
In Between Love



I don’t know what to think anymore. How much more pain I feel for circumstances to leave me alone. I did all my best to get away from it. I even punished myself because I thought I did all this to all the people close to me. First to Bom then to Jiyong and now Minzy? Why of all people I thought would help me and shared my burden was now in front of me with my supposed to be kidnapper.

I looked at her with confusion and hurt. Not Minzy please…not her…

"Unnie, don't look at me like that." she pouted and turned to Nickhun.

"Oppa, I hope you didn't do anything stupid to unnie." she glared at him.

He looked away and whistled.

"Oppa!" she screamed at him.

He cringed and put together his hands. "I'm sorry. I just got carried away."

She glared at him before going back at her. "I'm sorry of what oppa did to you and... I'm sorry for deceiving you, unnie."

She bowed down 90 degrees and stayed like that.

I could not find my mouth. I was so confused and I could not believe what's going on.

She was still bowing and then I saw Nickhun did the same.

"W-What's going on? I don't understand any of this." Finally, I spoke.

She straightened up and looked directly at me. "Unnie, I just want to end your suffering. Every time I saw you, you're always hurting. I know this would hurt you but I could not think of anything else."

There was silence. I then fell down on the floor for my knees were already wobbly earlier.

"Unnie!" Minzy got startled and went to my aid with Nickhun. "Are you okay?"

Am I okay? I don't know. I could not feel anything? Well, relieved maybe because I thought that history's repeating itself.

"W-why did you do this?" I asked her.

I saw tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry, unnie. I just wanted to help. I no longer bear seeing you hurt. I care for you so much, unnie. You're already a family to me and Daesung oppa."

"Does Dae know about this?" I asked.

She nodded. "He helped me in planning this. He also looked for Nickhun oppa." she glanced at Nickhun and latter just lowered his head.

"You told him?" again she nodded. Now, I felt guiltier than ever. I made Daesung worried again as well as giving him another headache.

"I appreciate the help, Minzy-ah, but this didn't help at all. I already know the truth about the incident three years ago." I looked at Nickhun and he was smiling bitterly.

"Well, that we didn't know until Ji-Eun told me about it." my brows furrowed.

"Ji-Eun?" she nodded. "I don't understand."

"Well, Ji-Eun is Nickhun oppa's little sister." I saw him nodded. "She is friends with Bom unnie because oppa likes unnie before he likes you."

"Ji-Eun likes to befriend every girl I'm interested with without the girl knowing she's my sister. She said she just wanted to know her future sister-in-law. She's my half sister that's why only a few know about our relationship." I realized how very friendly Ji-Eun towards me.

I thought my strength came back so I then stood up followed by the two. "Let's make this clear. You and Daesung planned this Kidnapping." Minzy nodded again. "With the help of Ji-Eun, you found Nickhun." I pointed at Nickhun.

"Nope, we found Nickhun but I'm already friends with Ji-Eun since we met at the university. I didn't have any idea she's related to oppa." Minzy explained.

This was getting confusing and it's making my head hurt more.

"Okay. But it still didn't help my situation. Bom and I are still not in good terms." I said. "I appreciate the help again but I don't think this ever help at all."

The two of them just looked at me. I saw concern and pity and I'm already tired of seeing that look from every person who knew my situation.

"That's not true, ssantoki. It gave me a slap to realization." I looked at my side and there was Bom already tearing up.

"Bommie?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ssantoki-ah!!!" Without realizing it, I'm already squeezed with Bommie's embrace and I'm already weeping.

"I'm sorry, Bommie-ah..." I said.

"It should be me apologizing, Dara. I'm so sorry!" Bom said while tightening her hold on me. She was also crying very hard.

I didn't realize the people watching us. When we both finally let go of each other, there I saw our audience. Chaerin was held by Seungri, Ji-eun in between Nickhun and Young Bae, Seunghyun beside Minzy, and Jiyong. When my eyes landed on him, I saw only blankness. I could not read anything on him and he was even on the farthest from the group.

"Finally, we're complete again." Chaerin said and hugged Bom and I.

I'm feeling elated now, I should be but when I turned to his place, I could no longer see him. Where'd he go?

"Jiyong?" CL heard me and let go from the hug. She also looked to where I was watching.

"Where did Jiyong go?" she asked on my behalf.

"He was just here a moment ago." Young Bae said also looking around for him.

"I'm sorry again, Dara for being a b!+ch and all. Also, for stealing Jiyong to you." Bom said lowering her head and was about to cry again.

"It's okay, Bom. This time, it's my fault for abandoning him." I patted her head which made her weep more.

"You really need to talk to him, noona. He was deeply hurt when he knew the truth why you left. I, myself, didn't also like the reason." Seungri said that earned a slap on his shoulder by Chaerin.

"Aww~" he said then nursed his shoulder while looking scared at Chaerin.

"Seungri's right, Dara, talk to him and explained everything to him yourself but for now, just give him time." Young Bae said.

I knew I should do that but where to start and what to say were my problems. I should not make excuses and just let him understand. I just nodded.

"Dara, can we talk?" Seunghyun said.

"Tabi-ah, sure." I glanced to everyone to excuse the both of us. We left the kitchen and went outside.

Finally, I was out of the house. I felt the breeze on my face and the heat of the sun. But even with this, I felt heavy and I know because of Jiyong.

We stopped just beside the cliff overlooking the sea. I really wanted to go there when I saw it inside the house and right now was the perfect timing because I didn’t want anyone to hear our conversation.


"Why do they have to talk there? The house is big enough for that kind of conversation." Bom said while looking at the two creatures outside. Her face was sticking on the glass wall that she might go over it.

"What kind of conversation might that be?" Chaerin asked beside Seungri in a couch.

They were on the living room watching a soccer game on TV except for Nickhun and Ji-Eun where the former continued his lunch. But for sure, the guy was just awkward being on the same room with Bom.

Young Bae was engrossed with the show but as for the rest, they were also curious of the conversation between Dara and Seunghyun.

"Well, obviously that Seunghyun guy will confess to Dara." Bom said still on her position.

"Well, there's a possibility." Chaerin said then glanced at Minzy. "Minzy, did you know of Seughyun's feeling towards Dara?"

"I had noticed it but he kept on denying when I asked him about it. I just thought that maybe he just cares so much for unnie since he saw how badly broken unnie was back then." she answered.

When Minzy said that, Bom stopped moving and stared ahead sadly. She was blaming herself again of what happen to Dara. Well, it would take a lot of time to cure the wound that she inflicted towards her friend.

"Now, if you're about to choose for your unnie, will it be Seunghyun or Jiyong?" Chaerin asked the maknae.

"I'm not unnie. I don't know what is unnie's tatse so I'll leave the decision to her. I'm not going to choose for her. I think there's no competition because we already know who will win on the end." Minzy said that earned a nod to everyone even from Young Bae whose eyes were still on the screen.

"Aren't you supposed to say Seunghyun oppa?" Seungri said.

The maknae shrugged her shoulders. "He's my cousin but I'm not going to force unnie to him. If I want unnie to be part of my family, I should have insist for Daesung oppa since he's my brother."

"Wahh~ what a wicked kid..." Seungri said shaking his head. Minzy evilly smirked at him. He cringed at that. He leaned over to CL to whisper something. "Is she really your friend? I swear she's like a devil in disguise with all this carefully planned or something." Chaerin just laughed at her boyfriend's comment.

She then turned to Bom who was still trying to snoop around when in fact the subjects were very far from the house.

"Bommie-ah, should you be talking with someone now? Apologize or something?" Chaerin yelled at Bom which startled the latter.

Bom pouted and glanced in the kitchen. She knew who Chaerin was talking about. She looked back at CL with pleading eyes but the girl just smirked at her.

And just on time for Ji-Eun to go out from the kitchen.

"Snacks everyone?" she offered. Putting down a plate full of finger foods on the table then sat next to Young Bae.

"Good timing, Ji-Eun." Chaerin smiled at Ji-Eun which earned a confuse look from the latter.

Young Bae leaned towards her to whisper something. She later smiled and gave Bom puppy eyes.

Chaerin again looked back at Bom and beckoned her to go to the kitchen. Bom was about to cry but Seungri, Young Bae, Minzy, and even Ji Eun gave her an encouraging cheer.

"You can do it, unnie!" Minzy cheered.

"Aja! Fighting! Fighting!" Ji-Eun pumped both her hands for support.

"CL-roo~" Bom whined.

"Park Bom, get in there now!" Bom straightened and walked directly to the kitchen.

"You're scary~" Seungri whispered to Chaerin's ears.

"I know." she flirty smiled while touching the man's chin with her index finger.

Seungri purred that made Chaerin laughed seductively. He was about to launched himself to her when they heard someone spoke.

"Guys, get a room. We're still here if you have noticed." Young Bae said.

They looked around. Ji-Eun was watching everywhere but them and obviously getting awkward while Minzy just smirked at them and shook her head with amusement. Young Bae was beside Ji-Eun on the couch still looking on the television.

They quickly break up from the intimate position and glanced at their opposite side. Chaerin heard Minzy giggle that earned the latter a glare but she didn't budge from it.

In the kitchen...

Nickhun was busy washing the dishes when he heard the kitchen door opened.

"Ji-Eun, I said you don't need to help me here. After I'm done here, I'll leave you guys and you can stay here for a day or two if you want. I'll just put the keys on my room." he said without even glancing behind him.

He wondered why his dongsaeng was not answering so he instantly turned around only to be shock.

There was Bom fidgeting with her fingers near the door and could not even look at him. "Ahhmm..."

He was still stood frozen on the spot. She then glanced at him and was debating on herself of what to do. She cleared and that woke him up.

"What do you want, Bom?" he said coldly and just stared at her. He was trying his best hide his emotions. He didn't even know of what to feel. Should he be mad for she used him to hurt Dara or be happy because she saw her again after three years? Well, she's still beautiful and he’s stupid if he says he doesn't have feelings for her anymore. It's just that his feelings to Dara was beyond physical attraction.

"I'm sorry." she said but so soft that he didn't catch it.

"What?" he asked. She was mumbling incoherent words and was now pacing back and forth as if a crazy person on the street.

He had no idea what she's talking about. He sighed then took of the apron and gloves then went near her who was still on her demented world.

"Bom..." he called her but there was no response. She was still talking to herself. "Bom!" he called again but same.

He rolled his eyes then grabbed her on her shoulders. "Bom!" she finally looked at him with wide eyes.

"H-how did you get here? You were there just a moment ago." she even pointed where he was earlier.

"So you think I have super power now? You were on your own little world that's why you didn't notice me coming to you." he said then slowly let go of her.

"Oh..." she lowered her head when she knew she just humiliated herself.

"Why are you here, Bom?" he asked after the silence again.

She was still looking at the floor but this time her voice was audible. "I just wanted to say sorry."

He should have expected that but he was still in awe after hearing it from her that he was speechless and just stared at her.

She looked up and breathed deeply then looked at him. "I know I've been a b!+ch to all of you especially you..."

"Yeah sister!" they heard someone yelled outside and for sure it was Chaerin but the two just ignored them.

"...and I'm even worst when I used you for my plans. I didn't think all of it will backfire at me. I guess, Karma is far ier than me." she laughed bitterly.

Sounds were very evident outside of the kitchen. She still continued. "I'm sorry that I blocked your chances with Dara but come to think of it, you should be thankful if she rejected you in person, right?" she nervously smiled at him but he was just looking at her.

"Way to go, Bom..." again it was from outside. This time it was Young Bae. He’s too nosy for a guy.

"Will you please give us some space!?" Finally, Bom burst and opened the door that made the nosy people stumble on the floor- all of them actually minus Dara and Seunghyun.

They just laughed nervously and when they saw the angered face of Bom, within seconds they were gone and the house became quiet. Where they go? You just have to guess.

Bom was still fuming holding the door tightly as if a dragon ready to spit fire when she felt arms circled around her shoulder from the back. She stiffened and rage instantly evaporated since she knew Nickhun was just behind her.

"You sure have ways of saying sorry. That's what I liked about you. You're very vocal of your feelings but when caught off guard, you're still that little girl who just needed attention." he said and she felt stinging on her eyes. Yes, what he said hit bull's eye.

"Yes, you were being y on the past but you could still make it up on the future." he loosened his embrace and let her face him. She looked at him with teary eyes. "The things you did hurt a lot of people. Not just Dara but everyone around you. Chaerin might be fine but you know how she hides her true feelings. You even hurt Jiyong even though you showered all your love and attention to him. As I said, there are people you hurt but the person who you hurt the most is yourself. You went on a situation where you are the only one loving. You delude yourself from the truth and even doing bad things on your body." he touched the permanent tattoo just above her left .

She didn't feel anything malicious about the touch but guilt. She had that tattoo two years ago when she joined a group. It sorts like a sorority symbol. At first, she was hesitant to get that tattoo because of her smooth skin but it was forced to her by the head of the sorority since it's a must on the sisterhood. It turned out, she only put it there because she was jealous of her smooth and white complexion. Other members didn't have that tattoo so she cried for the whole day because of it but she still went with the group because that's the only place she felt like she's worthy. At first, she tried to hide it but later on got used to it and even flaunted it for the whole world to see. It was a heart breaker design that it made the other members jealous of it but the truth was Bom's the one who's heart was broken.

Finally, she sobbed in front of him.

"You're not a bad gal, Bom. You just have to straighten all the wrongs you've done. You already said sorry to me so that's a start." he smiled at her while cooing her.

"Technically, I said sorry to Chaerin first then to Dara." she suddenly said even with all the tears still coming from her eyes.

"You really know how to ruin a moment." Nickhun said then laughed followed by Bom.

"Kidding aside, I'm really really sorry, Nickhun. Hope you could forgive me?" she asked. She looked so hopeful and who was he to break it. Besides, let bygones be bygones.

"I forgive you, Bom" he smiled at her.

"Thank you so much!" she smiled genuinely. She was about to hug him but she hesitated so to end up the drama, he hugged her instead. "Thank you again, Nickhun." she said again and hugged back.

"You're welcome." he replied.

She let go and offered her hand. "Friends?"

He smiled at her then reached for it. "Friends. Always have been."

Back on the living room...

Chaerin smiled as Bom and Nickhun were finally able to solve their situation.

"One down, more to go." she said while looking outside to where Dara and Seunghyun's direction.

"She can manage unnie. Dara unnie is strong and besides, only she can tame Seunghyun oppa." Minzy said beside her.

"I hope so." The older girl replied.

Going back to Seunghyun and Dara...

Dara was busy admiring the place the she almost forgot Seunghyun was with her if she didn't hear him chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked as soon as she turned towards him.

"I was laughing at myself." he answered that earned a confuse look from her.

"I was laughing at the fool man that I've become." he still laughed at himself then looked ahead the ocean. His laughter was already gone. It was a replaced by a serious face.

"I was a fool to take up the challenge when in fact I already lost even before the game started." he sighed then smiled at her.

To Dara, she had no idea of what he was talking about. He was still amaze of how clueless this girl could get.

"I love you, Dara." finally, he confessed.

Dara's eyes widen and mouth open. He chuckled at her reaction and reached for her chin to close .

"Is it really that shocking, huh?" he smiled. Dara reddened from embarrassment and she felt awkward because of the confession. She lowered her head then turned to look away.

He felt hurt of her gesture. This was the first time he confessed to a girl. All his life, girls come running just to get him but this particular girl who didn't even have to do anything caught his attention. And worst, she made him fall helplessly in love with her. Is this Karma working on him?

"Seunghyun~" she started but he cut her off.

"I love you, Dara, and it would stay like this. I know who you love and as much as I would say I'm better than him, it didn't hide the fact that he has your heart." he leaned over to give her a peck on the lips.

"Thank you for teaching me to love truthfully." he said and smiled at her. "This would be the first and last time I say my feelings to you. Even if you and that guy won't work out, I would not pursue you. I want us to be friends again without the awkwardness. I'll choose to be your side as a friend than a lover, Dara. So, please be happy."

"Thank you, Seunghyun. You really are the best!" she now happily said. She hugged him tightly and he tightened the hug.

"I'm always the best. Now, go get your man." he said then let go.

She was very grateful that she kissed him on the cheek. "I wish for a girl deserving of your love, Seunghyun. I know you could make her happy".

"Don't bet on that." he said while pushing her away. Before she could ran off, she looked back at Seunhyun.

"For the record, Tabi, I almost fell for you but you're just too good to be true." she stuck out her tongue and went back to her heel. "See you at home!" she added while shouting.

"Yeah, see yah..." he said softly while watching her leave leaving him heartbroken and empty but tried his best to be happy for her.



Sorry for the lack of DARAGON moments because I need
to settle everything for the big event...
I just don't want to leave everything hanging...
Nickhun deserves a happy ending, right?
Please choose who you want for him to end up to.
Also for Bom and Tabi...

I guess last chapter next...
I tried to squeeze everything but it might be too long already
and it's gonna be boring anymore.
I want Jiyong and Dara's ending to be happy because
they both deserve it...

Comments everyone!!!
PLEASE!!! I'm begging as you have noticed...

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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: