Oh My G!

The Bet


[Hyorin's POV]

Oh my G! Tomorrow is the day I’ve been waiting for. Finally, a date alone with Myungsoo! Mwahahaha! I’ll make sure this will be memorable and I should make a move to make him fall in love with me already. But I know he has fallen to me already he just needs some extra push. That’s right! Hm, I’ll let that Park Jiyeon see whom she is betting with.

“Dasommie~ I don’t know have anything to wear.” I jumped on my bed full of clothes while Dasom was left standing at the end of my bed.

“Nothing to wear? OMG Hyorin, your bed is bursting of clothes already. Let me help you choose. Btw, what will be your plan for tomorrow?” Dasom asked hunting for clothes on my bed and in my closet.

“Err, we’ll watch a movie and eat dinner? We really got nothing else to do in this place, y’know.” I said in a matter of factly tone. We all know that this place is really boring and there’s only one mall here and it’s so freaking small that I’ve already memorized it. We can’t go far away since we have class tomorrow and I’m sure Myungsoo wouldn’t allow it. Arg!

“You’re right though. Let’s just choose a simple dress then? I’m sure it will look fine since I don’t think Myungsoo will dress well for this…” Dasom’s voice faded away as she said her last words.

“What? You don’t think Myungsoo will prepare for this? Dasom, are you even my best friend? B-E-S-T F-R-I-E-N-D?! Why aren’t you giving me positive comments to support me instead of giving me negative thinking? Psh.” I scoffed and glared at her.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean maybe Myungsoo is thinking the same as me. He wouldn’t dress up for a place like this. I mean in the country side… right?” She left a nervous chuckled glancing at me.

“Pft. Whatever. Go home. I need some beauty sleep for tomorrow night. I’ll just pick what I’ll wear when I wake up.” I rolled my eyes and lie down on my bed. Dasom just shrugged and left my room to go home.

Seriously, how can Dasom be like that? She should have just supported me since I’ve wanted this for a really long time. She should be happy for me instead of giving me negative remarks. Damn it. This is so frustrating. I’m nervous and excited for tomorrow but she wouldn’t, at least, cheer me up. Hmpf. I should just get some beauty sleep and relax myself so I’d be gorgeous in front of my beloved Myungsoo on our date. Hihi.

D-day has come and I’m so ready for our date. I called my personal stylist to fix my hair and make-up and also to pick what kind of dress I’m going to wear. But uhg, the stylist selected a simple dress. Anyway, they said simplicity is beauty and beauty is me. Aha. That’s right.

Myungsoo told me that we’ll meet at the small park by 4PM and it’s up to me where we’d go. I’ve already decided where our date will be though. Like what I’ve told Dasom, we’ll just watch the movies then go to dinner together… Oh My G, I feel so giddy just by thinking about it. Hihi.

It’s almost time for our time of meeting so I decided to go the park and wait for him. I shouldn’t be late. I have to impress him. Correct.

I went to the park and seated by a bench waiting for him. While I was too emerged on checking myself out on the mirror, I heard a girl and boy laughing together. The voices sounded familiar so I looked where it was. What the actual heck. It was Jiyeon and my Myungmyung. It’s our date today but why are they together?! ARG! This is so unfair! But Oh My G! Just look at what he’s wearing. He was just wearing a black cap, black shirt, black pants and black shoes! He’s in all black! Is he going to attend a burial or something? You gotta be kidding me. Seriously. I can’t.

I walked up to them and blocked their way frowning at the sight.

“Oh Hyorin, you’re here already?” He greeted with a smile.

“Obviously.” I scoffed. “Why are you two together? It isn’t your date yet. It’s my day today, remember?”

“Ah sorry. We just bumped to each other around here and decided to chat and walk for a while.” Jiyeon explained.

I just made a face at Jiyeon while I still can’t get over on what Myung soo is wearing.

“Anyway, I’m going. Myung, thanks for the time!” Jiyeon waved at Myungsoo and looked at me, “Enjoy your date.”

As soon as Jiyeon left, I just kept on staring at Myungsoo with amazement.

“Are you just going to stare at me? I’m going home then.” He saluted while smiling and turned his back.

“NO! We’re going on a date!” I hurriedly grabbed his wrist. Why is he doing this to me? I know he likes black a lot but why did he wear in all black? He doesn’t normally wear clothes like this but I can’t. Why? He’s lucky he’s handsome. But I still can’t get over the fact that he was with Jiyeon earlier today.

“Where are we going?” He asked.

I explained where we would go and proceeded to our date. He was just quiet all the time and wouldn’t even hold my freaking hand. People who date should hold each other’s hands, right? He wouldn’t talk if I don’t start the conversation but even though I start it, he just smiles at me or whatnot. He is so frustrating. But maybe he’s just nervous to be with me, right? I mean, I know he really loves me already and he’s just afraid that his feelings for me will be exposed. Aha. That’s right. Oh my G.

After the movie, we proceeded to have a dinner by a small restaurant in the mall.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked placing my hands on the table.

“Just order anything you want, it’ll be fine.” He simply answered. See? He even likes to eat what I like. I know he really loves me. I’m so happy Oh my G.

I ordered the restaurant’s specialty for the two of us and proceeded eating. Again, he was still quiet. His silence is killing me.

“By the way, what do you think about my dress?” I smiled and slightly touched his hand that was resting on the table.

He looked at me and said, “It’s alright.” Just alright? My stylist picked this for me and his answer is just alright?! Is he kidding me?

“Why are you dressed in all black?” I looked at him intently.

“Because I like black.” He shrugged.

After that, he didn’t talk again. Why is he so silent? It’s really killing me and it kind of… bores me. Anyway, it’s still fun since it’s a date with Kim freaking Myungsoo.

We went home after eating dinner and he even sent me home! He’s so sweet, isn’t he?

“Thanks for sending me home.”  I smiled and looked at him.

“Anytime.” He nodded.

……..Why isn’t he still leaving? Is he waiting for something? Oh wait, after dating, people usually kiss, right? I mean… is that what he is waiting for? Oh My G. I’m so excited. Hoho. Someone calm me down. Is he going to kiss me before leaving?

“Aren’t you going in?” He pointed at our gate looking at me.

Pft. I thought he’s going to kiss me. He was just waiting for me to enter the house. Tch. But whatever, I’m going in already. Hmpf.

“Oh yeah. Thanks again, Myungmyung!” I hugged him and waved as I walk to our house.

Enjoy! ^^

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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)