No Boys!

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}

"Taemin, I have feelings for you," Minho blushed. "maybe we should start something together?" he tried to throw out his famous fan-fainting smirk, but ended up with a soft grin. Taemin looked at his feet and giggled since he already knew, but he held himself back from letting Minho knew he was being an eavesdropper the other day.

"I don't know," The younger man sighed in a teasing way, "I don't think I'd like to date an arrogant like you." Taemin looked at the idol whose mouth was gaped open in a smile.

"So you'd shove your tongue down this arrogant 's throat only this once? When you can date me and be able to do it whenever you want?" Minho played along and rested his hands on Taemin's love handles.
"Tch," Taemin sounded with a roll of his eyes, "why would I do that, when you can't even kiss correctly?" he then slid the other's hands off of his body.
Minho let out an airy laugh as he thought to himself, I see how you're playing. "Can't kiss correctly? Says the boy who just had his first kiss ever." He countered. The surprised face that Taemin wore was absolutely priceless, sending Minho to let out a victorious chuckle.

The worker took a half step back and pointed a finger at the older's chest, "How do you know that?!" he demanded to know in a hushed tone; indicating that it should be kept a secret.
"The only person who knows everything about you," Minho replied, "If you claim that I'm not a good kisser, why'd you dive in for another round? Hm?" he pushed on playfully while using his index finger to wipe a wet spot a little below his bottom lip.

That kid will die today, Taemin gulped hard and held his hands in tight balls. He had to admit that Minho is the first equal opponent he's ever been up against in the battle of wits. Whatever happened to the dumb Minho that always said stupid things that never made any sense? Well, this was the first    hopefully last    time that he'll accept defeat. The embarrassed young man curtained his dark pink face with his bangs by angling his head down.

Minho watched as Taemin bit his lip; obviously disappointed that he can't think of a comeback. The idol smiled, entertained from how the younger boy was reacting. Minho then decided to let his sharp tongue turn dull and stepped closer to the quiet male. He gently placed his large hands on the sides of Taemin's head and let the man's soft locks fall between his fingers while he bent down to plant a long kiss on the younger's crown. He paused for a moment to say, "I won't tell a soul." and continued with another three second peck before giving Taemin the freedom to look up at him with startled eyes.

"I'm sure that you've heard that I'll be gone starting tomorrow, and won't be back for two months. We'll become official when I come back, got it?" Minho said. "Looks like I don't have any say in this at all, by the way you worded that." Taemin laughed.
"That's because you don't." Minho stated as-a-matter-of-factly and leaned down to whisper into Taemin's ear, "I get what I want, and I want you. Even if we aren't together now, you're still mine; only mine."

I'm only his. Only his, Taemin repeated in his mind and shivered at the sound of the idol's gruff, but y voice tickling his ear canal with a seductive tone. Minho smirked and grabbed Taemin's shoulders, turning and walking him towards the door as his right hand kept down to the butler's lower back, "Well, you'd better go; I'm about to take a shower." The two paused at the exit with Minho tapped Taemin's bottom lightly, "Unless you care to join me?"

"You do know that I'm underage right? e." Taemin laughed feeling Minho's hand feeling its way back up his spine and resting just below his right shoulder blade. 
The older man opened the door wide and shoved the worker out the door anxiously, "Tch, yeah, of course I know!" the older man lied.
Taemin turned back to Minho and tapped his chin thoughtfully, "So you were touching me like that purposely. Molestation? I'm debating on calling the cops now." he joked.

"What did you say? Sorry, I can't hear you over the temptation of telling Jongin what you said about my kissing earlier."


Minho partially closed his door and hung out in the given space he made himself. "I'll try to drop by your room and say goodbye before I leave tomorrow morning."
"Okay, Mr. Drama Star." Taemin smiled as he started off down the hallway.
The idol crossed his arms and observed Taemin walking with a confused look. I thought he'd be a bit more...sad that I'm leaving? 

"Don't get too jealous with the thought of me and a girl getting close and doing....stuff." Minho called down the corridor, hoping for a even the slightest change of emotion from the younger. Taemin didn't say a word, but shaped his fingers to make an 'OK' sign and raised it above his head for it to be seen easily. Minho formed an 'O' with his mouth and then desperately called down to Taemin before he began downstairs.
"You better be waiting for me when I come back! I'll be put in jail for murder if I see any other guy flirting with you!"

Taemin pretended not to hear a word that Minho just said and stopped at the beginning of the staircase, fishing for his cell phone in his front pocket. Looking at the locked screen for barely a second, he touched the black screen and held it up to his ear as if somebody were calling him, "Oh, Hyukjae? Let's meet up sometime; Minho will be gone for two months so we can go clubbing and drinking together." He faked, and looked at the gullible man out of the corner of his eye.

"I said no boys!"


The next morning, Taemin awoke to the alarm that he had set for a different time, specifically for today. Today, was the day that he'll be signing his official contract to join the international, wide-spreading Korean-pop industry at Hallyu Entertainment.

It was 10:30 A.M. when Taemin's eye lids fluttered open and was immediately drawn to the mysterious card set right in front of his face. The person who place it there, obviously wanted to make sure that he saw, and got to read it. Ignoring the light-green colored paper at first, the groggy young man sighed as he sprawled himself out across the cool mattress. Next, he dug out the sand that the Sand Man had left in the corners of his eyes. Feeling that he could most-likely be able to read and process the note, Taemin grabbed and unfolded it sluggishly.

"Good morning Sunshine Taeminnie,
              You're ing horrible to wake up early in the morning. You know, if you wanted to give me a remembrance keepsake for the next couple months, you should have given me a picture instead of your hand print on my cheek. I now understand why everybody lets you sleep in.... Anyways, good luck on signing your contract and training! Tae, fighting! I'll miss you while I'm gone, but remember not to get jealous~
                                                                                               ~Minho  (This is actually Key writing this while Minho talks, because he's a lazy motherer~Kibum)


It was way too early in the morning for Taemin to already be face-palming himself.


"Good morning, Taemin. Did you sleep well? I heard what you did to Minho earlier." Mrs. Choi said as he watched Taemin climb inside of the company car and secured the door behind him.
"News goes around pretty fast doesn't it? I did, actually, and I don't even remember slapping Minho in the face. I apologize for marking your son." Taemin suppressed the giggles he wanted to release because of how weird that sounded.
"Oh, don't be. It's fine; I'll call it a punishment for his bad attitude that he carried before. I'd also like to thank you, before I forget." She said as the car began to roll.

The boy looked at the woman with furrowed eyebrows and wondered what on Earth did he do to receive her words of praise. "I don't think I'm following along. I-Uh, don't know what you're talking about?"
"I thought you wouldn't." Mrs. Choi crossed on leg over the other and wiggled around on the leather seats to adjust herself. "Thank you for changing my son while I was gone. It's disappointing that I couldn't discipline him myself because I'm so busy. I'm actually a bit of a failure as a mother    not spending enough time with my family. I guess you can portray a mother better than I can." She giggled lightly.

Taemin smiled at her, but felt his heart ache inside of his body. It seems like him and Minho are sort of on the same page when it comes to our parents. A mother who is hardly ever around, and another one who will never be there again. Close enough. Taemin could understand why Minho strongly dislikes the woman he was birthed from because of bonding reasons.
"Kibum is more of the mother around the house. I'm just there. I just stand up to him more often than the other workers. No, I'm actually the only one who does it."

"I see. Well, I'm glad that we hired you as a butler first then. You know, we were going to meet eventually? When I heard you on the plane, I wanted to scout you right then and there, but I waited until my trip was over. Anyways, I'm just happy that everything in general is going well; including you and Minho's relationship." Mrs. Choi grinned as Taemin went into a state of shock.
"You-uh, know?" Taemin asked and twiddled his thumbs in his lab shyly.

"Of course I know! We're in a house full of gossiping people, you don't think I won't hear things going around? Did you know that Jonghyun was wearing purple underwear two days ago? Yeah, I didn't either until I overheard him talking to Jinki about it." Both of them laughed for a good minute until the company owner clarified her thoughts on the blossoming feelings for Taemin and Minho.
"I am absolutely fine with you two being together. The thing is, you can't go public about this just yet. It will take years and years until you can do so. As long as you keep your love life a secret, everything will be peachy-"

A series of beeps interrupted her. The woman pulled out her phone that she kept in the pocket of her bloodshot-red pea coat and read the screen. "Excuse me for a moment," she said, raising a finger to Taemin as she pressed the 'accept' button on the call screen.
"Hello?" She paused for a moment, sighed in a tiresome way, and massaged her forehead. "How did they know that we'd be coming today?! Yeah, you better find out who told them. Interview each reporter, cameraman, anybody!" With a huff, Mrs. Choi hung up the phone and remained quiet for about a minute or two.

Suddenly halting her own massage-giving, the owner asked the driver to hand back a black bag. From that bag, she pulled out various sizes and colors or scarfs and hats until she found a pair that matched with Taemin's outfit.
"Thank god it's cold outside, because there are only winter clothes in here." Mrs. Choi mumbled to herself. "Here, put these on." She handed a blue beanie and white scarf to the boy.

"What's this for?" He wondered out loud as he started to pull on the beanie.
"Somebody leaked to the media that we'd be signing you today, and they want to know if it's a rumor or not. We won't be giving out an official statement, but we still want to keep you sort of a secret while you're still a trainee. You aren't ready to deal with any reporters or cameras or any of that." Taemin nodded and looked out the window to find white vans with different channel logos printed on them parked along the street of a narrow road.

As the car turned into the main parking lot, Mrs. Choi ran some instructions by him. "As soon as we reach the drop off, let me get out first, and then follow behind closely; you don't want to be cut off by people and drowned in questions. Ignore anything they ask you, don't look anywhere but down, and hide your face as much as possible. Here, use these sunglasses." Obediently, Taemin unfolded the arms of the glasses and slid them right behind his ear. Sure enough, the car had stopped, and the driver had whispered, "Good luck."

Taemin thought that he'll definitely need it with the whole hoard of people, flashing lights, cameras, and microphones already pointed to the car. Just to find out who I am? Ridiculous, The boy thought as he jumped out of the car doing exactly what he was told.
"What's your name," "here are you from," and "are you making the deal today?" Were just three out of the hundred million questions that Taemin heard before the sentences became too slurred and loud to be able to decipher any more after.

The only thing that Taemin was able to register, was the warmth of the inside, engulfing him completely, and that he was quickly being guided into an elevator by huge men. There was apparently no time for looking around the main lobby or anything because the media crews were so desperate for a story, that they started to intrude further into the property. 

Taemin took off his disguise as he watched the red pixilated numbers above the metal doors keep changing in numerical order until a ding was sounded at the number fifteen. There was no corridor to walk down    just straight into a conference room with two men in black suits standing at the head of the table. Mrs. Choi stepped out first and greeted the men who appeared to be the lawyers who they were supposed to meet with.

"Donghae, and Jeongsu! How are you both?" She exclaimed happily and dipped her head twice courteously    a nod for each man. Taemin did the same and stood next to her, examining the men from top to bottom. "This is Lee Taemin, the person we'll be signing today." The one on the left with dark brown hair, styled very neatly with his bangs swooped to the left, introduced himself first. 
"Hello, my name is Lee Donghae. It's nice to meet you."

Next, the one on the right who with orange/brown hair and glasses. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Park Jeongsu, but known more for my faux name, Leeteuk."
After greetings were exchanged, Mrs. Choi looked around the room with a puzzled look on her face, "Aren't we missing somebody? Oh! I remember-"

Another ding came from a barely visible speaker above the elevator doors, signaling the arrival of one extra person. Each person waited in silence, intently watching as the doors began to open. Who knows? It could be the mob of nosey people from downstairs for all they know.

"Sorry I'm late. The media these days-" The voice was familiar to Taemin's ears. He swears it sounds like somebody from his childhood, but can't recall any names since the voice had matured since the last time Taemin thinks he had heard it. 
"Taemin?" The new man craned his neck  to the left to see if he could catch a glimpse of his face.

The sound of his name coming from this man made Taemin's skin crawl for some unknown reason. Taemin looked over his shoulder, responding to his name and almost had a .




A/N: Please excuse this chapter if it wasn't very good. I wrote this whole thing with an absolutely horrible neck ache. And I mean, I was abou to snap my own neck off, horrible. Well, I pushed through it! Were you guys expecting this at all? Kekeke, element of surprise! *Remember Taemin's phone conversation with his step-mother?! Ooooooh~
IMPORTANT(kind of): I think I might start a blog on here, so that I can let you all know about my story updates and when I plan to do so. I will ask for certain feedback, give you all previews of new stories I have in my head, and advice! It will be up maybe this weekend? I'll let you all know soon! Until next chapter!
     Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD