College in the province

The Bet

[A/N] I was supposed to put the trailer on the foreword but I forgot so can you guys watch this first before proceeding on reading? THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D 




After graduating high school, I never would have imagined that this is where I would be spending my college days; in a province with a population less than a thousand and in the middle of I don’t know where. Like c’mon, how am I going to spend my days in a place like this?

I always pictured my college life so differently, parties, hot guys, college bands; all done in the hours after studying of course. All of my friends are still studying in Seoul enjoying the city while I’m here stuck in a provincial university. Honestly, I passed the universities in the city but when my parents saw that this freaking university offers a full scholarship, I knew my college life is doomed. My parents weren’t really rich so when they saw the scholarship, this is what happened to me.

This was supposed to be the best experience of my life and so far the best experience I had in here was…… None! I haven’t even had one good experience. This is one of the reasons why I hate this freaking school.

But honestly, I can have a peace of mind in this place. Everyone is friendly and nice and the weather seems good. The air is so fresh unlike the air in the city but the view here is pretty much just….. a rice field. I’m not even used to this place yet. It’s only been 2 weeks since I’ve been here and I’m really bored to death already.

I walked to the narrow hallway of this small university, entered our room and seated on my favorite seat. In a place like this, I didn’t know that a y lady would exist. But here I am, looking at Kim Hyorin, the biggest in school. She’s a local girl and was probably the prom queen. You know the type, mess with her and she’ll make your life miserable. My classmates also said that she’s the daughter of the richest businessman residing here in the province. Why didn’t she just study in the city? Ah, maybe she didn’t pass any of the universities there. I laughed at the thought.

The entire duration of the class, I just watched her tossing her hair and smiled at guy beside him. I feel sorry for the guy falling for her little antics. She’s so disgusting to watch trying to win this guy. I saw her looking at the girls around the room as if telling them that guy is off limits and she already claimed him as hers. Well good riddance was all I have to say. I don’t even know who the guy was since he’s always wearing a hoodie and sits on the front row while I’m on the last.

Finally, it’s already time to go home and I’m really grateful because I’m so sick on seeing how that girl flirts with every guy in the school.

Thankfully, a newly opened store was so near to school. I can just buy my needs there and they have icecream! Yay for me! I went to the store wanting to buy some icecream since the scourging heat will really kill me. I went inside the shop and was pretty surprised at the long line for icecream. I guess people here felt the heat, too.

I soon bought my icecream and stormed around the store, killing time. Then, I decided to walk out and go back home.

“Coming through!!” a guy shouted.

What was that? I turned around only to see that a bike will almost hit me. I panicked and ended up splashing my icecream all over my shirt. Icecream. On. My. Shirt. Uhg!

“Watch where you’re going!” I screamed in annoyance.

The guy stopped and ran to me, apologizing. He got deep black hair and pretty eyes. I guess this place got handsome guys too, eh? But this one is kinda lacking of something.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He pulled out a napkin from his pocket and was about to wipe the icecream on my chest and stopped, “I guess you should wipe it yourself?” he scratched his nape.

“That’s right.” I wiped my shirt and returned his napkin.

“I can lend you my sister’s shirt. It’s not nice if you’re going home with a shirt looking like that. Your parents would be mad, I guess?” He awkwardly said.

“You did THIS to me. But you’re right. I’ll just change in your house, that’s all. Ok?” I answered thinking about my parents’ reaction seeing me like this.

We walked to his house nearby the store. I guess I passed this house the other day while walking around. He let me in the house and pointed where the bathroom is. He gave me a towel while he kept on apologizing. He’s pretty nice and….. kinda innocent? I showered and changed to the shirt he has given me and thanked him.

“Hey, I’m really sorry.” He said with apologetic eyes after I changed.

“It’s alright.” I smiled.

“Are you new here?”

“Pretty much. I just came here three weeks ago?”

“That’s why I was wondering why I don’t know you.”

“Do you have to know everyone here?” I said kinda creep out.

“Not really but to be honest, everyone knows everyone here. You know what I mean?” He explained.

“Ah, is that so? That’s possible since this place is pretty small unlike the city.” I nodded.

“You came from the city?” He asked curiously.

I nodded.

“Then why are you here?”

“Because of scholarship? My parents wanted me to take the scholarship since the colleges in the city is pretty expensive.” I sighed.

“I guess you really wanted to study there, no?” He smiled. He got the prettiest smile I ever saw. I mean that smile really looks good on him except that he’s pretty awkward, too.

“Well of course I do. I mean, all of my friends are there and they told me they’ll just visit me every weekend.” I said.

We continued on talking and felt like we were just old friends whom haven’t seen each other for years. He’s a really good talker but still, pretty awkward. He always keeps this cute smile drawn across his face. As soon as I looked outside the window, the sun was about to set and I’m pretty scared to walk in the dark so I have to go home… NOW.

“Hey, sorry but I have to go.” I poked him.

“Oh yeah. I’ll just walk you home since it’ll get dark sooner.” He awkwardly smiled again.

That’s a pretty good idea, I guess. At least, a guy will be there to walk with and I won’t be scared of ghosts or serial killers walking behind me ready to kill. I mean I know I’m already 18 years old and I should stop thinking about these things but I guess this is what I get from watching too much horror movies.

I agreed to him and still talked on the way home until we reached our door.

“So this is my stop. Thanks for the time.” I said about to get in the house when I suddenly remembered we don’t know each other’s names yet. “Hey.” I called him.

He looked back at me, “What is it?”

“What’s your name? I forgot to ask.” I said.

“Ah yes I forgot. My name is Kim Myungsoo. What’s yours?”

“Jiyeon. Park Jiyeon. Anyway, nice to meet you! Bye!” I smiled and ran back home.

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Chapter 3: i'm smelling chunjiyeon. e u e must read on tho.
Chapter 20: Waaaaa....the poster's amazing! I love it!
Chapter 19: cute!!! jjanng!!
Chapter 19: Love this. I just hope you didnt forgot about ChunJi<3Areum even if their just minor characyers.
Chapter 19: just to let you know, it was a good fanfic <3.
it was my first time to read about myungyeon.

good job, author-nim. ;)
zombireader #7
Chapter 19: i like ..i like..<3<3<3<3<3 5heart for u!
Chapter 19: So sweet so sweet !
Chapter 19: Whoaaa~ finally they are together..Hyorin should ended up with someone too
Btw, it's okay..congrats authornim ;-)
Squaresofpanda #10
Chapter 19: Great story :) I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your other one :)