In Between Love


Hi again! I'm Sandara Park, 26. There's only one adjective that could describe me- SIMPLE. But I'm proud of it because being ME made me the happiest girl alive. I have friends that through thick and thin stayed by my side. There were storms along the way but the three of us- Chaerin, Bom, and I- managed to shield ourselves from that.

Bom was able to throw her insecurities and instead made up with her parents. Her parents were kind of shock that their daughter was feeling sad and rebellious because of their actions. And as any parents would do, they forgave her and even pledged to her to never hurt and let her feel unloved again. That day, I was thinking of my mom and dad. What if they didn't leave me? I would be just like Bom and Chaerin's family- COMPLETE. But, I never blamed them of leaving me because I know and feel that they were just there for me always.

Chaerin and Seungri were still together. I was doubtful of them but the two just proved me wrong. After all the bickering and beating (from Chaerin of course), they finally tied the knot after we found out Chaerin was two months pregnant! Way to go, Seungri!

Chaerin put up a fight first when all of us insisted that they should get married. She said that even if the rat knocked her up, she wouldn't agree of a wedding because it was just not her style. What a bummer! What was surprising was, Seungri stood up for himself and ranted to her. It was a bomb! Seungri said all his pent-up feelings to her. He became aggressive and even shouted at Chaerin. The girl was dumbfounded, I tell you. We thought WW3 was coming because Seungri just did the forbidden act to Chaerin. No one, I repeat, no one should go against The Mighty Chaerin.

After his little show, there was silence. I was readying myself to flee when another shocking thing happened. Personally, I found it disturbing. Chaerin stood up and faced him and the latter, finally realizing what he did, cower in front of her. She grabbed his shirt and with a last smirked, crashed her lips to him. Everyone was awed and when Seungri regained his composure, he responded with the same momentum as Chaerin. There was intense lip-locking, body grinding, explicit cursing, and I don't want to think about it anymore. They made out in front of us! I did tell you it was disgusting, right?

Move on. Would you believe that Ji-Eun and Young Bae became a couple? You did? Oh, why was it only me who thought it was unbelievable? Come on, Young Bae was a player while Ji-Eun's an angel. The evil wolf could simply devour the helpless lamb with just one bite! I made a fuss about it and even hid Ji-Eun away from Young Bae's grasps. I just could not accept it! But just like Romeo and Juliet minus the tragic story, the two lovers found its way to each other's arms. They are now going strong even when Ji-Eun is busy with her singing career and Young Bae on his business. He was a changed man all thanks to Ji-Eun.

It turned out, Minzy had a crush on Nickhun ever since she met him. She didn't pursue her feelings knowing that Nickhun was still not over me. She hid her affection and focused on their plans. After the whole fiasco, she still didn't tell him because she's afraid he might reject her. Instead, she said yes to her suitor, Taemin. Nickhun was all forgotten but Minzy became player that made everyone surprised. She was never seen with the same guy after a week. I may have contributed on her attitude because of my hurtful experiences. She didn't believe in love when all around her were IN LOVE. That changed though, when Nickhun made an appearance again and tamed the wild Minzy. At first, he's intention was just an oppa, since Daesung could not control her anymore, but later fell in love with her. They were now on their honeymoon.

What about Daesung? Sadly, he focused his self on his work. He might have dated some couple of women worthy to become Mrs. Kang but he could not be serious with any of them. He was not a player since he tried his best to work out their relationship but he always chooses work over them. He'll find his other half soon, I'm sure of it.

As for Bom, she still dated a bunch of guys these years. She just loves boys around her. She never gets serious but she always finds time when it comes to Seunghyun. Yup, our Choi Seunghyun. They're not in a relationship. They're just...uhmmm... bestfriends? Ever since Bom apologized to me and everyone particularly to Tabi, the two seemed inseparable. They hang out, go to parties and club together. Seunghyun didn't go back to his old self and instead, just like Daesung, focused on his craft. He had some relationships on his hands but Bom seemed like his first priority as well. They might not have realized it yet, but there's already a mutual understanding between the two. I know someday, they'll give in to that. I'm rooting or TOPBOM!

Aheemm~(clears throat)... Well, should I tell mine? I think it's pretty obvious on the end of the story. After six months, Jiyong and I finally tied the knot. That was the happiest day of my life. I was finally wed to the only man who captured my heart from the very first sight. I had never imagined my life to be this blessed. I was just an ordinary orphaned girl but God gave me the most wonderful life one could ask for. HE gave me a new family (on the person of my mom's bestfriends), my bestfriends, a loving husband, and a child with one coming. Hehehe... Yes, two for two years. My husband is very productive. He just could not stop until a little monster will be planted on my tummy. Not that I'm complaining.

I maybe an orphan but I was not unloved by my parents. They didn't leave me because they wanted to. Before they went, they see to it that I would never be alone. They provided me with everything a girl could think of. And now that I'm a parent myself, I'll also see to it that my children would have all the things in the world including the love and affection of a everyone surrounding them including a parent's love.

I put down my notebook and stared at the horizon. It was already sunset and the view was like a canvass on my eyes. I felt two arms around me and I need not to turn to know who it was.

"Why are you here? It's getting cold." he said then kissed my side of the neck.

"Just writing. I can always write in here." I said holding on to his arms.

"You shouldn't be out here, you know. It's bad for the baby." he then touched the growing baby on my tummy.

"Inhaling fresh air is not bad for the baby. Look at our Doongie, he's healthier than every toddler out there." I'm talking about my eldest.

"It's not the air but the temperature. It's mid-autumn for heaven's sake! I'm not just worried about our little girl but I'm more concern about you." he said then turned me to face him. "I love you so much, remember that."

He kissed me lightly but I still could not stop myself from being giddy with just a mere kiss. I have never regretted choosing this man.

"I know and I love you until whenever." I said and closed the gap between us again.

I am Sandara Park, 26, with two kids and happily married to Kwon Jiyong and no one could come between us again.

"Mama!" both of us looked at the source of the voice. It's our little Doongie.

"Come on, our little boy is waiting for us." he then dragged me with him while I'm pouting.

Scratch the last part. No one could come between us again EXCEPT that brat!


I want to say thank you for the readers who stayed with me
from the first chapteruntil the end.

I'm sorry that it took me a lifetime just to update because unlike my first fic,
I'm bombardedwith work, stress, and personal dilemma.

There was even a time I wanted to give up this fic because I felt like no one's
liking this anymore.Thanks for those few people who inspired me, I was
able to finish this...

Shout out to my sis @tadjahks09: Thanks and I love u!!!
to my readers: @glamroof @BJbem89 @hooch1028 @bubbly2010
who kept on commenting...


It might take awhile for me to write again since I like to make more chapters
to my next project. It's kind of hard for me to make it since it's a new genre
for me to take.

THANK YOU again and please say a word below!!!


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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: