Sweet Cafe

That Little Smile

“Yah! Ji Hyun-ah! Does Kyungsoo-hyung knows about this?”


“About what?” asked Ji Hyun.


“That you work at a book café?”


“No, I didn’t tell him. Yet. You shouldn’t either.” said Ji Hyun while she turned around to glare at Sehun.


“But Ji Hyun-ah, you know that the book café is not far from your house. Kyungsoo-hyung will

probably know about this soon.” Sehun placed his coffee down on the table while watching Ji Hyun, who is now exploring the cafe.


“Kyungsoo oppa will not randomly roam around this area anyway. And also, I'm willing to work at the cafe. It will be good." Ji Hyun protested.


“Tch. At least you should tell him first, ask for permission or something.” Sehun insisted as he walked towards Ji Hyun.


“Sehun, I know you are worried about me and I really, really appreciate it. It’s just that, I don't want to burden Kyungsoo-oppa any much longer. Oppa is so kind and he works so hard for me. I’m not even his biological younger sister. You know that well, Sehun.” Ji Hyun prompted.


Sehun let out a soft sigh. He looked down at the floor with dismay.


“But working at the cafe is wrong Ji Hyun-ah. Morever,  your brother doesn't know it."

Ji Hyun and Sehun swiftly turned around, as someone else gave his opinion. It was one of Kyungsoo's friend who also work at a Cafe.



“Xiumin oppa!”


Xiumin flashed them his sweetest smile, pulled a chair beside Sehun, and was eager to join the conversation.


“Why don't you tell him first? I bet he'll understand. You're a teenager now anyway. You can at least work on a part time job for your allowance, like what you've said just now. Kyungsoo is a kind man, so just asks him nicely too.”

Xiumin tried his best to give the best suggestion to Ji Hyun. He is a senior of Kyungsoo back in high school and knew well Kyungsoo and Ji Hyun too. Now, he continues his study at the same college as Ji Hyun and Sehun.


“But Oppa was always saying not to worry about money but It's obvious that we are short, financially." She bowed her head a little and continued talking.

"It’s just that I am also worried about him, his health, his financial status and all. Oppa always think about me, now, I want to reapy him. All he wants is to make sure that I concentrate to my study” Ji Hyun relayed.


“Well, Ji Hyun-ah That’s right, isn’t it? There's nothing wrong about wanting to do or wish somethinglike that. That boy, Kyungsoo, he did not pursuit his studies like you. So, what do you think will happen if you will not also got to college?" The question made Ji Hyun think profoundly.

"It's like wasting the money he earned, and even the ones he had saved." Ji Hyun was kept silent just by those words.


"He's not trying to be strict or anything. Just like him, we are also worried about you. Please try to think about this and discuss this with your brother." Xiumin pleaded.


Ji Hyun looked a little baffled as she tried to cover her face then down. "I..I will try to discuss this with Kyungsoo-oppa." She let out a sigh of relief as if something heavy was lifted from her. Xiumin smiled in return. "I'm so glad to hear that Ji Hyun-ah." Then sipped a little from his coffee.



But Ji Hyun still look deplorable at the moment, so, Sehun stood up and bought Ji Hyun's favorite Blueberry Cheesecake.


"Here. Cheer up, will you?" He handed her the cake. Ji Hyun took it and smiled, but still there were traces of lugubriousness on her face.


"You know I hate seeing you sad." Sehun was blushing a little so Xiumin thought of galling him. He jabbed Sehun using his elbow and raised his brow repeatedly.


"Hyung! It's nothing like that! I-It's only because she looks irritating- and ugly!" Then he's back to normal. But one thing did the boys knew; it made Ji Hyun laugh. She closed her eyes heartily as she laugh at the moment, which made the two laugh as well.


"Thank You Sehunnie and you too, oppa." She wiped the genuine tears of joy that were hanging in the corner of her eyes.


"I.. uhmm, welcome, Ji Hyun-ah. I'm glad you're feeling somewhat okay." Sehun replied as he smile with ease. Xiumin smiled with relief, knowing that Ji Hyun have Sehun to help and comfort her all the way.



After few good minutes, they decided to call it a day and went on their respective houses.








“Everyone! Please take your seats. We have some new students. Thank You!" Everyone fell in utter silence.


“You heard that, Ji Hyun-na? Our teacher said that we will have new students!” Sehun whispered with excitement.


“Yeah..Oh my! One of them might be seated beside me.” Ji Hyun pointed her index finger to the empty seat beside her. But, with some unknown reason, Sehun popped off his seat and transffered on the empty seat that Ji Hyun was reffering to.


“Eh? Sehunnie, what are you-”


“I won’t let any stranger sit beside you!” said Sehun with his eyes sticking to the door. His sudden over-protective behavior made Ji Hyun laugh.


“Since when did you become so protective towards me?” Asked Ji Hyun, who is still laughing. Sehun appears to be a little upset though.


“ How could you, Ji Hyunna! I’m your best friend for all these times and you said.. and and and….” Sehun muttered. Ji Hyun quickly pinched both his cheeks.

“Aigooo! So cute!" Ji Hyun laughed.


“Okay you guys, this is Tao and this is Seung Sujong. They are your new classmates. Get along together okay, act like an adult and no bullying, get it?” their teacher, Jung Jae Hee, grabbed their attention by introducing Tao and Seung Sujong.

The seat arrangements were, Sujong was seated in front of Sehun and Tao, behind Ji Hyun.









“How’s your first day?" asked Chanyeol.


“Well, not bad. I already made friends.”


“You're kidding me right? You? Friends? Ha!" Chanyeol laughed out loud at his own joke so Sujong flumped him with a newspaper.


"Idiot. I was telling the truth you know!" But she eventually laughed to as Chanyeol wouldn't stop laughing.



Chanyeol and Sujong sat on a steel bench under a shady tree, holding their lattes. Suddenly, Sujong pointed to a couple who just passed by.


“Yah! You see those two guys over their? They're my classmates. If I’m not mistaken, I think their names were Ji Hyun and...and...uhmm.. Oh! Sehun!"


“Wow.. not bad Sujong-ah. You remembered their names! Unbelievable!" Chanyeol teased.


“ They seat beside me."


“ As expected, our friendly yet scary Sujong will always make friends wherever she goes hah!”Chanyeol smirked.


“Shut up! Now, as my cousin, you should take me around Seoul.” Sujong ordered as she stood up and began stretching.


“Hahaha! Okay! Fine.. Later, I will show you my favorite spots around here, okay?”


"Hmm. Not bad.” Sujong smiled.









"Waaaaaaaah!" Sehun suddenly screamed.


“Yah! What's wrong?!" Ji Hyun hurried to where Sehun was standing.


“You saw Seung Sujong right? She's pretty, don’t you think so?”


“Hmm.. yeah. I bet she's from a rich family. Look at her clothes and Gucci and all of them. Though she looks typical.” Said Ji Hyun.


“You thinks so?  I can feel my heart beat getting faster whenever she talks to us, Ji Hyun-ahhhhh!” there he goes again.


“Can you please stop screaming you-"



“Hello guys!” someone suddenly arrived. It was the other new student, Tao.


“Oh, Tao!” said Sehun as he waved his hands.


“Hi.. uhm.. Sehun.. Ji- Ji Ji Hyun! Ah~ I remembered your name. Hahaha.. Sorr, but can I join you guys? It's kind of lonely here..” asked Tao shyly.


“Sure! It’s that okay Ji Hyun-ah?” asked Sehun as he turn to Ji Hyun.


“Sure! Let’s have lunch together, Tao.” Ji Hyun's bright smile made Tao speechless so he just nodded in return. Being too happy just now, Sehun quickly grabbed Ji Hyun and Tao’s hand and pull them to the cafeteria.


They found seats in front of  the air-conditioner and beside a wall. Ji Hyun slowly opened her lunchbox and the smell of spaghetti caught Tao, Sehun, and the people whose near's attention.



“ WOOOOOO!!!!” exclaimed Sehun. Ji Hyun only showed her proud yet sweet smile.


“Your lunchbox looks d-delicious” said Tao.


“I know right! But, it’s already cold, but nevermind. The taste is still the same.” Said Ji Hyun.


“I can have some right, Ji Hyun-ah?” asked Sehun.


Kyungsoo is a good cook, as time passed by, since Ji Hyun is the one who rarely cook in their house, Kyungsoo is the responsible one to cook the meal. Sehun knew the fact and really admired Kyungsoo’s skills in cooking. Whenever Ji Hyun brings any food from home, Sehun will always take the chance to test most of them. Now, Seeing Tao with his mouth open, Ji Hyun knows he wants some and give him some of the spaghetti on his plate.


“ You Suld eat om… them…We..ly..Di..cous….!Om nom..nom…”


“ Do you think he will understand, you dummy?” said Ji Hyun.


“ I don’t get it.” Said Tao. Ji Hyun laughed and just said to Tao


“ Just eat it.”


“I said you should try it! Kyungsoo hyung’s spaghetti is JJang! Delicious!!” said Sehun after a few minutes.

Ji Hyun seems so proud after look at Tao’s precious expression and agreed about the taste. He said he wanted to have more. Ji Hyun ended up with just eat it a little but as a returned, Tao bought her some other food.








“LUNCH!!!!!!!” exclaimed Baekhyun from the kitchen. Kyungsoo continued to wash the plates and cups while Jenny brewed some coffee and latte since there are some customers left.


"Hey, Kyungsoo-ssi! Go for a break first, I'll take care of that." Jenny yelled from the counter.


"It’s okay. Let me do it.” Kyungsoo smiled as he continued washing the dishes. Jenny went to Kyungsoo and pat his back.


“You kid! Just go! Aigoo.”



Jenny worked at the cafe for two years already. Being the oldest, she always make sure that the newbies are well and conditioned. There is no need to be strict to them though because they follow the rules and regulations very well.



“Baekhyun, what did you cook just now?” asked Kyungsoo as he sniffed his way to the kitchen. Baekhyun turned around holding a deep bowl with steam coming off.



“Tadaaa!” Baekhyun showed his ramyun to Kyungsoo who gave a rather dissatisfied look.


“Just a ramyun Byun Baek?”


“Aigoo. You're callingthis JUST a ramyun?!" He protested as he draw close the bowl of ramyun to Kyungsoo.


"This, my friend, is my most precious ramyun. Much more delicious and famouse than tteokbeokki! This is my precious ramyun, delicious and famous more than tteokbeokki you know!"


"Are you sure about that, Byun Baek?" It was Suho who entered the kitchen, he had with him a witty smile.


“N-no….” Baekhyun pouted.


“ It’s okay. It’s delicious, Baekhyunna. Later, I will cook dinner.”said Kyungsoo, trying to comfort Baekhyun.


“I know yu don't really mean that..”


“ No no! It’s delicious, don’t be a such a kiddo, Baekkie.”Kyungsoo answered.


“ DON’T BE THAT KIND KYUNGSOO YA! BAEKHYUN’S RAMYUN !" shouted Jenny from the counter outside.



“ NOONA!!!!!!!!” yelled Baekhyun in return. "I hate youuu!"



There is nothing Suho can do as a manager. Since the customers were already familiar with Baekhyun’s behavior, they just can laugh about it. There was one or two people who asked Suho if Baekhyun is not a good worker or something like that since he was always noisy and loud. What Suho can do is nothing, he loves this kid. He's able to bear with Baekhyun's attitude since then. Nevertheless, Baekhyun is a really hardworking and obedient staff.


He thinks that it's okay to be noisy and loud sometimes. Though at the beginning, people don’t really like that attitude of him, but later then did they realized that Baekhyun is the mood maker in the café. That’s one of the unique features of Seoul’s café; the workers are like your friends, the beverages and drinks are delicious and the manager is cool and good-looking. No wonder people can be so relaxed here.


But the thing that's being retricted at the cafe most is smoking.










“WHY IS THIS CAFÉ SO BORING?!” Someone complained from the outside. He slowly entered the café while smoking a cigarette.


Kyungsoo looked at the stranger with bothered eyes. "Sir, you can-"


“I never seen you around here, kiddy.”


“This place is a no smoking area, Sir.” Kyungsoo simply replied.


“ Wooooo~ how rude is that hah?” he keeps smoking and smoking, release all the sting and sharp smells around the café. Finall, he sat on a table at the corner.


"Where is Suho?" The stranger asked impatiently. "Call him out already." He placed both of his feet above the table as he continue to smoke.


“He’s at the back.” Kyungsoo replied as he keeps on playing a small and wet towel on his hand.


“KIM SUHO!!!! COME OUT HERE!!! YOUR BEST FRIEND IS HERE!!!!” shouted the strnger. The other customers looked at him as if he was a crazy being.


“Sir, please properly on the chair.” Kyungsoo requested politely but was ignored by the pompous idiot. He is about to yell again as he put his hand beside his mouth, ready to shout again. But Suho finally came out from the kitchen with a rather annoyed face.



“What do you want now, Kris?" asked Suho lazily as he went to Kris.


“ AWWWW!!! Suho, my best friend. There you are! Give me a friendly hug,yaw…” Kris stood up to hug Suho.

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Dont leave kyungsoo alone


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Chapter 17: update sooon, Omo, this story have become my favourite story, since both my biases, Kyungsoo & Suho in it.
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Chapter 16: “The way Kris hyung said sounds like ‘rest in peace’ to Kyungsoo.” Suho giggles for the nonsense. - I LOLSH with this statement! Aigoo, Baconnieeeee, why are you so cuteeeXD!