Tears Endlessly Falling

The Bet


“It was a peaceful afternoon that time when I called Hyunwoo. We were going to celebrate because I got the highest mark in the whole school.” Jiyeon said in between her sobs. “I just want us to be happy that day. I just want to enjoy. I didn’t know that… such thing would happen.”

Myungsoo was just silently rubbing Jiyeon’s back as she continued on telling him what happened. For Myungsoo, all Jiyeon needs that time was for him to lend his ears to her. Jiyeon needs to escape from her past and to stop from running away from it. She needs him now more than anyone else.

“We did fun things in Lotte World that time… just like what we did during our date. And this keychain… we bought it there. It was the last one so we thought it would be really sentimental. He even said that like the keychain, his love for me is infinite. He can be really cheesy sometimes.” Jiyeon gave off a soft chuckle, but somehow, Myungsoo felt the pain on her chuckles. Her tears kept on flowing down her cheeks. “We rode the carousel and different coasters. We were laughing endlessly. We even ate cotton candies. It was really fun until I pleaded him to ride the… ferris wheel.” Jiyeon’s voice cracked as soon as she mentioned ferris wheel again. She covered her face to suffocate her tears.

                “Shh… calm down. You can stop telling me about it if it’s hard for you.”

Jiyeon shook her head and continued, “He already looked so tired that time and I noticed that he kept on clutching on his chest. I asked him if he was okay and he said yes so I kept on pleading to ride the ferris wheel thinking that he can rest there.” She breathed. “He agreed and showed me that pretty smile of his. I wasn’t even able to know that he was hurting inside.”

                “Then what happened?”

“When we rode it, I was really happy not until we reached the peek and…” Jiyeon lowered her head and tears fell down her lap. She was grasping on her pants and sobbing loudly. “I saw him clutching hardly on his chest… I saw pain on his face. He was really in pain, Myungsoo. I was so oblivious to not see his pain before. He fell down on the floor and I helplessly held him close to me calling out— screaming his name.”

Myungsoo held Jiyeon’s hands which were tightening as she repeated the events that she wanted to forget. Jiyeon looked into Myungsoo’s eyes that were gentle and deep. It was if he was telling her through his eyes that it wasn’t her fault.

“I was screaming his name. I stood up and screamed for help. I was painfully asking them to put us down that instant. I was crying. I held his hands tight telling him that someone will be there soon to help us. But his pain… it just won’t be gone.” Jiyeon bit her lips and started on punching her lap. “The only words I heard him say were I love you and Jiyeon. He just kept on saying that and I said that I love him, too. By the time we reached the ground, he smiled at me. He showed me his best smile, the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and I was gripping his hands tightly. And then he… he…”

Hugging her tight, Myungsoo was trying to calm her down. It was painful for him to watch her hurting this much. “Stop, it hurts to see you like this. Please refrain on hurting yourself, Jiyeon. You deserve to be happy after experiencing such events.” He felt her tugging his shirt and his once dry shirt was now wet because of Jiyeon’s tears.

Ignoring Myungsoo’s words, Jiyeon continued on mumbling. “He died… in front of me. I was holding his hands tightly. He died on my hands. He reached for my face and smiled. He painfully mouthed the words I love you before his hands fell limp and his eyes closed. I wasn’t able to do anything. I am so worthless, Myungsoo. I can’t even help the one I love the most. I let the person who only gave me love and happiness die because of me. Because I am so stubborn and immature. I should have been observant of what he was feeling but I only thought of myself. No one knew that he has a heart ailment. No one knew… even me. I’m so selfish and undeserving to not know such thing.”

“That was an accident, a sudden death. You didn’t know it’ll happen. You didn’t want it to happen, Jiyeon. Stop blaming yourself.” Myungsoo’s voice became stern and stiffness. “He died while he was with you. He was happy on his last day. He died loving you. That is what you should remember, his love for you.”

“But if I didn’t insist on riding that… that... ferris wheel, he’d still be alive now.”

“No one knows, Jiyeon. No one even knows that he was sick like what you’ve said. The truth is there’s a possibility that he might have died sooner or later after that.” Myungsoo said while cupping Jiyeon’s cheeks. “It WASN’T your fault. It was his time.”

                “It’s my—”

“I said it’s not.” Myungsoo said cutting of Jiyeon. He wiped her tears and gave her a soft smile. “Let go of him, Jiyeon. He’s in a happier place already. You have to continue on living. Stop trapping yourself in your past. Your friends and I are here. Just call us and we’ll be glad to help you. I told you to use me if you have to. I want to help you as far as I can. Let me help you, Jiyeon. Let me love you like how Hyunwoo did.” Jiyeon hugged Myungsoo tightly and kept on mumbling that she was thankful to have met him. Myungsoo knew that when Jiyeon did that, she was letting him to help her. To love her.

Little did they know that someone, not so far away, was watching them with anger.

Hey guys, obviously, I updated again. ^^

Well, I just want to tell everyone that The Bet is going to end soon(more or less 6 chapters more). I hope you'd keep on supporting me until I finish this story. ^^ I appreciate feedbacks, good or bad. ^^

On the end of this story, I'd introduce a new story. I hope you'd support it, too! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed reading! :D

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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)