
The Bet



“Come live with me and be my love,

And we will all the pleasures prove,

That valleys, groves, or hills, or fields,

Or woods and steepy mountains yield.”

-Christopher Marlowe



“Please, Myungsoo. I didn’t mean to do it.”

Giving her a cold stare, Myungsoo walked pass her and didn’t let her to utter a word. He started acting that way since he knew about the ridiculous bet. Hyorin made everything worse even though it meant that Myungsoo will despise her, too. She just doesn’t want anyone else to have him.

What a selfish girl.

“Myungsoo wouldn’t even listen to me, Chunji.” Jiyeon sighed and leaned her head on the table. “What should I do?” The feeling of hopelessness started on eating Jiyeon out. She didn’t know what to do so Myungsoo will just listen to her and eventually, forgive her.

“Make him listen to you.”

“But how?”

                Chunji patted her head and chuckled, “Just be yourself and you’ll know what to do.” Her eyebrows met as she started frowning thinking about what Chunji has told her. Be herself? What does that mean? How can being herself make Myungsoo listen to her? It doesn’t make sense.

                “You’re making me dizzy. Can you just tell me what to do? Specifically?”

                “I don’t know, Ji. If I were you, I’d find Myungsoo now. I think this is the perfect time.” Chunji flashed a smile and made two thumbs up.

                “Where can I find him?”

Right after asking, Jiyeon knew the answer to her question. She knew where Myungsoo will be in times like this; in times when he’s confused, sad. She grinned and thanked Chunji and walked off.

“I wish you guys the best. I know I’m not the one for you.” Chunji whispered as soon as she saw Jiyeon running off to find Myungsoo.

That day, the river’s current was so fast that no one was allowed to get close to the river. But Myungsoo still picked to stay by the riverbank to think about what happened these past few days.

“Ya, Kim Myungsoo.” Jiyeon tried to sound as calm as possible even though she felt nervous thinking about revealing everything to Myungsoo.

“Leave me alone.”

Myungsoo just kept on watching the river not even looking at Jiyeon. She felt a little desperate at how Myungsoo was acting and stepped closer to him. Every step just made her heart beat faster. With heavy breaths, she stood up behind him.

“Look, I’m really sorry. I know I’m wrong.” Jiyeon started.

“I said leave me alone.”

This time, Myungsoo just really made her desperate started on clenching her fist. She didn’t know if what she’s thinking is a good idea but she had to try everything just to make him forgive her. She walked pass Myungsoo and stood by the edge of the river. Looking at the fast current of the river, she felt scared thinking that she might fall there any minute now.

“If you don’t talk to me, I’ll jump on the river.”

Myungsoo watched her and gave her another cold stare. Was he thinking that she was just playing around? “I’m not kidding.” She said in a fearful voice while imagining herself drowning in the river. “You really won’t talk to me?” She walked closer feeling the water on her toes. “I’m going to jump already! If I die here, I’d haunt you for the rest of your life!” With that, she closed her eyes and was ready to jump until…

An arm pulled her away from the edge. Feeling Myungsoo’s breath touching her neck, she looked at him and saw fear in his eyes. Was he scared that Jiyeon will really jump into the water or scared that he will be haunted for the rest of his life?

“Are you crazy!?”

“Yes, I am!” Jiyeon hissed as soon as she regained her composure. “I want to explain the truth but you won’t even listen to me! Yes, I was the one who proposed to make a bet.”

“See? You—“

“Wait, I’m not yet finished. Let me tell you everything and just listen to me. Shut your mouth, okay?”

“Fine, spill it out.”

“I proposed the bet because Hyorin wouldn’t start bugging me. She was telling me to avoid you and never talk to you. Of course I don’t want to do what she’s telling me to do. I don’t want to avoid you or whatsoever.” She bit her lips and continued, “I know it was stupid of me but I ended up proposing the bet. I wasn’t really serious about it but Hyorin thought I was since we became closer to each other. I’m actually quite thankful I did that though.” Jiyeon smiled and looked at Myungsoo full of determinatiom. “I’m not asking you to forgive me right away but please think about it. I treasure you more than you ever know.”

“Do you like me?”

“W-What’s with that sudden question?”

“Just answer me!”

“At first, I really thought you’ll be a good friend. And then, we became closer and I even shared my story to you. And—“

“It’s just a yes or no question, Jiyeon. What?”

“Fine! Yes, I do! Are you happy now?”

“Really? You really like me as in like like?”

“Do I really need to repeat it?” She breathed looking at Myungsoo, “I said yes, okay?” As soon as she said those words, Myungsoo pulled her and touched their lips together. She stared at Myungsoo With her eyes wide open and tried on sinking in her mind what just happened. “W-what is that for?”

“A revenge.”


“For making me wait so long. I just wanted you to say it.” He sheepishly smiled and started on biting his lips. He can’t believe that he just kissed his angel, the girl of his dreams.

“S-say what?”

“That you like me.”

“Oh my God, Myungsoo.  Why are you doing this to me?” He shrugged and pulled her closer again. Jiyeon landed her hands on Myungsoo’s chest. “Are you not mad at me?”

“I was but I already thought of it. I was just hurt. I thought my angel is just playing with my emotions.”

“Your angel? I’m your angel?”

Myungsoo nodded and touched Jiyeon’s cheeks. “You’re my angel from twelve years ago. You were standing there, on the other side of the riverbank.”

“I was?”

“It’s not your first time here, right?”

Jiyeon frowned thinking what happened twelve years ago. Alas, she remembered. The day her grandma died, she was playing on the other side of the river.

“I remember.”

Myungsoo smiled and leaned closer to Jiyeon making her head involuntarily pull away from him. “I’m going to make you love me, my angel.” Myungsoo’s words made her smile thinking that Hyunwoo sent Myungsoo for her; the one who will really love her forever.

Everything went well and Hyorin asked for forgiveness, too, thinking that she really had done wrong. On the other side, Areum finally had the guts to confess to Chunji and is now doing everything just to make him like her, too.

“Everything’s perfect now, Myungsoo.” Jiyeon smiled looking at the guy who is ready to do everything for her. “Thank you.”

He held her hand and squeezed it gently, “No, I’m the one who should thank you. Thank you for finally loving me. For, you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.”

Jiyeon and Myungsoo started on leaning closer to each other. Using the starry sky as a witness, they kissed lovingly thinking that whatever happens in the future, they will overcome it together.



I finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiished!! XD Thank you guys for being with me until the end. *sobs sobs*

I don't know what to say. LMAO XD But anyway, this is an achievement for me. ;~;

I'm finally able to finish writing one story even though this is pretty short. XD

Thank you again guys and I hope you'd still read my next story! ^^

mwah mwah mwah! XD


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someone give me karma points please. XDD


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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)