corrected his posture and waited for the ringing to be ended by a    hopefully joy-filled    voice. His body become jittery when he realized that there could be a chance that his father could pick up his wife's phone. If that were to happen Taemin would immediate hit of the 'end call' button. He was relieved, though, to find the familiar and soothing voice of the woman gently bounce against his eardrum.

"Taemin! I've been waiting for your call for what seems like forever!" She exclaimed in a small, delighted voice, "I thought you died!"
The boy laughed, happy that she had been thinking about him for the past months, "No, no    I'm alright. I'm sorry that I haven't called. I've been busy working and dealing with the new people here. If you were so worried, how come you didn't call?"

"First, I was afraid that I'd be interrupting you and your freedom time; You could be at the club or something! Second," She giggled, "I didn't want to have to be the one paying for the overseas bill."

Taemin's mouth dropped and let out a gasp now aware of the extra money he'd be paying. He then released his tense muscle with a smile and remembered that soon enough he'll pay all of his bills and debts off once he's doing world tours. "Well, look at you, smarty. Better believe that if I knew about this, you wouldn't be getting a single call in years!" He said jokingly. "Is," the male quieted down and lowered his voice, "dad there?" He asked almost secretively.

"No; not yet. He still has his same work hours. If you remember it, then you should call during those times, so it won't cause anything to start. Actually," The woman whispered, "I'm kind of breaking his rules right now. I'm not supposed to be speaking to you."

"So typical of him," Taemin scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I don't understand how you tolerate him."

His step-mother sighed, "Some days, I don't know either." she said. "Anyways," a brighter tone colored her voice in an attempt to change the subject, "what's happening over there? Did you manage to get in contact with Jongin?"

"Yes, but I'm not staying with him anymore. I did that for a couple of weeks before moving into... A place way bigger." The son explained.

"Wow, you must have a good job to move into a big place all on your own. What do you do?" She questioned.

"I have so much to tell you! I've been working as a-"

"Who are you talking to?" The distant voice of a man suddenly rang out in the background of the speaker. There were some clunks in the background of the call which Taemin assumed were his dad's his shoes flinging off of his feet. It was something he did on a daily basis so that his wife had something for her to organize.

"Honey! You made it home this early?" Taemin could tell that she had put down or hidden the phone because it was harder to hear what they were saying.

Even though his father's voice made him cringe, the boy remained silent on the line and turned up his volume interested in what his parents had to say to each other.
"Yeah, there wasn't much traffic today. I asked who you were talking to just now." He sounded much closer now.

"I was talking to my sister, but she had to go. So, as you can see, I'm reading." She lied to him. A brief smack of lips contacting each other, made Taemin's body shudder and his arm hairs stand on end.

"Oh, okay." Taemin's father replied without any sign of suspicion. Just then, a steady pace of clicking could be heard over the speaker, and after it ended, Taemin's phone beeped three times. Taking the phone away from his ear, he dragged down his notification bar and saw that there was a message from his step-mom.
"Hold on for a little bit. I'll change rooms so that we can start chatting again! I'll pay for your extra fees for this call." 
It read.
A grin spread across Taemin's lips as he returned to the call and tapped the 'speaker' option. He thought that it might be a while.

"Wait, don't go yet. Do you remember how we were talking about Harvard University a couple days ago?" The man stopped his wife for a moment.

"Yes, what about it?"

"Taesun graduated a year ago but never told us. He also changed his courses there. Either way, his job choice is great, and I'm so proud-"

That was all Taemin could take before flipping his phone over, ripping out the battery, and chucking it against the carpeted floor. Agitated, the man shoved his face into his hands and shrugged.

"We'll see who will be more successful in life." The man challenged with strong determination burning up inside of him.


The feeling of his stomach rumbling led him to curling up into the fetal position, trying to convince himself that he didn't need food. He willed himself to believe that he could last until morning and then have a huge breakfast and pig out. The hunger was so bad earlier that it drove him to shut down his laptop because he couldn't concentrate with the empty feeling and furious swishing of acid bothering him. Minho groaned and rocked himself side to side like a baby in a crib. It really suited him well since he knew whining like a baby got him any type of food at any time of the day.

"I need to distract myself." He wailed to himself. In another attempt, Minho dragged his torso over the edge of his bed and reached down to the floor to grab his laptop once again. Without a problem, he pulled up the portable computer and laid it across his legs which folded like a pretzel. In a short three minutes, he had checked all of his social website accounts along with some off his own fan sites. Nothing caught his eye and no page seemed worthy enough for him to stay and stare at.

Minho folded his bottom lip over his teeth and bit down whenever he had the urge to bolt out of bed and grab a snack. He couldn't do that though because what if he met Taemin while down there? Minho's usual confidence depleted thinking about Taemin's handsome features and he couldn't bear facing him coincidentally after the other night. He had to stay up in his room and survive until morning rolled back around.

Seeing that he really had nothing to check online, Minho decided to take the chance to delete the pictures he had taken of Taemin in a maid uniform.

Conveniently Minho found the camera next to him and picked it up. Earlier when he tried to keep his mind off of food, he was looking back at pictures he had taken over the past year. There wasn't that much to look at; just scenery from the cities he'd been in for music videos, tours and of course, Taemin. He had to admit it himself; it was unusual how good Taemin looked fitting into women's clothing. The white apron which covered the front of the black dress accentuated Taemin's tiny waist while his long legs became even more elongated with the help of the chunky heels. It got to the point where Minho needed to shut off the device and let the emptiness in his stomach rid his thoughts of the abnormally attractive photos.

Carefully, the idol unlatched a small bottom compartment that held batteries and the SD card that he was looking for. Pushing in the blue little memory plate, it popped right back up like a spring allowing itself to be claimed between Minho's fingers. Once it was pulled out, the man tilted the side of his computer upwards and examined the different types of slots; looking for one approximately the same length of the card. After reviewing all of the holes, he took a chance and slipped the card into the chosen slit with ease.

A pleased look arose on Minho's face as he watched a window pop up in the middle of his screen. The white square held all of the photos in chronological order, making it easy to find the ones that he was searching for. Minho scrolled down to the bottom of the page where the photos were most recent and found all eleven shots. Then, he dragged the window to the side so that he could see his garbage can icon. One by one, Minho transferred those embarrassing pictures into the 'garbage' file.

Truth be told, Minho was hurting as he did this. Partly because he knew that he was such an , and the other part because of his upset belly. Every time he got closer to finishing his current action, the grumbling became more painful and louder. By the time the he was finished, Minho was hurriedly grabbing his walkie-talkie from his nightstand, calling for his manager.

"Key-hyung, I'm hungry!" He tried sounding like a hopeless little poor boy begging for scraps. Something that he was totally opposite of, yet had no problem playing the part convincingly.
Seconds later, Kibum replied in a harsh tone, "Your mother was mad that you didn't come down. You were the one who planned it after all! Maybe you don't deserve to eat."

"B-But, I'm dying up here! Can't you hear me? I sound like a whale!" Minho wailed into the receiver as he opened the trash can icon on his main screen. Quickly, he scanned over the files and made sure that he didn't accidentally add something that wasn't supposed to be dumped out.

Finding everything as it should be, the man nearly clicked the 'delete' button when it felt like a knife was jabbing into his abdomen.
"Jesus Christ Minho! If you're really that hungry, then go down and eat! You don't see anybody stopping you from that!" Kibum exclaimed, almost sickened at the horrible sound his cousin had made. "Go- I'll meet you down in the kitchen."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Minho whispered with as much enthusiasm as he could suffering from stomach pain.

Gripping his stomach, he slipped off of his bed, fitted his slippers on, and shuffled down the corridor until he met the stairs. The smell of sweet honey-roasted ham from the dinner earlier filled Minho's nostrils and he almost leaped for joy, until Kibum came out of his shared room with Jonghyun in a purple robe. "Minho, I hate you." The older one said as he crossed paths with Minho.

"Yeah, whatever you say." Minho said, ruffling Key's hair.

"Yah! Don't touch my hair! I got it done earlier today!" Complained the man whose hair was once pink and blonde. He now sported a simple yet cunning jet black hairstyle with a long fringe just above his eyes.

The idol smirked, as he entered the kitchen with two chefs who were already preparing him two plates of colorful food. The sight of this brought pure happiness to Minho, and he replied happily,

"And you look gorgeous!"

Kibum cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "I always do." he replied while putting most of his weight on one leg. "When you get your dishes, eat in the dining room; I'm sending up a maid right now to organize your room."


"Don't you dare ask me why. I came to check on you earlier, and your stomach was bothering you so much that you couldn't help but up your room because you were frustrated."
Minho looked at Kibum with a shocked face.
"Yeah, don't think that I don't check on you. I've seen many, many things of your doing. I swear you're a child!"


A yawn passed through her wide open jaw as she walked down to Minho's room in pink slippers.
Why do I have to organize his crap now, it's 9:00! It should wait until tomorrow or something. The young woman complained in her mind as she itched the back of her neck. When she reached the door
 she knocked lightly with precaution, then slowly pushed open the door to reveal a room cluttered with stray pillows and blankets.
Well, at least its not as bad as when Key, Minho, and Onew play fight. The maid tried looking on the bright side, but couldn't help cursing the idol's name because she had to do this right before she slept.

With an annoyed attitude the woman placed pillows back in order, straightened-up stacks of papers, and stood any object upright if they had fallen down. About halfway through the room, the maid was rearranging Minho's pillows at the head of his bed when she suddenly collapsed forward on to the form-fitting mattress. She took a huge inhale of air and caught a whiff of Minho's smell. She couldn't help but reminisce about the secret rendezvous she and Minho had frequently. The way he used to hold her in a firm hug allowed her to rest her head on his warm chest and soak in the scent of his cologne. 

Yoona has been a new maid and immediately hit it off with Minho, she thought. She was a huge fan of the idol and took any opportunity to work with or around him. As she began spending more time around Minho, the more he noticed her and eyed her up and down. With time, the two would meet secretly whether it be in a utilities closet, the garden, or the spa to spend time with each other.

As inexperienced as Minho was, not being able to date publicly and all, he was a bit awkward which Yoona liked, even almost appreciated. Many of their meetings would be to cuddle and whisper sweet nothings to each other before Yoona decided she wanted to be more serious. One afternoon in the garden Yoona stole Minho's first off-screen kiss. It was a simple peck which caught the idol off guard. After the first, Yoona placed another hungry kiss on his lips and trailed her hand up the inside of Minho's thigh. Even after pulling away and asking her to stop, the woman's aggressive ual advances went on, forcing Minho to push her off the bench angrily.

After that day, they stopped meeting up. After that day, Minho was seen with other woman friends Yoona thought could be the reason why he didn't want to see her anymore. After that day, Yoona became bitter.

The maid sighed and turned her head towards the glowing laptop screen and was surprised at what he found showing on the screen. At first she thought that it was Minho's stash of , but later realized, that the uniform was way too familiar and expensive to be in some cheap ographic shoot. With no time to waste, Yoona jumped right on to the computer and examined each picture.
This girl is way too pretty to be doing this kind of- Wait, is that-? Taemin?! 

Yoona's face was less than an inch from the screen, when it was confirmed that the person in the picture was, in fact, Taemin. The maid gasped incredulously and covered with her hand. 


Fifteen minutes later a completely satisfied Minho returned to his room with a toothpick hanging out halfway between his lips.

"Time to finish- Oh, I guess I'm already done. Where'd I put my memory card then?"


A/N: Aigoo, Yoona, that is not okay! Keep your snooping hands off of things that aren't yours! Karma will get you, Karma will get you.... Minho, don't leave things like that out in the open! And poor Taemin, having to hear about his brother..... Well, I felt like this was kind of a fulfilling chapter that I wrote. Kekeke ^^;; Until next chapter!
      Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD