
In Between Love
[Note: hi guys!!! I was supposed to finish this last weekend but I got caught up with the holidays and late night sleeping because I was busy watching 49 Days. I tell you the drama is good!!! Anyways, I'm gicing you this update. It's not much but I was having fun while wrting this. I got also inspired since one of my fave writer "Hagocimit" updated...hehehe... So pipz, ENJOY!!!]


Am I dreaming? Am I really kissing Kwon Jiyong? If this is just a dream, please let me sleep forever!

She could feel his soft lips pressing to hers. At first, it was not moving and both were just savoring the moment of their lips touched. But after, she felt Jiyong's lips moved and nipped her lower lips. His tongue was her lower lip and then she felt him trying to open her lips to enter.

Already lose in the foreign sensation, she complied and he immediately slipped his tongue driving her crazy accompanied with the tinge taste of alcohol on him. She felt her knees weaken and she immediately clanged to his neck causing her to press herself more to him. His hands traveled to her back drawing circles to it. She felt the cold wall against her back but did not flange to it. She already felt hot inside that she could no longer take it. Unknowingly, her hands were already under his shirt touching his bare chest while his hands were the same. The need for air was already inevitable that they were forced separate.

They looked into each other's eyes and both reflected the need to eat each other alive. She was about to say something but was cut when he claimed her lips again and this time more passionate and hot. She was lost again and not long after both of them were already half . He guided her to her bed gently without breaking the kiss.

She was about to protest when his lips left hers but was replaced by a moan when his lips traveled down to her neck and it leaving her marks. She didn't realize that she was already bare- and when she felt his hands touched one of his peak, she awoke from the trance.

"Jiyong, stop! We should not~" but she was cut again when he kissed her.

She must be crazy for all doubts were washed again by the desire he was giving her.

He pulled from the kiss and stared at her. She couldn't decipher what his eyes were telling him. He caressed her cheek and said "Saranghae..." giving her the shock of her life and he leaned again and all thoughts were clouded.


[Dara's POV]

I heard my alarm and was about to take it but it just snoozed itself. I felt really tired and I don't want to go anywhere today. I decided to doze off again when I felt something stirred behind me and an arm pulled me closer, felt a hot breath on my .

'?' I asked myself. Confuse, I opened my eyes to look at myself and it took one whole minute for me to realize I'M !

It's as if like a movie on rewind, I started remembering the event last night. I gasped in horror. 'What the hell did I do?!'

"Saranghae..." It was now replaying in my mind. I don't know if I have to be happy or just because he only said it because he was drunk. The stupid me didn't even flinch when he started coming inside me.

I was scolding myself when I felt him again, he was snuggling on my neck and I bit my lower lip so as to not make a sound. He held my waist tighter and I could feel something poking my but I tried to wander my attention anywhere but there.

He rose from my side. I was glad because he will get out from the bed but instead, he pinned me flat in the bed and looked at me. Gosh! This is driving me mad!

"Y-yah! What are you doing?" I said in panic.

The brute! He just smiled and pecked my lips. "Good morning" he said.

I was left dumbfounded.! Red tinged crept on my face. I averted my gaze because of embarrassment though I also felt very giddy inside. Would it be possible for two emotions to be felt altogether? I smiled shyly and I know he saw that.

"G-good morning..." I replied anyway.

I saw his smile still plastered on his face. He leaned down to give me another kiss. It was just short but it was wonderful. He put his forehead to mine and I could smell his breath and it was refreshing. I never knew morning breath could be this intoxicating.

"I'm sorry I was hard last night." he said and again I felt embarrassed thinking about it.

"N-no, it was g-great." he smiled widely and I scolded myself for that. 'Great Dara! How many times should you embarrass yourself?' I hid myself on the confinements of my blanket. I heard him softly chuckled and tried to pull off the blanket but this time I resisted.

I was on my hiding mode when I felt his weight off the bed. I guess he already got off and went to the bathroom and true enough I heard my bathroom door opened and closed.

I was relieved by it and so slowly lowered the blanket off my face.

"Gotcha!" Jiyong was right in front of me and it scared the hell out of me! He was smiling playfully as I was on the verge of having a heart attack and I'm still too young to die!

"Yah! I thought you're already in the bathroom!" with nothing to retaliate to this jerk, I ended up shouting at him.

"Sshh..." he put a finger in front of his lips. Well, that snapped me out from my sanity. "You don't want auntie to hear you shouting and then barge here, do you?" stupid me just nodded at him.

"Good. As a punishment..." he didn't finish for he just crashed his lips to mine. Unlike earlier, this time it's more demanding but totally out of this world.

Not long after, I responded with the same intense action. He was over me again. I don't mind having another round in the broad day light (hehehe...). I'm becoming a ert now. He was doing the same as last night that I swear I could not keep louder. I don't care if this is not my house!

"Dara? Are you alright?" Cold water was instantly splashed all over me. 'Shi*t!' I take it back. I still care that this is not my house. I heard Mrs. Lee on the other door. I looked at Jiyong and he was at the same state as mine.

"Uhm...Neh, auntie! I'm fine." I immediately answered her.

"Are you sure? I heard you so I thought you are sick." she said. It's a good thing that I locked the door after I went inside last night because if not, I'm already doom.

"No, I'm okay. I think I just had nightmares." Sorry Mrs. Lee for lying. It's good that she's outside because I can't lie in front of her.

"Oh, okay. Better be ready now. You still have school." I responded yes and I could hear her fading steps in the hallway.

Wait! Jiyong's car is outside! What if auntie will see it?!

I faced him and he was already beside me. "Jiyong, auntie might see your car!"

His face was calm and I don't like it. "Yah!" I slapped him on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll just think of something." he stood up and gathered his clothes and put it on. As he did that, I gazed away from him. 'Jezz, you already did something last night and yet you're still shying away, Dara.'

I saw him walked in the door. It alarmed her. "What are you doing?"

He leaned his ear in the door. 'Did he just ignore me?' I stood up and bad idea because I felt stinging in between my legs. I was almost knocked down in the floor if not for Jiyong catching me on time.

"Why did you suddenly stand up when obviously you're still sore all over?" he scolded me. 'Did he just scold at me?'

"Yah! How should I know?! It's not everyday that I get to be deize!" I glared at him.

With my comment, he just grinned at me but helped me stood up properly. "I will go to the guest room and pretend I had slept there. I'll just tell auntie that I had overnight in the house because I was drank and the nearest place is here and you let me in."

I was nodding the whole time. So that was the plan. How do I know? I can't read minds.

"I have to go since I think the coast is clear. You take a hot bathe to relieve the pain, okay? I'll just see you downstairs." before he let me go, he kissed my forehead and gently let go. He went beside the door and listened again. He opened it and looked around first. When there’s no one he stepped out but before closing the door, he looked at me and smiled.

"Saranghae..." he winked and closed the door.! He said the magic word again! Without realizing it, I was jumping up and down because of glee still covered with my blanket and BAM!

Why should I be that clumsy? I slipped on my own slipper and a loud thud was heard.

There were heavy footsteps coming. "Dara dear, are you okay?" I heard Mrs. Lee again on the door. My eyes widen thinking that she opened the door but thank goodness it was close.

"Neh, Mrs. Lee! I just slipped on my own slipper but I'm okay!" Well, no need to lie about that.

I heard two laughs outside. One was Mrs. Lee and dear Lord, was that Jiyong's?

"Aigoo... Dara, be careful okay? Jiyong's already awake and he said both of you will go to school so hurry up there." Gosh! It's very embarrassing!

"N-neh!" Please world! Eat me now!


After a long bath (well I didn't mean it to be long, it's just that my body was too sore to even move much, you know what I'm saying...), I went down and found Aunt Lee and Jiyong, freshly showered, in the kitchen having breakfast. The moment they noticed I entered, they looked up and greeted me good morning. Well, auntie has the usual greeting to me but Jiyong was smiling like a baboon on his chair. I glared at him and he just smirked at me. Good thing auntie was not aware of the exchanged looks we had.

"I thought you'll take forever to prepare yourself. I was about to go to your room. The food is getting cold and you still have classes in an hour, dear." Mrs. Lee said while looking at me worriedly.

"Well, I did hit my head when I slipped earlier so maybe I dozed off on the bathroom." I unconsciously said.

"What?!" Mrs. Lee and Jiyong chorused with horror on their faces. I then realized what I said earlier.

"I meant that as a joke!" I immediately said looking at Mrs. Lee who was about to get the phone to call 911 I think.

She then went back to her chair and clutched her chest and rubbed it as if relieved. I scolded myself because of my stupidity. I then remembered Jiyong and uh-ohh, he was glaring at me and mouthed later to me. Jeez Dara, do you have to be this stupid?

"I found the water relaxing so it took me the usual time to finish. Mianhe..." I bowed down in front of them.

"Don't scare us that again. I nearly had a heart attack. Now finish your food and go to school." Mrs. Lee then drank her remaining tea.

"Where's uncle?" I asked to change the topic. I saw Jiyong already finished with his food.

"Oh, he left very early. I was not even awake yet." Mrs. Lee said.

"We better get going now, auntie. Don't tire yourself, arasso?" Jiyong stood up and I too followed.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Jiyong. Same goes to you, drinking on a school night. It's a good thing you thought of resting here in the house than going to your place." she scolded Jiyong but you could see that she was just worried at her nephew. "Oh Dara, thank you for taking care of Jiyong last night." she then looked at me and smiled.

"Neh?" 'What does she mean by that? Don’t tell me she knew something happened last night?' I was frozen on the spot. Mrs. Lee noticed it.

"Dara, are you sure you're okay? We better checked you to Dr. Bang, maybe the fall earlier was serious." I didn't notice she was already beside me and caressing my head.

I shook my head then nervously smiled at her. "No, I'm very much fine. Thanks for the concern."

"But you don't look good. You seemed pale." she insisted.

"Auntie, I'll just send her for a check-up to ease your worries. I'm sure though that Dara's fine." Jiyong interrupted and thank goodness he did.

"Oh, okay. Be careful you two." she sent us off outside and we went inside Jiyong's car.

I was about to get the seat-belt when Jiyong leaned on me and gave me a kiss. My hand was frozen on the air as I was lost in lala land again because of the intrusion of his tongue on mine. I heard a click and then he stopped and pulled away. My eyes were still closed and my mouth was half opened. I heard him chuckled that's when I snapped out and looked at him still close to me.

"You're really beautiful, Dara." he smiled at me. He gave me one last peck and settled himself in front of the steering wheel. I was still on dazed because of what he said. I felt the car started and I finally woke up. I was about to reach for the seat-belt again when I realized it was already on me. Oh, that's where the click came from.

Silence was only heard on the car. I also don't want to open my mouth because I might say something stupid again. I just glanced at him every now and then. Looking at him on the side, God! He's really gorgeous even with just a plain polo shirt and some skinny jeans.

I traced his face and his eyes are very sensual, his nose is perfect, and his lips~ oh my! I want to taste it again. I unconsciously my lips while watching him as if a food I wanted to eat so much. I saw it smirked and I realized he was already looking at me!

I immediately looked away very much red in the face. I heard him chuckle. "Don't worry baby girl, you could have me again."

I groaned in frustration. How could he read what am I thinking!? "I was not thinking about it!" I still need to stand on my pride.

"Whatever you say, baby girl." I liked the endearment but I'm not a baby anymore.

"Stop with the baby girl thing. I'm not a baby, okay?" I told him but not looking at me. I knew that my face was still red form embarrassment.

"Well, I want to because I'm gonna treat you one especially now that you're my girlfriend." I think I just snapped my neck because of the sudden turned at him.

"G-girlfriend?" Maybe I was just hearing things. Maybe I'm still dreaming. I pinched myself hard. "Ouch!"

"Yah! What's wrong with you? Maybe auntie was right, I should get you checked." he held my hand while glancing at me then back on the front and vice versa with worry. "Are you okay?"

"G-girlfriend?" I asked again. When he heard it, he smiled. The car stopped and I didn't realize we were already on the parking lot of the school.

He faced me and cupped my face. "Yes, girlfriend. My girlfriend. My butterfly. Are we clear now?" he was staring at me.

"Why?" I dumbly asked.

He sighed then leaned nearer to me. I could not go backwards because he was holding my face. "How many times did I tell you I love you?" I just stared at him.

He sighed again. "Okay, I'm telling you again. I love you. I love you Sandara Park. I love you the moment I layed my eyes on you. I love you because you're such a cry baby. I love you because you're very naive at times. I love you because you changed me. And I love you because you are you. No pretensions. No disguises. The simple YOU. I will not wait anymore for you to notice me. I waited long enough."! Did he just say he loves me? Did he, didn't he? I think he did! Not think, it is true! I felt like my whole body melted with his words.

He saw that I'm still unable to register any emotion at all. "I love you, Dara. I do and I'm gonna prove it to you somehow if you don't believe me. What happened last night was the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope to you too." He leaned his forehead to mine. For a while, we were just on that position and then gave me a peck on the lips and sighed. "Let's go. You'll be late."

He came down and went to my side to open the door. He was assisting me to get down and then closed the door. I was still on a zombie form and just followed him when he held my hand. We were in the middle of the parking lot when all that happened finally sank on my complicated brain.

"You love me?" he suddenly stopped when he heard me.

"Yes." his brows were furrowed because of my reaction.

"You do?! Really?!" I was now very excited that I held his hands very tightly.

"Yes!" though very confuse, he was smiling because of my late reaction.

"Oh my God! You love me! Kwon Jiyong loves me!" I don't care what people around me were thinking. They might think I'm crazy. Yes, I am crazy! Crazy in love!

"I love you too!!! Very much!!!" I was smiling like a lunatic at him.

"Yah! You just realize it now? Your little brain could not process that much? Unbelievable!" I know that was an insult but I didn't care!

"Oh just shut up and kiss me!" He was amazed at me then after complied with my order. We kissed and I heard people gasping and some also clapping as if watching a movie.

We broke the kiss and stared at each other. "I love you." he said.

"I love you too." and I said.

People were gathering around us congratulating and cheering for us. This is the happiest moment of my life. 'Umma, can you see me now? For the very first time that you left me, I'm genuinely happy. Thank you for giving Jiyong to me.'

Unknown to them, a pair of eyes was forming slits just by looking at them. Hating everything what it is seeing. "Not again? When will you stop being greedy Dara? You already have everything and now him? I hate you!" the can of cola she was holding crumpled upon the force she gave to it.

"I really hate you!"


I'm sorry of the typos and wrong grammars...
I hate to admit it but when I'm writing, I tend to forget to check my
grammar and just write without minding it.
Also, what do you think of this update??
Please do tell...
I'm not good in R's so sorry to disappoint you.

Please do comment!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: