Welcome to Choi Manor

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


The ringing melody of such a ridiculously auto-tuned song jerked Kibum back into reality before he could submerge any deeper into the dream world. The man's head shot straight up with wide eyes, looking around the room wondering where he was. A couple seconds passed before he realized that he was safe in his office and not in some random place. Key exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair cursing himself for falling asleep yet again while signing papers. 

Key looked down at the document that he slept under and released a string of curse words when he found that he would need to print out another copy because it was semi-crumpled and wet from his saliva. With the phone still desperate for attention, the owner ignored it only for a bit longer to take a much needed stretch to return to his formal self. It wouldn't sound very professional if he answered with a yawn, so he did it while singing along with the repeating words of the device. "Ring ding dong, ring ding dong." He yawned with no enthusiasm.

Just slightly before the answering could pick up the message, Key slid a finger down his screen and put the speaker up to his ear. "Yeoboseyo?" He said in a very elegant tone.

"Hello? I'm Lee Taemin and I'm calling to apply for a job as a housekeeper in your mansion." The man on the other side of the line sounded young and enthusiastic. Key almost jumped for joy when he heard those words.

"Oh this is wonderful! Let me jot down some basic information from you before we set up an interview date, alright?" He said trying to keep his voice from breaking his professional cover. The boy replied with a "yes" and the manager pulled out a paper from his right drawer then clicked open a pen.

"You're a male I assume." He said checking off a gender box. Kibum expected a reply, or even just an awkward laugh, but got nothing inside of his ear. Well then. He thought a bit butthurt. Doing his best to speed up the process, Key wrote down the name "Lee Taemin" across the first line of the evaluation form as he asked the next question, "How old are you, Mr. Lee?"

"I'm 19 right now."

Explains the silent attitude. Must be his first job or something. Key thought filling that out.

"Now, I'd like to get this interview done as fast as possible. Is there any way that you could be able to come tomorrow at around, let's say," He paused to lift up his paper to examine the huge table calendar hidden under, "2:15?" He finished. Key could hear some talking in the background of the other line and tapped his finger against his desk waiting for a reply. Five seconds later, his patience was rewarded with a happy, "Yes, that will do." 

"Great, great. I'll message you the address a bit later. My name is Kim Kibum and I'm the master's manager here. It was nice talking to you, see you tomorrow at 2:15 then." Kibum smiled, now literally jumping from his chair and prancing around his office.

"Got it. Thank you so much, goodbye." The other man said hanging up the call. As soon as Key heard the multiple little beeps repeating in his ear, he knew it was safe to dance around happily. "I won't be fired if I can hire one more person!" He sang.

Soon, the young man became tired and worn out with all of this excitement going on that he plopped down on an armchair as fatigue took over his body. Kibum threw his head back and let his ribcage fill with a large amount of air before releasing it all in one blow. He was having a great time by himself just relaxing before he heard giggling at his door. A pout came from his lips and he turned his head to find Jonghyun staring at him with a huge grin. 

Key sat there speechless and perched on the arm of the chair now as if ready to flee at any moment now. Well that's exactly what he did. As soon as Jonghyun took his eyes off of the manager, Kibum made a dash for the door right next to where Jonghyun was standing. Slinking away up the steps of one of the double staircases, he thanked Mrs. Choi for installing those huge double doors that Key never thought would come in handy. Unless he thought about that exact, situation where he'd have to run from his crush.

All in all, it was a triple win for Key: getting away safely, creating distance between him and his crush, and arriving to where he needed to be. Kibum stood in front of Minho's bedroom door with a hand planted on one of the rectangles decorating the side of it to catch his breath. "Damn." Was all he said before getting suspicious about the huge roaring of laughter coming from inside the bedroom. Regaining his composure, Key walked in the room without notice to find Jinki imitating a familiar jumping motion.

"And then he sat back in his chair and the other staff members left after that." Jinki crowed as he hugged Minho's bed post to keep him from falling.

"Oh my god, that's ing hilarious! What was he even doing that for?!" Minho screamed clutching his belly and rolling around on the floor.

"I'll tell you what it was about." Kibum yelled as he ran up to Minho and started kicking him lightly. "You guys mocking me?!" He said changing his direction to lunge for Jinki who was sprawled out on the bed laughing even harder than he already was.

After wrestling a bit against the two larger men, (and winning the matches I might add) Kibum clapped his hands together like they were coated with dust with a satisfied smirk across his face.

"Kibum, what the ! That hurt!" Minho said rising up from his spot on the floor and rubbing his back simultaniously.

"Serves you -talkers right." Kibum replied raising his foot onto a pillow, putting his hands on his hips, and looking up into nowhere triumphantly.

"Onew-hyung-" Minho whined throwing himself on his bed and bouncing up and down from his own weight.

"Yeah, I'll get some ice. For both of us." Jinki said sliding out of the bed holding his groin and limping towards the door before stopping with a hand on his shoulder.

"Nope, I came for just a quick announcement for both of you. Tomorrow we have somebody applying as a butler. Onew-hyung, I need you to stay during the interview, and Minho.... Well you're going to be here to meet him anyways. You can't leave the mansion~" Kibum sang in a sing-song voice. "Well, that's all. Be ready for tomorrow though." He said merrily. To top off his whole performance, Kibum barely brushed Jinki's shoulder, sending the wounded man down for the count. "Goodbye, losers!" He said taking a bow and started out into the main hallway. 

"Hyung?" Minho called. There was a low moan in reply. "Kim Kibum just beat us in wrestling. Key beat us. Let's go to the gym later." He said burying his face into a nearby pillow. Jinki replied with another low "mhm" from his throat.




"The guy sounded more excited than I am." Taemin said slipping the phone back into his pocket. "He said tomorrow at 2:15 and I'll get the address soon. I really want to meet the master of the house now that Yuri told us about him." He said moistening his lips using his tongue.

"Seems like you're wanting to pick a fight or something. By the looks of it, I say you'll last a day and then get fired with that firey attitude of yours." Jongin laughed at how his friend's face dropped a bit after saying that.

"Look, I've known you long enough to know about what type of things hype you up. We've snuck out and gotten into trouble plenty of times for me to know what will happen in this situation. Remember when you were a junior in high school and we walked around at night and this cocky challenged you to punch him?"

"Oh yeah, then when I actually did it, we didn't stop running for at least a mile. " Taemin chuckled piecing together the fun memory from a couple of years ago.

"But anyways, the point is that if the guy really is an , you're just going to challenge him and end up being fired. Plus you're a bit lazy when it comes to work that doesn't involve dancing." Jongin ended his good point.

"Well, at least I can try. And I'm really going to do my best to keep myself from doing that. I need to do all I can to reach my goal." Taemin tried saying with a serious tone in his voice which wasn't working as he stared his chuckling friend in the eye.

"Whatever you say, hyung. I'm going to get out of here first. Good luck out there tomorrow." Jongin said jumping up from his chair and retrieving his bag from around the backing.

"Thanks." He said with a smile, and just as Jongin passed him, he mumbled something, "See you tomorrow when you drop me off at the mansion."




"Hey," Jongin started driving up a long road surrounded by pink and white cherry blossom trees on each side of the path, "remember two months ago when I said I wasn't your chauffeur?" He then said as he observed his surroundings, thinking to himself that he never knew about this place. Taemin laughed and just took in the beautiful scenery leading up to a gate far off in the distance. "Yah, I meant it!" Jongin raised his voice but failed to hide his small giggles which interfered with the solemn aura he was trying to build.

It was honestly impossible for those two friends to stay serious with each other. One would start laughing at the other for the stupid look on their face, or one would simply sit there and actually listen, but the speaker can't hold in their giggles. "I hate you so much you . You know that? You waste my gas." Jongin joked about the hating part, but the gas was true.

"Calm your Kai, I'll pay for gas when you pick me back up, don't worry about it." Taemin said giving his friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Oh yeah? With what money?" Jongin questioned. Taemin took a moment to slide his hands down his outer thighs and rear end to find that his wallet wasn't with him at the moment. "P-Psh! You think I spent all my money? I-I have- Oh look, the gate is coming up! The pin number is three-four-seven-two." Taemin used as an excuse to change the subject.

"Uh-huh." Jongin said guessing Taemin's predicament as he pushed those four numbers in order. The keypad glowed a neon green and the tall, black gate in front of them rolled sideways to let the vehicle enter. 

As the wheels started forward, Jongin pushed the subject again to sweat Taemin like he loved to do, "So, about the money. I expect 80 bucks to fill up my baby here." He said drumming against the steering wheel lightly.

"Oh, I'm still hungry. Lunch at home didn't fill me up, we should go out later, yes?" Taemin said rubbing his belly in a circular motion.

"Then you can go ahead and pay for both of us." Jongin smiled entering the start of a circular courtyard. He drove in a crescent shape and paused to kick Taemin out of the car.

"Good luck, I'll see you later. Give me my money." Jongin said extending out his hand knowing that he was expecting too much. Taemin just pretended to not hear him and skipped up the front doorsteps, which seemed like it took forever to scale up. Finally making it to the top, he turned around to wave off Jongin, just like what his mom used to do when he dropped him off at day care. The roar of his friend's car slowly faded off into the distance and Taemin looked down at his watch.

2:15  exactly. He thought walking up to the main entrance of double doors with beautifully designed glass placed within it. Before knocking on the wood, Taemin realized that he was too busy getting away from paying for gas that he forgot to study the outside of his potential new house. Well, it was too late to step back down those thousands of steps and do it because through the glass, a figure dressed in black and white was already making it's way to greet Taemin. Afraid that he would damage the expensive looking door, he just withdrew his hand from it and took a step back.

A couple seconds later a butler answered the door with a huge smile on his face and used gesticulations as he said,

"Welcome to Choi Manor!"



A/N: I apologize for a short chapter, because I have huge tests this week! Benchmarks, or what others would call mid-terms. So i'm letting you all know that I might not have much time to write, or they might not be as good or long because I really need my sleep! I also think that I'll be writing shorter chapters in general because I don't want to cram too many subjects and what not into one chapter. (Because that's what a chapter is about right? Basically starting with another big subject.) kekeke, Sorry this wasn't a very exciting chapter. Tomorrow! Until next chapter!
                       Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S

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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD