Are Those Boxers?

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


"Bull!" Jongin said while uncontrollably smashing his foot against the car breaks just in time to stop the vehicle at a stop sign.

"I'm being dead serious right now! I was like 'what the ' inside of my mind, when I first saw him." Taemin exclaimed. Hearing his belongings rattle behind him in the back seat in reaction to the sudden stop, he instinctively reached behind his seat to rearrange the boxes.

After looking left and right and left again, Jongin went from zero-to-fourty-five when there weren't any cars in sight. "So what's under the 'bad news' category about this? You seem a bit uncomfortable. I thought nothing could make you any happier than working your off for your gay lover." Jongin smirked and accepted the punch in the arm which made him swerve the car a bit.

"I'm not gay. And he isn't either."

"Which totally explains why you searched up his uality in the first place."

The car was in total silence as Taemin's mouth hung open, trying to think of a witty comeback that never appeared. A victorious smile then spread across the younger's face as he urged his friend further, "Anyways, go on with the down part about this?"

Taemin hesitated and awkwardly chuckled a bit. "I kind of threw a drink in his face and told him off now he wants to make my life a living hell and he thinks I'm a girl." He said as fast as his mouth would allow itself to move.

Again, but without a stop sign approaching, Jongin jerked the car into a stop and looked over at his passenger with huge eyes. "Taemin, what the ?! I thought you loved him though!" He raised his voice shocked. Luckily there weren't any cars to urge him forward at this point of their journey back to the Choi estate and they sat there in the middle of the road stalling time from the upcoming mansion that was less than half a mile away now.

"I didn't know it was him! And," Taemin paused, "I had a good reason." He said without giving out too many details of what had happened yesterday.

"That's so unlike you. Talking about him makes you blush, but the thought of you meeting him, I assumed you'd be all up on him flirting and stuff. I never thought about you ever throwing drinks and insults; you only do that to s." Jongin said while starting to roll the car towards the direction of the mansion. He slightly lifted his foot off the accelerator to keep a steady coast up the private cherry blossom-lined road slow enough to hold the conversation without being cut off by Taemin leaving.

The 'you only do that to s' part of his friend's sentence made the older snigger, and when Jongin asked what was so funny, Taemin ignored him. He thought that he should tell him how Minho really acts, but then again he didn't want to betray Key or even Minho.

"Well my co-workers can't know that I'm a fan, or else they might fire me or something." Taemin looked at his wrist watch, "I think you should speed up, or else Kibum is going to have a fit. I also have to unpack and train which takes up the whole day." Taemin said tapping his slender fingers along the elbow rest.
Following his friend's advice, Jongin sped up just a bit faster. The pink petals falling from the trees raced into the windshield and flew over the top of the car in waves which entranced Taemin.

"So how do you feel about the love of your life hating your guts and purposely trying to make you suffer?" Jongin proded, bracing his arm for another blow.

By that time, Taemin just gave up on getting his friend to shut up, and brushed it off. "I feel great, Kai. Really on the top of the world right now." He replied sarcastically. "It makes me a bit unhappy that he's out to get me," He sighed, "but really, I don't think he'll succeed in pissing me off. Quitting isn't an option for me, anyway. College is right around the corner."

"So practically, you're unhappy that you won't be getting that anytime soon?"

The older rubbed his temples and scoffed. "Besides s, I hate immature people like you." Taemin said solemnly as they pulled up to the gate. Jongin's arm extended out the window and punched in the code on the keypad, which soon glowed a light green. Knowing that it wasn't true at all, Jongin laughed and passed through the gate, rounding half of the large fountain which was located in the middle of the circular driveway

"Need help carrying your things?" Jongin asked turning off the car motor but leaving his keys dangling from the ignition.

"No, I need to get away from your lunatic and erted ." Taemin said scooting out of his seat and shutting the car's door. Over the roof he could see his friend stepping out of his seat anyway, and turning around to open the back door, just as he was doing.

"Too bad. I want to get a quick look-see at this mansion." Jongin said bending into the backseat to pull out a box. "Maybe I could even get a number from a maid or two- Aish!" Jongin yelped as he rubbed a tingling spot on the top of his head.

Taemin laughed as he retrieved the ball-point pen he had thrown at his friend. "There's no way I'm letting those nice young ladies be debauched by you." He said as he grabbed his two suitcases by their handles. Taemin gripped the handles tightly and held them up waist-high as he journeyed up the front steps of the mansion as fast as he could.

"Yah! Debach?! What's that supposed to mean?!" Jongin yelled as he followed along at a slower pace, carrying three stacked boxes. "Hyung? Hyung?!" He demanded an answer when he heard chuckling. 

There was no need to knock on the door because both Onew and Key were standing with the double doors wide open. "Morning Taemin, ready to start your first day in hell?" Key laughed as Taemin stepped up through the doorway.

"Oh, more than ever." The younger replied with fake enthusiasm. He set down his luggage and shook out his arms with a smile to the butler and manager. Behind him he could hear his friend struggling up the flight of steps. "Hurry up, Kai, you're taking forever!" Taemin said, looking back at his struggling friend who had barely made it to the top step.

"It'd be nice if you could help me carry your things!" He said with hitched breathing. On wobbly limbs, Jongin stumbled into the foyer and set the stack on the ground.

"Ooh, cool!" He exclaimed, looking around the big lobby and taking a couple of steps further inside to observe the high ceilings and intricate designs carved into the Victorian wall panels.

"Hey, who is he? He shouldn't be here; what if he sees Minho around here?" Kibum whispered between Taemin and Onew.

"That's Jongin; my best friend. He came to drop me off and help carry my things. Don't worry about, he won't be a problem because he isn't a big fan of Minho." Taemin whispered back.

"Kai," Taemin said louder for him to hear,  "this is Jinki and Kibum. Onew and Key for short." 

Jongin wandered further toward the living room oblivious to what his hyung had said to him. Onew and Key laughed as Taemin jerked his dongsaeng back from his wonder land with the drag of his arm.

"Damn it Jongin, just take the boxes and follow me into my room before you break something." The older said dragging the nagging Jongin, telling Taemin to call him 'Kai'. Ignoring him, Taemin and Kibum walked ahead with the smooth sound of his luggage's wheels clicking down the hallway.

"Let me roll in the suitcase, these are heavy!" Jongin whined rising up from his knees with the boxes. As he got up the top box almost came crashing down on his head and he flinched, bracing himself. He squeezed his eyelids together tightly, anticipating pain that could possibly knock him out with how heavy the objects were. But it never came. Instead, there was a sound of a tight grip on the box and a rattle of the items within. Jongin looked up, to find that the box was floating above his head being held by extended and quivering arms.

Carefully, the arms retracted and pulled the box along with it saving Jongin. The grateful young man sighed happily with relief and his heels to thank the person that helped him out. When he did, he backed up a bit shocked with how close the butler was to him.

"Oh, thank you." Jongin said awkwardly with a blush and fled down the hall to where Taemin was already calling for him to hurry up. But almost immediately, the man caught up to him.

"Do you want me to help you out? I'll carry another box if you'd like." Jinki offered with a smile. Jongin stopped in his tracks and looked down at the floor, flustered with the man's kindness and handsome face. He was moved and had a weird feeling from his basic offer, but then realized that it was his job to do so in the first place. He was supposed to help and attend to people, after all he was a butler. Jongin felt just a tiny bit let down, almost hurt.

"Yeah whatever, this is your job anyway." Jongin said bitterly and placed his two boxes on top of Jinki's single, and sped away with his eyes still burning into the floor.

"So once you're settled in, stop by my office so that we can get you your uniform and begin training. But don't take a long time; I have other things to do because of our shortage of workers." Kibum said, adjusting the cover of the bed.
"Okay, I'll do that- Jongin! Where are my boxes?" Taemin yelled, thinking his friend 'accidentally' left them in the lobby.

"Woah, such a big room for a measly employee here! You're going to have a lot of places to hide all of your Min-" Jongin started.

"I asked where they were!" Taemin purposely interjected before Kai could blow his cover.

"Calm down, they're with the butler;" Jongin said moving away from the door so he wouldn't block Onew from coming in. "right here." he finished with a calm voice. Onew came in and set the boxes down on the trunk at the foot of the bed without even breaking a sweat. Taemin shot a menacing glare at his best friend, warning him to watch himself. Jongin then remembered what Taemin had said earlier, and mouthed the word 'sorry' because he started running his mouth.

"Thanks Onew-hyung." Taemin smiled and walked towards the boxes, placing them side by side.

"No problem, but you heard what Kibum said; don't take a long time." Onew said standing outside of the doorway now, motioning for Key and Jongin to follow him out. "Let's go, everybody."

"Come on Mr. Jongin, we'll walk you out." Kibum said grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door.


"Thanks for the help, Kai. I'll talk to you soon." Taemin said waving a hand. 

It took a bit of shoving, but eventually Jongin cooperated in leaving the room with a betrayed face. Onew held the door open for Jongin to take his leave with the same warm smile he beamed earlier, making Jongin's heart race. This was a weird situation for a straight man, he thought as he passed the butler still avoiding eye contact. As soon as the front door shut, Onew walked Kibum to his office.

"Jinki-hyung," Kibum whispered and nudged the other's arm. "I think Taemin owns Minho merchandise."




Creeping into the foyer stealthily from the main living room was Minho who was spying on their activities the whole time. Minho made his strides and steps long and quiet, so that nobody were to notice him. Especially to not draw attention from Kibum. Yeah, especially not him who would happily murder Minho on the spot if he found out about what he was trying to do. The tall man looked to his left, down the hall specifically looking for Kibum's doors to find them shut.Since the coast was clear, Minho maintained his stealthy walking style as he headed now to his right.

Destination: Taemin's room.

Making his way, Minho thought ahead about exactly what he was going to say to Taemin. He was going to give a fair warning about what lies ahead in her future living there, and give her the opportunity of leaving quietly and without any more fights. But of course, if Taemin were to turn him down, Minho would start to work her right then and there.

Arriving at what he thought is the right door, Minho knocked on it lightly, afraid that the sound could bring Kibum running. A couple seconds passed without an answer. Minho started to wonder if he did it too lightly before a startled face appeared before him. Minho could swear he saw the woman's face start to glow a light shade of pink before her face went right into a cold look. Taemin stood in the doorframe, which had a big enough gap to fit her body. "What." S/he said plainly.

"I came to advise you. I really think you should leave this place, or else I'll make you regret- Are those boxers?" Minho said pointing over Taemin's head to a pair of dark red boxers hanging over the side of a drawer.

Taemin looked back, and rolled his eyes to cover up his embarrassment. Oh my god, Choi Minho has seen my underwear. He thought. But, "Obviously." is what he replied with.

"Why, did you sneak a guy in here?!" Minho shouted almost defensively and pushed the door open. He only got to scan half of the room before his face was almost beat by the rushing door Taemin swung to keep him out.

"No! Why would I sneak in a guy?! That's my pair!" Taemin yelled, pissed off at the older's sudden burst. He hoped that Minho didn't catch a glimpse inside of the open box on his bed containing all of his fan merchandise. It was silent for almost too long, and Taemin was about to release a long string of laughter, before the idol had started talking again.

"Did you say your pair?" Minho asked in an unbelieving voice.

"Yeah, because I'm a guy!" Taemin said grabbing at his flat chest finding muscle and no fat to grip at all.

It took a moment for that information to register in Minho's mind. The confused man tilted his head a bit, examining Taemin's proportional parts and milky white skin, trying to find a man behind that feminine face. Then, just to confirm it for himself, Minho slapped the younger's hands away and replaced them with his own. For a moment, Minho's eyes widened and patted the area which was indeed, nothing but a flat surface of muscle.

Next, his eyes moved to Taemin's face which was now undoubtedly red. There was no way for the boy to keep himself from doing so. Taemin had no objections to being moved around, touched, and observed like this. Why should he? When the man doing it was Choi Minho, Taemin would let him do it all day if it was his wish.

"So if you're a guy," Minho started quietly. As he kept his right hand stationed on his chest, his left hand trailed up Taemin's neck and to the tip of his chin to tilt it up slightly. And there it was. The Adam's apple which sealed the deal. "Oh-"

"Yah! Minho-ah! What do you think you're doing molesting our newest member?!"  

Minho's head snapped to the right, to see a dark figure standing in the middle of the opposite hallway with hands on it's hips. One of his worst fears had come again; a raging Kibum was ready to nag over and over again just like a broken record.


And that was all Minho could get out before dashing for his room when Key started strutting down the hall screaming,

"Don't you dare touch or talk to him again!" 

Taemin watched as the two men began a wild goose chase with each other and decided to sneak back in his room to finish unpacking. He closed the door without a sound and leaned his back up against it, gasping for air because he was practically holding his breath all the while Minho was touching him. When his breathing was subdued, he thought about the way Minho looked staring at his body in fascination. Staring at his body.

"Damn, I'll let him try to reason with me every day if it'll be like this."

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he bit his bottom lip, containing the loud words he wanted to scream. Instead of fanboying, he continued unpacking as the vibration of pounding feet from upstairs shook the dangling lights in his room.



A/N: Kekeke, how cute! ^^ I just want to say, that the other side couple I'll be shipping is Onkai, just because I'd feel bad if they had nobody to be with. I don't really ship them in real life ><;; heehee. Yay for 2min interaction! And they aren't on the verge of killing each other! Well, I don't really have much to say about this chapter. But expect a lot more happenings up ahead and please uplike and comment and show love for me, Queen S ^^! Until next chapter!
                  Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD