Let's make a bet.

The Bet



“This is the last time I’ll tell you to keep away from Myungsoo.” Hyorin whispered to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon just rolled her eyes and kept on reading her book for their next class. Hyorin didn’t stop on bugging her about Myungsoo being too close to each other. Basically, she was just threatened that Jiyeon might snatch her beloved Myungsoo away. Not that Jiyeon don’t have any plans but let’s see what might happen. It was Myungsoo who kept on trying to talk to Jiyeon anyway. What will she do? Stay away from the handsome guy who was the first one to approach her already? Hell no, right?

“Hey, Jiyeon!” Myungsoo waved at Jiyeon when he entered the room. Hyorin just smiled and waited for Myungsoo to greet her but no Myungsoo greeted her.

“Oh, what now Hyorin baby?” Jiyeon chuckled slightly amazed at how Hyorin’s face showed disbelief and disappointment.

“Don’t you dare call me baby again. Disgusting!” Hyorin stomped her feet sitting beside Myungsoo. Jjiyeon just shook her head snickering at how Hyorin was pouting and asking for Myungsoo’s attention.

“Hey Jiyeon, wanna have lunch with me and my bestfriend?” Myungsoo poked your shoulder as everyone was preparing their things to proceed for lunch.

“Hm, sure but Hyomin and Areum will come with me. Is it ok?” Jiyeon replied. Myungsoo just nodded and helped Jiyeon with her things leaving Hyorin watching them.

Hyorin looked at them full of anger showing in her eyes. “Let’s go, Dasom.”

Dasom is Hyorin’s one and only best friend who puts up with her even though she’s always acting up like a b*tch. Many guys like Dasom too but since she’s always with Hyorin, no one can seem get close to her. Hyorin always thinks that each and every guy in the university should like her and only her that’s why she kept on flirting with them. Eventually, every girl in the university started on hating on her which leaves Dasom her last resort.

“Chunji, this is Jiyeon, Areum and Hyomin. Jiyeon , Areum and Hyomin, this is Chunji.” Myungsoo introduced as soon as they met each other in the cafeteria. Jiyeon and Hyomin bowed while Areum uneasily bowed, too.

“Calm down.” Jiyeon whispered to Areum slightly teasing. Areum blush a flush of pink glancing at Chunji. “You’ll be obvious” She whispered again.

“So what do you guys like? My treat.” Myungsoo announced. Jiyeon, Hyomin and Areum looked at each other and scratched their heads.

“We brought lunch boxes with us. If you like, we can share it with you.” Hyomin proposed.

“Woah. That’s great. I’ve never eaten food prepared by girls yet except for my mom.” He chortled. Myungsoo knocked Chunji’s head at his bestfriend’s childishness.

“Why don’t we eat at the field? Let’s have a mini picnic or something.” Jiyeon uttered smiling.

Everyone agreed and brought their food to the field, placing a mini table cloth on the grass.

“You seemed prepared.” Myungsoo observed.

“Actually we were planning to do this but since you invited us for lunch, you can just eat with us” Jiyeon smiled.

“So Myungsoo, is Jiyeon the—“ Myungsoo instantly covered Chunji’s mouth before he can even say what he wanted. He pulled Chunji away from them leaving Jiyeon and the others confused.

“Could you please shut up? She must not know about it.” Myungsoo snapped.

Chunji waved his hands defensively, “Ok, calm down, man. Why not let her know it?”

Myungsoo facepalmed himself and said, “It would be awkward for us if she knows it, pabo. She shouldn’t know it. Alright?”

Chunji nodded and went back to the picnic.

“What were you saying, Chunji?” Hyomin started. “Something about Jiyeon?”

Chunji shook his head, “Nah, it’s nothing. Let’s eat. I’m starving.” Chunji cutely rubbed his tummy. Areum giggled at the sight and started unboxing the food.

Hyomin kept on talking about things during the lunch making the atmosphere light and happy. She just can’t stop on joking and telling stories about her experience in the country side. She even talked about the cow dung that she stepped on.

“Disgusting!!” Jiyeon laughed acting like puking. “Why tell that while eating, Minnie?”


 “Myungsoo seems to like that new girl, Hyo.” Dasom said while walking passed them.

“He doesn’t. I know that. He just wants to play before asking me to be his girlfriend. I’m the only one he sees as a girlfriend material.” Hyorin shot glances on Jiyeon, Myungsoo and their friends eating happily. Jealousy was well-painted across Hyorin’s face.


After lunch, Myungsoo helped Jiyeon again and walked with her to class.

“That was fun.” Myungsoo smiled.

“Sure it is. We can eat lunch together again if you want to.” Jiyeon offered grinning.

Myungsoo just smiled brightly and messed Jiyeon’s hair.

“Heeey~ What was that for?” Jiyeon pouted fixing her hair. “I took an hour to fix this.”

“You still look pretty even if it’s unfixed.” Myungsoo declared.

Jiyeon giggled at Myungsoo’s remark and lightly slap his shoulder. “Stop joking around. Go to class first. I’d go to the ladies’ room.”

Myungsoo just shrugged and waved before leaving first.

Without their knowing, Hyorin heard the whole conversation that made her more jealous and envious. When she had the chance, she quickly grabbed Jiyeon’s wrist and pulled her outside. Jiyeon kept on trying to free herself from Hyorin’s grip but it seems like her anger made her stronger than Jiyeon. Jiyeon felt the pain on her wrist and still trying to free herself.

“What do you want?!” Jiyeon finally shouted after being pulled by Hyorin at the school yard. She glared at Hyorin caressing her aching wrist.

“I told you to stay away from him!” Hyorin exhaled.

“You can’t stop us from talking since we’re freaking friends for goodness sake!” Jiyeon hissed.

“I don’t care! Stay away from him!” Hyorin pushed Jiyeon’s shoulder from anger.

Jiyeon blew her fringe that was covering her face and stared at Hyorin. Who knows that Hyorin would be this persistent? She just kept on appearing every time Jiyeon and Myungsoo talk acting all jealous. She must think of something that can make Hyorin stop what her doing. Something that can make Hyorin stay away from her. She needed a bright idea.

“Alright. What about let’s have a bet?” Jiyeon finally decided. She doesn’t really know if it was a good idea since it’s a freaking bet. When did betting become a good idea? “Let’s see who will win Myungsoo. If Myungsoo ends up liking me, you’re going to stay away from us. If you win, then I’m the one who’ll stay away. Got it?”

“Ok, that’s a deal.” Hyorin smirked. “I’m sure I’ll win. Tch.”


I hope you liked it! ^^

COMMENTS are highly appreciated. :))

(c) jiyeonieholic for the gif

Shout-out to Purpleena and Jiyeonn for noticing my mistakes. xD Thank you for telling me. OTL I mistook Hyorin and Hyomin. I changed it already. ^^ Anyway, I'll update soon! :D

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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)