The interview

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


Taemin's face lit up like a Christmas tree and grinned back at the cheery worker. There was no way that he couldn't even if he wanted to, because as soon as the door swung open, the aura felt very welcoming; just like the butler said in his greeting. It was like a new world was waiting for Taemin to walk into, and so he did. Taemin wiped his shoes on the doormat and stepped onto the beige marble flooring to be met with a short line of maids and another butler on each side of him, creating a sort of a row or path.

He'd never been inside of a mansion before, sure his house was pretty decently sized, but it wasn't anything compared to this. Suddenly he felt uncertain; uncertain about whether to take off his shoes or not. He didn't want to be disrespectful, but at the same time shouldn't the employees always be working?
He glanced down at the two-to-three inch heels worn by the female workers and thought that maybe he should keep them on. But then he remembered that he wasn't working there yet, and connected the toe of his right foot to his other heel and began to pull out his foot when the man who opened the door stopped him.

"Oh, don't worry about taking off your shoes here. This place is being cleaned for half of the day and becomes spotless, so just go ahead and keep them on." He said patting Taemin's back.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry." Taemin said shyly and inserted his foot back into his shoe, then stuck his finger at his heel to pull up the backing. Once Taemin was stable and upright again, the butler walked down the row of workers motioning for him to follow.

"Come this way please." He said waiting. Obediently, Taemin followed. But not without taking his time walking down the aisle and switching his view from side to side to examine the interior. The walls were barely two shades darker than the flooring, defined with a darker brown for details. Expensive looking paintings of beautiful scenery lined the walls and royal red curtains draped over the perimeter of the massive windows on the walls Taemin stared around in awe, noticing that the size of the foyer was about half of a soccer field and wondered how big the rest of the estate was if this only made up the foyer.

"Mr. Lee, I assure you that you will have plenty of time to tour the estate later. Please, don't dawdle unless you want a face full of raging Kibu-"

"Lee Jinki where is he?!" A voice boomed from down the upcoming hall to his right. The loud slam of a door startled Taemin into jumping into a male worker with almond shaped eyes that resembled those of a puppy and chocolate brown fur hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Taemin apologized quietly to him and trotted up to the side of the butler who was staring down the hall.

"He was supposed to- Ah, hello! Uh, Lee Taemin was it? Come down this way into my office!" Kibum called as he reached for the doorknob of what Taemin assumed as his office. (He also assumed that he was the one who slammed it in the first place)

Taemin looked at the other man who extended an arm for him to go first. Taemin nodded his head and  walked down the corridor to the double doors that were propped open invitingly. All the while, he swore he could hear a voice saying, "Amazing how fast he can change his attitude." And he agreed with that person.

Taemin looked into the room to make sure that he was heading into the right one, and found the smiling man sitting at his desk waving him in. "Come on in and take a seat where ever you like." He said pointing to a couch in between two matching armchairs. Taemin said "thank you" and took a seat on the left leathered chair, and watched the butler follow him in and occupy the other one.


"I'm Kim Kibum who you talked to over the phone yesterday. I manage the young master's schedule and what not. Right here," He said showing a hand towards the other man, "is Lee Jinki, the head butler who manages the employees around here. So he'll really be your boss in all technicalities."

Taemin rose from his seat and introduced himself formally. "Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Jinki, I'm Lee Taemin." He said with a smile and a bow.

"Please, call me by my nickname Onew." He wished. Taemin nodded.

"Now, I just need you to fill out these forms for me, then we'll talk over pay and about moving in and you'll be all set for a quick training. Tomorrow marks your first day." Kibum said handing him a clipboard with at most three papers and a pen. Taemin hesitantly grabbed it while wondering if he heard that last part right.

Tomorrow? Did I miss something here? "Um, excuse me Mr. Kim? Did you just say tomorrow would be my first day?" Taemin asked in a small voice.

The two other men looked at each other and giggled. "How cute!" The manager exclaimed. "Taemin-ah, let's not be formal with each other. Nobody in this house is talking formally unless talking with the master and the rest of his family. Call me Key or hyung." He said on the edge of his seat about ready to pinch Taemin's cheeks into a scorching red color.

"Ah-Alright." Taemin replied. It still didn't answer his question though, and Kibum knew that Taemin was getting a bit uncomfortable and confused about this straightforward "interview."

Key laughed at Taemin's confused face and then continued, "You heard me right. You already got the job without even having a real interview." Taemin's expression said that he still wasn't following along, so Key went on. "If you noticed the quantity of workers posted at your arrival, those are all going to be your co-workers. Six of them isn't enough, and we are in desperate need of help. Because you see, Master Choi is a bit of a hot head."

"So I've heard."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, go on."

"Anyways, those six are the only house keepers here. We used to have around 16 to 20 until I left for a day." He then shot a glare at Jinki and went on. "Since this is a mansion, you must have noticed the size of it on the outside right? Don't be fooled by the outer appearance. It looks big from the outside, but incredibly bigger being inside. Right now, we're desperate for help so i've decided to hire you right off the bat. And, you're okay with that I assume?" Kibum said sitting back in his chair.

"Of course I am! Thank you so much!" Taemin said with a smile.

"Fill out that form while we run over some things with you. So listen closely," Kibum said. "Onew-hyung, go ahead." He signaled as he watched Taemin's pen work curves and short lines.

"Alright. So on a regular day, you may wake up any time you want, as long as you're eating in the dining hall by 6:30 every morning except for certain Sundays. Sunday shifts will be alternated between workers as days off. Lucky for you at this moment, there isn't any regular days." What Jinki said made Taemin pause his writing and look up for a moment, then proceed as the voice did.

"Mrs. Choi is on a world trip for a couple of more months and while she's gone, the staff and even young master have a time of freedom. This is when we like to speak informally to each other and wake up anywhere before nine."

"So sleeping; where am I going to be staying? On the ad you said you would provide it for me." Taemin said flipping to the last page of the packet.

"Onew will show it to you later. The check you will be receiving each month is a very generous amount, so we take a small tax on that and take back a bit of money." Key said observing the scowl crossing Taemin's lips. "And I mean a very generous amount. Mrs. Choi isn't very stingy, but just make sure not to make her mad."

"That's where her youngest son gets it from." Onew said with a sigh. Kibum agreed with it, and then Onew began to talk again. "So basically, you're going to have a schedule of chores in your room, but if something was to change, the staff carries a personal walkie talkie just in case. It is only a valid change if Minho, Key, or myself calls you. If somebody needs help you may aid them too."

Taemin's ears perked noticeably up at the name Minho, even though he knew that it was impossible for it to be the Choi Minho he adores. But what if it was? What if he got a job at his favorite idol's house? What if they got close and fell in love? What if he got to choreograph his future husband's dances while he's on tour? What if. He was being ridiculous even thinking of those things, he admitted to himself. And husband? Where the hell did that come from, because he definitely was not gay.

Jinki eyed his friend sitting over at the desk with a suspicious look. "Lunch is eaten in two different shifts, same with dinner, which will be on your schedule too. When you're finished filling out the form, we'll give you a tour of the-"

"Finished. Here you go Key-hyung." Taemin said sliding the clip board onto Kibum's desk. He then rose from his chair and stretched a little, feeling good that he got the job without even trying. 

"Well, alright." Onew said a bit awkwardly. Something was up with this guy, he thought. "Let's head out then." He then said holding the door open for both Taemin and Kibum to file out into the hallway. When the door shut and Jinki joined the two, he introduced the first room which was obviously Key's main office. Key then informed Taemin never to be scared to talk to him or ask questions, because he'll always be there. Still planted in the same spot, they looked down the rest of the hall with Onew explaining that they were occupied rooms of some maids, plus a bathroom.

Traveling back into the lobby of the mansion, their little trip took a brief pause in the middle of the foyer for the tour guide to explain what was upstairs. "To the right, is the master bedroom which is temporarily taken by Master Minho, and to the left are two vacant rooms that used to be him and his brother's. Okay, moving on to your room." Onew said completely ignoring the stainless steel doors planted in the middle between the left and right hallways. 

"Wait, you forgot to explain the middle doors." Taemin said pointing to them. Onew turned around slowly and a bit too eerliy for Taemin's taste and said, "That elevator only goes up. It's strictly off limits to everybody except for family members." Then turned around to start towards the hallway opposite from them. Well. That's a place Taemin will definitely go sooner or later. His curious side always got the best of him.

Letting the whole creepy-elevator-curiosity experience go, he followed the two other males close behind to pass two more doors until they stopped in front of the third on the right. Jinki dug through his pocket to find a single key and slip it into the lock. He turned it with a clear click and pushed through the door to reveal a room of off white walls, a full sized bed with red and black pillows, and rugs decorating certain spots of the floor. Stepping in a bit further, he could see that he also had a dresser, walk in closet, a desk accompanied by a chair, and a full shelf of books I'm both Korean and English.

"All of this for a worker here? Are all rooms equal?" Taemin asked amazed at this. Now he was starting to grasp how much of a generous person Mrs. Choi is.

"Yes. Well, kind of. There's a house that was specially made for our employees, but they may only move in there after eight months of living in here. It's like a trust thing. We want to keep an eye on our newest additions here and let the veterans stay out in the back. But of course, we are males. So us, plus Jonghyun live in this hallway, while the new girls take the rooms by my office." Kibum informed Taemin.

"I see. Jonghyun is the other butler that was lined up earlier right?" Taemin asked turning his attention to Jinki.

"Yeah, his room is that one." He said pointing to the one nearest to him. "Kibum and I are the first door. We have to share because of space issues, but luckily Mrs. Choi reconstructed it expand it more. By the way, the door down there is the bathroom." He finished. "Well, let's get moving again. There's still ground to cover and people to meet."

Once again in the lobby, the three men looked towards the double staircase. There were three routes to choose from: Down the middle into the main living room, to the right which was the kitchen and dining room, and to the left which was recreational things like a spa, gym, and studio. A dance studio to be exact. A place where Taemin would be spending much of his time. Eventually the routes met up into the living room, so they wound up going counter-clockwise in a circle and returning to the kitchen after their round.

"I forgot to show you this closet in here." Jinki said walking to a door that was strategically placed far from the food or counters. "Here is where you're going to find cleaning supplies. All bathrooms should be stocked already with cleaners, but if it starts running low, come in here to gather more." He explained. "So-"

"Hyung! I need help again." A voice called from behind them. It was the same guy that Taemin bumped into when walking down the hallway carelessly. Jonghyun, right? "Oh, he's officially a new worker right?" He asked setting down a pitcher full of what looked like iced tea with a couple of lemons floating about the ice cubes.

Kibum nudged Taemin on the arm. "Oh- Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Taemin. Please take care of me, hyung." He said with a respectful bow. When he got back up, the man propped himself up on the black marble kitchen island and crossed his arms.

"It's nice to see another guy here besides these two sticks in the mud." He said slinging an arm around Taemin's shoulders as an automatic notion of friendship. "I'm Kim Jonghyun, and me and you are going to have fun here, yes?" He said with a wide grin.

"J-Jonghyun, don't get him into trouble now! He looks as pure as an angel and we don't want you to infect him and his mind." Kibum said with a blush setting in his cheeks.

"Awh, Kibummie, I'm just trying to have fun with him!" Jonghyun teased and shook Taemin a bit. "Right?" Taemin pretended to scoff at Jonghyun when he noticed Key turning multiple shades of pink and red. Probably a cross of flustered and flushed with hinted jealousy by the looks of it.

"Anyways, what do you need again?" Onew said grabbing Taemin from Jonghyun's arm. Not for Taemin's sake; well sort of for his, but mostly for Key who gets emotional. And when Key gets emotional, he'll let it out. That person to be let out on would most likely be Taemin.

"I forgot to put the sugar in King Minho's drink so he sent me back, but I don't remember where it is." Jonghyun said lifting up the pitcher for all to see.

There it was again. Minho. The name that got his heart thumping even harder than dancing would ever make it. Well, the two subjects were a close match, but Minho comes out victorious every time. The 'what ifs' from earlier were driving Taemin absolutely mad now. He wanted, no, he needed to see this guy now. He needs to see the master to shoot down his own dreams of even meeting his idol, so that he can work without any distractions. Taemin shook his head and replied to Jonghyun.

"It's behind you." Taemin said pointing to a huge bag of sugar placed right behind him.

"Well ." Jonghyun said as he stuck his hand into the bag to pull out a cup of sugar. As he sprinkled in the sweetener, Onew gave Key and sneaky nudge on the elbow. They were thinking the exact same thing. 

"Well, thanks guys. Nice meeting you Taemin." Jonghyun said as he started walking out of the kitchen.

"Wait, we're going to come with you. Taemin still needs to meet him." Kibum said grabbing the youngest's wrist. "Come on, let's go." He encouraged by tugging the boy along.

Passing through the dining room, and back into the huge living room, they maneuvered around furniture and other workers carefully as they reached the sliding glass door. Actually the whole wall was glass and it was hard to tell where the door started and ended. They walked up to the widespread window and saw the back of a figure reclined in a lawn chair under an umbrella with a book in hand. That was all there was to see from their point of view, not even a face that Taemin could judge by.

"Jonghyun, go ahead and we'll follow in a second." Jinki told his dongsaeng. Jonghyun nodded and slid open the door without closing it. Then both men closed in on the younger and whispered to him, "Do you know Choi Minho, the singer and actor?" Taemin wondered if they were being serious about this right now. Why would they stop him like this to ask such a stupid question. He replied with a yes.

"Do you like him?" Kibum asked softly but with a sliver of urgency. A couple of seconds passed because Taemin couldn't find the right words to describe his feelings towards him. "Like him? I love him!" Was what he wanted to say, but instead of his mouth doing the talking, it was an obvious answer by the way Taemin was blushing. Onew and Key just looked at each other.

"What do we do?" They said in unison to each other, receiving a confused look from the new hire.


A/N: I finally get to write Taemin and Minho together in the next chapter! Yay! So happy! Speaking of so happy..... I'm shocked and super excited with the amount of views I have on this compared to chapters! I'm close to 1,000 views right now on this 7th chapter! I wonder how many I will get by the time this is finished (which will be a while ^^;;) If you enjoy this so far, please remember to upvote this! But I really don't expect any until there's 2min love kekeke. Until next chapter!
                  Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD