
Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


Minho shoved the door open so hard that it almost nailed him right back in the face. If it weren't for his speedy reflexes, it would have. He thanks his years playing soccer for helping him out with that. The man started a light jog until he got to the mansion's lobby, torn between so many ways that Taemin could have gone. Minho thought Taemin would never have the guts to leave the property, so the most logical place to look first was his room.

He stomped off to the right, where Taemin's room was located. Minho felt as red as a tomato and felt that he was so hot with anger that steam was puffing out of his ears like a train. Replaying the recent event sent surges of irritation and wrath throughout himself. Who the does he think he is getting in my face and trying to tell me off about my own mom that he hasn't even met?! Once I'm done with this bastard, he'll be leaving this house. I don't give a single about what Kibum says. Nobody disrespects me and gets into my business.
Minho let out a roar of anger and punch the wall to his right, leaving an automatic dent.

When Minho reached Taemin's door, he noticed that it was shut. Thinking that he had to be in there, the older pounded on the door, giving Taemin a bit of privacy and telling him to open up. There was no response after a couple of seconds, and Minho put his ear up against the wood, particularly listening for any weeping. Instead, just silence.
"I'm ing coming in!" He said and he turned the knob of the door and propelled it forward saying, "You stupid bastar-" and then brought his insult to a stop when there was nobody in sight.

Cautiously, he took a step in and scanned the room for any hiding spots where Taemin could be lurking and waiting. For all he knows, Taemin could be a deranged idol killer ready to strike. Minho glanced behind himself to check the corner behind the door which turned up safe, helping his heart rate slow down. Tip-toeing, he searched places like inside of the wardrobe, under the bed and on top, checking the lumpy covers which turned out to be nothing but mere pillows. But there was actually something else hidden that caught Minho's eye immediately.

An iPod that was cased in neon green that without a doubt popped against the white bed sheets. Curiosity was getting the better of him now. Minho tapped his long fingers against the memory foam mattress and chewed on the insides of his cheeks, debating on what he should do. Sure he was determined to strangle this kid right now, but it was little things like these that drove him insane because he could never keep his mind set on one activity at a time. You could easily imagine how school went for him; joining and quitting sports were a daily routine, which went for clubs as well.

Okay, just really quick look. He reasoned with himself. To make sure that he wouldn't be caught snooping, Minho went back to the entrance of the room and shut it with care, so that nobody would even think that he'd be in there. An adrenaline rush coursed through him. The thought of possibly being caught in the next seconds gave him much excitement. With a  mixed jumble of feelings, Minho's finger shook as he dragged the lock symbol to the right, finding easy access to its contents as it was unguarded with a passcode.

He thought of what to look at first, but realized that there wasn't anything at all, really. Only a couple of games, music, tools, and a locked app.
A locked app? He questioned why Taemin would need that and continued on with tapping the icon. A locked app can only mean a volt of secrets. He smirked to himself.

A typing bar popped up along with a board of numbers, requesting four digits to be punched in. Now this was the problem. Damn it. Most people use their birthdays, right? He asked himself, but the thought wouldn't be valid anyway since he didn't know Taemin's birthday in the first place. Just to give it a random shot, he typed in his own birthday, highly doubting that it wouldn't be right.

"One-two-zero-nine." He said out loud while simultaneously poking the number pad. A half a second passed, and to Minho's surprise, the code was accepted. The man's eyes widened at the hundreds of files that he found confined inside that app.

Pictures of him everywhere. From professionally taken photo shoots, to fancam videos of him during live performances, to edits. There were even amateur edits that Taemin made himself. Minho laughed as he scrolled through the collection but it wasn't the type of laugh you'd usually hear from him. No, it wasn't cocky, it was the kind that you'd have because something was too cute for you to handle. Same goes for the wide grin on his lips.

So he does know about me. That liar! I wonder how many songs he has of mine.

It was way past the time of a 'quick look' when he clicked the home button and made for the music note in a red-orange colored box on the task bar. To his convenience, a list of all of his songs was already loaded on the screen. He flicked his finger up a couple times to bring him to the end of the screen. The total songs under his name, was 32; including the six official soundtracks he had participated in. 

Holy , this must have cost a lot. He said as he clicked the 'purchased' button, but finding it empty. So does that mean, he owns my albums?
Minho looked around in his surrounding area for the CDs. Locking back up the iPod, he returned it to its original position under pillows, and replaced the covers to hide that he had been there.

Minho looked in the bookcases and the storage shelves along the walls but didn't see one trace of his items anywhere. The next place he searched was the desk. The man slid open drawers and looked under stacks of paper and other things. Unfortunately, there was nothing with his name plastered on it with big, metallic letters. What he did find, was a stack of classical music CDs, hidden behind a picture of a beautiful younger lady, looking extraordinarily similar to Taemin.

With much care, Minho held the old and beaten photo paper in his hands, noticing the many rips and tears and folds that damaged the clarity. He compared this woman with Taemin mentally and wondered in what way they were related. Her pitch black eyes weren't something to be afraid of, but something to be lost in. Like, in an ocean for example. Porcelain skin and high cheekbones were key features to her look. She was in one word: beautiful.
Wait, does that mean I'm complimenting Taemin too? He asked himself. When he realized that he practically was, he made a gagging sound and placed the flimsy picture back into its station.

The last place Minho checked was the closet. Of course, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, with coats and other belongings hung up. That was, until he noticed the small door at the end of the closet that completely failed at being hidden with a random box. Minho bent at the knees and pushed the empty box away with ease. He then opened the door, and found yet another box in the compartment that was barely small enough to house it.

Minho pulled it out and examined the sides, checking if there were any markings or signs of what could be inside. There was nothing; practically a brand new box. With no time to waste, his heart began thumping in his chest again. Realizing that he's been there for way too long now, he hurriedly flipped up the sides and folded them down to find exactly what he was looking for.

The cardboard contained various objects of shapes and sizes and Minho recognized every one. Light sticks, banners, photo books, folded posters, buttons, and the expensive 'A' versions of all his albums. Even though he knew he would eventually find these items, it surprised him with the qualities and quantities of the things. Now this really must have cost a lot. He thought as he examined each trinket closely before moving on. 

He picked up his newest album and nodded approvingly at the way he looked on the front cover. Now, there was his conceited side coming out. Damn, I looked so good in this one. Minho thought as he opened the casing expecting to find the photo book, but instead a tiny slip of paper fell out.

"Hm?" His throat sounded. "What's this?" Minho unfolded the half sheet of binder paper and read the small and faint printing on the page:


Again, Minho-hyung never fails to disappoint me with his beautiful lyrics.
I camped out for the first time for this album, knowing that it would be worth it.
I don't even care about the black eye I got from dad. He says it's a waste of money, but this is an essential.
This man is what keeps me alive.


He got.... punched in the face, just to buy my album? Minho thought with a concerned face. "What if he-" He started, but never finished as he fished around in the box for the album before that. There was another note containing praise to Minho but yet another despondent side note. The album before that one was the same way. Getting down to his first album, he was honestly terrified about what kind of writing he would find in this edition. With all the sick things he was already imagining, he wasn't sure if he could go on anymore. But he had to.

This time, the paper was worn like the picture of the woman and the hand writing was shaky; almost undecodable:


I bought this album because it gives me the little bit of sanity I need to continue on living this life. In other words: my worst nightmare.
How is it even possible for somebody as young as this teen, Choi Minho, to deliver such strong emotion into words I have to search up in a dictionary?
His voice He is magical. He is such a wonderful being. He's been the only hope of keeping me alive, ever since the day I tried committing suicide.
I wonder if he knows that he just saved a person's life.
I wonder if he really cares, like he says he does in his lyrics.
If only my mom were still alive, I wouldn't be using this guy as my role model. I wouldn't be living with just my horrible dad and brother. I wouldn't be devoting my time and money for this guy who doesn't even know who I am. Doesn't even know that I exist.
As long as he continues to speak to me through his soothing melodies and kind words, I think I have a chance of staying alive.
Choi Minho, you're my hero.


The touching note was accompanied by the suicide letter that Minho couldn't bring himself to read. The only part he caught a glimpse of was his age. Fourteen years old, and ready to stab himself. This was all too much for Minho to handle all at once. He felt sympathy towards the younger, but also understood his situation perfectly. He's been there, done that.

Even his conscience was dead silent as Minho packed up the things and returned it back into its hiding place. He was ready to leave now; he felt that he had violated Taemin's privacy. There was much on his mind and much to think about. What has he done? What has he done, crushing the dreams of this boy's. Minho is his role model. Maybe even was

Minho's palm and fingers were glued to the doorknob. He felt like he needed to do something before he left the room, but he didn't know exactly what. He couldn't just go up to Taemin and pity him. He couldn't say, "Taemin I went through your things and I'm so sorry about what you've been through, I am sorry." There wasn't a very big variety of things for him to do.

He needed to start out small.

Releasing the metal knob, Minho walked back over to the desk with a slight smile at the woman. Again, he gently grasped her between his fingers and turned her over to examine the blank side of the photo. In the bottom right corner, was the name Lee Eun Mi: grace and beauty. "Well, beautiful, you're coming with me." he said with a smile full of sorrow. Following the creases in the paper, Minho folded the young looking woman into his pocket and left the room as if it went untouched.

When he exited, to his left was the maintenance man already having a look at the hole Minho had created earlier. Next to him was Kibum who was jotting down notes on his clipboard. Kibum took a double take when he realized Minho came from Taemin's room and immediately blew up on him.

"Choi Minho! You really went too far this time! I can't believe you! Don't expect Taemin to forgive you!" He yelled, startling the other worker in the process. He whispered an apology and watched as Minho passed by.

"I don't expect him to forgive me at all. And that's okay. But I have a job for you, hyung." Minho said as he grabbed hold of his older's bicep and pulling him as they made way to Kibum's office.

"Oh, what is it?" He asked a bit excited. Minho has never really given him a job before, and to be completely honest, he was happy.

"I need you to search up the history of Lee Eun Mi, and go to the store to buy me something."




It seemed like Taemin had spent an eternity laying there in the grassy fields looking up at the clouds lazily floating by. The young man cried his eyes out until no more could come out. With a sniff of his nose, Taemin rubbed his red tinted eyes and decided it was time to head back. He assumed that the amount of time it would take for him to walk back slowly, it wouldn't even look like he was off on his own wallowing in his own tears. Taking his time, Taemin propped himself up on his elbows and then to his hands, watching the fields below him dance and wave in one way or the other. 

Then he changed his gaze up to the sky again, thinking about the dream he had the night before. He concluded that Minho was definitely no pure angel that would fly him into safety- more like the total opposite. He stood up from his place in the grass, leaving a dent of his shape, and started walking back to the estate. Taemin frowned as Minho's words rung echoed in his ears and he finally registered, he accepted, that the man he idolized, was a fake.

He never existed in the first place, the name and the face only represented a shallow perception of who he really was. Taemin had been lied to for the last five years by associating a kind and caring character with Minho. All the praise Minho had gotten from drama critics, does not always just apply to the character he plays in a drama because it seems like he is acting both on and off screen. It applies to everything he has said, done and will do, in front of a camera.

What else is there to do, except sever the bond between Taemin's heart and mind from Minho. Since first meeting Minho had a whole list of reasons why he needed to let the man go but after today he knows that there is no reason not to. There is no sense in having a heartless bastard as Taemin's role model if that was exactly what he was trying to avoid being. He needed to be someone completely opposite of Minho and his father.

"Choi Minho," Taemin muttered as he approached the gate, "from now on," he began up the driveway,


"You are nothing to me."



A/N: Oooooooh, Minho, what're you going to do now? Don't you feel horrible? Tsk, tsk, you nasty boy. Not okay. See, now Taemin hates you! How do you expect to be lovers when your lover hates you?! kekeke, sorry, I started falling asleep at the end of writing this. So i'm sorry if it isn't as detailed and what not! Until next chapter!
                  Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD