All of these bitter beings

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


Taemin has a total passion for dance. It was something about the way he was able to smoothly glide from move to move with the beat of the music that gave him a certain rush that never became old. At the super market, at the mall, and in his room, if there was any type of melody playing, the boy could easily catch the current and maneuver his limbs in amazing and beautiful ways. It didn't matter where he was or what he's doing, it's like the refreshing notes completely take over Taemin's mind and drive him like a marionette. It flowed through his blood. it repeated in his mind. At the age of 13, he knew exactly what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He knew what type of career he was going to shoot for; something his dad is resentful of: being a professional choreographer. 


"You want to do what?!" Taemin's father spat across the dinner table. "No, there's absolutely no way you're leaving to Korea to work that piece of job." He boomed. 


"Honey, please sit back and calm down." His wife said clutching the long sleeved dress shirt covering his arm.


"It's not a  job! It's something I'm going to love doing for the rest of my life!" Taemin said raising his voice higher than his father's. He knew that this conversation would end up in yelling, but he had to tell his parents sooner or later. It was time for him to go out on his own and live his life the way he want to live it. This decision of his is final.


"It doesn’t matter! A job is a job and all you need to live by is money. You don't need to love your career, as long as it gets you by. Why can't you be like me or your brother?!" His father screamed, pounding a fist on the table. The words struck Taemin hard with hatred towards his dad; even his brother, for being the favorite under his dad. All of Taemin's life, he has been compared to other people. He wasn't good enough. But you know what he thought about it? He was sick of all of the . And upon hearing those words, it gave him an opening to share his true feelings with his parents.


"I don't want to ing be like Taesun, and especially not you! I would kill myself if I turned out like you, there's no question about that!" Taemin screamed, releasing all of his cooped up anger. The anger and patience that has been built up for years before, suddenly running out and pouring right off of his hot tongue. Finally, he stood up for himself for once. "Don't try to put a damper on my dreams just because yours were ruined after the accident you caused!"


Taemin didn't feel the least bit sorry watching the furious expression on his father's wrinkling face turn into one of sorrow and loss. "Taemin..." he said devastated that his own son brought up his dark past. One that he's been trying to put behind himself. Although he's been hiding his feelings for 13 years, the thought of himself ruining his own dream and losing his first wife, Taemin's biological mother, has haunted him in every dream.


"No, you're a selfish bastard. I don't care about what you want me to do, because I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I don't need your consent for anything from now on; I'm 19 and I'm going to do what is right for me." Taemin said scratching the tiled floor by the bottoms of his chair and raising himself from the seat. He then tucked it in without a care, and started speaking again, "I applied for Seoul University of Performing Arts when I was a senior, and was accepted a couple months ago. My flight is in a week, and I'm boarding that plane no matter what."


And with no further words from the people in the house, Taemin walked out of the dining room and up the winding staircase and started for his room at the end of the long corridor with clenched fists. Being dramatic and doing his best to annoy his father, he slammed the door and kicked off his slippers as soon as he sat on the bed.


That night before falling asleep, he thought about the nasty things he had said earlier at dinner. Yeah, now he admitted that they weren't the nicest things to say; the guilt was eating at his soul, and soon he was repenting. Caught up in the heat of the moment it was easy for those sentences to slip right off of his tongue and it felt right to let out his steam. But in the end it was wrong, completely wrong. His mistake, yet again.


Many years ago, Taemin's father was a man who enjoyed swaying to beats, just as much as Taemin does currently. That's where he got it from; it's literally in his blood. His schooling was amazing and passed as Valid Victorian in his class. After high school, he had an offer to a full scholarship to a performing arts academy in New York. He accepted it and became a popular dance instructor and choreographer for many productions in Broadway and for other special events.


As he taught dances and lived his life happily, as his life goals were fulfilled. Well, almost. The only part missing was the love he wished to share with a woman. Returning to Korea, he met his future wife by chance on the plane ride to Incheon. It turns out that they attended the same university, but graduated at different times. Both were intrigued by the other, and shared the same passion for dance. They stayed in touch, and eventually, became Mr. and Mrs. Lee.


The two were madly in love with each other, virtually inseparable. Every time they visited the amusement park they were stopped by the gypsies and fortune tellers who said they were fated to meet and be together. Of course who could believe those types of people since they were employed at the amusement park, but they believed them, the love between them upholding the supposed fate. Elder people noted that they looked like a match made in heaven, and that their children would be gods in both beauty and dance. Well soon after their first child, Taesun, Taemin came along. The four of them together had the strongest family bond anybody could ask for and want. They were as happy as could be.


Until the tragedy happened.


It was two in the morning and hailing like crazy. Taemin and his parents were driving home from a party. Lucky for Taesun, he wasn't with them as the parents began shouting insults and bickered back and forth. Taemin was only 6 at the time, so he couldn't really understand the situation, but he was old enough to know that this was going overboard when his intoxicated dad struck his wife on the cheek with an open palm. The shouting subsided for a second. The married couple equally shocked at what had happened, until blood curling screams ripped through the silenced air. Bright beams of light filtered through the windshield and blinded the commuters. The vehicle went through a head on collision with a produce truck.


The accident left Taemin with nothing but a couple bruises and scratches, for his father, a bone in his right leg shattered and an arm broken. As for his mother, that was the last night she lived to see. After the accident, it took years of mourning her death for his dad to finally try to move on, which brought Taemin's current step-mother into his life. The boy didn't have any problem with her, but like any other person would, he preferred his real mom. Since the crash, Taemin had always had a deep hatred towards his dad. His dad, who taught him never to hit a woman under any circumstances. His dad, the hypocrite. Nothing was ever the same.


The brief story and memory brought a chill down the middle of Taemin's spine and made him shift around under his bed sheets. The boy sighed and rubbed the inside corners of his eyes, blinked away the small drops of newly formed tears. On his bed post sat his iPod player and downloaded onto the device were the songs of the man he truly adored. The boy plugged each ear bud into his ear canals and searched for the artist Choi Minho. The man who was his savior in times like these. The man whose words touched Taemin's heart, and stops him from torturing himself like he wished he could.


Touching the play button, a soft melody started, along with words of encouragement. This idol, was the reason why Taemin was still alive today. The boy's eyes drooped heavily and gave up on thinking. "Ignore the world around, and turn up the volume" is his motto during emotional times like these. Doing exactly that, his mind started dozing off, and eventually he started to slowly seep into a world where everything was fake. Nothing at all was real. Somewhere, where it didn't matter how many times he ed up. A place he isn't judged.




"Damn it Minho! I don't care if you're an idol, you cannot do what you please around here! You have a reputation to hold up." Kibum nagged following the idol from the door, through the threshold, and up the millions of stair steps. "It's late; what would your fans and mother think you would be doing out at this time of night?!" He then continued, smacking Minho's arm when he wasn't paying attention.


"Drinking, smoking, and ing girls." He simply replied. Kibum was horrified by this answer and let out a gasp, and froze in his steps. Minho stopped too and looked back at his manager's disgusted face. "I'm kidding. And my mom isn't even here so it doesn't matter how late I stay out. As for fans, nobody notices me. Don't get your in a twist." He said getting to his room and pushing it open to find that it was exactly how it was before he left earlier: Unorganized and unsightly.


Bed covers and blankets were over turned and thrown onto the floor. Pillows from couches joined the bedding on the ground, along with scattered shoes and trousers. Multiple food wrappers surrounded the trash can due to bad aim. This room really made the workers wonder what the man could possibly be doing every day to make his room look like this. 


Minho didn't dare take one step in. He only stood under the doorway and examined the room biting his lip. "Key-hyung." He said in a deep voice. 

Here we go. The older man thought. "Yes." He answered knowing what was coming next. "It was supposed to be Kwon Yuri today. I will send her right up." Key grabbed the walkie-talkie fastened on his belt, and pressed the "talk" button which made a short beep sound. "Kwon Yuri to Minho's room please." He said into the receiver. In response many taunting "Oohs~" came out. Every worker knew what that meant.


A couple of seconds past, and in the silence of the whole house, heels clicked against the marble floor at a steady pace echoing throughout the elaborate mansion. Each step was a bit hesitant and before reaching the top, the maid stopped and took a deep breath. Yuri looked down the hallway and walked the red rug resting on the white marble floor with her head tipped down in shame. She stood next to Kibum and bowed to the back of her master, who turned slowly around with bloodshot eyes.


"You, what're you doing not cleaning my room?" He said pointing to the mess he created on his room. The girl started stuttering the first part of her answer before being cut off by the impatient Minho. "You're fired. Get the out if you can't do your job right. Might as well work in a house." He yelled coldly. Yuri only bowed and choked on her tears as she fled downstairs to where her co-workers were waiting.


"Minho, do you know how many people you've fired this week?!" Key said following Minho expecting a reply. The only thing he got in return was a rush of wind in his face as the man's door shut with so much force that it rattled the chandelier in the main foyer. A tiny click was heard from the other side and the manager only sighed at his idol's impertinent personality. He rolled his eyes and dug into his back pocket for a master key that only he, the head butler/Minho's personal assistant/manager, and Mrs. Choi carried. Fed up with Minho's attitude, Key shoved the metal inside of it's matching hole and twisted the door handle open.


"Yah! Get out-"


"No, you have been through six maids and two butlers this whole week, and your mother won't appreciate coming back and finding that she has no more staff." Kibum said kicking himself a path to walk throught the underwear and shirts sprawled across the floor. 

"She isn't here, and won't be for a couple months. Besides, you said that there were a lot of people waiting in line to get this job! Just replace the delinquent peasants in this place with better people." Muttered Minho who stripped the black bomber jacket from his shoulders and threw another roadblock in front of Key's feet.


"I think you're the delinquent here. That line was there a week and a half ago, now there are absolutely no more applications on file. Minho, you need to stop firing people for small mistakes." Kibum said making way to the desk up against the opposite wall from him. Once he got there and took a seat, the idol muttered some things and spoke out.


"I don't think so, if people can't do their job right, I'm going to let them go."


"Don't make me call your mother about this."


"You wouldn't."


"I have her on speed dial." Key said holding up his smart-phone with a smirk. "But you realize you're going to get yourself in trouble too right?" Minho said with a hand on his hip. "As long as it will stop you from your tyrant powers, then it's okay. Besides, she'll chew you out more than she will me." The manager said as he slowly made his way to hold the number one on his screen, giving Minho a second chance to change his mind. Minho bit his lip trying to decide what to do, and just before Key's finger met the digit, he stopped him.


"Okay, okay! I won't fire anybody else! Just don't call her." Minho said holding his hands up as a stop sign. The other man only chuckled at his victory and released a relieved sigh. The demon taking refuge in the fragile middle aged woman was not one to be roused and riled up. But other than that, she was a kind and gentle person. "But if I totally hate the person then I'm going to fire them anyways. No promises." Minho laughed.

"I don't know about that. If you're thinking about firing somebody then you need to ask me first." Kibum said being serious.


Minho caught the tone in his voice and scoffed, "I'm not a child anymore."

"I'm technically your babysitter, Minho." Key laughed. The younger man walked up to Key and flung his smaller body over his shoulder unexpectedly and walked towards the door. "Put me down you idiot!" The other yelled.

"Just get out of my room, and stay out." Minho said setting Kibum out into the hall and shutting the door once again with a click of the lock.


Wow, he really is an idiot. The manager thought patting down all four of his pants pockets. "Oh ." he said quietly to himself after he realized his extra key was missing. Snickering could be heard from inside of the room, and Kibum now knew that his keys had fallen into the wrong hands. 
"Yah! Remember, no more firing people you pampered little !" Key yelled loud enough for his client and friend to hear. "I wish I could fire you!" Minho joked. Kibum only playfully hit the door, chuckled to himself and made his way to his office downstairs to let the idol rest. 


Walking down the marble steps, the farewell party by the door was a bit small but filled with hateful comments like, "Minho is so stupid, he wouldn't even let you talk!" and "He's such an , I wish I never applied for this job." The workers were letting out all of their anger right out in the open, and upon hearing those disrespectful words, Kibum jumped out of his playful mood, and into his professional one.


"Yah! What do you think you're saying about your master?!" He yelled, glaring at the group of about five or six huddled together in a circle. The sudden authority made the maids jump and scatter into different rooms to resume their duties immediately. "If I catch you all saying those things again, you'll all be leaving too!" Kibum yelled for all of the workers to hear. After giving a huff and looking around the foyer for any other people, he started for his personal office. 


As soon as the door shut and Kibum was inside, Minho came out from his hiding place around the corner. He had heard everything the workers were saying about him. He was just a little bit butthurt, but then remembered that he shouldn't be giving any sort of about what other people think. It doesn't matter who insults him, there's no way that he'll show weakness to others.


Bitter words won't leave an effect on him at all.


A/N: Annyeong my readers~  I hope you're all doing well ^^  I'm sorry about the short chapter and boring stuff. But it's character development you know? Not exactly the most exciting thing ^^;; uhh~~~~~ I don't have much to say about this, but I will say that more exciting things will happen soon in the chapters to come, and i'm sorry if this chapter totally bored you to death. Kekekeke, sorry! Until next chapter!
                           Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S

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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD