
The Bet


She stood up outside her classroom thinking if she should enter or not. It was yesterday when she broke down – in front of Myungsoo. It was one of the things she didn’t want to do but her emotions love betraying her. She thought she already forgot about it. It was actually one of the reasons why she agreed with her parents’ decision on living in the province. She secretly wanted to run away from everything. To forget.

“So how was it?” Hyorin stood beside her looking somewhere else. She looked at Jiyeon and saw the confusion on her face. “I guess… it didn’t turn out well?” Hyorin smirked at her and left Jiyeon alone.

Jiyeon finally decided to enter the room and sat silently on her place. I thought I forgot it already. She looked in front and caught Myungsoo staring at her. He gave her a faint smile and slightly bowed at her. Then, their professor went in and proceeded to class.

“I’m sorry,” she told Myungsoo. They were standing behind the university and she looked at him full of guilt thinking that she ruined their supposed to be fun date. “I ruined our date.”

His movements surprised Jiyeon when he just messed with her hair with a wide grin on his face. “It’s alright. You should’ve told me that something happened there.”

“I thought I forgot about it already. I thought I’m already strong enough to face it again…” she looked down and bit her lips trying hard to not think about it again.

Myungsoo sighed and held her hands, “if you need help. You know that I’m here.”

“Thank you,” was all she answered. She looked at Myungsoo’s deep eyes and said, “Will you promise to me that no one will ever know about what happened during our date?” he nodded and acted as if he was zipping his mouth. “Pink promise?” she held out her pinky in front of Myungsoo’s face which made him left out a chuckle and locked his pinky with hers.

“I promise.”

They were quiet for quite some time when she heard him open his mouth. “What happened?” it was a question she never wanted to answer. It was a question that can make her relive the happenings again. She still wasn’t ready to talk about it.

It was the perfect time for someone to break the conversation, Jiyeon thought. She needs Hyorin at times like this. “Hey… guys.” It was Chunji who greeted them. “I was just going to get the cleaning materials here… what’s happening?”

She looked at Chunji and greeted him with a smile leaving them alone. Answering Myungsoo’s question, she’ll think about it. No one ever tried helping her out forgetting it. She was fighting alone trying to live her life normally again.

“What was that?” Chunji threw an inquiring look at Myungsoo who was watching Jiyeon walk away. Myungsoo shrugged not wanting to talk about it. “Anyway, how was your date?”

“It was fine,” he answered looking straight on Chunji’s eyes.

Chunji furrowed his eyebrows, “Just fine? A date with your angel… just fine?” Myungsoo just smiled at his best friend and left him alone. “Something seriously happened.”


“I think I’m winning this little bet with Jiyeon,” Hyorin said bragging at Dasom.

Dasom looked at her questioningly, “How come?” Hyorin flipped her hair and pointed at Jiyeon. Dasom looked at her who was looking outside the window in deep thought. “She looks… beautiful like that.”

Hyorin hit her best friend’s shoulder and hissed. “I’m not talking about her beauty, duh? Look, a woman who had fun during their date must not look like that the day after her date, right?” Dasom nodded in agreement on Hyorin’s statement but curiosity took her.

“I think something happened during the date, Hyo. I feel there’s something strange about them.” Dasom said watching Jiyeon’s movements. “She looks like she’s thinking about something. She wasn’t like that before, don’t you agree?”

“You’re right though. I guess what happened there wasn’t good at all. Myungsoo and Jiyeon kept on being mum about their date.” Hyorin stated.

“Hyo, they aren’t like you who broadcasted what happened during your date with Myungsoo. Maybe they wanted some privacy.” Hyorin shot a glare on Dasom and she only gave her a scared grin. “I’m just joking.”

Hyorin breathed and crossed her arms, “I want to know what happened.” She then approached Jiyeon who was silently scribbling something on her paper. “Hey.” Jiyeon hurriedly covered her paper and looked up seeing Hyorin.


“Tell me; did something happen during your date?” Hyorin sat beside Jiyeon and leaned her head on the table supported by his hand. “You might want to share it.”

“What happened there will be only between Myungsoo and I. Stop snooping around about someone’s date.” Jiyeon answered.

Hyorin scoffed and looked at Jiyeon in disbelief. Myungsoo then arrived and gave Jiyeon a cake. “You might be hungry. You haven’t eaten lunch yet.” He smiled and Jiyeon gladly took the cake.

“Thanks.” Her lips curved into a smile and she saw Hyorin watching them enviously. Normally, she would feel triumph seeing Hyorin like that but she kind of felt sorry for her. Hyorin is like a stray kitten asking for attention from a man who wouldn’t even take a look at her.

“What about me?” she clung on Myungsoo and asked for her cake, too. He gently shoved Hyorin away and mouthed “nothing for you”. Hyorin pouted and watched Jiyeon enjoying her cake that was given by the boy she likes. She stood up and went over to Dasom pulling her.

“They seem okay.” Dasom muttered. “I think she’s the one winning…” Hyorin looked at her frustrated on Jiyeon and Myungsoo’s closeness.

Myungsoo leaned closer to Jiyeon’s ears and whispered, “If I could be of any help, just tell me.”

Jiyeon touched Myungsoo’s hand and looked at him with her sweetest smile. “I will.”

enjoy reading! ^^

Please check out my new fic, too. :3

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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)