Only Look At Me

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


"Uh," Jonghyun stood besides Taemin, examining the younger's solemn yet pissed off expression, "Are you sure you aren't jealous?" He asked, wondering how Taemin was able to rid the pool of impurities while simultaneously glaring at Sulli from afar and dodging Minho's occasional glances.
"No! Why would I? He doesn't even like her, so what's there to be jealous about?" Taemin swept the net along the water's surface furiously in the same area, not even bothering to look at his catchings.

"Just tell me if you are! It's not a big deal to just come out and confess it." Jonghyun tried reasoning. "Come on, come on!" The older man taunted as he prodded Taemin's chest gently.
"Quit it! What's making you say these things!" The pool boy swatted the hand away and momentarily glared at Jonghyun before returning to his true target. Like a weak puppy, Jonghyun cowered away, afraid of what misfortunes lie in his future if he continues to push out an answer from Taemin. He couldn't just leave, though, he was on a mission. One assigned by Minho.

"Well," Jonghyun cleared his throat and straightened his posture a bit. "First of all, you're not even paying attention to the 'job' you've assigned yourself to do!" He pointed to the limp net floating back and forth in the water. "How long have you been mindlessly waving around in this spot for?!"
Taemin looked below him as his arms froze, realizing that this was a true statement.

Jonghyun then went on, "Second, you look like you're waiting for the right moment to maul Sulli! You know, the co-star that Minho's getting touchy-feely with right now." Both men led their eyes back up and into the distance where the couple casually leaned against the trunk of a tree in each other's arms. Just like Minho mentioned, the garden was still in full bloom and unharmed by the ever-changing weather. The surrounding flowers popped with vibrant colors of spring    even though it was now early winter    giving off the mood of a refreshing and fun relationship. But even the beautiful sight of the gently swaying pastels weren't enough to soothe Taemin and his hatred for Sulli and partially, for his own boyfriend.

"And tying along with my first reason for suspecting you, is that the pool is already spotless. You've been too busy watching the photo shoot to realize that you have caught absolutely nothing."

Taemin made an 'o' shape with his lips. "Wah?!" Taemin yelped with an element of surprise as his eyes scanned the calm and clear waters. He face palmed while muttering, "God damn it," to himself as he pulled the pole up to dry land and used it as a support stick. He couldn't help but figure that any situation involving Minho like this, causes jealousy to overthrow the common sense and intelligence in his mind. Then again, he also couldn't help but curse Minho for purposely doing this to him. By the speedily flashed smirk that Taemin caught from the corner of his eye, he had no doubt in his mind that Minho is enjoying every second of this torture. 

I definitely should have thought this whole plan over, Taemin sighed and looked opposite from Jonghyun.

"Just say it; don't be shy! You can tell your hyung, can't you?" The older man made the friendly notion of slinging his arm around Taemin's shoulders, just like Minho was doing to Sulli.
"Kim Jonghyun!" Taemin screamed. "I am not jealous!"

Across the pool area and down the paved pathway of the garden, Minho now sat under the shade of the tree with Sulli seated at his side. Their fingers interlaced for the camera as the man bursted with laughter. The actual, real-life couple met each other's eyes    Taemin's, cold and aggressive while Minho's were playful and proud    they stared at one another until the photographer called for his models' attention. Just before a series of flashes began, the woman quickly said something to Minho. Unfortunately, Taemin wasn't able to make it out with Jonghyun's voice blasting right in his ear.

When things began to quiet down, the only things audible to Taemin's ears were the shutters of the camera and the muffled chatting of his co-workers inside of the living room. A short period of time later, the photographer and director of the shoot allowed a short break for the small crew and models. "We'll be sorting out the 'good' and 'bad' shots, so only a five or ten minute break, everybody." One of the men informed, sending the other workers scattering to explore the gardens as much as they could in the amount of time given.

Minho let out a sigh and stretched his arms over his head as a satisfied smirk decorated his face, until Sulli ruined his state of Nirvana by clinging around his waist. "Ah! What are you doing?!" Minho jumped, "Can't I enjoy being by myself for thirty seconds? At the least?" With heightened breathing the man began to pry her fingers from his side before her grip tightened.

"But I've missed you! Didn't you miss me?" Sulli looked up at Minho with large brown eyes and a pout that could never be put in comparison with Taemin's.

"Do you really want to hear the truth...?" The actor muttered. Finally, he had escaped from the lunatic's hold by making a realistic alibi for his leave: using the restroom. As he slipped away from the sulking young lady, the only objective that popped up in his brain was to search for Taemin. At first, he glanced over near the poolside where he was originally stationed, but found no one in sight. Then the heartwarming, sweet-like-honey voice he was looking for, sounded out among a group of males bent over a folding table which supported two laptops, cameras, and props.

It was a piece of cake now, easily spotting the freshly re-dyed head of blonde hair. Minho suppressed a smile as he headed in that direction. Taemin held a platter which carried two rows of mugs containing slightly sweetened tea, and as he came closer, Minho noticed Jonghyun standing at the other end of the table with plates filled with small sandwiches. Taemin handed a mug to each man with care until his tray was completely empty.

"What, you didn't bring me anything?" Minho whispered right over Taemin's shoulder.


The tips of Sulli's fingers combed over the soft, lush, and clean-cut blades of grass absentmindedly as she waited for Minho's return. Sitting quietly, her thoughts trailed from the subject of the perfect weather, to the strong and loving hold she had been yearning for forever since the last day of the drama recording. The actress's stomach felt airy and pretty much weightless as she fantasized of cute scenarios involving her and Minho starting a real relationship. Her imagination ran freely about her and Minho spending their days cuddling and laughing and kissing.

In one scene that made her particularly happy, Minho's usual, spiffy self had the most genuine smile on his face standing at an alter watching his bride (Sulli) slowly make her way down the aisle. Kind of like the smile he shot at the pool boy earlier. That really familiar looking one man.

Suddenly, many questions jumbled inside of Sulli's brain at once, resulting in a minor headache surfacing at her temples.

Hold on, where have I seen this boy before? Sulli propped her elbows on her kneecaps and let her chin rest in the palms of her hands as she concentrated on the vague image of the pool boy's face. A long moment passed until she matched faces.

Lee Taemin! The hit rookie from Hallyu! The young woman slightly lifted her head in amazement, but then immediately wilted once she realized that her idea was highly implausible. Why would a fellow idol be working as a butler here? Besides, last time she watched Taemin's stage, he had brown hair and not blonde. Even though, the resemblance of their facial features seems way too similar to be a look-a-like.

This just doesn't make any sense at all. I should get a closer look at this butler character. A lot of people look the same from afar, so I'm probably mistaken. But just for clearance... Sulli shimmied herself up with the aid of the tree and dusted off the bottom of her pants.

Following the gravel trail towards the pool, a maid stopped her briefly to offer up some hot chocolate. The actress rolled her eyes and refused, saying, "How dare you try to make me swallow this unhealthy drink!"
Walking on, she heard the maid mumble incoherent words under her breath as they parted ways. She assumed that she was being threatened or cursed.

Before Sulli was able to reach the end of the pathway, she heard Minho's voice call out from the opposite direction. "Taemin!" The man called. Confused, she nailed her feet to the ground, thinking, Didn't Minho go to the bathroom a second ago? She blinked with furrowed eyebrows, And.... Taemin? Isn't that also the name he kept calling out during the drama?! There's something totally wrong here. Afraid to miss a second of what was going on, Sulli whipped around just in time to see a tall, black haired figure drag the smaller blonde away into the garden.

Her first instinct was to follow the suspicious men, but as she took her first step, she realized she wasn't the only one. Unexpectedly, the maid from earlier set her tray in front of some makeup artists and trotted away as soon as the couple was a good distance away. Slightly annoyed, Sulli puckered her lips as she started as fast as quiet steps could take her.

Sulli   who was following the maid, who was following Minho and the pool boy    kept on light feet and had no problem with being detected since this isn't her first time writhing about like a snake. As they ventured further into the garden proved to be more than what is seemed. It was way larger than expected, while the scenery popped with more exotic flowers and plants. Soon, the single path grew in with side-trails, as a main branch of a tree grew smaller stems. Due to the unfamiliar and abrupt advancement in surroundings, the pursuer lost track of the young maid, stranding the idol in the middle of what she thinks has transformed into a rainforest.

"," Sulli said quietly, observing the shrubs and other greenery as she twirled around in place. The actress bit her lip nervously as she tried to conjure up all the options she has    either getting out, or to stick with her original intentions and move blindly until she finds Minho. Feeling curious and determined to find out exactly what's going on, Sulli walked on more cautiously. Minho or the boy or the maid could be around the next couple trees for all she knows, and she wouldn't want to alert them.

It wasn't long until she heard giggles coming from the north-eastern direction. Time was as precious as gold now, so upon catching the melodic laughter, Sulli was then hot on a trail that led directly in the direction of the noises. She took long strides down the path in hopes that she wasn't missing anything important.

Up ahead, she saw a wide clearing with organized rows of large boxes. Most of them were bare of anything but dirt while others grew vegetables especially for this season. But other than that, Sulli found something a bit more interesting. Playing among the planter boxes, was Minho carrying the boy who he calls, 'Taemin,' bridal style.

To effectively judge their relationship, Sulli hid some amount of feet away from the clearing and took refuge behind a tree. She attempted to swallow the large knot in as he watched and listened intently.

"Minho, stop! I-I don't trust you!" Taemin wound his arms tightly around Minho's neck like his life depended on it; enduring the terrible ache his stomach was going through from this laughing fit.
"Why? Because you think I'll do this?" In sync with his last word, Minho bent at the knees suddenly to create the feeling of being dropped. Taemin screamed, squeezed a bit more, and shut his eyes at the fake motion.

"Oh my god," Taemin breathed, "B-Babe, you're literally killing me!"

"This is your punishment for not being honest with me!" Minho positioned Taemin's legs around his waist and just above his hip bones to give him a bit more security. The older man's large hands held Taemin's thighs as he spun wildly like a top until his head and legs could barely hold him steady.
"Okay! Okay, I'm jealous! Don't make me say it again!" The butler announced and felt the wild ride he was forced to board, decrease in speed until it completely diminished.

With a wobbly waddle, Minho carried Taemin to the edge of one of the planter boxes and balanced Taemin on it. With the extra lift, Taemin was finally able to look down on Minho    literally.
"And what are you jealous of, exactly?" Minho said with a sly smirk, placing his hands on Taemin's love handles to ensure his safety. The only response he got was a pout and a look in the other direction, but with a bit of threatening and more laughter, the younger gave in.

"You and that girl! I don't want you to touch her like that anymore... only me. Only look at me." Taemin's eyes glossed with fresh tears from this embarrassment. Minho's chuckling only made it worse with blood rushing to his face. Biting his lip, he blinked his eyes close before any tears could escape. Left in the darkness of his eyelids, Taemin felt Minho's hand creep up on his left cheek and caress it lovingly.

"You're such an idiot," Minho's voice was soft, but still audible. "Taemin, no matter what happens, I only look at you. You're the only one I see in this world." With a smile, he lifted his heels from the ground and reached for Taemin's lips.

That was enough for Sulli. Her breaking point was near, and she already covered with both hands to keep from blowing her cover. The knot, no, the boulder in that refused to be swallowed was slowly choking her as water streamed down her face.

"So, you must know something too, since you followed them as well,"

Sulli gasped and dried her face at the woman's voice. To her left, stood the maid who she was following earlier, standing as if there was no risk in being found out; like she was invisible.
"Quick! Get down before you're spotted-"

"Save your breath. Do you really think that they'll be noticing us any time soon? They think they have isolated themselves from everybody." She said. Sulli reluctantly looked behind the tree trunk again to have her heart tortured again. The maid had a point, so the idol shook her head. The maid folded her arms and glared at the couple icily.

"Who exactly is that butler boy? He looks exactly like-"

"Lee Taemin: The rookie from Hallyu."

Sulli looked at the woman with huge eyes and a gaping mouth. The maid smiled mischievously and held an opened hand out to Sulli saying,

"The name is Yoona. I know what you want and I can help you while helping myself out. Let's be good friends from now on."


A/N: I apologize in every chapter! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry~! I've been studying this past week for a test I'm taking tomorrow. Please understand! I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing and trying to balance out writing and school. (Wish me luck please! I'm going to need it ><;;) BTW I ORDERED DREAM GIRL~ Currently waiting for it~
Yoona and Sulli becoming friends? This won't be good! I think we can all agree on that.... 2min was cute ;-; omfg. Until next chapter!
   Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD