Chapter One

In Between Love

"Let's go hang-out!" Bom said right after she comes in the room.

"Pass" without even glancing at her, Chaerin said.

"Why pass?" she placed her hands on her waist and eyed Chaerin.

"I don't want to hang-out in a place you want right now." Now she glanced at Bom feeling bored.

"Jezz, you're such a kill joy." Bom rolled her eyes then landed her sight to me. Her expression suddenly brighten and now giving me her puppy eyes.

I sighed at this. It's Wednesday for crying out loud! There's still school tomorrow. I just have to tell her that, right? So here it goes!

"Okay." What?! Why did I say that?!

"Yeepey!!!" Bom went to me and hugged me very tight.

"Bom, I can't breathe!" I struggled to get out from her deadly claws.

"I so love you, Dara!" and she kissed me in the cheek. 

"Bommie, it's Wednesday. There's still school tomorrow. Don't drag Dara to all those craziness your thinking right now."  Chaerin said while eyeing us. I brighten up when she said that. Why can't I just say it like she does? Aishh...I'm so stupid. 

"You're just jealous Dara will come to me. I asked you first but you decline so suffer the consequences of not having Dara tonight."  she then pulled out her tongue to her. 

"Why should I be worrying that I can't have Dara tonight when in fact, she lives in our house!"  Chaerin gave a mocking laugh in Bom's face.

Bom turned to me. "Dara, leave her place and come live with me. You're very much welcome at our house. You already live there for a year, now it's my time."

"Yah! What do you think of Dara, a lost puppy? Dara, don't listen to her." she got up and grabbed my other hand to pull me but is quick enough to do the same so I ended up becoming a human rope.

While the two kept on fighting for me, let me tell you the reason why I live in Chaerin's house. For starters, I'm already an orphan recently. My mother died just a year ago when I entered high school. I didn't know she already had a terminal disease but she kept it from me. I only knew when she was already in the hospital and was her last days. I blamed myself for not noticing it. I was so stupid to think that all her dizziness when we're together were already a sign. I just thought she was busy handling the business my father left after he died.

My father is another story. It was also a tragedy because he was in a car accident but I was still four that time. I really don't have memories of him except that time when he always gives me candies when I was on the verge of crying. I always smiled with the memory.

You see, I'm not poor. I still have my own house but living there alone just gives me pain. On the first month after my mother died, I seldom go home and instead I stayed either with Bom or Chaerin. Until, Chaerin's parents decided for me to live in their house. Bom and Chaerin's mother as well as mine were bestfriends that's why we three became bestfriends as well. I declined the offer at first but they pointed out that it would still be the same since I don't go home much. In the end, I agreed. Bom of course put a fight to it for she wanted me to stay in their house so I just made a resolution that I'll be staying at her after a year. I didn't even notice it's already one year. 

"Hey CL-roo! It's already one year! Give me Dara!"  Bom said still pulling me to her.

"No, not yet! I won't give you Dara!" Chaerin insisted.

"Yah! Stop it!" but they kept on going. I sighed at this. "Fine!" I shouted and earned them to stop. Thank goodness! 

"As we had agreed, I'll be living in CL'a house for a year. That's gonna be a week from now. So Bom, wiat until that day, ok?"  Bom pouted at my statement while CL playfully smirked at her. "To stop this nonsense, I will go with you tonight Bom." Bom lighten up and then made face to Chaerin while CL got an annoyed face. "Are you sure you won't be coming with us?" I asked CL.

"I can't. I have to meet someone." she said gloomily.

Bom and I got curious. "Who?"

"No one. Some guy my father set me up to meet. It's my father's friend's son. They want us to be friends since they are business partners. For pete's sake! I'm still in high school and yet they alrady setting me up like this!" she said angrily. CL did have own principle and she doesn’t like this as usual. 

"What made you decide to follow them now? You always disobey them?"  Bom said coldly but I can sense she was also worried.

"Well, my father threatened me to take away my ferrari if I don't go." Chaerin crossed her arms.

"He always threatens you with that so why give in now?" I asked.

She sighed before answering. "My mother asked me to this time. She told me to follow dad."

Well, Chaerin had guts to disobey her father before because her mom didn't say anything or support her sometimes. But once her mother asked her for anything, she obediently follows her. 

"Well, good luck in your blind date today!"  Bom said earning a glare from Chaerin.

I chuckled. "You sure it's okay if I won't be there?" I asked CL. 

"Yup, it's ok. I will just give you the details tonight. Go have fun with Bom. Bom, don't you dare make Dara out of place!"  she turned to Bom.

"Yah! when did I do that?" Bom retaliated. 

"Aigoo...I know you. Once there are boys around, you forget that we are on the same room."  CL .

"I am not! And is it my fault boys drool over me?" Bom raised her chin and looked at CL.

I chuckled. "Bom, that's disgusting. I don't want to see boys drooling on the floor." CL smiled while Bom glared at me. 

"Okay, let's go! We'll be locked up her in school if we don't get out now."  CL got her things and walked out of the room and the rest followed after her.




Bom and I ended up in the mall. Well, since we're still young, we can't get inside a club or a bar. The three of us usually hang-out in the mall, coffee shops, arcade, amusement park, and so on. If we get bored, we ended up in our house and watched movies instead.

We were currently strolling and Bom was busy fitting a dress for herself.

"Bom, how was that Nickhun guy? Did you give him a chance?" I asked her. Nickhun had a very huge crush on my bestfriend since middle school. He tried courting her before but failed miserably. I thought he'll be giving up since he's not that bad. I mean he is super pretty and girls are fighting to have a piece of him. I just don't get why Bom is so not in to him. I also don't know why Nickhun is so crazy about Bom when there are hundreds of girls go crazy over him.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked me while looking at the dresses.

I sighed. The girld would always ask me for an opinion. It's like they would just date anyone if I said my okay. I always say no that's why the guys would also be turned down. Boys seemed to know my role in my friend's life so they also tried to befriend me to have my favor. There were times I help them but still ended up heartbroken. I also feel they are not that sincere to my friends that's why I also don't like them. There were also those who succeed but still ended up being dumped by my friends because after the courtship and such, the boys would just ignore me and my friends don't like it. I have a big role here I tell you. So boys, be afraid, be very very afraid. keke...

"Well, he's fine. I mean it's been three years already and he never gave up on you." I think Nickhun is really sincere over her.

"You think so?" she glanced at me.

"I think so. He said he'll make you her princess." he did say that. I did tell you boys befriend me first.

"I'm already a princess. I don't need a prince to be one." she said and continue what she is doing. I smiled at her. Sometimes, Bom has this bratty side. I already used to it but CL is not. She tends to get irritated if that side of Bom is shown.

"So, you don't like him?" I really don't know what is Bom's ideal type. She seems to change everytime a man comes a long. The last time I check, she likes those Edward Cullen type. As in yayks! Who wants to have a very pale boyfriend as a date? You tend for him to stay in the hospital than in a fancy restaurant.

"Well, not that I like him. He's a pretty good catch. But it's that I don't feel him." Bom was now holding a pretty good dress but she just hugged it and stared at me dreamily.

I touched her forehead. "Are you having a fever?"

She shove off my hand and brought back the dress in its place. "No. It's just that I'm also getting tired of men following me around. As if I know, they only want me because I'm popular and I'm a good catch as well. For them, I'm the most prized possession." she then turned to look at me. "Nickhun is a dear but he's just not my thing."

I rolled my eyes and settled my self in a bench near us then faced her. "So, what do you want?"

"I want someone who could control me. Someone who could sweep me off my feet. Someone worth all the things in the world." she clasped her hands and stared above as if daydreaming.

I snorted. "Go to fairy tale land then. Boys over there might fit the character." she glared at me. I stood up and went closer to her. "Oh come on Bom, you'll just be disappointed when that kind of guy won't come. Besides, you're lucky since your beautiful, guys will swoon over you and you just have to choose among them. While me, I will just continue hoping that a male specie would dare to look at me without any inner intentions."

I saw her getting sadder by my statement. Me and my big mouth. "Though, I don't mind." I continued. But she looked at me now with a scary face.

"Who said you're not worth a second glance? Tell me and I will crushed him until he will become a powder." she formed a fist with right hand and acted as if grinding something in it.

I touched her fist and put it down. I felt it calmed down. "Bom, I know I'm not that beauty and I appreciate that you and Chaerin would always be there for me. But let's face it, boys would never like me. Ever." And that's a fact.

Bom heave a sigh. "You just don't know what you're capable of." she brushed my hair for a secnd then continued finding clothes in the rack.

I went back to the bench to take a seat again. Bom was meters away from me when suddenly I felt someone sat beside me. I looked sideways and I swear my jaw dropped.

Beside me is the most gorgeous man I saw. His black orbs were reflecting me. I didn't know that even with a simple smile could be fatal for someone. Yupz, it goes to me for I think my heart stop and I need a CPR.

"Hi! You don't mind me sitting here, do you?." His mere voice is like a church choir in my ears. Is that even possible?

He looked at me quite bothered for I realize I didn't uttered any word. "N-no.. I-I d-don't mind." I managed to say.

He smiled at me and offered his hand. "I'm Kwon Jiyong. You?"

For seconds I just stared only at his hand. He lifted one of his eyebrow when I still didn't move an inch. Like a lightning, I reached for his hand for a shake. Once touched, I felt electricity started from my palm going up to my entire body.

"D-Dara... Park Sandara..." I then pulled out my hand because I think I would get electricuted if I stayed like that.

"Quite a good name there. It's nice to meet you, Dara." He smiled at me. I couldn't contain the giddiness I felt inside.

Goodness! I think the man for me now arrived! Not in a palace robe but in a stylish white shirt and jeans. "Me too." I smiled from ear to ear.

"Jiyong!" Someone called him. He looked back and he just told him to wait up. He then again faced me.

"I hope I could see you again, Dara." He stood up and again smiled at me.

"Yah, I hope so too." I smiled at him dreamily.

He then started to walk. This is it! A guy actually went first to me! This is heaven! My Heaven! I was bidding him good-bye. He reached to his friend and then my world came crushing without even reaching the ultimate happiness first. Because right after he stood beside his friend, both of them glanced not at my direction but who else, to my unknowing still busy with her shopping bestfriend, Bom.

Great! Another man that would take an initiative to befriend me just to get close to my bestfriend. What a crappy world I have...

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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: