The Ferris wheel

The Bet


Lotte World, one of Korea’s most visited places, is Jiyeon’s favorite place of all and at the same time her most hated one. Why? There she made one of her most treasured and happiest memory with a guy he loved the most but in that certain place too, she lost him. It’s the memory she has been trying hard to forget but since she met Myungsoo, it all came back to her again.

“What do you want to ride first?” Myungsoo showed a genuine smile at Jiyeon as soon as they entered the park. Jiyeon has been looking around trying hard to not think about her past but to put in her mind that she’s with Myungsoo, no one else.

They walked around and saw kids playing around with balloons on their hands, couples holding each other’s hands and family having their pictures taken everywhere. It was pleasant sight. Myungsoo bought a pink balloon for Jiyeon and tied it on her wrist.

“Am I a kid?” Jiyeon chuckled as soon as she realized what Myungsoo was trying to do. Myungsoo gripped tightly on her wrist to tie it properly.

Myungsoo smiled and looked satisfied at his knot. “In case you get lost, I’d just look for a pink balloon.”

“Me? You’re the one prone on getting lost here.” Jiyeon laughed and patted Myungsoo. Then, Jiyeon saw a big carousel at the center of the park. She saw kids laughing while riding it and made her smile. Myungsoo saw where she was looking at pointed, “You want to ride that?”

Jiyeon nodded and said, “Let’s go to the carousel first.” Jiyeon started walking to the carousel while Myungsoo was walking beside her. Myungsoo felt a little confused on Jiyeon’s changing facial expression, she’d smile one second and frown after. “Carousel is one of my favorite rides.”

Myungsoo looked at Jiyeon and back to the carousel. “Why so?”

“We used to ride it.” A sense of sadness trailed on Jiyeon’s voice. Myungsoo faced Jiyeon with an inquiring look and she answered as if she heard Myungsoo’s mind. “My first love.”

Jiyeon and Myungsoo stayed quiet as Myungsoo paid for the tickets for the carousel and rode it. “Who is he?” Myungsoo finally gobbled up the confidence to ask.

“He’s someone like you.” Jiyeon’s lips curved into a smile and looked at Myungsoo. “Someone exactly like you.” Her eyes showed pain and grief as she tried talking about her past love.

“Do you treat him the same way as me?” Jiyeon nodded. “So you aren’t clingy to him?” She laughed as soon as Myungsoo asked as if he asked something weird. She nodded again and smiled. None of them talked and it’s as if they were talking to each other silently. “Can you tell me what happened?” Jiyeon looked at Myungsoo and just gave him a secretive smile, more like a fake secret smile.

They proceeded on just walking around the park forgetting about what were they talking about. Myungsoo got Jiyeon a small bear from a shooting game. Well, originally, he wanted to get the big one for her but his shooting accuracy seemed to fail so much that day. Jiyeon laughed at how Myungsoo was groaning every time he missed the target.

“Why do you keep on laughing?” Myungsoo pouted looking at Jiyeon. He was too cute that made Jiyeon feel guilty for laughing at him.

She tried controlling her laughter and poked Myungsoo’s nose. “Because you looked so cute and frustrated over a bear.”

 “I just want to give you the big one but I ended up giving you the smallest one.” Myungsoo scratched his head. Jiyeon held on Myungsoo’s hand and gave him an assuring look that he doesn’t need to worry.

“Honey, let’s go to the ferris wheel.” Myungsoo heard a couple talking beside them. The guy smiled at his girlfriend and did what his girlfriend wanted. Myungsoo then poked Jiyeon’s cheeks, “Jiyeon-ah~”

Jiyeon shifted her eyes to Myungsoo after watching the kids chasing each other. “Hm?”

“Let’s go to the ferris wheel.” Myungsoo showed Jiyeon his widest smile but Jiyeon’s face showed fear. Fear of what? That’s what Myungsoo has to know. “Are you afraid of heights?” Jiyeon shook her head and just stiffened in front of Myungsoo.

“We can’t.” Jiyeon bluntly muttered. “I don’t want it to happen again.”

“What? What will happen again?” Myungsoo threw a questioning look at Jiyeon. He saw Jiyeon’s eyes shifting everywhere and he felt like Jiyeon was afraid of something. “Hey, answer me.” Myungsoo tried on shaking Jiyeon’s shoulder to awaken her from her thoughts. Tears started forming on Jiyeon’s eyes that made Myungsoo panic. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”

“Hyunwoo…” Jiyeon said almost whispering.

Myungsoo stopped and looked at her, “Hyunwoo?”

“Hyunwoo…” She said again. Her voice sounded as if she was longing for someone, as if she was in pain but at the same time she sounded afraid. Afraid of something Myungsoo doesn’t know.

Myungsoo held Jiyeon’s arms and asked again, “Who is Hyunwoo? What’s happening?” Jiyeon looked at him and tears started falling on Jiyeon’s porcelain cheeks.

“Ferris wheel… Hyunwoo…” Jiyeon dug her fingers on her hair when her knees started shaking and was on the verge of falling when Myungsoo caught her. Tears kept on falling from Jiyeon’s cheeks and looked at Myungsoo. “It was my entire fault… I’m sorry…” Jiyeon covered her face and started on sobbing quietly.

“What’s wrong? What are you sorry for? Jiyeon-ah.” Myungsoo hugged her and still confused on her sudden breakdown.

“I shouldn’t have pleaded him to ride that.” Jiyeon muttered in between her cries. Myungsoo was left wondering what Jiyeon was trying to tell him. It’s as if she suddenly went back to that moment.

“Did something happen to… Hyunwoo in the ferris wheel?” Myungsoo tried on connecting everything Jiyeon was muttering. She looked at him with guilt in her eyes as if she’s blaming herself for what happened. “What bad thing can happen inside a ferris wheel?” Myungsoo thought. “Let’s just go home. We can’t proceed on our date with you like this.” He supported Jiyeon to stand up and her sobs became slower and steady.

They went to the bus stop and rode a bus home. Jiyeon got tired of sobbing and fell asleep on Myungsoo’s shoulder. He caressed Jiyeon’s cheeks and wiped the tears that were falling down. It’s the first time he saw a girl breakdown so sudden. The first time too that he saw Jiyeon looking afraid and almost not in herself. He never thought that Jiyeon is carrying something like this. He felt like he needs to be there for her and to help her forget what happened.

Hyunwoo and the ferris wheel still seemed to be a mystery for Myungsoo. How can he help her if he doesn’t even know what happened in Jiyeon’s past?


I updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed~ hihihihihi xD

Well as you can see, I changed my username and along my new username let me introduce to you my new fanfic!



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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)