The Ad That Saved Two Lives

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


2 Months Later


"I can't believe I fly out for one day to meet with your mother, and come back to find our staff numbers cut in half! Again!" Kibum scolded as he paced back and forth width wise of the large and cozy dining hall.

"I can't believe you trusted Jinki with trying to control me." Minho said before slurping a spicy soup broth with his spoon.

"How do you expect this mansion to remain in tip-top shape when the workers are gone?!" He yelled flinging his arms up in the air.

"Yah! I still have workers, don't worry about it! I'll be cleaner or something like that, let me be, you prick." Minho snapped back with a mouth full of another dish of rice and beef.

"Aish!" Kibum said messing up his hair violently. "Girls," He called for the two maids standing at the opposite side of the room. "Take the master's food away. Do it now, he doesn't deserve to eat." He ordered with the flick of his wrist.

Minho paused mid-chew to turn to his manager, "What?! What did you say?!" Minho glared over his shoulder to examine how serious he was being. As the two maids started picking up the silver trays of dishes, Minho flung himself over his precious meal for protection. "No, take this and you're fired!" The master threatened. 

Kibum watched as the girls shot worried looks to each other and hesitated with the conflicting orders until Key clarified it. "Girls, do it because I'm not allowing this dictator any more power." Still, the maids felt Minho's menacing stare looking deep into their souls sending shivers down their spines.
"His mother put me in full charge of her spoiled little baby, so he won't be firing anybody as long as I'm around."

As soon as he said that, the girls let out a relieved sigh and pried the bowls and silverware away from Minho's grasp and disappeared behind the kitchen door which continued to fling back and forth after they passed through.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I'm going to starve!" Minho screamed as he rose from his seat at the head of the table.

"I told you before that you need to stop this! I don't care if you try your best to remain clean, we need these workers! You can't just fire them whenever you lose your temper because they're a big part of this household!" Kibum took a deep breath before he continued quietly, "Now, I've restricted you from things like your car, phone, and debit cards. Plus you aren't allowed to leave the house besides when school starts in the fall and for schedules."



"Ugh, hyuuung-"

"Don't 'hyung' me like that! No, I already blocked your so you won't be able to get any of your items. And try you may to bribe the staff, but they won't accept it. I had a meeting with all of them about this." Kibum grabbed a rolled up newspaper that sat at the corner of the table to used it to whack the back of Minho's head. "Behave now!" He yelled and slammed the door to the dining hall on his way out.

"Ki-" Minho started before being shut out by the loud banging of the door. "I mean hyung! Wait!" He called for Key and trailed him out the door to prance at his manager's heels. "When and how can I get my stuff back?" Minho asked while trying to read Kibum's mood and thoughts from his facial expression. Key sighed and stopped in front of his office.

"Until we get our workers back, which I doubt we will, because you're such an ." He said as he held the door wide open for Minho to enter first.

"I'd watch myself if I were you, I could easily call 'Jjong' in here to tell him your little secret." Minho smirked walking in a planting himself on a leather arm chair.

"Same with you, if you'd like to even leave your room."

Minho sent an icy glare to Key as the older rounded his desk and took a seat in the wheeled chair. The older only smiled at his attempt at intimidation and said, "I'm going to send the local newspaper something for the job section, since we are so desperate."

"Why don't you just title it like, 'Maid and Butler Opening For Choi Minho's Mansion' or whatever. I guarantee that we'll get tons of girls lined up for this job." Minho said cockily as he stole a pen from the desk in front of him and clicked it repeatedly. Key propped an elbow on his desk, rested his chin in the palm of his hand, and began tapping his temple with a finger as he scrolled down the computer screen in search of a certain link.

"Minho-ah, two reasons why that wouldn't work: One, people would be too busy admiring you to do their job. And two, well actually, that might work out since nobody likes you anyways." Key joked as he snatched the utensil from in between Minho's fingers.

"So ing rude." Minho giggled nonchalantly. He knew never to take those words to heart, because it obviously wasn't true. Kibum was not only his manager, but his childhood friend. He got used to Key's attitude and didn't mind it in the first place. No matter how hurtful the words may be and how coolly Kibum says it, they both love each other like family. To sum it up in a nutshell, they were like brothers. The brother Minho wished he had.

"No, just blunt." Key smiled as he clicked open the document page he was looking for. "Now let's see here. Big bold letters saying: 'Help wanted as maid/butler in mansion' How does that sound to you?" he asked Minho pausing his typing to gain feedback.

"Well aren't you going to add detail about pay and advantages?" Minho said frowning that he lost his pen to click.

"I was getting to it, but the title I mean." Kibum said staring at the bold letters written across the screen.

"Sure, it's fine." Minho honestly didn't care about this. He could take care of himself without help for all he cared. He just uses the workers because they're there, and it's their job. Wouldn't be much of a job if they didn't do anything all day.

Kibum only sighed and wrote the rest of the article himself, knowing that Minho would be no help at all. Three minutes passed with nothing but the clicking sounds that the keyboard made, and finally, the manager cleared his throat to gain Minho's attention. "Help wanted as maid/butler at high class mansion in Seoul. Advantages include free lodging and food in exchange for labor. Monthly pay will be discussed at the interview. If interested, please call- Blah blah, insert the information here." Kibum said clasping his hands together on top of his desk and watched for Minho's reaction with a satisfied look.

"Wait, do all the workers sleep here?" Minho asked surprised at the lodging part of this.

"Yes, Minho. They do sleep here, which is why when you call at three in the morning they come running. Idiot." Kibum could tell by the puzzled look on his idol's face that he was thinking a bit too hard. "Some stay downstairs in the extra rooms, or out in the backyard house." Key talked to him like he was talking to a four year old.

"There's a house in the back?! Are you talking about the two story shed?" Minho asked on the edge of his chair. Kibum face palmed and shook his head. He remained silent as Minho kept urging him to answer his question. Key simply pretended that he was nothing but air and clicked the green 'send' button on the bottom of the screen.




"Taemin, are you being serious right now?" said Jongin incredulously with his mouth hanging big enough that a football could be caught with it.

"Yeah." Taemin replied tapping the side of his coffee mug. "My job is here, and my rent is due in two weeks which wipes out my check almost completely." He added looking out into the rest of the bookstore from the open entrance of the cafe. "Do you think that this really wasn't a good idea? Coming here I mean." Taemin said with the corners of his mouth falling as he pushed his fake, square glasses higher up his face.

"You've got to be ing me right now. Come on, you deserve to be here! You just need some help." His dongsaeng said.

"Well what do you suggest I do?" Taemin asked before taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee. Jongin paused and stirred a packet of sugar into his drink and thought for a bit.

"Can't you just ask for money?" He tried suggesting even though he knew the answer. It was worth a shot though, trying to take the easy way out.

"Kai. Really now, you think I'm going to ask my parents for money? There's no way in hell that is happening. I came to-"

"Follow my dream and prove to my dad that I can make it through without any help." Jongin finished Taemin's exact words in a mocking tone. "Yeah, I know. I've heard that millions of times, but I don't know what else to say about this." He said pitying his struggling friend.

"Tell me how you managed life here without help."

"Well first of all, keep away from the nightclubs and drinks you're drawn to." Jongin put up two fingers to represent a visual list about what he must avoid. "Let's see here." The boy bit his lip and looked up at nothing in particular. "Eating out so often, and girls. And in your case, maybe boys too." In the end, Jongin held up all five fingers in his left hand, indicating the crucial things to be wary of.

"I swear to god kid, I'm gonna beat you up if you call me gay or biual again." Taemin said raising a fist and shaking it around.

"I don't know man, you get all red in the face whenever you listen to Minho's music. Could it be," Jongin looked around at the slow cafe cautiously and leaned in closer to Taemin across the table. "nasty thoughts?" He whispered while receiving a punch in the shoulder immediately after. Jongin only laughed as he watched Taemin blush and look away with steam coming out of his ears.

"Alright, alright. Sorry." Jongin lied with a smirk on his face. He knew that past all the talk about girls and flirting with them and denying that he was gay, Taemin had a weak point for his favorite singer. There was no doubt a burning passion and a huge fanboy inside of his soul for Minho that Taemin couldn't deny. Jongin swears that he could feel a homoual aura protruding from Taemin's body whenever the man talks about him. It won't be a shock when Taemin realizes and finally comes out.

"But what you really need to watch, is saving your paycheck. Maybe even work two jobs if you can. That's what I did." Jongin finished.

"Two jobs is so much work." Taemin whined rubbing his temples. Just thinking about the stress he would undergo gave him a headache. Two jobs plus schooling would definitely kill him. College hadn't even started yet and here he was, blowing his money with the excitement of being on his own.

"Unless you plan on giving up and being shipped right back to Osaka with your dad and living your life lonely and a failure."

"Not an option."

Jongin smiled down at the table and looked back up to Taemin with crossed arms. "Then better start looking for a really good paying job. Good luck, because I tried that." He said.

"Yes sir." Taemin chuckled as he slid off of his stool and made for the farthest corner of the store where they kept stacks of newspapers. Being organized by date, Taemin scanned the rack for the most recent issue of "Seoul Times" murmuring to himself, "Today is.... Sunday. No paper today." So he settled for the paper that was sent out yesterday and took two copies- one for him and one for Jongin.

Walking back to the table, Taemin flopped Jongin's paper down in front of him and then took a seat. "Let me know if you find something." Taemin said flipping the pages of the paper to find the job section.

"Will do." Jongin said doing the same. Both of them eventually found the right page and began observing each box of information, nodding their heads at the possible articles and shaking their heads at the most ridiculous jobs that they never even knew existed.

After about five minutes, Taemin released the packet of paper onto the table and leaned backwards over the backing of the chair to stretch. "Jongiiiiiiin~" He whined crashing his eyelids together tightly and reopening them only to repeat the process once more. Maybe Taemin should get real glasses since the small printing hurt his eyes horribly.

"Didn't find anything?" Jongin wondered glancing above the top of his page to find Taemin's scrunched faces.

"You think?" Taemin replied bending over the table to rest his head atop his arms with a sigh.

"Did you even take a look at the back page yet?" Jongin asked his friend returning his eyes back to the page, and then flipping it over reading the last one.

"No. You do it for me." Taemin replied in a childish voice with a yawn following right after.

"Geeze, I feel like we're back in high school doing a project together." Jongin laughed with Taemin joining in a little late. Just as Jongin flipped the page, his eyes immediately shot to the huge capitalized letters in the center of the paper. He looked over it once and his mouth opened to a white smile. "Taemin, you better take a look at the back page. I think we found you a job."

Taemin's face shot right up with a glimmer in his eyes, "Really?!" He exclaimed trying his best to divide the pages with his fingers. The happiness welling up inside of him took control of his movements which crumpled the borders of the pages in the process of opening them. Jongin put down his copy to watch his buddy's facial expression as he read the section out loud.


Desperately in need of help for caring of estate and master's needs!
Advantages: Free lodging and food for every meal of the day in exchange for labor.
Income: Pays well; shall be discussed in further detail at interview.
Please call the number below if interested!


"Free lodging and food and an income?! Jongin, this is great! I mean, this totally means I don't have to pay for anything as long as I work there!" Taemin exclaimed throwing his arms above his head and drawing much attention from other customers. 

"Damn you lucked out! I'm happy for you. Now, uh, you can put your arms down." Jongin said a bit quietly and tipping his head to apologize to the annoyed people at the surrounding tables.

"How can I when this is going to work out perfectly?! Hello, living in a mansion?! This going to be grea-!"

"Can I see that article please?" A woman only a bit older than Taemin asked him. Taemin looked at her weirdly and put down his arms in the process. He agreed and handed her the paper, watching her shake her head.

"What's wrong?" Jongin asked her curiously.

"I bet all of the staff has been fired already. What a shame." She whispered in a barely audible voice. "Are you two talking about this ad right here?" She asked pointing a finger to Taemin's new job.

"Yes, I'm going to apply for it soon." Taemin said. "Is there a problem?" He then asked now that Jongin's question had been ignored.

"Not really my problem anymore. More of yours, if you decide to take that job." She said placing the paper carefully back on the table. "I'm Kwon Yuri; a former maid of that household. I can assure you that your life will be hell there at that mansion." The two men furrowed their brows at one another then continued introduced themselves and ask her to explain her experience.

"The master, whose name I won't mention, is a total inconsiderate that you will grow to hate. You may know him from various places like dramas and singing songs, but he really is a totally different man when you meet him. Working there really isn't hard, well, for me it wasn't because I had many other co-workers, but the problem is the master of the house. He's one out of two sons from their mother who is a record label owner. He stays at the house running through his schedules while his mother travels. But I have no idea where is mother is." She explained.

"He doesn't care about others' feelings at all and loses his temper so often. When he does, he fires a bunch of people. And I'm not exaggerating when I say a bunch. The day I was fired, I also witnessed four others leave before me. His manager is really nice and tries his best to stop him, most of the time he does, but not all. Obviously." Yuri ended with a huff and her face getting red with anger.

Taemin thought for a moment about the consequences about taking this job and not taking this job until he came to a state of mind. "I'd rather take the free room and food and deal with this guy instead of sleeping on the sidewalk and never go to college. Thanks for the heads up though." Taemin smiled graciously.

Yuri returned the gesture and said, "Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck living in hell." Then turned and walked away.

Jongin and Taemin stared at each other for the longest time, wondering what to say with what had just happened. Then Taemin broke the awkward silence by pulling out his phone and punching in the digits from the newspaper into his keypad.

"It's not like I haven't been through hell already. This is going to be a piece of cake." Taemin smirked.


A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating so fast. I've been pretty lazy and tired lately. Again, sorry! But here we are with the fifth chapter~ Yay right? I enjoyed writing this one for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm finally really close to writing about when 2min meets! kekeke, must be that ^^ I hope you guys like it! Until the next chapter! 
                                       Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD