"You had a spot on your neck"

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


"You ." Taemin said as he watched the taller man walk ahead of him with fast speed. Taemin realized that it was just Minho's normal walk since he had those long legs taking strides about a mile long. The younger hated being left behind, so he sped up to match Minho's speed.

"Shut up, you were the one who started the fight." The idol said, noticing how hard Taemin was trying to keep up. Out of competitive spite Minho quickened the pace to mess with him.

"What are you talking about! You were purposely trying to make my work harder by distracting me!" Said the worker who was really trying to make an effort to keep up. His competitiveness was starting to show when he realized that walking wouldn't get him anywhere, so he started to jog past the older.

"Me?!" Minho asked almost incredulously until he remembered that it was partly true. "It's hot, okay? It isn't a crime to take of my shirt and stretch once in a while; this is my house if you've forgotten. Wait, why are you running?" He then questioned, catching up to Taemin with barely a light jog.

"You're such a liar." Taemin accused as the gravel under him turned to stone as they began running around the pool area now.

"Well why do you care if I take off my clothes in front of you or not? Do you like me or something?" The still shirtless man already knew the answer, well at least he thought he did. At least he knows that Taemin used to like him in the past, but currently unsure about the present.

As soon as Minho caught up, he expected no reply and a flustered face from Taemin but instead, the master received a shove which pushed him dangerously close to the pools edge. Minho teetered over the rim with flailing arms that literally went everywhere as his mouth made surprised noises. Taemin stopped in his tracks to watch the show which sent him into a fit of laughter. The younger man grabbed his stomach and pointed a finger to Minho who was still struggling with finding his balance. The obnoxious crowing lasted for a couple more seconds before Minho was steady again and sending him a death glare.

"You better start running now." He said with a solemn expression, starting towards the smirking boy whose laugh decreased into nothing.

"Or what?" Taemin challenged with a superior look on his face. "Are you going to kill me just for that? I'm so scared!" He taunted and stuck his tongue out at the man who was still creeping up. "You wouldn't do anything-" Was all Taemin could get out from his mouth before rushing towards the house with a determined Minho following close behind.

Taemin slid open and barely made it through the glass entry before Minho could get a firm grip on the back of his shirt. Easily, Taemin slipped away from the loose grasp and cut through the middle of the living room, sneaking a glance over his shoulder to see where his place was. Minho was a good eight feet away from him, with a wide smile on his face and audible cackles. The expressions shown on Minho's face looked as if he wanted to tickle Taemin to death instead of killing him ruthlessly like how it seemed earlier.

There was no way that Taemin could suppress his smile either. Truth is, Taemin was enjoying these wild goose chases with Minho. Even fighting with him brings Taemin the smallest bit of happiness when screaming honest insults and name calling. You could say that to Taemin, Minho was a person to vent his feelings to and take his anger out on. About 99% of the anger lingering inside of Taemin lately is from that man, so he had no problem speaking his mind. In some ways it was cathartic. 

Crossing into the foyer now, the most logical place to was to immediately go to the bathroom- there was no way he was going to dirty his room even more with actual dirt. Dashing down the hall to his right, Taemin realized that he wouldn't be able to use the restroom with the short line of maids waiting at the door. What the hell are they doing by the bathroom? If I can't use it right now I can't even go into my room because of my clothes. He thought while still running down the hall. Once more, Taemin peeked over his shoulder to find Minho in a state nowhere near breathless.

Reaching the end of the hall and the quickly approaching maid figure, Taemin had no choice but to stop himself before colliding with the woman. The worn rubber soles of his shoes slowed him down a bit, but in the end, he pushed the girl only a couple of steps forward. Immediately, Taemin apologized, "Oh! I'm so sorry, Sunny!" He said while brushing off her shoulder, which now carried a light brown streak that he had accidentally imprinted. Minho's footing from behind him slowed down as well, accompanied by a string of cackles. Taemin just eyed the man up an down, until Minho started walking towards him and Sunny. 

Flipping back around and changing his attitude, Taemin began to converse with Sunny who was anxiously rocking around in her heels. "What's wrong?" He asked, then noticing that way she was holding her stomach, "If somebody's in there and you need to go really bad, why don't you just use one of the other bathrooms?" Taemin wondered.

The girl cringed when the fluids in her stomach created a gurgling sound, "The rest are! All of the girls are having problems right now; we either ate too much, or there was something in the food." Sunny managed to get out before wincing in pain.

 "So there's somebody in my bathroom as well?" Minho questioned her in a defensive way. Taemin and Sunny both shook their heads simultaneously. Taemin, because Minho was being stingy again, and for Sunny; the answer to the question.

"I warned the staff not to use yours because I knew you would need- I mean aish!" Groaning as it happened, the maid suddenly stumbled to the side and propped her shoulder up against the wall. Then, a worried Taemin came to her side. "Sunny, are you okay? I'll help you up to Minho's-"

"No, I'm fine. I think Jessica is almost done in there anyway. Just hurry and wash yourselves upstairs." She said almost suggestively and gave a slight push to send them off. Taemin then gave a hesitant nod and looked to Minho, who was already staring at him.

"I'm using my bathroom firs- Yah! Where do you think you're going?!" The taller man watched as Taemin sped past him like a hyped-up roadrunner. Shortly after, he followed along with the echoing of insults and threats bouncing through the hall and the nearly empty lobby. 

The hurried steps faded away faster than you could blink your eye, and just as soon as Sunny assumed that they won't be coming back down, she stood upright with a smile. She chuckled to herself deviously, looked down at her stomach, and then patted it a couple of times with praise. "You digest too fast. But in times like these, I'm glad you do." Sunny whispered. The next thing she did was step up to the door and knocked in a well-known pattern. In less than three seconds, Jessica appeared in the doorway with her radio up to . 

"We've done our part, everybody." She said as she hooked an arm around Sunny and started down the hallway. Multiple voices overlapped each other, making it hard to understand the individual sentences. When the group stopped their jumbling words, one familiar voice rang out speaking for practically everybody else since their words were mixed and slurred.
"Now, It's time to see what those stubborn kids will do." Kibum said, earning cheers from the other lines.




Taking that head start was probably one of the smartest things that Taemin has done in his life, because without the bathroom lock, he would have never had the strength to keep the buff man on the other side out. Taemin slumped against the door, catching his breath as the vibrations from Minho's pounding fists gave him an unintentional, but pleasurable massage through the wood.

"Keep it coming, Choi. It feels great!" Taemin said mischievously with a triumphant smile on his face. Ultimately, that backfired on him when one humongous blow, surged straight through the wood and sent Taemin stumbling forward.

"Yah! Let me in, I'm getting my floor dirty!" Minho demanded between his knocks.

"Why don't you let me think for a minute," Taemin paused for a moment to stand up straight, taunting the man on the outside with the obvious answer hanging in the silence, "no!" He finished.

"Are you serious?! It's my bathroom- You know what? Hold on." Minho said and was heard walking away from the door. Banging drawers and rustling could be heard, but Taemin paid no mind to it.

Since the door was locked, Taemin took his time examining the huge, white tiled bathroom. The first thing he noticed, (because he almost ran into it) were the double sinks and countertop that measured about ten feet long. The sinks were square and porcelain partnered with stainless steel necks at the top of them. A huge mirror and a row of vanity lights matched the length of the countertop.

To the right, three steps were placed leading down to a small room about half the width of the main bathroom. (Still a considerate and spacious space even though it's half) Out of curiosity, Taemin walked to the top step and looked down to find a Jacuzzi sitting at the bottom. Just by looking at it, sensual vibes radiated from the room with a basket of rose petals sitting besides the hot tub's steps and assorted colors of candles place in each corner. I wonder if that's how Mr. and Mrs. Choi made this devil. Taemin thought with a snicker and immediately scolded himself right after for letting Jongin infect his mind.

Moving around the room, Taemin counted two towel cubbies. One by the hot tub entrance, and another near the regular tub and shower. The tub was in a rectangular shape but very long in lengthen comparison to it width. Taemin assumed that the Chois got this renovated to fit the tall body of Minho and maybe even his father. With that thought fresh in his mind, a question popped up. How come nobody has said anything about his dad? He's probably on the trip with his wife. He told himself and brushed off the subject.

Trying to take in every detail of the bathroom, his eyes met another main installment; the walk in shower. To Taemin, it seemed as if it were placed and built awkwardly because it had three transparent sides to it. The shape was yet again a rectangle, but big enough to accept maybe five people inside at the same time. Is it really necessary for this to be so big? He wondered as he pulled open the glass door with a clicking sound. Inside, Taemin found at least 15 different bottles of hair and skin products and something else unusual. The glass parallel to where he was standing was also a door. 

Two doors to a shower? Okay this is ridiculous now. Even if I owned a mansion, it wouldn't be like this. It's so irrelevant. He concluded. Looking through the other entry, there was another door leading into a small room which was most likely containing a toilet. Possibly even two, but he'd wasted too much time to go check it out.

Going on with his business, Taemin unhooked the back of his bow-tie and started ing his shirt as he looked at the detachable shower head. Just as his shirt dropped to the floor, the sound of a key fitting into a lock filled the quiet air. In only a second, Taemin whirled around to see Minho smirking and swinging a single key on a ring around his finger.

"I am the master, and I carry the master key."

"Well wouldn't that have come in handy before you began busting down the door."

The cocky grin on Minho's face turned into a scowl, realizing that it was true. "Whatever. Anyways," He started as he walked towards the clear box and Taemin, "put your clothes back on; I'm going first." Minho claimed and reached for the door handle, only to have it slapped away by Taemin.

"No, I got here first, so you can wait outside." The younger said, moving his body to block the front of the entrance. "I'm going to be fast anyway."

"But I can't wait outside!" The older said, "I told you, I don't want to get the floors dirty. I'm actually trying to keep my room in shape now." He tried reasoning.

The worker thought for a minute, wondering how he could cater to Minho and his own problems. "T-Then," Taemin stuttered and looked down at the floor, "you have to promise not to look." He proposed as he started fumbling with his belt.

Minho looked up confused with what his dongsaeng had said. "Not to look? Why- Oh god! Stop right there!" He yelled and held up one hand to shield the boy, and the other to hide his cheeks just in case he was starting to blush. "Just bend over and wash your hair and arms and whatever! Keep your pants on!" He instructed. 

With an embarrassed and deep red face, Taemin immediately filled one hole in his leather belt with the small, metal rod. Although Taemin physically said nothing, the voice inside of his head was screaming for being so quick with actions. I'm such a ing idiot! Holy , I just need to get out of here; fast. Doing his best to undress with a cloudy mind the next obvious action was to kick off his shoes and socks. In a frantic kind of way, the young man did just that, avoiding any type of eye contact from the idol.

Right after, Taemin stepped into the shower and cowered into a corner near the head and hose as he proceeded to twist the water knob just a tiny bit into the warm section. After a little while of testing out the water, Minho spoke up.

"Hurry up. You said you wouldn't take long. Don't be a baby and go!" He said with a lack of authority. Taemin just glared at the man who leaned against the glass box facing away from the worker. Slowly, he and detached the shower head from its holder.

The boy bent over and centered his head over the drain to watch the dirt wash out. With one hand holding the steady water stream, the other one ran through his brown hair with shampoo to flood out all of the nasty fertilizer Minho had dumped on him. Surprisingly, it took a whole three minutes to fully wash and make sure that there wasn't any excess dirt. All the while, Taemin listened to Minho about the time.

"Yah! Are you done yet?! You've been in there forever!" Minho whined from across the room now. Just because he was being irritating, Taemin decided to cut his shower session short to save his ears from the whining. With a pissed attitude showing through his actions, the younger twisted the knob to cut off the water supply, and angrily hooked the handle back in its place.

"Yeah! I ing am!" Taemin yelled back and started twisting his hair in small portions, causing streams of water to fall from his threads of hair.

The infamous scowl appeared on Minho's face again as he walked to the tub, sat down, and took off his shoes. Minho stood at the door as Taemin walked out from the other side and grabbed a towel from the cubby. With his hand sitting idle on the water switch, the idol watched as the younger one dragged the fuzzy towel back and forth on his head. Aish, this kid drives me nuts. Minho thought a bit irritated when he saw a group of black circles standing out against the workers pure white neck. Oh, did he miss a spot?

Now putting his hand in action, Minho turned the cylinder to towards warmth- where Taemin had it before. The water was freezing for only a second and then transformed to a lukewarm temperature that soaked Minho who was still in his jeans. It didn't matter to him if they got wet; he'd be taking them off in a couple minutes anyway. (Even thought they'll be a major pain in the )

He then opened the door, reaching for Taemin, who was still occupied with drying his hair. "Taemin, come here." 

It wasn't like the worker had a choice, after the idol grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back inside. The sudden and unexpected change of events led Taemin to turn and falter head first, into wet warmth and something hard. The first thing that registered within his mind was that he had been brought back into the shower being fully rinsed; clothes and all. But the second thing was leaving Taemin perplexed. Sure, this sound wasn't completely different to him, but it sounded odd because it was coming from somebody other than himself. 


Thu-Thump..... Thu-Thump... Thu-Thump.. Thu-Thump. Thu-thump, Thu-Thump, Thu-Thump....


The beating of Minho's heart was muffled but still audible. Taemin's eyes widened in awe at how this man's heart rate drastically changed in a matter of seconds. Unsure about what to do, the younger's body began to tremble slightly, as he pulled back against Minho's muscular arms. Taemin looked up at the older with shocked and innocent eyes; "the heat of the water" adding blotches of a rosy pink to his cheeks. Taemin bit his lower lip, not knowing what to do.

But little did he know, Minho had no clue either. What he did know, was that the look on his younger's face as driving him insane. Taemin's dark and anxious eyes were fixated on his own. Minho held the gaze for a moment and broke off only to admire Taemin's plump pink lips which Minho himself wanted to bite. 

I-I hope he doesn't hear my heart. He's.... So close to me. Mindlessly, Minho's muscles tensed; bringing Taemin even closer than he already was. Both men felt suffocated as Minho's left hand traveled up Taemin's back and gently rubbed the back of his neck. There was only one thing he could manage to spit out:


"You had a spot on your neck."


A/N: I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving, if you celebrate it ^^! Oooooh, Minho and Taemin showering? I have good mixed emotions about this kekeke ^^ I worked a long time on this chapter because of procrastination... But it's all worth it because I get good feedback from you guys ^^! Thank you all so much for your positive inputs! I want to let you know that I appreciate it, and that I read all of the comments! I just don't really have the time to respond anymore ><;; Anyways, vote SHINee in the MAMAs! Until next chapter!
             Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S



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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD