Meet Choi Minho

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


Taemin was about to ask what the two meant by that before Jonghyun reappeared through the door. "I forgot the cup and ice bucket." He shrugged as he briefly shimmied behind Onew and Key for a few moments before entering the dining room.

"Taemin, can you go help Jonghyun carry the stuff out please? We need a moment to talk." Onew asked politely. Taemin flicked his eyes from the butler, to the manager, and went to assist his co-worker without a word.

"Kibum, did you see how he looked? You hired a fanboy! How is he supposed to work around here while swooning over Minho twenty-four-seven?!" Jinki whispered quickly since the others could be back at any moment.

"Look, I realized that. But what can we do about this? We're having a shortage on help, and need as many workers as we can find." Kibum said trying to reason this out. "We'll just have him introduce himself really fast, and then take him to his room where he can fanboy all he wants."

"Did you see how red his face turned though? It was as red as that reindeer's nose in that Christmas movie! He might tell his friends about this place and attract other fans who will work here just for him." The other man said with concern in his voice. He definitely doesn't want to lose his job when Mrs. Choi comes back, and he doesn't want to be in a house full of lazy "fan/maids."

"But then we'll regain our staff!" Kibum attempted optimistically. His common sense knew that it wasn't right at all even to argue about this any further. When Jinki's face became solemn and tired of Key's games, the younger stopped playing around.

"When we take him to his room after he meets Minho, we will lay down the rules just like we did with everybody here. Okay? The "don't speak about it outside of the estate" rule we enforce. I can always fire him if he runs his mouth, you know." Kibum said turning his whisper into a slightly louder murmur. 
Jinki watched as his friend bit his lip and looked down at the floor as if he'd told a lie. The older sighed and rubbed his neck, "You're already attached to him aren't you?" Key looked up through the thin slits of his hair draping over his face and nodded in shame.

"I feel like he's going to be a great addition to the team somehow, so I kind of want to keep him either way."

The older shook his head without a word.

"Hey, let's be honest now, you can't resist that cute little baby face." Kibum said smiling and reaching to pinch Onew's cheek until his hand was smacked away. The huff Onew made at the end sealed the deal for Key; Onew was such a bad liar. "Come on, you know you want to pinch those cheeks~" He said swiftly dodging Jinki's hand swipes. Kibum let out a huge laugh as he began to distort his buddy's face which was at first serious, and then cracked into a gummy grin.

"Okay, maybe so." Jinki admitted in a weird voice since his friend was still stretching out his face. Key was about to celebrate and brag about his almighty and all-knowing powers before Taemin and Jonghyun entered back into the room awkwardly. Who wouldn't be awkward walking into a room where people were messing with each others' faces? Jonghyun laughed with a tray and glass in hand because it was something completely normal to him.

Upon his crush's arrival, Kibum immediately dropped his hands to his side and thought quickly. Okay, okay, how are we going to do this? He thought stuttering random syllables when he didn't even know what to say yet. Luckily, Jinki was there to save the day.

"Let's have Kibum go out first so that he can let Master Choi know that you're here, alright Taemin? Jonghyun, you stay here too, until Key says it's fine to go out." He instructed.

"No need to tell me, I was going to stay anyways. I need Taemin to hold the platter while I pour the drink in." He said scooting away from the open glass door for Key to pass through.

Avoiding eye contact with Jonghyun, Kibum tilted his head down with a smile until he reached outside. A loud "yah" was heard from him, which seemed to startle the man in the lawn chair considering how the seat moved about a foot from its original place. About a minute later, Key called everybody outside. Jinki stood with Key in front of the man, and Taemin followed close behind Jonghyun, just a bit nervous and excited about finally getting to meet this guy.

Jonghyun stopped at the side of the chair and Taemin glanced over the short man's shoulders to finally see that face he was waiting for. Kind of. The man had his head tilted down putting his nose into a chapter book, and wearing huge sunglasses that took up most of his facial area which made him unrecognizable.

"Minho, this is Taemin. He'll be working here starting tomorrow, please greet him." Jinki said to the man who totally disregarded his words. Taemin noticed this after five seconds of silence and rolled his eyes at this impolite man. There were two things Taemin confirmed though: This Minho guy was definitely an and that he would have problems with him for sure. But even this amazing, once in a lifetime job opportunity wasn't going to stop him from putting this guy in his place. Taemin never backs down from a challenge, especially when it comes down to him and a douche bag.

"Yah! Minho!" Kibum screamed while kicking Minho's foot around. The man on the chair didn't even lift his eyes from the page as he said, "Hm?" and instead flipped to the next page of the book. Key rubbed his temples obviously frustrated and tried keeping a calm voice. "This will have to do. Go." He said pointing a finger to Taemin.

Taemin gave a long hard glare at the inconsiderate man and said, "Annyeong, I'm Taemin," informally to see if it would catch his attention in any way. Sadly, it didn't work. It seemed like he could care less as he flicked his wrist to motion him away. Taemin couldn't help but grit his teeth and think of a plan. But then instead of gritting together, they showed a wide smile that looked forced.

"Jonghyun, pour this amazing man a glass of his long awaited iced tea." Taemin said taking the cup from Jonghyun's hands and holding it out to him. The older looked at him with anticipation and teetered the edge of the pitcher over the glass, filling it up almost immediately.

He examined the full cup, Jonghyun, Onew, and Key's faces, then down at Minho who was in his own conceited little world. Releasing his plastic smile into a scowl, he threw the drink directly into the man's face and hair; the liquid not forgetting to ruin his clothes and the book sitting on his lap. Minho jumped up from his spot as fast as you could say, "Yah! You bastard!" which is what he said in reacting to this.

Minho stood on the opposite side of the lawn chair looking down at the drenched linen long sleeve sticking to his skin and stared instensly through his sunglasses at Taemin and Jonghyun who weren't phased at all. Jonghyun, because he didn't do anything and Taemin honestly didn't give a . "Who the did that?" Minho yelled wiping the beads of brown off of his forehead. Taemin crossed his arms and gave a cocky smirk, but apparently Minho looked passed that and looked at the man holding the pitcher.

"Jonghyun?! What the do you think you're doing?!" Minho screamed slamming his book into the ground.

"But I-"                                                                                                                                                                    

"You're ing fired! Get out of here!" The master ordered, which was invalid. This was taken just a bit too far for Key's liking because Jonghyun was his love and there wasn't any way that he would be fired while Kibum was present. The current situation wasn't pretty at all, but all three of the workers loved Taemin's guts for doing this.

"Minho, you can't do that. You're not in charge of that anymore. There's no way that you-" Key started in a quite tone, careful not to trigger any more rage.

"Stop trying to ing save his job because you like him! Now shut up-"

"It was me." Taemin's blood ran cold and he could feel a familiar bubbling inside the pit of his stomach. One unmistakable feeling that he will never forget. It was the same hatred that he had for his dad. It wasn't right to be jumping to conclusions about this man by meeting him for at least three minutes only. But boy, this was definitely not the best first impression out there. Sure it was early for Taemin to be feeling this, but he can't stop it at all. Not with what he said to Key.

The whole, 'saving his job because you like him' thing wasn't any of his business. In fact, he shouldn't care at all, but Kibum seemed to be a genuinely nice person. You could tell by just looking at him and the way he said things like, "You can always come to me with problems or questions," or "I'll be there for you."

What Minho said made Taemin's blood boil. Who does he think he is shouting those things out in the open, and in front of Jonghyun himself? Inconsiderate, stupid, and heartless beings drove him over the edge.

Minho turned towards Taemin who wiped that smirk off of his face a long time ago. "What-"

"You ing heard me! I was the one who dumped your beverage, so don't go ing accusing people! How about you listen once in a while, ." Taemin said in the most calm but intimidating voice he could muster up. Mindlessly he stepped up on the lawn chair to come face to face with the man who was breathing heavily with anger.

"Don't go around announcing other people's personal things in public. Especially this man's." He said pointing a finger behind him into the general direction of Kibum, who was choking back tears and hiding a red face behind Jinki's back.

The older scoffed at how tough Taemin was trying to be with that small body. "I'm only holding back from hitting you because you're a girl." Minho said noticing that the men were slapping themselves on the forehead. "You don't know who I am, do you?" he said taking off his sunglasses with a smirk. 

"I honestly don't care-"

And at the moment, Taemin wanted to run away and never return.

Taemin's eyes widened like never before, as he was staring right into the face of his favorite person in the world.

Choi Minho.

The Choi Minho. So this is really him! Taemin's heart skipped a couple beats- his face was literally only two inches from the idol's face. Close enough to easily steal a kiss and run off with it, but it obviously was not the appropriate situation to be thinking like that right now. His heart rate decreased and pumped at a normal speed as his eyes slowly hid the whites of his eyes. He had to finished his current character portrayal first, then fanboy in the confines of his room.

Taemin could see a sly smile creep across Minho's lips, enjoying the fact that he caught him totally off guard. The younger wasn't much of an actor, but he was great at keeping a straight face and attitude. Taemin chuckled, sending Minho's lips downward. "No, I have no idea who you are. And you are definitely not who you think you are. Don't treat people like you're all high and mighty just because you live large like this." Taemin scolded ending his rant and stepping back onto the pavement.

"Yah! Who are you?!" Minho yelled pointing a finger.

"If you knew, we wouldn't be where we are right now, would we?" Taemin said with a smartass tone. "Now, I'll see you tomorrow morning," He paused, "Master." And with that, Taemin bowed roughly around a 90 degree angle and took his journey back into his room passing the incredulous spectators.

Jonghyun and Onew were as equally as shocked as Taemin was in himself for doing that. Their mouths hung open and stood there looking incredibly dumb doing until Minho excused Jonghyun to leave without the cups. To Kibum, there was no more reason to stay in that spot or even being near Minho at the moment, so he trailed off after Taemin.

"Kibum, stay." Minho said with a bit of guilt in his voice. The damage was done, and he needed to just walk away from this. So he did.

 Which left only Jinki and Minho. A light summer breeze coursed through the trees and rattled their leaves, which made up the background sounds that filled in for the words left unspoken. Until Jinki brought it up, "You ed up." He said quietly. Minho watched as Jinki extended his right hand to pat down his left shoulder where Key left damp spots of embarrassment and betrayal.

"That's the least of my problems." Minho said. "Who the hell is that woman, and who does she think she is?!" He yelled picking up the glass cup from the ground and smashing it into small crystals. Jinki shook his head at how uncaring and disrespectful Minho could be sometimes, towards his hyungs and especially to his best friend Kibum.

"What a shame; a pretty face such as hers is wasted by a hideous personality."

Onew scoffed at the hypocrite in front of him and walked towards the inside of the mansion.

"What's her name?" Minho said with a deep, calming breathe.

"His, name is Lee Taemin." Without one more word escaping his lips, Jinki slipped silently into the house and slammed the glass door shut, rattling the entire glass wall.

Minho began to the front of his shirt and peel the damp fabric from his shaped torso and arms. "Lee Taemin," Minho slammed the shirt into the ground, "I hope you're prepared for life in hell." He said out loud to himself deviously.



A/N: Well, that escalated quickly ><;; Oh, not the best first impression Minho, so rude! Hopefully he'll change *wink wink* ^^;; I know you've all been waiting for 2min interaction and it's finally here, but not exactly happy..... Please be patient for fluff and my next parts! Until next chapter!
                      Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S

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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD