Step 1: Be Yourself

The Bet


[Jiyeon's POV]

Seriously, what did I just get myself into? The bet I just made with Hyorin is now sinking in me. I don’t really mean anything about the bet but Hyorin just made me lose my patience. I feel like I’m toying on Myungsoo. Uhg! I can’t stop thinking about it and I actually feel a bit sorry. Arg! Why is Hyorin really determined to get what she wants? What should I do? Should I tell Myungsoo about it or just win the bet? I feel like I’m making Myungsoo a price for this foolish game.

Thinking about how to win the bet, I opened my computer and searched something up…

“Steps on how to make a guy fall in love with you.”

I came up with too many results so I gathered everything and came up with my own steps and wrote it down. Maybe I can use this to Myungsoo. But should I really make him fall for me? Isn’t it wrong? I feel like I’m toying on Myungsoo. But I do have a good reason for doing this. I’m doing this to save our friendship. Just our friendship… I hope.

Days had passed and I can really see the determination in Hyorin. I kept on seeing Hyorin trying to seek for Myungsoo’s attention. She even tried prettifying herself and act all cutesy.  I should just win this bet, not because I like Myungsoo. I don’t want to lose my friendship with Myungsoo. Hyorin, I’ll give you a nice fight. You’ll see.

“Hey.” Myungsoo tapped my forehead. This guy loves on tapping my forehead like really. “You’re in deep thought, eh?”

I just nodded and smiled at him.

“Wanna have lunch with us again?” I proposed.

“Sure!” He grinned.

“But I’m not sure if the others can come… it might be just us with Chunji or just the two of us.” I bit my lip quite embarrassed on what I was saying and looked at Myungsoo. Earlier, Hyomin and Areum told me already that they can’t eat lunch with me since they got group work to do. This is the right time, right?

“I’ll ask Chunji if he’ll eat with us, but if not, then we can still eat together…” He shyly scratched his head looking at me. OMG. He really looks cute when he does that. He looks so… innocent?

At lunch time, Chunji excused himself because he had some homeworks left to do which is leaving us to eat together, me and Myungsoo. When I learned about it, I took out my notebook and read the step 1.

Step 1: Be Yourself.

Of all the tips I read, this one is the most important. I can’t do all the tips if I ain’t myself. The tips should be used as enhancements of which I really am, not make me into someone I’m not. If I’m fake, it doesn’t matter if I get him to fall in love with me, because he won’t really be in love with the real me. So, my first step is to always be myself, no matter what, so he will like me for me.

Like what we used to do when eating lunch, we ate again at the field and felt like we’re having a picnic date. It’s kind of giddy to think about it. I mean, it’s just the two of us together eating lunch with no disturbance… not until someone came.

“Can I join?” I once heard that annoying voice again. I looked at her and she kept on batting her eyelashes in front of us. “I said can I join?”

Myungsoo looked at me as if asking me to be the one to answer Hyorin. “Sure but eat your own food, not ours.” I don’t want to pretend that I want her to eat the food my mom made for me. No, just no. Like what I’ve said, be yourself. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Myungsoo. He was a bit smiling for goodness sake. That. Is. So.  Cute. Seriously.

Hyorin slammed herself down on the field and took out her lunch box. She kept on pushing away our food and started getting food from her box trying Myungsoo to eat it.

“I have my own. I can eat mine.” Myungsoo politely declined. Ha! What now, woman? He declined your food.

“Myungsoo-ah, just eat it please? I made it myself. Please? Even just one bite?” she pleaded.

For Hyorin to stop whining, Myungsoo agreed to take one bite of her food and you can see the happiness painted on her face when he finally ate it. She was too happy that I weren’t even able to see her whole face but only the grin on her face. Mine is still better. Tsk.

“Can’t you eat quietly?” I finally told her. She’s too noisy we can’t even eat properly. Hyorin just kept on telling stories about her and how she really wanted to prettify herself just for Myungsoo. Doesn’t she think that she’s placing Myungsoo in an awkward position? It felt like she’s telling Myungsoo that all her changes are just for Myungsoo so he must pick her or be with her.

“I eat like this. Don’t you stop me.” She glared at me quite smirking because she thinks that she’s quite ahead on the ‘competition’.  If only I can tell her that she can never win against me. I’m the fighter Jiyeon. I can send her a flying kick on her face if she wants. Geez.

“Let’s just eat guys.” Myungsoo calmly said looking at us glaring at each other. “Chill. It’s almost time for class.” He chuckled.

If Myungsoo wasn’t here, I already kicked this Hyorin girl away from earth. We continued on eating and ate our own food and Myungsoo occasionally getting food from mine. He liked my mom’s food. Next time, I’ll try to cook my own food but too bad, I can’t cook. I laughed at the thought.

After eating lunch, Myungsoo helped me on fixing the lunchboxes whilst Hyorin was just standing up watching us. She doesn’t have any plan on helping us. Seriously.

While walking to the classroom, Hyorin ran in front of Myungsoo and took out a letter or some kind of invitation.

“Have a date with me.” Hyorin bluntly said. Did she just ask Myungsoo for a date? She sure got guts but I’m not going to lose.

“Have a date with me, too.” I stopped on walking and looked at Hyorin and back to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo, as expected, was really surprised on what was happening. Who wouldn’t? Two girls are bluntly asking him out. The bad thing is Hyorin is the one asking her. Turning me down would be a really no-no.

“What’s……. happening?” He finally asked after staring at Hyorin and I for a minute or two.

“We’re asking you for a date. One for me, one for her.” I responded. I don’t know why I feel kind of nervous after asking him. What if he turns us down? That would still hurt… or disappoint me even just a bit?

Hi guys! I was able to write something before i sleep last night so... I hope you like it! xD

Oh btw, I changed the foreword, jsyk. ^^

After reading this, might as well read my EXO collection? :)) That's for adults only. xD

Omg guys, have you seen Boyfriend's MV teaser/ I super duper like it. *w*



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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)