
That Little Smile


“Oppa, I want to stop studying” Ji Hyun announced with a serious tone. Her sudden announcement made stoped  Kyungsoo from washing the dishes. He place down the plate he was holding, dried his hands and faced Ji Hyun.


“Ji Hyun-ah...”


“I want to be like you, oppa. Being a barista is really cool. I want to wear that pretty uniform that Jenny-unnie is wearing so I will look pretty too right?"

“But Ji Hyun...” Kyungsoo's voice was filled with hesitation.


“My College fee is really expensive, right? I think we can’t afford it. So I have decided to sto-”


“No! Ji Hyun… It’s not like that. Listen…” He placed his hands on top of Ji Hyun's petite shoulders.

“Ji Hyun, what made you think that?” asked Kyungsoo. But she said nothing. She was staring blankly on the floor while Kyungsoo was still staring intensly at her.


“Maybe you just want to work at the cafe because of Baekhyun-hyung? You like him, don’t you?” Kyungsoo asked bluntly which made her sister blush 50 shades of red. Ji Hyun immediately turned around to hide her embarased face.


“Ani- That's not it oppa..."


“I want you to keep studying Ji Hyun. You're a very good student, you shouldn't waste your talent, working at the cafe as a barista...You said you want to be a teacher. So, keep studying and don’t worry about the money. We can afford that, I promise. When did I ever said that we have financial problems? Never right? So keep studying. I really want you to be a teacher. A smart and pretty teacher.” A smile blooms on his face as he cordially dedicate those words to Ji Hyun.



All of these years, Kyungsoo is always being kind to her.  Do Kyungsoo, is not even her biological brother, but always act like oneNevertheless, Ji Hyun doesn’t want to be a burden to him.


“You are not a burden to me. I’m the one who volunteered to take care of you, Ji Hyun. Don’t ever feel guilty or bad about it. Okay?”


These words are always ringing in her head whenever she feels bad about it.


“Oppa, to be honest, I heard your conversation with my tutor.” Ji Hyun’s words made Kyungsoo silent for a minute and quickly show again his smile as sincere as he can.


“Don’t worry. I'll admit that I paid your latest college’s fee quite late. There are some problems about my bank account. I can’t access it for a couple of days. I already went to the bank, and they said it will be accessible in a few days.” Kyungso explained, trying to sound assuring to his sister.


“R-really oppa?” asked Ji Hyun.


“ Is that why you said you want to quit from studying?” said Kyungsoo with smile on his face. Ji Hyun nodded her head and said that she was really worried about it. She was about to mention the word ‘burden’ but Kyungsoo stopped her.


“Don’t worry okay? Now,do  you have any problem with your study? Does anyone bully you in school?” asked Kyungsoo curiously.


“Not exactly that type of bullies. Well, it's Sehunnie. He always annoy me and play pranks around me. ” she complained with a cute pout.


“Hahaha! Maybe he likes you!" Kyungsoo teased and just like that, everything went back to normal.







It’s been a month since Kyungsoo last worked as a barista in Seoul’s café. He doesn't even know anything about coffee or anything connected to it, but because of his workmate, Byun Baekhyun, everything went smoothly.  Baekhyun aught him almost everything starting from the basics.

Now, he can design the drinks smoothly and even gained a lot of requests from the customers.



“Ahahahahha! Not bad! Good job Kyungsoo! This sun is so cool!” Baekhyun cheered as he praise the Kyungsoo Art (as he calls it). Kyungsoo tried to make the sun design on his cappuccino, and luckily, it turned out well.

“ I know I’m good. No need to remind me” Kyungsoo said bossily.

“Aw! Please stop that..! Don’t make me hate you, Do Kyungsoo!”  Baekhyun made an annoying face just to picture how much he hates when Kyungsoo as he brag about his hidden talent.


Minutes later...

“Yah, Ji Hyun's college fee is already paid right?” Baekhyun asked curiuosly.


“ Yeah, It's paid...” he smiled assuringly.


“How could the  ex-boss do that to you. You know, you work very hard every day, but still you haven't receive any salary increase for that. That ! You are not a slave, dude.” complained Baekhyun as he tap Kyungsoo's back.


“Yeah, I know that Baek. Anyway, thanks for your help...”


“No problem. If you have any problem just tell me okay? I will help you as long as I can do it.” Baekhyun smiled.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun knew each other since elementary and because of that, they were the best of friends. Only Baekhyun continued his college career but not Kyungsoo. He started wroking as soon as he graduated from highschool. He worked hard everyday, that is, for his sister, Ji Hyun. Lots of people might say that Baekhyun is his best buddy but for him, he doesn't really know much about Kyungsoo. That is because Kyungsoo keeps his secrets to himself, all too well.







“ Omma, did I do something wrong?"


“What? I made a good choice for you,  Sujong-ah..."


“ I can study at our hometown. So why should I stay in Seoul?”


" Don’t you like the city? An urban place like that is suitable for young people like you.”


“You're wrong omma. You know how I am…."


“Just do your best okay.. If you have problems,call me.”


“I have a problem now and that is why  I’m calling you.”


“Bye dear, take care. Omma loves you.”






“OOOMMMMMAAAA!!!!!! Aigoo, how could she hang up just like that?


Sujong walked around in circles, thinking carefully about her next move.



“Okay, Okay. Calm down, Sujonga..Calm down~~~”




“Oh God! This is just so ridiculous! I don’t like Seoul at all! Such a busy city and is full of classy es! I knew it! And now I have to deal with myself and everyone that's annoying out there .ARE YOU HAPPY OMMA!!!!???? HAPPY?!”


Everyone look at her since she screamed (on the top of her lungs) in front of a bookstore and exactly on the sidewalk. All of the pedestrians just gave her an are-you-crazy look and whispered as they passed by her.


"I'm not crazy. I swear." She defended herself and walked away.



Seung Sujong; daughter of a businesswoman from Busan province, Seung Hyena and her father; Seung Minhyuk is a successful doctor. Her family is rich but they are rather down-to-earth and not like other pompous rich men out there who spend their money on useless and unworthy, costly things.

Sujong is an independent and simple girl. She doesn’t like to waste her money on things that won't give her anygodod or in short, things that wouldn't benefit her. Since her mother knows Sujong very well, Seung Hyena sent her daughter to live alone in Seoul in order to pursuit her ambition and continue her study in that city.


“ YAH! PARK CHANYEOL! Where the hell is that attic house you're telling me?!”


“What? You're already there?”


“Are you deaf or what! Will you just hurry here!”


“ Okay, okay. Calm down. Where are you?”


“ I don’t know! Just in front of a bookstore, and a..a..a tteokbeoki stall and aa…”


“Okay. Got it. I know that place. Just wait for me their. I'll come in a few minutes.”


"Be quick. Please."


*beep* *beep*






After a few minutes of waiting, Chanyeol had arrived to ‘save’ her from being lost and to ‘drag’ her to the attic house.


“ Yah, Sujong!. You know you can afford to rent or maybe buy an apartment, bring your car with you to Seoul. It’s not as if it's your first time ever to come to Seoul.” Chanyeol just sat on the couch and watch Sujong as she roam around the attic house.


“This house is really clean, comfortable, and affordable. Don’t you think Chanyeol?” asked Sujong.


“Huh? You're not reffering to this small house right?” asked Chanyeol with a weird expression.


“It’s not small. This house is just perfect for me. it's not like my whole family will be living her you dummy...” defende Sujong as she threw the crumpled 'For rent' post to Chanyeol. Chanyeol mimicked her in return.


“Whatever. But I must say, this house is not that..." He paused a little, adnd looked around the shabby room, "...bad."


Sujong nodded her head in agreement. Finally he approved. Sujong knew that Chanyeol is beong mean because he's very worried about her.


"Plus, it's safe. The police station is only a few meters from here, grocery stores, café, and bookstore are just nearby this building. It’s quite small but.. yeah.. not bad.” he said, finally agreeing.


“ You’re right” Sujong smirked. Dummy.



After several minutes of actual boredom and weirding out, Chanyeol decided to go home already.


“If you don’t have any other problems, I want to excuse myself. Bye.” Chanyeol walks slowly to the front door.


“Wait!" Sujong yelled.


"What?" Chanyeol turned around and saw Sujong rummaging in her suitcase.


"Food!” shouted Sujong as she wavede her purse. Chanyeol just let out a sigh in reply.


The two of them went to the convenient store to the some midnight grocery. After that, Sujong call it a day.








“Oppa, see you tonight!”


“Already? Ji Hyun-ah, bring this lunchbox with you.”


“W-what is this?”


“ Spaghetti. Go now. Sehun might already be waiting for you. Be careful, okay?”


“Okay, thank you.”



Kyungsoo was still looking at Ji Hyun from the glass window even after she went out from the café. It became a habit after he started working there, Ji Hyun always eat breakfast with him at the café and after that, she goes straight to her classes.



“ Kyungsoo-ah, did JiH Hyun went already?” Jenny asked in a lull tone.


“ Yes, Noona.” Answered Kyungsoo politely.  


The bell above the door suddenly clinked as Baekhyun entered the café which made Jenny and Kyungsoo glare at him.


“Morning~~~ Jenny Noona,Kyungsoo-ah!” greeted Baekhyun with a  bright smile on his face. The two continued to stare at him.


“Oh, I saw Ji Hyun with Sehun just now...” said Baekhyun.


“Yeah, they went together today.” Said Kyungsoo as he continued to mop the floor.


“Ahh.. I see. Ey, I have something to say..." Said Baekhyun, he is already excited as he keeps patting Kyungsoo’s shoulder.


“ Start to work now,Baekhyun-ah. Later Suho-hyung will come. Let us as least clean the area first.” Said Kyungsoo.


Baekhyun was about to protest but Jenny stopped him and urged him to grab a broom to sweep the floor and help in cleaning. As he was told, he grabbed the broom and started to sweep lazingly.








End of First Chapter. (: Hi Guys! It's us again, Hyunsu [Sunghyunsu] and Kaizen [intimewithyou] for our second co-authored fic! Enjoy reading and PLEASE Subscribe and Comment. Thank You! (: <3


From intimewithyou

Please visit my profile. Arigato :)




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Dont leave kyungsoo alone


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Chapter 21: Still alive! :D Haha
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