A Different Type of Uniform

Caring For Choi Minho {SEMI-HIATUS}


About 45 minutes later, Taemin was nearly finished with unpacking his belongings. The only things left was the photo of his mother and the merchandise he wished he had never even brought in the first place. Unfortunately, Kai refused to keep his merchandise because he was afraid his school friends would make fun of him if they ever found it.

Taemin scanned his room to find an appropriate and strategic spot to place his mothers photo first. He thought about under his pillow, but that would result it in crumpling even more than it already was. Tapped to the wall? No, it already had too much tape holding the scraps together. So in the end, he settled for it leaning against a stack of CDs on his desk. CDs that weren't of Minho's, just to keep as a precaution in case somebody walks in.

Next, it was the medium box filled to the brim of his idol's things. Things from posters, to lightsticks, to key chains; he had almost anything sold with either Minho's face or name on it. Call him obsessed, but he'll say he's dedicated. He feels like he should be supporting the man who helped support him in the rough times he's been through in life. Even if the idol's lyrics weren't specifically direced towards him, when Taemin had his headphones in, he imagined being serenaded by an angel telling him to keep his head up. Well, of course, he was no angel of sort now that his true nature had been exposed. But no problem. It would take a lot for Minho to get himself hated.

Taemin thought about all of the most obvious places to hide the box, like under the bed and tables, but agreed that they really were to obvious though sometimes things are better hidden in plain sight. Even the dumb Minho could have figured out where it was stashed.

All of the drawers were taken up by Taemin's casual clothing, and other personal supplies of sorts. The trunk at the end of the bed was full of clean linens, so the last area he thought of was the walk in closet. The man walked up to the door, slid it open, and entered. 

He looked above him to find high shelving that could do the job, but decided to continue looking. Besides, he wasn't tall or strong enough to lift that box high above his head. Walking the rest of the length of the closet, Taemin dropped to his knees when something caught his eye. There was a small white door that Taemin assumes is used for storage. Perfect. With no time to waste, the man ran to get his box and brought it back to the small door. Luckily, the box fit just right inside of its new home. And that was the end of unpacking.

Now I just have to try on my uniform and start training. Taemin thought to himself as he exited the closet and shut the door behind him.

The young man stepped in front of the body mirror next to the closet door and admired his look, his dark brown hair just falling above his eyes. He smiled at himself for the first time in a while pleased with his luck finding a job with great benefits such as this- even if he had made a fool out of himself and Minho. Before walking out of the room, he shot his mother a smile, and continued on with his day.

Walking across the foyer, Taemin noticed an uncanny sight as he watched the maids, and including Jonghyun, file into a room upstairs almost secretly. Well, by the way they were tip-toeing up the stairs, Taemin thought that they really were doing something secretly. No matter, it must be some sort of worker meeting that Taemin would soon get in on. Surely they wouldn't be talking about him up there, and even if they did, it didn't rattle his brain at all, and it immediatly slipped away as soon as he entered Kibum's office.




"Ugh! That kid!" Yoona said with clenched teeth and punched a pillow that she imagined to be Taemin's face.

"Why does he have you all fired up, Yoona?! There's nothing wrong with him; he's really nice." Jonghyun said snatching the pillow away from her powerful hit hoping that the material hadn't ripped under her power.

"Its ridiculous! Why does he have to stay here when Minho even gave him a personal warning! I just want him to leave." The woman replied trying to take the pillow back but failing to do so.

"Yoona, we need the help around here. Why are you being like this, if you haven't even met him yet?" Sooyoung said a bit skeptical, wondering if this had something to do with her past relationship with the master.

"It’s obvious that he's a fan of Minho! We don't need him messing up our jobs you know?!" said Yoona who crossed her arms as she bit the inside of her cheek. The other workers in the room just stared at her like she was a mad man. "What, are you guys just going to stare and interrogate me the whole time that we're up here?" she yelled looking around at her co-workers.

"He has a good reason to stay here though. It's more than just a job for him." Hyoyeon said quietly, scared that she was going to cause a huge Yoona rampage.

"I honestly don't care if he has a 'good reason.' He bothers the hell out of me, and I just want him to leave." She said sending a glare over to Hyoyeon. "Well, I'm going to leave if you guys don't have any dirt." Yoona said who was already out the doorway. She shut the door behind her and strut back downstairs.

"What's wrong with her?" Jonghyun asked nobody in particular.

"To make long story short, her and Minho used to have a thing until she found out he was playing her." Sunny said, perched at her usual spot on the window sill.

"Minho worked her super hard when he got mad, apparently. I have a feeling that she still has feelings for him, and doesn't want Taemin getting in the way." Said Jessica, who was sitting on a couch near the vacant fireplace.

"Well, how do you guys know that Taemin likes Minho? He said that he had never even heard of him until yesterday." Jonghyun asked half seated and half standing on the edge of the bed.

"You didn't see it?" Sunny asked a bit surprised. "But you were right there!"

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow indicating that he knew nothing about what the girls were talking about.

"Come on now-"

"Why don't you just tell me instead of wasting our time?" Jonghyun said a bit annoyed with the girls' reactions to him. He was obviously a bit slower to catch up on things, so why do they have to keep teasing him like this?

"When Minho took off his glasses, it was plain to see that Taemin was..." Sooyoung started and paused for a moment, forgetting the word she was going to use.

"About to die. Faint. Scream. Anything a fan would do when seeing their bias in real life." Sunny finished. The other girls nodded their heads as Sunny practically covered some crazy characteristics of die-hard fans.

"I didn't see anything."

"You didn't see anything, yet, dummy."




"I think you guys forgot to cover this room on the tour." Taemin said as he walked into a medium sized room. There was a small, black circular stage, or even a platform, placed in the middle with chairs surrounded. In one corner, there was a red drape attached on about ten metals rings that hung from a pole. In two opposite corners were doors.

"Oh we did? Well, it doesn't really matter. You won't be spending much time in here, unless you ruin a uniform beyond repair. Which could possibly happen if Minho really has enough of you." Kibum joked as he shut the door behind him. "This is the clothing room where we store uniforms and Minho's old music video outfits."

Taemin laughed at Key's joke, but actually wondered if Minho would do something as drastic as- whatever it would be- to get him out of his house. He really must be self centered to do something so horrible, just because I got in his face. It's stupid knowing that he's still butthurt about it. Taemin thought to himself as he sat down in one of the comfortable chairs.

"Ah good, Jessica already set out an outfit for you." Kibum said handing the neat stack of black and white clothing to Taemin. "I hope this is at least close to your size. I described how you looked to her, hoping we wouldn't have to go through this blindly. The dressing room is over there; I'll wait for you." Key said plopping himself down on the chair right next to him. Taemin nodded and headed towards the red curtain concealing an illuminated box of mirrors.

Inside the box about a minute or two later, Taemin had just gotten on the white long sleeved button down shirt, when a voice sounded over a speaker. There was too much static for Taemin to make out the words, but Key had understood it.
"Taemin-ah," he called, "I need to take care of something really quick, alright? I'm going to attend to something really fast, but don't change into your normal clothes until I get back." Key said. Taemin replied with an understanding 'yes' and a head nod out of habit. 

In only a couple more seconds, the outfit was completed with a black bow tie. The man hooked it around his neck, and adjusted it to his liking. Just then, a door opened and shut again. "Done already, hyung?" Taemin called out loud as he adjusted his neck accessory in the mirror. Nobody replied, and Taemin thought he was just hearing things; probably the sound of another door out in the hallway shutting.

Taemin thought about waiting in the dressing room until Key came back, but quickly changed his mind as he started to feel a bit too caged in inside of the cubicle. Taemin peeled back the curtain and stepped out with a long sigh that transformed into a spasm of coughs when he saw a way too familiar man sitting in a chair facing him.

"I don't like the way that looks on you," Minho said bluntly, "you look hideous." He finished with a smirk.

Due to the fact that he was being attacked by the man who always seemed sweet to him, Taemin didn't know how to react. His face flushed pink in embarrassment, hating himself because he was the reason Minho was acting like this. A knot in the younger's throat formed. He had no idea what to say in this situation, but he knew he had to do one thing; choke those tears back down and it up. Save it for the pillow. He told himself.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Taemin said nonchalantly and crossed his arms.

"You're welcome. But I think this one would look slightly less ugly than that." Minho said throwing a completely different uniform to him. Taemin caught it between his two hands. 

Oh god, no. He can't be serious. "But," Taemin examined the black and white lacey dress with stockings, "this is for a woman." The younger said with furrowed eyebrows.

"You look like one, why not have the clothes to match it?" Minho smiled with a gleam in his eye. Taemin was about to protest against this before Minho cut him off,

"I bet you won't last the whole day wearing that outfit." He challenged.

Taemin cursed his headstrong personality because it is what always got him into so much trouble. Man, Minho wouldn't even be treating him this way if Taemin just thought before speaking- and doing. Of course, there was no way in hell he'd let this guy win, even if there wasn't anything at stake. Well, there is his dignity, but he loses either way. He loses if he backs down from the bet, and loses if he wears the dress.

"I bet you I would." And with that, Minho's eyes widened a bit as he watched Taemin disappear behind the red curtain with a scowl. From underneath the curtain, Minho could see Taemin's feet struggle with the stockings and chuckled whenever he was close to toppling over. After about three minutes of fumbling, Taemin pushed through the curtain once more and paced right up to Minho whose legs were crossed comfortably.

"And do you have any heels for me to wear?" Taemin asked sarcastically.

An "Ah~" escaped the idol's plump lips as if he remembered something important, "Of course I do, sweetheart." Minho said happily returning the attitude. Taemin watched as he set three heels of the same pair in a variety of sizes in front of him to try on.

Usually Taemin's heart would be pumping itself uncontrollably by hearing the pet name 'sweetheart,' but there was nothing. The only new feeling to him was something of an emptiness in his stomach and heart. No, it was like he didn't have a heart, like the emptiness ate it away.

The second pair of heels he tried on fit perfectly, and he strapped the loop around his ankle. Carefully, he helped himself stand up using the chair he sat on. Once up and his balance was even, Taemin looked to Minho with a victorious expression. But so did Minho, which made Taemin wonder what the man had up his sleeve. 

Minho pointed to the circular stage in the middle and flicked his wrist, motioning for him to get moving. Taemin let out an annoyed huff and shuffled towards the destination slowly but surely. A couple of times, Taemin almost fell face first, which made Minho giggle without shame. And there was that empty feeling again, eating away at him. Finally, he stepped onto the plat form and faced a giant mirror located next to Minho's side when one of the doors in the room opened.

An unexpected flash blinded Taemin's already diminishing eyesight, which made him topple backwards and off of the platform. He kept stumbling backwards until his legs folded when they hit a soft surface. Luckily, the couch was there to save him from falling over, but the blurs of light kept flashing over and over again until everything turned black all at once under his eyelids. Taemin rubbed his eyes thinking that he was blind now.

"So, try back talking me again, and these pictures are leaked to every social website ever founded." Said Minho's voice which was floating farther away from him with every click of his heel.

"Sorry I took so long- Taemin! What the hell?! Minho! What're you doing here!" Kibum's voice yelled as an audible slapping of skin was heard. "Minho you stay right ing here, you hear me!" He screamed with a slam of the door. Taemin couldn't tell if Minho was still inside of the room, or stationed outside, but it didn't matter right now. What did, though, were his eyes that he was rubbing so hard, he thought they were going to cave into his head.

"Taemin, can you stand? Why are you dressed in a maid's uniform! We need to get you changed because-"


"Taemin, I'm introducing you to the rest of your co-workers today. You shouldn't present yourself as a cross dresser." Key said hoisting up Taemin up from his armpits.

"Just for the day, hyung. It's okay, I want to do this." Taemin lied. He didn't want to do this, but thinking back to what Minho had said- something about his pictures being leaked? So the lights were camera flashes. Taemin thought as he looked out into the world by thin slits of his eyelids.

"Please be reasonable, whatever Minho did to you, I'll make sure nothing is going to happen to you. Just go back and change-"

Taemin unhooked Key's arms from his and walked towards the door. "I'm fine. Let's go meet the others." 

"Hey, Tae-"

"I said I was okay."

"Wrong door."


When he was redirected to the right door, Minho was propped up against the opposite wall with his hands in his pockets. A smirk across his face as Taemin wobbled past him without another look. Kibum then followed him out, shut off the lights, and locked the door behind him. All the while sending death threats to Minho who didn't seem in any way moved.

Waiting in the living room were the other maids and butlers, patiently standing around and sharing small talk about things. As they heard the unstable clicking of heels against the marble floor, the talking began to diminish. The first person to notice was Sooyoung, who immediately shared a shocked expression and sound that caused a chain reaction. In a matter of seconds, all eyes were on him and mouths hung open.

Before entering the room, Taemin shot an icy glare behind him to Minho. Looking at his pleased face, Taemin could practically hear the man's voice invading his conscience saying,

"Welcome to hell."



A/N: Sorry everybody, I didn't feel very creative in this chapter. Sorry I let you all down OTL but at least we are progressing? ^^;; Oh Minho, trying to embarrass Taemin. Well, jokes on you, because Taemin looks good dressed and both a man and woman ^^ kekeke. **Friendly reminder to vote for SHINee in the MAMA's! As of now, Super Junior is beating us in Best Dance Performance, which is absolutely ridiculous for the amazing Sherlock choreography our babies had! Ridiculous I tell you! Until next chapter!
              Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S

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please enjoy Beef Shop! i hope to update again soon


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Chapter 39: Chapter 39: this story is amazing why has it been dropped? Did you lose interest? What a real shame.
Chapter 14: wah minho, singing through the door.... awesome
Reading again~~ <3
Chapter 14: sfdkgjhgflkdgjfjdlfkhndslkfghelkfgfdfkghdkgsgksfkdhggk!!!!!!!! The ending is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: I'm still waiting and I'll be waiting ... :)
Chapter 40: awww it's okay... i'll wait patiently... =)
pikasquad #7
Chapter 40: Take all the time you need!! I will wait patiently for this amazing story^^ Author-nim fighting!!
Beckatris #8
Chapter 40: Good luck.
Chapter 40: Good luck hope everything goes well ^_^ Take as long as you need XD