Words of Advice

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}

Taemin propped his elbow on the window sill of the plane, pretending as if he were in a movie with exciting and jaunty tunes ringing into his ears through his ear buds. Slowly the white puffs of clouds which were once underneath the plane decreased in both density and quantity as the scenery underneath changed completely. What seemed like a never ending ocean suddenly broke into worn cliffsides and beaches as the aircraft hovered over a yellowish-white strip of what Taemin assumed to be sand. A pout appeared on his face as the pilot broke into Taemin's music announcing the arrival of Incheon coming up within a short ten minutes.

The flight passed so quickly that Taemin felt like he barely had time to enjoy looking out at the sea. It's been years since he's been on a plane- the first time ever since his family's move. He remembers being on the plane and curiously flipping up the window blind to find himself surrounded in clouds, and through scattered patches, he could see the dark blue ocean waving at him every which way. That was his favorite part of the trip; looking out into the dark body of water that reminded him of his mother's eyes. One of the genes he was happy to recieve from her.

After the man's announcement of the quickly arriving airport, frantic rustling sounds came from almost every flyer in the cabin. Many of them were packing up their belongings by shutting laptops and stuffing purses and backpacks. Why are they packing up so early... Taemin thought as his hyped up beats started to resume where it had left off, the volume failing to drown out the chatting and movements of the other people. Even humming and quietly singing wouldn't help. The young man shrugged and just stopped his music all together and leisurely wrapped his iPod with his headphones then zipped it safely into his backpack.

An aging woman with sparse streaks of grey in her hair, maybe in her early 60s, noticed him doing so and commented, "Young lady, aren't you concerned for the rush?" She said tapping Taemin on the shoulder. Taemin's face turned solemn for a moment when he realized that he was being mistaken for a woman. Again. He didn't even have long hair anymore, how do people still find a woman in those broad shoulders and tall stature? Well, the woman was old so some slack had to be cut for her. Once more, Taemin shrugged his shoulders, still bent down at his backpack, and rose with a warm smile.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a male, not female." He corrected the woman whose face was fascinated at the sight of Taemin's. "I know nothing about a 'rush' though." He then added.

The old woman seemed to take a couple minutes to examine every shape of his features, crevices of his lips, and all the tiny pores on the surface of his skin. After a while she backed up with an "Omo" when she noticed the lump, Adam's apple, bulging from his throat.

"I'm very sorry young man, you're as pretty as a girl, but also very handsome as a man! Your mother must have been very beautiful." She apologized. Taemin smiled at her compliment and nodded his head graciously.

"The rush though, is horrible. Everybody is packing up to leave the plane when it hasn't even landed so that they can get to the luggage circle. Haven't you been to Korea?" She asked studying his face with squinted eyes looking as if she waere thinking hard about something. "You're Korean aren't you?" She asked suddenly switching her Japanese to Korean. Taemin gave an airy laugh behind the backside of his hand and answered with a simple "ne" that was followed by chuckles from both of them.

"I was born in Seoul, but I moved to Osaka when I was younger and I haven't visited since." Taemin informed her speaking in his native language that he gradually picked up from Jongin over the past years of tutoring.
"I see. Well, once the pilot announces that you may unboard, I suggest you run." She said pointing to the exit located only a couple rows in front of their seats. "And word of advice: don't underestimate the back row." She then said throwing her thumb over her shoulder. Taemin followed her finger and examined the life in the back of the plane. Each one of them had their packs on their backs and in a weird sitting/pouncing position, ready to leap from their seats in a split second.

"You must travel a lot to know this much." His voice cracked. Taemin apologized for that and his almost-pasty white skin turned a heavy shade of pink. The woman laughed at his cute flaw and told him not to be sorry.
"I've been traveling the world for business these past six months. I'll be stopping in Seoul for a day to sign papers and then head off to Europe. It's a bit depressing though, I miss my sons and I can't even see them with the short while I'm in my home country." She paused for a bit with a face full of thought. "How old are you?"

"I'm 19 right now, just about to enter college to major in dance." He smiled. The lady seemed surprised throughout the time Taemin was telling her that.
"You're so young! But that explains the voice." She laughed. "I have a son around your age, who is majoring in singing and dancing, I think you should meet him sometime. You're really sweet and I'm sure he'd be flattered to take you out on a date." Before she could get any further with this, Taemin held his hand up in front of his chest a bit shocked.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not gay." He said chuckling in an awkward way now that this conversation took a sudden dip. The woman only smiled at him sweetly.
"That's absolutely fine. I still think you two would be good friends. Although if you meet, you might trick him into falling for you with your good looks!" 

The two shared a good fit of laughter, and Taemin wondered how many times he's fooled both men and women with his looks and began to laugh even harder.

"You know," the woman started after suppressing her stomach from creating any more laughter, "I honestly think you should enroll in both singing and dancing for college." Taemin was about to protest that statement before being purposely cut off. "I heard you humming and singing to yourself earlier. I think you should consider-" 

"Hello everybody, and welcome to Incheon Airport. Our crew at Korea Air thanks you for flying with us. Please have a safe stay." The pilot wished over the loud speaker. Taemin looked out the window to find that workers outside were already unpacking suitcases into the huge open trunk of a cart.
"Better get to the door before everybody else goes crazy." The woman said jumping out of her seat and trotting right in front of the unopened door, making it in first place even with heels and having to carry her expensive looking Prada purse.

Taemin's smile disappeared when he heard jogging behind him and immediately pulled in front of the back passengers to cut them off. Many of them cursed at Taemin for being a roadblock, and Taemin caused a bit of trouble, taking his time walking up the aisle, pissing off the others. Finally making it towards the pushing crowd of people waiting at the door, Taemin attempted to squeeze himself slyly towards the exit, only to eventually be pushed back again until the gate was open. In small groups the passengers thanked the flight attendants and filed out into the terminal walkway, all making for the luggage circle.

There was no sign of Taemin's new friend from the plane after he made it to where the bags were coming around, so he just shrugged and found an empty spot to stand as he waited for his two suitcases to slide around to him. A minute passed and luckily both bags came around at the same time. Next part of the plan, exchange to his yen to won and wait for Jongin to come pick him up.

Looking around for signs at the top of the ceiling, an arrow pointing to the right indicated that the currency exchange stations were to the right. Following it's directions and making a round of a corner, all machines were full with a line of at least 20 people at a single machine.
Nope. Definitely not. Taemin sighed and turned around to follow the signs which pointed towards the lobby.

Nearing closer and closer to the entrance, tantalizing smells drifted into his nostrils and he sighed again when his stomach growled. The boy pouted and looked down at his starving friend and reassured it that it would soon be filled. I'll make Jongin pay for food since I don't have won yet. He then thought with a devious chuckle.

Exiting through the front doors of the airport and entering the bright light of the outside made Taemin squint. The automatic doors slid open to accommodate Taemin and his full hands, also sending a strong, crisp gust of wind surging through Taemin's hair. It sent goose bumps rising atop his skin, and for a moment, he stopped dead in his tracks to close his eyes and take a huge whiff of the South Korean air that he'd been missing for more than half of his life. But sadly his little moment didn't last long as a familiar voice called to him.

"Yah, Lee Taemin!" It called, and without peeking through his eyelids, Taemin knew exactly who it was. Blinking open his eyes now, Taemin found that he was correct. In front of him leaning against his silver commuter car was Kim Jongin, the boy who he grew up with.
"Yah! Who do you think you're calling like that?!" Taemin joked wheeling his belongings over in front of the younger and trapping him in a headlock. "Call me hyung you idiot, Jongin!" He then said rubbing his knuckles back and forth on the crown of Jongin's head.

"It's Kai-! Ow, ! Hyung, hyung! Let go!" The younger yelled as he fought to get out of Taemin's hold. Taemin just laughed and finally released him after being recognized 'in a respectful way." Both of the young men laughed at took a good look at each other, "I missed you hyung." Jongin said approaching Taemin for a hug when they both heard Taemin's name being called.

It was the woman on the plane. "Young man, what's your name?!" She yelled next to the limo's open door.

"Lee Taemin!"

"I'll find you later and then we can formally meet!" And with that piece of information, she gave a thumbs up and a nod, then headed back into her awaiting car.

"Who was that?" Jongin asked a bit confused about this.

"I'll tell you later. I missed you too you little ." Taemin said reaching for the younger and hugging him tightly. "Now put my luggage in the back of the car." He demanded.

"What the ? Just because you just got here and I'm younger than you doesn't mean you get to order me to do anything. And don't expect me to chauffeur you around either." Jongin said with an incredulous expression.

"Yeah, yeah," Taemin said opening the passenger side door and sitting his bottom on the black leather seats. "Hurry peasant, I'm hungry too." He ordered royally through the open window.

"Taemin!" Jongin whined reaching for the door handle, only to stop when he watched his hyung lock it from the inside. "Hyung!" He then tried reaching through the window to pull up the lock until he found Taemin already halfway done rolling up the glass. Jongin repeatedly tapped the barrier, only to be ignored by Taemin who was bobbing his head to the music playing inside of the vehicle.

Jongin shrugged and took both of the suitcases and placed them in his trunk mumbling something like, "He should've stayed in Japan." Then laughed alone as he made his way to the driver's side of the car.


A/N: Hello my lovely subscribers! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, (If you celebrate it and know what it is ^^;;) I'm sorry I took two days off from writing because of writing test in school, and I had to do a dance cover of Lucifer for Halloween. (Btw, I totally pulled off being Taemin for my costume^^) And sorry again for this chapter being very short, but I wanted to keep the next events in one chapter because I didn't want it all cut up and ending at irrelevant times. Or something like that >< I promise a longer chapter tomorrow! Forgive me~
BTW, for you all who have a Tumblr, please follow my new KPOP blog! It's ugly for now though, until my friend designs my background! @ualfantaesy
                              Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD