Copy Shop

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


"N-No! What are you even thinking?!" Minho lashed out loudly, and then cupped his mouth, realizing that Taemin was still inside. "He's not my lover, okay. I'm not gay. I hate this kid, but I feel bad right now." He whispered as he carefully tip-toed away from the door and towards the shorter man.

"Right, right. So you're singing to him even if you hate him. That sounds very reasonable." Jonghyun said sarcastically and raised an eyebrow to his master. "Such a contradiction." He then said, and out of nowhere, he looked around as if confused. Loudly, he sniffed the air and asked, "Minho-ah, do you smell that?"

Minho looked at Jonghyun with a bit of concern, because he wasn't picking up on anything. "Uh, no?" He said.

"Are you losing your senses at this young age already?" Jonghyun laughed at the scowl on Minho's face. "Well of course you don't. The couple that it's radiating off of isn't able to realize it until the feelings are unbearable." The man said, flipping his brown colored bangs out of his eyes.

"Wait, are you saying that I-- Taemin and I, have a sort of thing going on?" Minho said with an incredulous expression that turned into a chuckle.

"You're really dumb if you think that have feelings for that kid in there," He said pointing his thumb behind him towards Taemin's room.

"Ah, ah, Minho. That's the first phase: denial. But don't worry about it, you'll feel it for yourself soon enough." Jonghyun interrupted while wagging his finger back and forth like a metronome.

"Don't push my buttons!" Minho raised his voice again, and Jonghyun shushed him with a calm and knowing face. "See what you made me do? You don't know about my feelings okay, leave me alone." He shooed the older away to no avail.

The idol shrugged and looked away for a moment before leaning into Jonghyun again, "Look Jonghyun, don't you dare go running your mouth about what you just saw." Jonghyun looked back at him with huge, round eyes and a plastic smile on his face, looking as creepy as ever. "Yah, did you hear me?!"  Minho whispered with intensity.

Without changing his face, Jonghyun nodded. He heard the younger boy give a frustrated huff and watched him walk down to Kibum's office yelling, "Kibum, your boyfriend is creeping me out!" Minho stopped in front of Key's open office,and as soon as he finished his words, tons of paper balls showered over the idol at the speed of light.

"Yah! Don't say that out loud!" Kibum's voice shouted from down the opposite hall, making Jonghyun giggle at Key's cute reaction.

When Minho disappeared from sight and made his way further into his manger's meteor shower, Jonghyun took his leave as well. The short worker quietly placed his footing, and looked out into the living room where he spotted Yoona, who was vacuuming the carpets. Perfect. Just as planned. He thought, sticking his tongue out as he smiled. Stealthily, he jogged up stairs and cautiously looked behind him, particularly checking for Jinki. Jinki always gets mad when the maids have their secret meeting. Which is why, they need to keep it more of a secret.

Nobody came into Jonghyun's sights as he finished the last step and almost landed flat on his face. The man looked left, right, then cleared his throat, and continued on like nothing happened. His composure was fully recharged as he entered Minho's old room which was full with the usual staff; excluding Yoona. "Guys," He started, until he reminded himself that he was surrounded by women, "I mean, ladies. It's official." Jonghyun said with a smile as he watched the girls clap and jump around, looking thrilled to pieces.

"Right, right, I was right! He was singing to Taemin!" Hyoyeon sang as she bobbed her body from side to side.

"But how can you tell it's official, I mean, he was singing to Taemin through a door. If they liked each other, wouldn't Taemin let him in?" Sooyoung asked as she filled the sitting space between Jessica and Sunny.

"Haven't you been paying attention to those two's personalities? Do you think that it's going to be so easy for them to accept it?!" Jessica said that like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"It will take a while for that to happen. But we should help speed up the process, if you all catch my drift." Sunny said with a mischievous smile. She switched her gaze to each person in the room who returned the same grin. "Give me some ideas; what can we do to get them together?" She asked each person for their input.

"Well the only thing, really, is to get Minho to boss around Taemin again." Jessica said, thinking in more depth as she stared down at the spotless wood flooring.

"Minho said he felt bad for Taemin when I talked to him, so I really don't know how this is going to work out." The butler said as he rolled back and forth from the sole, to the balls of his feet.

"But like Jessica said with their personalities, Minho won't change completely. He'd try to hide his sympathy." Said Hyoyeon, who was stationed at another window in the room now.

"Exactly, Hyoyeon." Sunny said brightly with the snap of her fingers, "He'll still order Taemin around. Maybe not as harsh as before, but he's going to have to do it just to try and prove to himself that there isn't any feelings."

"Then what's a job that doesn't require much labor, but takes a while to finish?" Jonghyun chimed, trying to get down to this before Yoona or Onew realizes where they are. The girls were quiet for a while, thinking of a chore that fits those standards, but always coming up with something too laborious.

"Cleaning the pool?" Sooyoung offered.

"How about weeding a small portion of the garden?" Hyoyeon added after.

But in Jessica's mind, that last idea lit up a light bulb in her head. The young woman looked up with huge eyes, "What about fertilizing the vegetable garden?!" She said with a huge smile complete with all of her white teeth. Her co-workers seemed slightly amazed with her sudden idea and was glad to have her there. It was a good thing Sunny saved her job from Dictator Minho a couple of months ago.

"Omo, that's great Sica!" Sunny exclaimed with joy. The rest of the friends praised Jessica for her helpfulness as another plan brewed in the back of Sunny's mind.

"I also have something that will drive those two crazy. You all make sure you eat a lot of fiber okay-"

"Did you guys start the meeting without me?" Yoona called from the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest and her cheeks puffed with irritation. Everybody looked to Sunny for guidance since she was the last to talk.

"Yeah, we all had nothing new to say, so I was educating them of fiber and it's importance in-"

Yoona rolled her eyes at this girl who bored her to death with all her pre-nursing course facts, "Okay, I don't care, if you guys aren't talking crap." and with that, she left downstairs.

Sunny only laughed to herself, "I was getting to that."


~~~~~ The Next Day


Taemin awoke to the buzzing and repetitive sounds of his cell phone with let the worker know that it was time to get up and start today. The man's eyes slit open slightly, and that was all he needed to realize how tired he really was both physically and emotionally. Taemin had barely moved an inch before giving up on moving all together. His back hurt from sleeping on the floor instead of on the bed and he could feel that his eyes were still swollen. It seemed as if the night brought only pain upon him instead of the energy he wished to store.

It would have been easy for Taemin to fall back asleep if it weren't for the annoying ringing. Taemin's will not to move was so strong, that it took practically all of his strength just to reach his hand up to the bed and grab the device. By this time, the man was slowly working his eyelids open as he tapped randomly on the screen of his phone. When the alarm was finally shut off, Taemin plopped back down on to his back with an audible cracking sound and a loud groan.

"ing, ." Taemin breathed. Another string of low whines filled the air as he propped himself up into a sitting position and stretched around. Staggering now, he managed to reach his wardrobe and pull out his uniform while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Taemin took all the time in the world getting himself dressed, thinking that nobody would probably try and rush him after what happened yesterday.

Yesterday. What happened yesterday.

Taemin stopped in the middle of pulling his pants on when it hit him: he lost the only photo of his mother. A tight bind squeezed his chest like a boa constrictor does to it's prey out in the wild. Before tears could even start welling in his eyes, he reassured himself, saying that he would eventually find it soon. That he could get through the rest of the day, and cry later if it was his wish.

But what he didn't stop himself from thinking of was the places it could be. Taemin remembers clearly where it was when he left that morning, but now it just magically disappeared? No, that doesn't just happen. Maybe he stuffed it in his pocket and dropped it while he worked? Could be possible, but if it was a picture snatcher, there would be big consequences for that person. First of all, stealing is wrong. Second of all, that's the only way Taemin could ever remember his mother.

Shaking all the negative thoughts out of his head, Taemin threw out a fake smile as he dressed himself. Hiding his true feelings to appear strong willed brought an excruciating pain to the worker especially when he was in no state to act. There was nothing he could do though. He can't let Minho know how he's feeling alone and vulnerable, because those are the perfect times for the man to attack him like a lion against a wounded zebra.

So there Taemin was, hand on the doorknob, putting on his most realistic smile just to make his way to the bathroom. It was a daily routine for him to greet Jonghyun, who was on his way back as Taemin entered. One more deep breath and encouraging words to himself, and he was out the door.




"Driver, please drive me to the nearest photocopy shop." Kibum requested as he buckled himself in the backseat. The broad shouldered man nodded his head and Key watched as he tapped the screen on the car's navigation system. A few clicks later, the man asked in a deep voice, "The nearest one's are in the heart of the city, but there is too much traffic. Do you mind me taking you across town where it's less busy?"

"Sure, ahjussi. As long as we get there I'll be fine." Key said as he reached into the large yellow envelope in his hand, just to make sure he brought what he was going out for.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at their destination. Key thanked the driver and told him that it wouldn't take long for him to make a quick scan and that he'd be out soon. Without one look up at the sign of the store he was walking into, the man opened the door and stepped into a warm room filled with copy machines, printers, and photocopiers. The owner of the store greeted him a good morning and a smile, then disappeared behind a curtain.

Choosing a random station, Kibum opened the top of the scanner and rummaged through the folder which was not only filled with the picture, but also documents. Damn, I need to be more organized. He thought as he finally took purchase on the paper that he wanted. Wasting no time, he flipped the woman face down and shut the top. Kibum brought his fingers up to his lips with a clueless look on his face. Oh god, I don't remember how to do this. His other hand ran over all of the buttons back and forth until he chose a random red colored circle.

To his amazement, a green laser was seen moving from left to right on the under the hood of the mechanism. Kibum smiled with triumph as he made his way to the right of the machine, where the exact replica of the picture was being slowly printed. He stood there looking down at the paper inching out, each time with a new line of print. Upon seeing the first quarter finishing, Key's smile wilted as he found that the machine also copied the rips and tears. What a shame that this can't be fixed though. He thought.

As he waited for the rest of the picture to finish printing, the owner of the store returned with a mug of what smelled like coffee. The aroma streamed into Kibum's nose and he inhaled a good amount of it. Key closed his eyes as he exhaled the sweet and mesmerizing flavor of the freshly grounded beans. 

"Would you like a cup?" The middle aged man in a comfortable jumper offered and held out the mug to him.

Kibum was a little caught off guard with his kindness, "Oh, no thank you. I don't really have the time to stay and drink it. I appreciate your offer though." He smiled, though he wished he had the time for a cup. 

The man simply nodded his head, "Then I hope you have a nice day. Bundle up, because the weather is changing today!" He advised and once again, left the store unattended. 

Is it really? I didn't even notice when I walked out of the car. Then it must be perfect coffee and tea weather! The 'professional' manager bobbed up and down excited that summer would be soon leaving when he heard exactly three beeps from the machine he was standing by. He looked down at the finished copy with a happy smile, and stored it away in his folder.

It was early in the morning, and the sun's rays began to warm the nippy air as it peeked out from the abnormally darkened clouds from above. It should clear up by the time the afternoon rolls around. With nothing else but the next errand, weather, and coffee on his mind, Kibum left the store.




"Uh, Kibum-hyung?" Minho asked almost shyly as he peered into the office, observing Key taking off his jacket and hanging it up.

"Yeah?" He replied with the slapping of the document holder on his desk, "It's right in here."

Minho's eyes brightened up and a smile appeared, as he bent down to pick up the doorstoppers, so that they could have privacy while talking. "Thank you so much, hyung. What about the frame?" He said as he examined the desk of tools.

Kibum sat in his chair, scooted up a bit, and then opened the middle drawer of his desk to pull out a picture frame and set it down on the table for Minho to see. The whole frame border was white wood, with light pink roses decorating the corners except for the bottom right. In that edge were golden letters carved within the wood reading: In memory of Lee Eun Mi: the Grace and Beauty of dance

"Grace and Beauty of dance? Where did that come from?" Minho asked. He wasn't against it at all; the whole thing looked gorgeous. But if she was famous, Minho had never heard of her before.

"When I researched her background, it says that both her and her husband were building up strong dance careers together. They were actually very successful until her and her husband were injured in a car crash. Well, she wasn't exactly injured- you know what happend. But her husband was never to dance after that because he shattered a bone and what not. You were around seven or eight, I believe." Kibum explained.

Minho's face dropped at the tragedy that Taemin had to live through. "That's horrible." He frowned as he searched for the picture in the packet and placed it into the frame. "How do you like it?" Minho asked with a grin, as he held up the completed product. Kibum laughed at his friend and complimented himself on customizing the frame and added, "It's nice to see you show compassion. I wonder what changed you." The manager said raising a knowing eyebrow.

The idol's face reddened and said, "Whatever, I need to go take this to Taemin's room before he gets in there."

"Maybe you should wait; you can serenade him at the same time you present that to him."

Minho's mouth opened, and he looked over his shoulder to his friend who mouthed the name, Jonghyun.

As he sped across the foyer's floor, the tall man thought of ways that he could silently squish that short worker like a bug. Even if Jonghyun has only worked there for a short time, it wasn't hard to see that he was a blabber mouth since he literally does not stop talking. How could he with a yapper that big?

Reaching the front of Taemin's door, Minho rested his ear against the wood to listen for any movements from the inside. After about ten seconds passed, Minho dared to step a silent foot inside that forbidden room once again. He examined the clothing, sheets, pillows, and other objects scattered throughout the room which seemed worse than Minho expected to see it. He felt horrible for just grabbing the picture and going without thinking about the effect it could have on its owner.

Well, she's back now. Minho thought as he pulled out the stand and positioned it in front of the classical music CDs just as it was before. A warm sensation tingled Minho's chest, sending nothing but happy thoughts up to his brain. Minho traced the pink flowers of the frame with his finger admirably until he heard it-- or to be exact: him.


"What are you doing?"



A/N: And Kibum calls himself organized! Tsk tsk, Umma. You're not going to make Taemin or Minho happy like that! Nice try though, kekeke. Are you all wondering how Taemin will react? Because I'm sure you all are~ ^^  I hope that you guys aren't thinking that this could be getting boring because of the amont of chapters..... Because this will end up being pretty long! I'm not even halfway through the story! >< Let me know your thoughts on this being a long term story ^^;;? Until next chapter!
             Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD